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Facilitates memorizing enumerations, lists, or any other type of sequential information by breaking the sequence up into cards where each item serves as the context cue for the next:


This add-on only works with Anki 2.0.x. Anki 2.1 not supported at this point in time.


Memorizing lists and enumerations has always been a particularly difficult part of studying flashcards. Good flashcards follow the minimum information principle, where each card is kept as short as possible. Sequential information has unfortunately always somewhat eluded that basic principle because it is hard to break down into smaller chunks. Normally you would employ methods like grouping or categorizing to consolidate information, but with each item building upon the next, that does usually not work for sequences or enumerations.

One of the common recommendations in cases like this has always been to create overlapping flashcards, where each card's answer serves as the question prompt for next card in line. For an array of three list items A, B, C you would end up with three cards of the form A → B, B → C, and C → D. What results is chain of overlapping associations between each sequence node that can potentially improve the storage and retrieval strength of the entire sequence.

While this method is generally assumed to be quite effective, following it requires a significant time investment up-front that only few students are able or willing to make.


This is where Cloze Overlapper comes in. It takes care of all the arduous steps required to create these flashcards manually and provides you with a dead-simple workflow: You paste in the sequence or list, adjust the cloze generation settings, and let the add-on generate the cards for you.

More generally speaking, Cloze Overlaper provides Anki with a completely novel cloze system that can cover almost every use case you can think of, be it revealing each taxon of a classification system individually, or even gradually building up to an entire poem:

Due to working with the formatting tools that Anki provides itself, the cards generated by this add-on are fully compatible with all Anki platforms, smartphone apps included:


YouTube: Memorize Lists Effectively with Cloze Overlapper for Anki


The use of this add-on is documented in the official Wiki and a series of video tutorials on YouTube. Please make sure to check out the FAQ and Tips sections in particular. They contain some valuable advice on when and how to use this add-on. You should also familiarize yourself with all of the sections on card scheduling.

Run into any issues with the add-on? Then make sure to check out the Troubleshooting section as well.


Make sure to also give some of my other add-ons a try:


Copyright © 2019 Aristotelis P. (Glutanimate)

With code contributions from: zjosua,

Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3, extended by a number of additional terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. For more information on the license please see the LICENSE file accompanying this add-on. The source code is available on GitHub icon GitHub. Pull requests and other contributions are welcome!