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Concurrency: interrupts and timers.

Single-core computers can only ever execute one operation at a time. The illusion of multi-tasking (aka 'concurrency') with these kinds of computers is achieved via time division. In a decent computer, where there is an operating system, the kernel takes care of resource allocation, or scheduling. Scheduling resources is a branch of science itself, and some schedulers with really weird names are being used. It is possible to run an operating system on the ESP modules, but this is outside the scope of this project.

In a microcontroller, such as the one the NodeMCU uses, concurrency without a scheduler can be easily achieved with interrupts.
In Arduino, during normal operation, the loop() function runs. When -previously properly set up- interrupt is triggered, the processor saves (also called a push operation) all the variables to piece of memory called the stack, and executes the interrupt function with a clean environment. Once the interrupt function has finished, the variables are being recalled (also called a pop operation) back from the stack and everything continues like if nothing happened.


Since every computer system has some sort of a clock, measuring time is quite easy: all you have to do is to measure the number of clock cycles or CPU cycles (these are not always the same), and so something else at every nth cycle.

In the NodeMCU, we have several libraries, but we will use the Ticker library.

After installing this library, here is how to use it:

#include <Ticker.h> // This is the header file for the Ticker library

Ticker my_timer; // This creates the Ticker object that we will use.

void setup()
     * Initialise your hardware here as usual
    // Execute 'timed_function' every 30 seconds.
    my_timer.attach(30, timed_function);


void loop()
     * Do something you would normally do here

void timed_function()
     * This function is being executed every time the Ticker object says so.

The my_timer.attach(...) statement attaches the timer. Every time the specified time is up, it executes timed_function. You can use as many of these Ticker objects as you like. it will occupy memory. The Arduino system will let you know if you run out.

GPIO pin-based interrupts

Interrupts can be requested externally too. This is useful when you want to control code execution based on some real-world event, such as a keypad press. The principle is the same: The triggered interrupt will execute the dedicated service function, and it will continue with normal operation once it is finished.
These external interrupts can be triggered by:

  • RISING edge, when the signal on the GPIO pin goes from logic 0 to logic 1
  • FALLING edge, when the signal on the GPIO pin goes from logic 1 to logic 0
  • CHANGE, which means either edge can trigger the interrupt.

In Arduino, the interrupt assignment is done with AttachInterrupt() and DetachInterrupt(). During runtime, all interrupts can be temporarily disabled (aka 'masked') with the noInterrupts() and the interrupts() functions respectively.

You can use ANY digital pins with the NodeMCU board to set an interrupt. This is not the case on other Arduino models, and some of them require have additional assignments too.

When your interrupt function is executing, the microcontroller will literally not to anything else. It won't send data through the UART, or won't send a packet over the network.

Here is how to do external interrupts.

void setup()
    pinMode(D2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Make it an input, and pull it internall to logic 1.

    // This one assings the GPIO pin, the function and the edge together
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(D2), interrupt_function, FALLING);

void loop()
     * Put your code here that you want to execute normally.
     * You can also leave this empty.

void interrupt_function()
     * This function gets executed in the VERY MOMENT the D2 pin
     * is connected to the ground.
     * Depending on your application, you may need to
     * disable interrupts while you are serving an interrupt.

    noInterrupts(); // mask all the interrupts

     * Add your interrupt service code here

     interrupts(); // un-mask all the interrupts
