projectTitle: "DROP: Detection of RNA Outliers Pipeline" root: $HOME/project/muscle/FRASER_GETx/Output # root directory of all output objects and tables htmlOutputPath: $HOME/project/muscle/FRASER_GETx/Output/html # path for HTML rendered reports indexWithFolderName: true # whether the root base name should be part of the index name hpoFile: $HOME/software/drop_demo/Data/hpo_genes.tsv.gz # if null, downloads it from webserver sampleAnnotation: $HOME/project/muscle/FRASER_GETx/sample_annotation.txt # path to sample annotation (see documentation on how to create it) geneAnnotation: v29: $HOME/database/RNA_dia/gencode.v29lift37.annotation.gtf.gz genomeAssembly: hg19 genome: # path to reference genome sequence in fasta format. ucsc: $HOME/database/RNA_dia/GRCh37_gencode_v19_CTAT_lib_Mar012021.plug-n-play/ctat_genome_lib_build_dir/ref_genome.fa exportCounts: # specify which gene annotations to include and which # groups to exclude when exporting counts geneAnnotations: - v29 aberrantSplicing: run: true groups: - fraser recount: false longRead: false keepNonStandardChrs: false filter: true minExpressionInOneSample: 20 minDeltaPsi: 0.05 implementation: PCA padjCutoff: 1 zScoreCutoff: 0 deltaPsiCutoff : 0 maxTestedDimensionProportion: 6 tools: gatkCmd: gatk bcftoolsCmd: bcftools samtoolsCmd: samtools