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CSCI 3366 Programming Languages

Spring 2017

R. Muller

Lecture Notes: 2


  1. Sets, Relations & Maps
  2. Orders

1. Sets, Relations & Maps

The Idea

  • Computer software is often required to keep track of "collections" of things.

  • Mathematicians have thought carefully about these collections, and know them as sets.

  • Software is also often required to keep track of the association between items from one set (the "keys") and another (the "values").

Basic Sets

  • A set is a collection of items with no duplicates.

    Examples: A = {1, 2, 3} B = {Bob, Alice, Joe} N = {0, 1, 2, ...} natural numbers

  • NB: Only restriction on elements is identity.


  • alpha $\alpha$, beta $\beta$, gamma $\gamma$, Gamma $\Gamma$, delta $\delta$, epsilon $\epsilon$, tau $\tau$, sigma $\sigma$.
  • A, B, C, …, X, Y, Z for sets;
  • $\emptyset$ or {} for the empty set;
  • a, b, c, ... for elements of sets;
  • $a \in A$ means that $a$ is an element of set $A$;
  • $(a_1, \ldots, a_n)$ is an n-tuple.

Variables and Quantifiers

  • x, y, z for variables (which vary over sets!)

  • $\forall x \in A$ . statement

    asserts that statement holds for every element of A. For example, $\forall x\in{1, 2, 3}.x < 4$ means $1 < 4$ and $2 < 4$ and $3 < 4$. The occurrence of $x$ adjacent to the quanitifer is called a binding occurrence of $x$; the occurrence of $x$ to the right of the dot is called an applied occurrence or use of $x$. Note that we obtained $1 < 4$ by plugging in (or substituting) $1$ for $x$ in the statement $x < 4$.

  • $\exists x \in A$ . statement

    asserts that statement holds for some element of A.

Set Comprehensions

  • { x | statement } means set of all x such that statement holds;


    Evens = ${ x \in \mathbb N \mid \exists y \in \mathbb N \mathrm{\ such\ that\ } x = 2y }$

    or equivalently

    Evens = ${ x \mid x \in \mathbb N \mathrm{\ and\ } \exists y \in \mathbb N \mathrm{\ such\ that\ } x = 2y }$

Basic Sets

  • Notation:
    • Subset : $A \subseteq B$ means $\forall x \in A . x \in B$;
    • Set Equality : $A = B$ means $A \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq A$.

Operations on Sets

  • Union : $A_1 \cup \ldots \cup A_n = { a \mid a \in A_i\ \mathrm{for\ some}\ i \in {1, \ldots, n}}$;

  • Intersection : $A_1 \cap\ldots\cap A_n = { a \mid a \in A_i \mathrm{\ for\ every\ } i\in{1, \ldots, n}}$;

  • Disjoint Union : $A_1 + \ldots + A_n = { (i, a) \mid a \in A_i\mathrm{\ for\ some\ } i\in{1,\ldots, n} }$;

  • Product : $A_1 \times \ldots\times A_n = { (a_1,\ldots, a_n) \mid a_i \in A_i}$;

  • Sequences : Let $A$ be a set and let $\epsilon$ denote the empty sequence.

    $A^* = { w \mid w = \epsilon \mathrm{\ or\ } w = aw' \mathrm{\ with\ } a \in A \mathrm{\ and\ } w' \in A^*}$

    Example: ${a, b}^* = {\epsilon, a\epsilon, b\epsilon, aa\epsilon, ab\epsilon, \ldots }$


    • This is an example of an inductive definition,
    • Trailing $\epsilon$s are usually omitted so the set in the example above is written ${\epsilon, a, b, aa, ab, \ldots }$.
  • Powerset : Let $A$ be a set. Then the powerset of $A$ is

    $P(A) = { A' \mid A' \subseteq A}$

    Example : P({1,2}) = {{}, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}};

    Diversion: Russell's Paradox

  • Let $\mathbf R = { A \mid A \not\in A}$. The set of all non-self-containing sets. E.g., ${a} \in \mathbf R$. Is $\mathbf R\in \mathbf R$?

  • Assume that $\mathbf R \not\in \mathbf R$. Then $\mathbf R \in \mathbf R$.

    • Assume that $\mathbf R \in \mathbf R$. Then $\mathbf R \not\in \mathbf R$.

    • So $\mathbf R \in \mathbf R \mathrm{\ iff\ } \mathbf R \not\in \mathbf R$. Naive set theory is inconsistent.


  • $R$ is a(n n-ary) relation on sets $A_1, \ldots, A_n$ if $R \subseteq A_1 \times \ldots \times A_n$.

  • When $R$ is an n-ary relation on sets $A_1, \ldots, A_n$ and $A_1 = \ldots = A_n$ we say that $R$ is an n-ary relation on $A_1$;

  • When R is a finite set we say it is a finite relation.

Binary Relations

Let $A$ and $B$ be sets and let $R$ be a relation on $A, B$.

Domain of Definition: DomDef(R) = ${ a \in A \mid \mathrm{for\ some\ } b\in B, (a, b) \in R}$

Example Relations

A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {Bob, Alice}

  • R1 = A x B = {(1, Bob), (1, Alice), (2, Bob), (2, Alice), (3, Bob), (3, Alice)}

  • R2 = {}

  • R3 = {(1, Bob), (3, Alice)} // e.g., DomDef(R3) = {1, 3}

  • R4 = {(1, Alice), (2, Alice), (3, Alice)}

Partial Maps (aka Partial Functions)

Let $R$ be a binary relation on $A$, $B$. $R$ is a partial map from $A$ to $B$ if and only iff

$$\forall a\in A. b, b'\in B.\mathrm{if\ }(a, b)\in R \mathrm{\ and\ } (a, b') \in R \mathrm{\ then\ } b = b'.$$

R1 is not a partial map but all of R2, R3 and R4 are partial maps.


