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File metadata and controls

154 lines (128 loc) · 5.4 KB


Response is a plain JavaScript object to describe responses returned from an Application.

It's defined by JSON schema or interface Response as following:

// <summary> Response code </summary>
export enum ResponseCode {
    // Success.
    Success = 0,

    // Internal error.
    InternalError = 1,

    // Server side timeout.
    ProcessTimeout = 2,

    // Throttled due to policy.
    Throttled = 3,

    // Error caused by bad input.
    InputError = 4

/// <summary> Interface for response </summary>
export interface Response {
    /// <summary> Response code </summary>
    responseCode: ResponseCode;

    /// <summary> Error message if response code is not Success. </summary>
    errorMessage?: string;

    /// <summary> Output from entrypoint. </summary>
    output?: any;

    /// <summary> Debug information. </summary>
    debugInfo?: DebugInfo;

    /// <summary> Performance numbers. </summary>
    perfInfo?: PerfInfo;

Basic Fields

Property Name Present Description
responseCode Always Response code
errorMessage When responseCode is not 0 (success) A brief message on why request had failed
output When entrypoint function has a return value Entrypoint return value
debugInfo When controlFlags.debug set to true Exception details, event logs for current request
perfInfo When controlFlags.perf set to true Updated metrics for current request

Debug Information

When controlFlags.debug is set to true, debugInfo is returned containing 3 optional fields:

Property name Present Description
exception When exception is thrown Exception details
events Always Output from context.debug sorted by time
details Always Key/value pairs from context.detail


Property "exception" is an object with following fields:

Property name Type Description
stack string stack trace
message string exception message
fileName string file name from where exception is thrown
lineNumber number line number from where exception is thrown
columnNumber number column number from where exception is thrown


Property "events" is an array of objects with following fields:

Property name Type Description
eventTime Date time when event is logged
logLevel string "debug", "info", "warning", or "error"
message string message of the event

Performance Information

When controlFlags.perf is set to true, perfInfo will be filled. It's a dictionary of key/values, the keys are the display name of metrics, and the values are the value of these metrics.


Example 1: a succeeded response without a return value.

    responseCode: 0

Example 2: a succeeded response with a string value returned from its entry point.

    responseCode: 0,
    output: "hello winery"

Example 3: a failed response due to entry point cannot find a module abc via require.

    responseCode: 1,
    errorMessage: "Error: Cannot find module 'abc'"

Example 4: a succeeded response with debug on and perf on.

    responseCode: 0,
    debugInfo: {
        events: [
                eventTime: "2017-12-16T00:02:12:596Z",
                logLevel: "Info",
                message: "Request started."
                eventTime: "2017-12-16T00:02:12:597Z",
                logLevel: "Info",
                message: "Request completed."
        detail: {
            "user-debug-key1": 123,
            "user-debug-key2": "abc"
    perfInfo: {
        "processTime[exampleApp, doSomething]": 1

Example 5: a failed response with debug on.

    responseCode: 1,
    errorMessage: "Error: Cannot find module 'abc'",
    debugInfo: {
        exception: {
            stack: "at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:485:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:437:25) at Module.require (module.js:513:17) at require (internal/module.js:11:18) at repl:1:1 at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:44:33) at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:239:29) at bound (domain.js:301:14) at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:314:12) at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:433:10)",
            message: "Error: Cannot find module 'abc'",
            fileName: "/home/test.js",
            lineNumber: 123,
            columnNumber: 12