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File metadata and controls

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Basic VNET Jail setup

In the following document these terms are used

  • $pool refers to ZFS pool hosting the jail datasets. e.g., zroot
  • $j refers to the absolute path to the jail root. e.g., /jails
  • $name refers to the jail name both as a directory and a configuration in jail.conf

Create the jail datasets

Root dataset: (only needed for initial setup)

zfs create -o mountpoint $j ${pool}${j}

Per jail chroot dataset: (and install a release)

zfs create ${pool}${j}/$name
tar -xpf /path/to/downloaded/12.1-RELEASE/base.txz -C $j/$name

Set root password within jail chroot, without starting the jail

chroot $j/$name

ZFS dataset delegation

Creating delegated dataset: (e.g., for poudriere) Create as unmounted and jailed, so mountpoint will be local to the running jail's chroot

zfs create -u -o mountpoint=/usr/local/poudriere -o jailed=on ${pool}${j}/$name/poudriere

In the jail's /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf use these settings: Must substitute the $… values to the values from /etc/jail.conf: i.e., ${ZPOOL}${ZROOTFS} matches the delegated dataset created above


Other configuration files

Sample jail /etc/rc.conf

Substitute @NAME@ appropriately to the name of the jail from /etc/jail.conf (Other uses of '$' are real shell variables, so do not substitute)

# rc.conf

# offset cron for root jobs
cron_flags="${cron_flags} -J 15"

# Disable Sendmail by default

# Run secure syslog
syslogd_flags="-c -ss"

# Enable IPv6




# Static IPs
#ifconfig_e0b_@NAME@_ipv6="inet6 fd00::192:168:10:100/64"

# Static Routes

# Enable Services

Note: when using static IPs copy the host's /etc/resolv.conf into the jail and modify if necessary.

Optional sample fstab for inside the jail

If not used the jail's /etc/fstab can be empty or absent.

If used, this is placed in: $j/$name/etc/fstab.

Example for Linux emulation in a jail: (maybe also need enable mount.procfs)

# Device	Mountpoint		FStype		Options		Dump	Pass#
# linux support
linprocfs	/compat/linux/proc	linprocfs	rw		0	0
tmpfs		/compat/linux/dev/shm	tmpfs		rw,mode=1777	0	0
linsysfs	/compat/linux/sys	linsysfs	rw		0	0

Sample pre-jail fstab in: $j/${name}.fstab

Allows null mounts to host file systems (be sure to update $j and $name in real file)

# Device	Mountpoint		FStype		Options		Dump	Pass#
/usr/home/toor	$j/$name/home/toor	nullfs		rw,noatime	0	0
/usr/home/other	$j/$name/home/other	nullfs		ro,noatime	0	0

Append the following to hosts /etc/devfs.rules (access to bpf for dhclient)

  • allows jail access to /dev/bpf in order to use DHCP
  • allows jail access to /dev/zfs in order to use zfs commands
# for jails to use fuse, zfs and DHCP
add include $devfsrules_hide_all
add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic
add include $devfsrules_unhide_login
add path fuse unhide
add path zfs unhide
add path 'bpf*' unhide

or if devfsrules_jail already exists in /etc/devfs.rules a simpler value is:

# for jails to use DHCP
add include $devfsrules_jail
add path 'bpf*' unhide

For the jail-update script

Create /etc/jail-update.conf

egrep -v '^(#.*)?$' /etc/freebsd-update.conf > /etc/jail-update.conf

Check the Components line and remove kernel, possibly remove everything but world:

Components world