diff --git a/docs/EARLY_TESTERS.md b/docs/EARLY_TESTERS.md index 6c5b09b1585..e3280b0eb16 100644 --- a/docs/EARLY_TESTERS.md +++ b/docs/EARLY_TESTERS.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ We will ask early testers to participate at two points in the process: - [ ] Infura (@MichaelMure) - [ ] OrbitDB (@haydenyoung) - [ ] Pinata (@obo20) -- [ ] PL EngRes bifrost (@cewood ns4plabs) +- [ ] Shipyard (@cewood, @ns4plabs) - [ ] Siderus (@koalalorenzo) - [ ] Textile (@sanderpick) - [ ] @RubenKelevra diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_CHECKLIST.md b/docs/RELEASE_CHECKLIST.md index 655329e1a7f..2e8d0605a52 100644 --- a/docs/RELEASE_CHECKLIST.md +++ b/docs/RELEASE_CHECKLIST.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + # ✅ Release Checklist (vX.Y.Z[-rcN]) @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This section covers tasks to be done during each release. - [example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9306) - [ ] Cherry-pick commits from `master` to the `release-vX.Y.Z` using `git cherry-pick -x ` - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Add full changelog and contributors to the [changelog](docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md) - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Replace the `Changelog` and `Contributors` sections of the [changelog](docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md) with the stdout of `./bin/mkreleaselog` + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Replace the `Changelog` and `Contributors` sections of the [changelog](docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md) with the stdout of `./bin/mkreleaselog`. Note that the command expects your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/ipfs/kubo` to include latest commits from `release-vX.Y` - do **NOT** copy the stderr - [ ] verify all CI checks on the PR from `release-vX.Y` to `release` are passing - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Merge the PR from `release-vX.Y` to `release` using the `Create a merge commit` @@ -77,40 +77,42 @@ This section covers tasks to be done during each release. - [ ] ⚠️ push the tag to GitHub using `git push origin vX.Y.Z(-RCN)` - do **NOT** use `git push --tags` because it pushes all your local tags -- [ ] Publish the release to [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/kubo/)
using `./kuboreleaser --skip-check-before --skip-run release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-dockerhub` or ... - - [ ] Wait for [Publish docker image](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/docker-image.yml) workflow run initiated by the tag push to finish - - [ ] verify the image is available on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/kubo/tags) - [ ] Verify [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions)'s `.tool-versions`'s `golang` entry is set to the [latest go release](https://go.dev/doc/devel/release) on the major go branch [Kubo is being tested on](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/master/.github/workflows/gotest.yml) (see `go-version:`). -- [ ] Publish the release to [dist.ipfs.tech](https://dist.ipfs.tech)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-distributions` or ... - - [ ] check out [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions) - - [ ] run `./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z(-RCN)` to add the new version to the `versions` file - - [usage](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions#usage) - - [ ] create and merge the PR which updates `dists/kubo/versions` and `dists/go-ipfs/versions` (![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) and `dists/kubo/current_version` and `dists/go-ipfs/current_version`) - - [example](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/pull/760) - - [ ] wait for the [CI](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow run initiated by the merge to master to finish - - [ ] verify the release is available on [dist.ipfs.tech](https://dist.ipfs.tech/#kubo) -
-- [ ] Publish the release to [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-npm` (⚠️ you might need to run the command a couple of times because GHA might not be able to see the new distribution straight away due to caching) or ... - - [ ] run the [Release to npm](https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow - - [ ] check [Release to npm](https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow run logs to verify it discovered the new release - - [ ] verify the release is available on [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions) -
-- [ ] Publish the release to [GitHub](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-github` or ... - - [ ] create a new release on [GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release) - - [RC example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0-rc1) - - [FINAL example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0) - - [ ] use the `vX.Y.Z(-RCN)` tag - - [ ] link to the release issue - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-RC-blue?style=flat-square) link to the changelog in the description - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-RC-blue?style=flat-square) check the `This is a pre-release` checkbox - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) copy the changelog (without the header) in the description - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) do **NOT** check the `This is a pre-release` checkbox - - [ ] run the [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow - - [ ] wait for the [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow run to finish - - [ ] verify the release assets are present in the [GitHub release](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/vX.Y.Z(-RCN)) -
-- [ ] Run Thunderdome testing, see the [Thunderdome release docs](./releases_thunderdome.md) for details - - [ ] create a PR and merge the experiment config into Thunderdome +- [ ] Publish to Dockerhub, NPM, and dist.ipfs.tech and GitHub using `./kuboreleaser --skip-check-before --skip-run release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-all` or follow each step below: + - [ ] Publish the release to [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/kubo/)
