diff --git a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-cloudwatch.md b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-cloudwatch.md index 976ff55c0..d12c241e3 100644 --- a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-cloudwatch.md +++ b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-cloudwatch.md @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ triggers: **Parameter list:** +- `awsRegion` - AWS Region for the AWS Cloudwatch. +- `awsEndpoint` - Endpoint URL to override the default AWS endpoint. (Default: `""`, Optional) - `dimensionName` - Supports specifying multiple dimension names by using ";" as a separator i.e. dimensionName: QueueName;QueueName (Optional, Required when `expression` is not specified) - `dimensionValue` - Supports specifying multiple dimension values by using ";" as a separator i.e. dimensionValue: queue1;queue2 (Optional, Required when `expression` is not specified) - `expression` - Supports query with [expression](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/cloudwatch-metrics-insights-querylanguage.html) (Optional, Required when `dimensionName` & `dimensionValue` are not specified) diff --git a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb-streams.md b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb-streams.md index c2480c8df..31f12013d 100644 --- a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb-streams.md +++ b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb-streams.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ triggers: **Parameter list:** - `awsRegion` - AWS Region for the DynamoDB. -- `awsEndpoint` - An optional endpoint URL that overrides the default AWS endpoint. +- `awsEndpoint` - Endpoint URL to override the default AWS endpoint. (Default: `""`, Optional) - `tableName` - The target DynamoDB table to which the stream belongs. - `shardCount` - The target value that a DynamoDB streams consumer can handle. (Default: `2`, Optional) - `activationShardCount` - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation [here](./../concepts/scaling-deployments.md#activating-and-scaling-thresholds).(Default: `0`, Optional) diff --git a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb.md b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb.md index 4254970cd..c059327d1 100644 --- a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb.md +++ b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-dynamodb.md @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ triggers: **Parameter list:** - `awsRegion` - AWS Region for the DynamoDB Table. -- `awsEndpoint` - An optional endpoint URL that overrides the default AWS endpoint. +- `awsEndpoint` - Endpoint URL to override the default AWS endpoint. (Default: `""`, Optional) - `tableName` - The target table where the scaler execute the query. - `targetValue` - The target value for the number of items retrieved by the query. - `activationTargetValue` - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation [here](./../concepts/scaling-deployments.md#activating-and-scaling-thresholds).(Default: `0`, Optional) diff --git a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-kinesis.md b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-kinesis.md index 21f8dd400..b5185abbc 100644 --- a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-kinesis.md +++ b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-kinesis.md @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ triggers: - `shardCount` - The target value that a Kinesis data streams consumer can handle. (Default: `2`, Optional) - `activationShardCount` - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation [here](./../concepts/scaling-deployments.md#activating-and-scaling-thresholds).(Default: `0`, Optional) - `awsRegion` - AWS Region for the Kinesis Stream. -- `awsEndpoint` - An optional endpoint URL that overrides the default AWS endpoint. +- `awsEndpoint` - Endpoint URL to override the default AWS endpoint. (Default: `""`, Optional) - `identityOwner` - Receive permissions on the Kinesis Stream via Pod Identity or from the KEDA operator itself (see below). (Values: `pod`, `operator`, Default: `pod`, Optional) > When `identityOwner` set to `operator` - the only requirement is that the KEDA operator has the correct IAM permissions on the Kinesis Stream. Additional Authentication Parameters are not required. diff --git a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-sqs.md b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-sqs.md index 8a9605599..75e968276 100644 --- a/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-sqs.md +++ b/content/docs/2.9/scalers/aws-sqs.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ triggers: - `scaleOnInFlight` - Indication whether or not to scale on queued messages or to include in-flight messages as well. - When set to `false` "actual messages" is equal to `ApproximateNumberOfMessages`. When set to `true` "actual messages" is equal to `ApproximateNumberOfMessages` + `ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible`, since `NotVisible` in SQS terms means the message is still in-flight/processing. (default: true) - `awsRegion` - AWS Region for the SQS Queue. -- `awsEndpoint` - An optional endpoint URL that overrides the default AWS endpoint. +- `awsEndpoint` - Endpoint URL to override the default AWS endpoint. (Default: `""`, Optional) - `identityOwner` - Receive permissions on the SQS Queue via Pod Identity or from the KEDA operator itself (see below). (Values: `pod`, `operator`, Default: `pod`, Optional) > When `identityOwner` set to `operator` - the only requirement is that the KEDA operator has the correct IAM permissions on the SQS queue. Additional Authentication Parameters are not required.