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244 lines (211 loc) · 27.9 KB

File metadata and controls

244 lines (211 loc) · 27.9 KB
  • ⚫️️ = unimplemented
  • 🟡 = differing
  • 🔵 = implemented
  • ❗= will not implement
  • 🤷‍♀️ = low importance

"Implemented" means "near 1:1 PUC-Lua behavior"1.

"Differing" means that there is an implementation, but it doesn't correspond to PUC-Lua behavior.

"Unimplemented" means there is no implementation (when used, nil is found) or that calling the implementation with the corresponding arguments will error where in PUC-Lua it does not.

"Will Not Implement" is for functions that will not be implemented due to a fundamental difference between piccolo and PUC-Lua.

"Low Importance" is for things that, while technically implementable, will likely not be implemented due to differences between piccolo and PUC-Lua.

NOTE: (a[, b, c]) corresponds to the Lua docs' (a[, b[, c]]) usage.


Status Function Differences Notes
🔵 assert(v[, message])
🔵 collectgarbage("count")
⚫️ collectgarbage("collect")
⚫️ collectgarbage("stop")
⚫️ collectgarbage("restart")
⚫️ collectgarbage("step"[, memkb])
⚫️ collectgarbage("isrunning")
🤷‍♀️ collectgarbage("incremental"[, gcpause, stepmult, stepsize])
🤷‍♀️ collectgarbage("generational"[, minormult, majormult])
⚫️ dofile([filename])
🟡 error(message) Due to level not being implemented for, all calls here give the same result as PUC-Lua error(message, 0) (or any invalid level).
⚫️ error(message, level)
⚫️ _G (value)
🔵 getmetatable(object)
🟡 ipairs(t) PUC-Lua returns iter, table, 0, where as piccolo returns iter, table.
⚫️ load(chunk[, chunkname, mode, env])
⚫️ loadfile([filename, mode, env])
🔵 next(table [, index])
🟡 pairs(t) By default, PUC-Lua return iter, table, nil where as piccolo returns iter, table. Also how __pairs works differs2
🔵 pcall(f, args...)
🔵 print(args...)
⚫️ rawequal(v1, v2)
🔵 rawget(table, index)
🔵 rawlen(v)
🔵 rawset(table, index, value)
🔵 select(index, args...)
🔵 setmetatable(table, metatable)
🔵 tonumber(e[, base])
🟡 tostring(v) piccolo does not use the metatable field __name by default, while PUC-Lua does.
🔵 type(v)
🔵 _VERSION (value)
⚫️ warn(msg, args...)
⚫️ xpcall(f, msgh, args...)


Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️️ close(co)
🔵 create(f)
⚫️️ isyieldable([co])
🔵 resume(co[, vals...])
🔵 running()
🔵 status(co)
⚫️️ wrap(f)
🔵 yield(args...)


Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️️ (global) require(modname)
⚫️️ config (value)
cpath (value)
⚫️️ loaded (value)
loadlib(libname, funcname)
⚫️️ path (value)
⚫️️ preload (value)
⚫️️ searchers (value) This implementation will definitely differ from PUC-Lua as piccolo does not support C loaders
⚫️️ searchpath(name, path[, sep, rep])


Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️️ byte(s[, i, j])
⚫️️ char(args...)
⚫️️ dump(function[, strip])
⚫️️ find(s, pattern[, init, plain])
⚫️️ format(formatstring, args...)
⚫️️ gmatch(s, pattern[, init])
⚫️️ gsub(s, pattern, repl[, n])
🔵 len(s)
🔵 lower(s)
⚫️️ match(s, pattern[, init])
⚫️️ pack(fmt, values...)
⚫️️ packsize(fmt)
⚫️️ rep(s, n[, sep])
🔵 reverse(s)
🔵 sub(s, i[, j])
⚫️️ unpack(fmt, s[, pos])
🔵 upper(s)


Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️️ char(args..)
⚫️️ charpattern (value)
⚫️️ codes(s[, lax])
⚫️️ codepoints(s[, i, j, lax])
⚫️️ len(s[, i, j, lax])
⚫️️ offset(s, n[, i])


Status Function Differences Notes
🔵 concat(list[, sep, i, j]) Supports the __concat metamethod
🔵 insert(list, [pos,] value)
🔵 move(a1, f, e, t[, a2]) Currently implemented with a Lua polyfill
🔵 pack(args...)
🔵 remove(list[, pos])
🔵 sort(list[, comp]) Currently implemented with a Lua polyfill using a simple merge sort, rather than PUC-Rio Lua's quicksort impl
🔵 unpack(list[, i, j])


I'm not going over these with a fine-tooth comb, if it exists (and takes the specified number of arguments), it's considered implemented. (Except for "basic" identities like $\cos(0) = 1$ and stuff like that.)

