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CS246_Final_Project - Value Prediction Unit

Final project for CS246 - Advanced Computer Architecture

This is a simulation of a Value Prediction Unit (VPU) as introduced in the Exceeding the Dataflow Limit via Value Prediction [Mikko H. Lipasti et. all, 1996], using Intel Pin Utility

The basic structure includes a Value Prediction Table (VPT), containing the previous write values for each address indexed by the lowest n bits of the instruction pointer (PC), and a Classification Table (CT) containing an y bit saturating counter that represents the likelihood of a positive prediction, indexed by the lowest m bits of PC address

Values for m,n, and y are all configurable knob parameters.

Later versions of this VPU includes an implimentation of variable-depth value histories, where multiple previous values can be stored in the VPT under a Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy.

The most recent version of this VPU adds the option to add a Victim Cache to the the VPT. The victim cache stores values evicted from the VPT with an x bit LRU stack.

Installing and Running

install Intel Pin Utility

pin -t obj-intel64/ -outfile results.out -size 10 -- /bin/ls

To create a 1024 entry VPT (and default 256 entry), and simulate on /bin/ls bash command

CLI arguments

"outfile" "tool.out" "Output file for the pintool"
"pid" "0" "Append pid to output"
"inst_limit" "1000000000" "Quit after executing x number of instructions"
"inst_cat" "ALL" "What category of instructions?" (Not supported)
"size" "8" "Size of Value Prediction table in bits. Total length = 2**size"
"CTbits" "1" "Size of CT prediction history counter in bits"
"CTsize" "8" "Size of Classification table in bits. Total length = 2**size""
"HistDepth" "1" "Value history size"
"VictimCache" "0" "Entries in victim cache"

Instructions are catagorized by the following for processing:

Instruction Category Description
I_PURE_LOAD Integer Pure Load Instruction (e.g. mov esi, dword ptr [rsi] )
I_LOAD_ARITH Integer Load + Arithmetic Instruction (e.g. add r8, qword ptr [rsi+0x10] )
I_ARITH_1OP Integer Pure Arithmetic Instruction, 1 operand (e.g add rcx, 0x40 )
I_ARITH_2OP Integer Pure Arithmetic Instruction, 2 operand (e.g add rcx, rax )
I_REG_MOV Integer Register Move Instruction (e.g. mov rax, rdi )
F_PURE_LOAD Floating Point Pure Load Instruction (e.g. movdqa xmm5, xmmword ptr [rdi] )
F_LOAD_ARITH Floating Point Load with Arithmetic Instruction (e.g. pminub xmm4, xmmword ptr [rdi+0x30] )
F_PURE_ARITH Floating Point Pure Arithmetic Instruction (e.g. paddd xmm0, xmm6 )
F_REG_MOVE Floating Point Register Move Instructions (e.g. movd xmm0, esi )
UNKNOWN Anything not classified above


Full results can be found here: Report

Instruction Value Locality

The following bars indicated the % of cases where the output of an operation was the same as the previous time the operation was executed (i.e. history depth of 1). The dashed line shows the % of instructions seen for each catagory.

Value Locality

We used a simple calculation to model the speedup for an architecture implementing our Value Prediction Unit. The maximum possible speedup under this would be 2x.

Speedup Calc

Speedup Results

Speedup Config