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Islandora DevOps Interest Group: Meeting 26


Wednesday, November 8th, 11:00 AM-noon PST / 2:00-3:00 PM EST.

The group will be using the official Islandora Conference Call Number for group communication.

  • (Primary) To join meetings, follow this link (which has the phone number and access code built in)

  • (Optional) Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nickname) or point your IRC client to #islandora on

  • No more Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype!


  1. Volunteer for Note taker?
  • Bryan has created a folder/document for this (here)
  • Note taking procedure: * Conveners prepare the agenda for upcoming meeting * DevOps IG members can add any agenda items they like (no editing restrictions) * During DevOps calls, members can chat via the document, collaboratively take notes * After meeting, agenda + notes get archived in Markdown in the DevOps IG repo
  1. Welcome new members
  • None present
  1. Business from last meeting
  • GitHub issues have been cleaned up. Each issue was closed with a note added to ask for reopening if there is specific interest. Inactive former members have been unassigned from issues. Markdown files have been paired down; old markdowns have been moved to Archived_topics.
  1. New business

  2. ISLE Updates

  • ISLE steering committee now has 7 members. Responsible for QA/QC. Testing first release of containers.
  • Upcoming Hackdoc in Spring, hopefully ISLE-focused and open to wider community.
  • Gavin’s release is an MVP of the MVP. Steering committee reports testing current release with “thumbs up” affirmation. Not yet production ready; good starting point. Next: move from Docker for Mac to VM and adhere to Docker best practices.
  • Documentation is also being iteratively developed.
  • Need to cleanup some binary commits and review license requirements.
  • Backing out Git LFS (may need to delete and recreate the repo)
  • Public ISLE update meetings every two weeks: See announcements in the Islandora listserv.
  • 5 of 6 Alpha testers identified. Also two independent alpha testers lined up.
  1. Bug or issues report from devops community?
  • None at this time.
  1. Reporting (Communication to other groups)
  • None outstanding
  1. Group projects review
  • What should our next project be?
  • Proposal: Identify loss of broader participation in the group. Target communication to both former members and post to the general listserv to identify needs and opportunities; post to to reinforce information about the group generally. Gavin will draft communication for Melissa's review. Historically, it seems that interest in the group ebbs and flows, especially connected to IslandoraCon.
  1. Round table updates
  • Pitt: last month’s 255.99 MB deriviative truncations might be related to some chunking code in islandora code (islandora/includes/'s islandora_view_datastream_set_chunk_headers()). Will follow up on JIRA.
  • Williams: ICG discussing direction in response to bePress being purchased by Elseivier.
  • Islandora Foundation: upcoming release is coming soon!
  • Common Media: busy in building out ISLE
  • Florida State: Note that PHP 5.3 Travis Testing is no longer supported. Travis will only guarantee for 5.4 and above, aside from syntax checking.


Next meeting Next meeting

Wednesday, December 6th, 11:00 AM-noon PST / 2:00-3:00 PM EST.