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Install Guide AppleTV Ethernet

meltman edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 12 revisions


Now that PlexConnect is started and running it's time to complete the installation by configuring the AppleTV.

  • NOTE: The AppleTV must be on the same network as the PlexConnect server.

Ethernet Configuration

  1. Choose Settings > General > Network > Ethernet EthernetSettings

  2. Change the DNS setting from "Automatic" to "Manual". EthernetDNS

  3. Enter the IP of your PlexConnect server as the DNS.

  • Find your PlexConnect IP from the terminal/CMD window.


  • Then set the AppleTV's DNS to the PlexConnect IP.


Install the certificate to your AppleTV

If you followed the USB installation instructions from the certificate page this step is not necessary.

[Original Instructions Post] (

  1. Go to the AppleTV settings menu.
  2. Select “General” then scroll the cursor down to highlight “Send Data To Apple” and set to "No".
  3. With "Send Data To Apple" highlighted, press “Play” (not the normal “Select” button) and you will be prompted to add a profile.
  4. Enter: "http://IP of your PlexConnect server/trailers.cer"

Test PlexConnect

Open Trailers and confirm your Plex library displays


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