  • We usually use f, g, h, ... for partial maps;
  • We use the notation $f(a)$ to denote the unique $b$ such that $(a, b)\in f$. Note that this notation isn't defined if there is no $b$ such that $(a, b)\in f$.

Total Map

Let $f$ be a partial map from A to B. Then $f$ is a total map from A to B iff DomDef(f) = A. In the examples above, only R4 is a total map from A to B.

Function Set Constructors

  • The set of all partial maps from A to B: A -o-> B = { f | f is a partial map from A to B }

  • The set of all total maps from A to B: A --> B = { f | f is a total map from A to B }


  {1, 2} --> {Bob, Alice} = { {(1, Bob), (2, Bob)}, 
                              {(1, Alice), (2, Alice)},
                              {(1, Bob), (2, Alice)}, 
                              {(1, Alice), (2, Bob)}
  {1, 2} -o-> {Bob, Alice} = {1, 2} --> {Bob , Alice}           
                             { {},
                               {(1, Bob)}, 
                               {(1, Alice)},
                               {(2, Bob)}, 
                               {(2, Alice)}


  • Let Bool = {true, false};

    = {void} + {void} = {(void, 0), (void, 1)}

  • P is a predicate on A if P is a map from A to Bool.

  • Example: >2 is a unary predicate on N:

    2 = {(0, false), (1, false), (2, false), (3, true), ...}

Implementing Maps

Finite maps (from A --> B, or A -o-> B) implemented with a data structure such as hash table, e.g., Java's HashMap.

  • The set of "keys" in A must be identifiable (see equivalence below)

  • Other efficient data structures can be used if A is totally ordered

2. Order###


  • Let $R$ be a relation on $A$. $R$ is reflexive iff $\forall x \in A . (x, x) \in R$;

  • Let $R$ be a relation on $A$. $R$ is transitive iff $\forall x, y, z \in A. \mathrm{\ If\ } (x,y) \in R \mathrm{\ and\ } (y,z) \in R \mathrm{\ then\ } (x,z) \in R$.

  • A relation that is both reflexive and transitive is called a preorder.

Partial Orders

  • Let $R$ be a binary relation on $A$. $R$ is symmetric iff $\forall x, y \in A . \mathrm{\ if\ } (x, y) \in R \mathrm{\ then\ } (y, x) \in R$;

  • Let $R$ be as above. $R$ is antisymmetric iff $\forall x, y \in A. \mathrm{\ if\ } (x, y) \in R \mathrm{\ and\ } (y, x) \in R \mathrm{\ then\ } x = y$.

  • A symmetric preorder is called an equivalence relation.

  • An antisymmetric preorder is called a partial order.

Partially Ordered Sets

If R is a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive binary relation on A, we say that

  • R is a partial order on set A
  • The set A is partially ordered by R
  • A is a partially ordered set (not mentioning R)
  • A is a poset


  • If set $A$ is partially ordered by $R$, we write $(A, R)$ or more often $(A, \le_R)$ or $(A, \le)$ if R is implied by context;

  • For $a, a' \in A$, instead of writing $(a, a') \in R$ we usually write $a\le_R a'$ or $a\le a'$ if R is implied.

  • If $a \le a'$ and $a != a'$ we write $a < a'$.


A = {Bob, Alice}, R1 = {(Bob, Bob), (Alice, Alice), (Bob, Alice)}

Hasse Diagram of a Relation



A = P({Bob, Alice, Joe}) = { {}, 
                             {Bob}, {Alice}, {Joe},
                             {Bob, Alice}, {Bob, Joe}, {Alice, Joe},
                             {Bob, Alice, Joe}

R2 = $(A, \subseteq)$ = {({}, {}), ({}, {Bob}), ({}, {Bob, Alice}), ...}

                               {Bob, Alice, Joe}
                               /      |        \
                    {Bob, Alice}  {Bob, Joe}   {Alice, Joe}
                          |     /\           /\     |
                        {Bob}      {Alice}       {Joe}
                                \     |       /

Total Order

  • Let R be a partial order on A. R is a total order on A iff $\forall x, y \in A . \mathrm{\ either\ } (x, y) \in R \mathrm{\ or\ } (y, x) \in R$.

  • Example : $(\bf N, \le)$.

Lexicographic Ordering

Let $A$ be a set and let $\le_A$ be a partial order on $A$. We derive a partial order $\le_{A^}$ on $A^$ the sequences of elements from $A$.

$w \le_{A^} w'$ iff either $w = \epsilon$ or $w = av$, $w' = a'v'$ and either $a \lt_A a'$ or $a =A a'$ and $v \le{A^} v'$.


Let A = {p, q}. Then A* = {e, p, q, pq, ppq, … } and $pq \le_{A^} ppq$ because $a = p$, $v = q$, $a' = p$, $v' = pq$, $a = a'$ and $v \le_{A^} v'$ because $a = q$, $v = \epsilon$, $a' = p$, $v' = q$ and $v \le_{A^*} v'$ because $v = \epsilon$.

Note: If $\le$ is a partial order, then so is $\le_{A^*}$.


In summary: we have type constructors: union, intersection, sum, product, sequence, -o-> and —>. Of these, sum, product, sequence, -o-> have direct computational interpretations.