using `./kuboreleaser --skip-check-before --skip-run release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-dockerhub` or ... + - [ ] Wait for [Publish docker image](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/docker-image.yml) workflow run initiated by the tag push to finish + - [ ] verify the image is available on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/kubo/tags) + - [ ] Publish the release to [dist.ipfs.tech](https://dist.ipfs.tech)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-distributions` or ... + - [ ] check out [ipfs/distributions](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions) + - [ ] run `./dist.sh add-version kubo vX.Y.Z(-RCN)` to add the new version to the `versions` file + - [usage](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions#usage) + - [ ] create and merge the PR which updates `dists/kubo/versions` and `dists/go-ipfs/versions` (![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) and `dists/kubo/current_version` and `dists/go-ipfs/current_version`) + - [example](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/pull/760) + - [ ] wait for the [CI](https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow run initiated by the merge to master to finish + - [ ] verify the release is available on [dist.ipfs.tech](https://dist.ipfs.tech/#kubo) +
+ - [ ] Publish the release to [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-npm` (⚠️ you might need to run the command a couple of times because GHA might not be able to see the new distribution straight away due to caching) or ... + - [ ] run the [Release to npm](https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow + - [ ] check [Release to npm](https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/workflows/main.yml) workflow run logs to verify it discovered the new release + - [ ] verify the release is available on [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/go-ipfs?activeTab=versions) +
+ - [ ] Publish the release to [GitHub](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) publish-to-github` or ... + - [ ] create a new release on [GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release) + - [RC example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0-rc1) + - [FINAL example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/v0.17.0) + - [ ] use the `vX.Y.Z(-RCN)` tag + - [ ] link to the release issue + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-RC-blue?style=flat-square) link to the changelog in the description + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-RC-blue?style=flat-square) check the `This is a pre-release` checkbox + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) copy the changelog (without the header) in the description + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) do **NOT** check the `This is a pre-release` checkbox + - [ ] run the [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow + - [ ] wait for the [sync-release-assets](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/actions/workflows/sync-release-assets.yml) workflow run to finish + - [ ] verify the release assets are present in the [GitHub release](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/releases/tag/vX.Y.Z(-RCN)) +
+- [ ] Update Kubo staging environment, see the [Running Kubo tests on staging](https://www.notion.so/Running-Kubo-tests-on-staging-488578bb46154f9bad982e4205621af8) for details. + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-RC-blue?style=flat-square) Test last release against the current RC + - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Test last release against the current one - [ ] Promote the release
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) promote` or ... - [ ] create an [IPFS Discourse](https://discuss.ipfs.tech) topic - [prerelease example](https://discuss.ipfs.tech/t/kubo-v0-16-0-rc1-release-candidate-is-out/15248) @@ -151,10 +153,6 @@ This section covers tasks to be done during each release. - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) run the [update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/actions/workflows/update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml) workflow - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) merge the PR created by the [update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/actions/workflows/update-on-new-ipfs-tag.yml) workflow run
-- [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Ask Brave to update Kubo in Brave Desktop - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) use [this link](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/new?assignees=&labels=OS%2FDesktop&projects=&template=desktop.md&title=) to create an issue for the new Kubo version - - [basic example](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/31453), [example with additional notes](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/27965) - - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) post link to the issue in `#shared-pl-brave` for visibility - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) Create a blog entry on [blog.ipfs.tech](https://blog.ipfs.tech)
using `./kuboreleaser release --version vX.Y.Z(-rcN) update-ipfs-blog --date YYYY-MM-DD` or ... - [ ] ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/only-FINAL-green?style=flat-square) create a PR which adds a release note for the new Kubo version - [example](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-blog/pull/529) diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md index cfa97594325..321026ea6c0 100644 --- a/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/docs/RELEASE_ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + # Items to do upon creating the release issue @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ * Expected RC date: week of YYYY-MM-DD * 🚢 Expected final release date: YYYY-MM-DD * Release PR: -* Thunderdome PR: * Accompanying PR for improving the release process: ([example](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9391)) * Changelog: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/master/docs/changelogs/vX.Y.md diff --git a/docs/releases_thunderdome.md b/docs/releases_thunderdome.md index 11057e26a30..53034b3bbda 100644 --- a/docs/releases_thunderdome.md +++ b/docs/releases_thunderdome.md @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ This will build the Docker images, upload them to ECR, and then launch the exper ## Analyze Results -Add a log entry in https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/ce2d1bd56f3541028d960d3711465659 and link to it from the release issue, so that experiment results are publicly visible. +Add a log entry in https://www.notion.so/ceb2047e79f2498494077a2739a6c493 and link to it from the release issue, so that experiment results are publicly visible. The `deploy` command will output a link to the Grafana dashboard for the experiment. We don't currently have rigorous acceptance criteria, so you should look for anomalies or changes in the metrics and make sure they are tolerable and explainable. Unexplainable anomalies should be noted in the log with a screenshot, and then root caused.