Status Function Differences Notes
🔵 abs(x)
🔵 acos(x)
🔵 asin(x)
🔵 atan(y[, x])
🔵 ceil(x)
🔵 cos(x)
🔵 deg(x)
🔵 exp(x)
🔵 floor(x)
🔵 fmod(x, y)
🔵 huge (value)
🔵 log(x[, base])
🔵 max(x, args...)
🔵 maxinteger (value)
🔵 min(x, args...)
🔵 mininteger (value)
🔵 modf(x)
🔵 pi (value)
🔵 rad(x)
🔵 random([m, n])
🔵 randomseed([x, y])
🔵 sin(x)
🔵 sqrt(x)
🔵 tan(x)
🔵 tointeger(x)
🔵 type(x)
🔵 ult(m, n)


I see a module in the code repo that is labelled the IO library, but it only creates the print global, which is not the IO module (as understood from the Lua Manual).

Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️ close([file])
⚫️ flush()
⚫️ input([file])
⚫️ lines([filename, args...])
⚫️ open(filename [, mode])
⚫️/❗ popen(prog[, mode]) Might be classifiable as "C weirdness" or it's just creating another process which kinda feels as icky as the OS module imo
⚫️ read(args...)
⚫️ tmpfile()
⚫️ type(obj)
⚫️ write(args...)
⚫️ file:close()
⚫️ file:flush()
⚫️ file:lines(args...)
⚫️ file:read(args...)
⚫️ file:seek([whence, offset])
⚫️ file:setvbuf(mode[, size])
⚫️ file:write(args...)


IMO this module is best in its current state, but I cannot stop one from downloading the individual pixels of Henry Cavill's side profile, so...

Status Function Differences Notes
⚫️ clock()
⚫️ date([format, time])
⚫️ difftime(t2, t1)
execute([command]) Because PUC-Lua requires this to be isomorphic to ISO C system, I can simply put this under C weirdness!
⚫️ exit([code, close]) Probably a❗, but I cannae tell you want to do
⚫️ getenv(varname) ...what is this a shell script?
⚫️ remove(filename)
⚫️ rename(oldname, newname)
setlocale(locale[, category]) This is explictly not going to be implemented according to the README, along with its C weirdness brethren, I just have problems with the rest of this module. Personnel problems \s.
⚫️ time([table])
⚫️ tmpname()


As stated on the repository main page, this library for the most part is not implemented nor are there plans to implement due to differences between the implementations. This sections is mostly so that people might get an idea of what is implemented, and what is theoretically possible to implement.

Status Function Implementation Notes / Differences Notes
⚫️ debug()
⚫️ getinfo([thread, ]f[, what])
⚫️ getlocal([thread, ]f, local)
⚫️ getmetatable(value)
⚫️ getregistry()
⚫️ getupvalue(f, up)
⚫️ getuservalue(u, n)
sethook([thread, ] hook, mask[, count])
⚫️ setlocal([thread, ]level, local, value)
⚫️ setmetatable(value, table) Interesting thing to note is that this is not the base library setmetatable, as debug.setmetatable's first argument accepts any Lua value, while setmetatable's first argument must be a table.
⚫️ setupvalue(f, up, value)
⚫️ setuservalue(udata, value, n)
⚫️ traceback([thread,][message, level])
⚫️ upvalueid(f, n)
⚫️ upvaluejoin(f1, n1, f2, n2)


  1. Hedging b/c I don't know PUC-Lua like my reverse palm, and there might be differing behaviors if you poke both implementations to death, but that's not what this document is for.

  2. Given the code below, calling pairs(t), PUC-Lua returns 1, 2, 3, while piccolo returns 1, 2, 3, 4. The documentation from PUC-Lua does state that pairs(t) "[where] t has a metamethod __pairs, calls it with t as argument and returns the first three results from the call."

    t = {}
    tm = {}
    function tm:__pairs()
    	return 1, 2, 3, 4
    setmetatable(t, tm)