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File metadata and controls

161 lines (130 loc) · 10.5 KB


How to use

    // read about it in the BarChartData section
  swapAnimationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 150), // Optional
  swapAnimationCurve: Curves.linear, // Optional

Implicit Animations

When you change the chart's state, it animates to the new state internally (using implicit animations). You can control the animation duration and curve using optional swapAnimationDuration and swapAnimationCurve properties, respectively.


PropName Description default value
barGroups list of BarChartGroupData to show the bar lines together, you can provide one item per group to show normal bar chart []
groupsSpace space between groups, it applies only when the alignment is, 16
alignment a BarChartAlignment that determines the alignment of the barGroups, inspired by Flutter MainAxisAlignment BarChartAlignment.spaceBetween
titlesData check the FlTitlesData FlTitlesData()
axisTitleData check the FlAxisTitleData FlAxisTitleData()
rangeAnnotations show range annotations behind the chart, check RangeAnnotations RangeAnnotations()
backgroundColor a background color which is drawn behind the chart null
barTouchData BarTouchData holds the touch interactivity details BarTouchData()
gridData check the FlGridData FlGridData()
borderData check the FlBorderData FlBorderData()
maxY gets maximum y of y axis, if null, value will be read from the input barGroups null
minY gets minimum y of y axis, if null, value will be read from the input barGroups null
baselineY defines the baseline of y-axis 0


PropName Description default value
x x position of the group on horizontal axis null
barRods list of BarChartRodData that are a bar line []
barsSpace the space between barRods of the group 2
showingTooltipIndicators indexes of barRods to show the tooltip on top of them []


enum values {start, end, center, spaceEvenly, spaceAround, spaceBetween}


PropName Description default value
fromY Position that this bar starts from 0
toY This rod is from fromY to toY in the vertical axis null
colors colors the rod bar, if multiple colors provided it will be gradient [Colors.blueAccent]
colorStops gets the stop positions of the gradient color, Read More null
gradientFrom determines start of the gradient, each number should be between 0 and 1, Read More Offset(0, 0)
gradientTo determines end of the gradient, each number should be between 0 and 1, Read More Offset(1, 0)
width stroke width of the rod bar 8
borderRadius Determines the edge rounding of the bar corners, see BorderRadius. When null, it defaults to completely round bars. null
borderSide Determines the border stroke around of the bar, see BorderSide. When null, it defaults to draw no stroke. null
backDrawRodData if provided, draws a rod in the background of the line bar, check the BackgroundBarChartRodData null
rodStackItem if you want to have stacked bar chart, provide a list of BarChartRodStackItem, it will draw over your rod. []


PropName Description default value
fromY same as BarChartRodData's fromY 0
toY same as BarChartRodData's y 8
show determines to show or hide this section false
colors same as BarChartRodData's colors [Colors.blueGrey]
colorStops same as BarChartRodData's colorStops null
gradientFrom same as BarChartRodData's gradientFrom Offset(0, 0)
gradientTo same as BarChartRodData's gradientTo Offset(1, 0)


PropName Description default value
fromY draw stack item from this value null
toY draw stack item to this value null
color color of the stack item null
borderSide draw border stroke for each stack item null
PropName Description default value
enabled determines to enable or disable touch behaviors true
mouseCursorResolver you can change the mouse cursor based on the provided FlTouchEvent and BarTouchResponse MouseCursor.defer
touchTooltipData a BarTouchTooltipData, that determines how show the tooltip on top of touched spots (appearance of the showing tooltip bubble) BarTouchTooltipData()
touchExtraThreshold an EdgeInsets class to hold a bounding threshold of touch accuracy EdgeInsets.all(4)
allowTouchBarBackDraw if sets true, touch works on backdraw bar line false
handleBuiltInTouches set this true if you want the built in touch handling (show a tooltip bubble and an indicator on touched spots) true
touchCallback listen to this callback to retrieve touch/pointer events and responses, it gives you a FlTouchEvent and BarTouchResponse null


PropName Description default value
tooltipBgColor background color of the tooltip bubble Colors.white
tooltipRoundedRadius background corner radius of the tooltip bubble 4
tooltipPadding padding of the tooltip EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8)
tooltipMargin margin between the tooltip and the touched spot 16
maxContentWidth maximum width of the tooltip (if a text row is wider than this, then the text breaks to a new line 120
getTooltipItems a callback that retrieve BarTooltipItem by the given BarChartGroupData, groupIndex, BarChartRodData and rodIndex defaultBarTooltipItem
fitInsideHorizontally forces tooltip to horizontally shift inside the chart's bounding box false
fitInsideVertically forces tooltip to vertically shift inside the chart's bounding box false
direction Controls showing tooltip on top or bottom, default is auto. auto


PropName Description default value
text text string of each row in the tooltip bubble null
textStyle TextStyle of the showing text row null
textAlign TextAlign of the showing text row
textDirection TextDirection of the showing text row TextDirection.ltr
children List pass additional InlineSpan children for a more advance tooltip null


PropName Description default value
spot a BarTouchedSpot class to hold data about touched spot null


PropName Description default value
touchedBarGroup the BarChartGroupData that user touched its rod's spot null
touchedBarGroupIndex index of touched barGroup null
touchedRodData the BarChartRodData that user touched its spot null
touchedRodDataIndex index of touchedRod null
touchedStackItem BarChartRodStackItem is the touched stack (if you have stacked bar chart) null
touchedStackItemIndex index of barChartRodStackItem, -1 if nothing found -1

Some Samples

Sample 1 (Source Code)

Sample 2 (Source Code)

Sample 3 (Source Code)

Sample 4 (Source Code)

Sample 5 (Source Code)

Sample 6 (Source Code)

Gist - Toggleable Tooltip (Source Code)