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Sentiment Analysis of IMDB Movie Reviews


For this project, I aimed to perform sentiment analysis on IMDB movie reviews. My dataset consisted of over 36,000 reviews, each accompanied by movie ratings ranging from 0 to 10. The primary objective was to construct a machine learning model capable of categorizing reviews into three sentiment classes: negative, neutral, and positive.

Data Collection

I collected the dataset using my web scraping code, extracting movie reviews and their corresponding ratings from IMDB.

Exploratory Data Analysis and Preprocessing

  • Data Cleaning: After removing null values and eliminating irrelevant characters, punctuation, and stop words, my dataset was reduced to 32,505 rows and 2 columns.
  • Labeling: I categorized reviews into sentiment classes based on their ratings (1-3 as negative, 4-6 as neutral, 7-10 as positive).
  • Class Imbalance Check: I observed an imbalance among sentiment classes, particularly with the negative class having the lowest representation. To address this, I could gather more data, synthesize additional data, perform oversampling, or employ an algorithm designed to handle data imbalances, like XGBoost.
  • Tokenization: Following data cleaning, I tokenized and structured the cleaned data into a formatted DataFrame for further analysis.
  • The plot below displays the representation of each class within the dataset.

Model Building

1. Blazing Text

  • I initially employed BlazingText using AWS for classification but encountered accuracy issues (~47%) due to class imbalance.

2. Word2Vec Embedding & XGBoost

Implementing Word2Vec for embedding, I trained an XGBoost model achieving around 63% accuracy for test data and 77% for training data:

However, high dimensionality and slower processing speed were challenges faced.

  • Evaluation metrics for XGBoost model
Accuracy on the training dataset Accuracy on the test dataset Precision Recall
0.77 0.63 0.62 0.63

3. PCA for Dimensionality Reduction

  • To reduce dimensions while maintaining accuracy, I implemented Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

  • This significantly improved code efficiency and model building speed without compromising accuracy.

  • Learning curve for XGBoost model combined with PCA

  • Cost function for XGBoost model combined with PCA

  • Confusion matrix for XGBoost model combined with PCA

  • Evaluation metrics for XGBoost-PCA model
Accuracy on the training dataset Accuracy on the test dataset Precision Recall
0.88 0.62 0.61 0.62

4. Addressing Class Imbalance

Based on these results, synthesizing reviews using RandomOverSampler method from the imblearn library was done. The plot of data count after synthesizing is showing below:

The XGBoost model was rebuilt, and the output of the final model is displayed below:

  • Learning rate for XGBoost model trained with oversampled data with PCA

  • Cost funstion for XGBoost model trained with oversampled data with PCA

  • Confusion matrix for XGBoost model trained with oversampled data with PCA

  • Evaluation metrics for XGBoost-PCA oversampled model
Accuracy on the training dataset Accuracy on the test dataset Precision Recall F1
0.91 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81

The result showed significant improvement in the model