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218 lines (157 loc) · 7.41 KB

File metadata and controls

218 lines (157 loc) · 7.41 KB


A template is a form that has placeholders that an automated process will parse to replace them with values. Designed to perform a specific function, it marks the places where you must provide the specifics. An overlay is a set of replacement strings. Blocks of text in the original file are entirely replaced with new blocks of text.

- A template needs to be carefully prepared to demand specific information in key places. When you use a template, you’re restricted to changing only those elements the template makes available.
- An overlay doesn’t require the original file to be prepared in any way. You can replace any part in its entirety.

Install Helm


brew install helm


sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
tar -zvxf helm-v3.3.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz


creates a chart directory along with the common files and directories used in a chart:

helm create mychart

Install a chart from current directory:

$ helm install helloworld .
NAME: helloworld
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Apr 21 11:39:14 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Uninstall chart from k8s:

helm delete mychart

Add Repo

$ helm repo add prometheus-community
"prometheus-community" has been added to your repositories

Uninstall chart release

helm list   # find the release name to delete
helm uninstall <release_name>

Download a local copy of chart

helm fetch prometheus-community/prometheus --untar

Install a local copy of chart

helm install -f values.yaml rbac-manager . -n rbac-manager

Upgrade a local copy of chart

helm upgrade -f values.yaml rbac-manager . -n rbac-manager

Prepare a template to install on k8s

helm template myprom prometheus-community/prometheus > k8s-myprom.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s-myprom.yaml

Template multiple value files and kubectl apply all

ls mydir/ | xargs -I  {} helm template . --set cluster=$(kubectl config current-context) -f  {}  | k apply -f -

Specify release name in Helm 3

$ helm template --release-name hpcc  -f values.yaml . | k apply -f -
serviceaccount/hpcc-node-problem-detector created
configmap/hpcc-node-problem-detector-custom-config created created created
Warning: spec.template.metadata.annotations[]: non-functional in v1.16+; use the "priorityClassName" field instead
daemonset.apps/hpcc-node-problem-detector created

Install/uninstall chart into a specific namespace

$ kubectl create ns monitoring
gengwg@gengwg-mbp:~$ helm install hello-prom prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
gengwg@gengwg-mbp:~$ helm list -n monitoring
NAME      	NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                             	STATUS  	CHART                       	APP VERSION
hello-prom	monitoring	1       	2021-11-23 10:03:43.545979 -0800 PST	deployed	kube-prometheus-stack-20.0.1	0.52.0
gengwg@gengwg-mbp:~$ helm uninstall hello-prom -n monitoring

Install local chart, create namespace if not exist

helm upgrade -i --create-namespace kubecost -f values.yaml . --namespace kubecost --set kubecostToken="xxxxxxxx"

Passing array values through --set

helm template -f values.yaml  . --set cluster=$cluster --set namespace=$ns --set groups={"group1", "group2"}

Roll back a release

Sometimes you see errors like this:

~/k8s/kube-prometheus-stack$ helm upgrade --install myprom -f values-xyz.yaml .
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress

Check the history:

~/k8s/kube-prometheus-stack$ helm history myprom
REVISION	UPDATED                 	STATUS         	CHART                       	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION
5       	Fri Jul 29 18:57:04 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
6       	Fri Jul 29 19:03:17 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
7       	Tue Aug  2 17:15:01 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
8       	Tue Aug  2 17:22:47 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
9       	Tue Aug  2 17:24:12 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
10      	Thu Aug  4 19:44:03 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
11      	Thu Aug  4 19:59:15 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
12      	Thu Aug  4 20:21:53 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
13      	Tue Aug  9 15:11:37 2022	deployed       	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
14      	Thu Oct 20 14:59:12 2022	pending-upgrade	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Preparing upgrade

Roll back to a working revision:

~/k8s/kube-prometheus-stack$ helm rollback myprom 13

~/k8s/kube-prometheus-stack$ helm history myprom
REVISION	UPDATED                 	STATUS         	CHART                       	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION
6       	Fri Jul 29 19:03:17 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
7       	Tue Aug  2 17:15:01 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
8       	Tue Aug  2 17:22:47 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
9       	Tue Aug  2 17:24:12 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
10      	Thu Aug  4 19:44:03 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
11      	Thu Aug  4 19:59:15 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
12      	Thu Aug  4 20:21:53 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
13      	Tue Aug  9 15:11:37 2022	superseded     	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Upgrade complete
14      	Thu Oct 20 14:59:12 2022	pending-upgrade	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Preparing upgrade
15      	Fri Oct 21 01:24:55 2022	deployed       	kube-prometheus-stack-19.0.3	0.50.0     	Rollback to 13

Increase timeout for install

helm upgrade --install myprom -f values-xyz.yaml . --timeout 10m

Add debug output for install

helm upgrade --install myprom -f values-xyz.yaml . --timeout 10m --debug


timed out waiting for the condition

Error: failed pre-install: timed out waiting for the condition
helm.go:88: [debug] failed pre-install: timed out waiting for the condition

Check the recent events in the namespace:

kubectl get events --sort-by='{.lastTimestamp}' -n monitoring

You usually will find the reason it's failing to install, then deal with each issue case by case.

Some examples:

12s         Warning   FailedCreate        job/myprom-admission-create   Error creating: pods "myprom-admission-create--1-5m9q2" is forbidden: maximum cpu usage per Container is 4, but limit is 5
3s          Warning   FailedCreate        job/myprom-admission-create                       Error creating: pods "myprom-admission-create--1-" is forbidden: no PriorityClass with name high was found