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116 lines (110 loc) · 9.46 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (110 loc) · 9.46 KB



  • [!] - Important note regarding some change.
  • [THEME] - Changed theme structure, see the themes/README.txt file for details.
  • [SETTING] - Changed setting structure, see the themes/README.txt file for details.
  • [SECRETS] - Changed secrets structure, see the file for details.
  • [MIGRATION] - Change schema, run bundle exec rake db:migrate to apply.
  • [DEPENDENCY] - Changed dependencies.


List of Calagator stable releases and changes, with the latest at the top:

  • v0.20111021

    • [!] This should be the final release based on Ruby on Rails 2.x, all future releases will be based on Rails 3.x.
    • [DEPENDENCY] Upgraded to Rails 2.3.12.
    • [MIGRATION] Added venue details so organizers can specify per-event information like room number, access code, etc.
    • [THEME] Added mobile CSS stylesheet for friendlier experience on smaller screens.
    • Updated Upcoming importer to work around invalid UTC dates emitted by current API.
    • Updated Plancast importer to use the new, official JSONP API.
    • Updated Meetup importer to use the new, official API if a key is available. See instructions in file.
    • Update robot exclusion rules to allow Google Calendar to subscribe to filtered searches.
    • Updated iCalendar exporter to include venue address and source URL.
    • Added "opensearch" to let browsers use Calagator as a search provider.
    • Added Vagrant support, allowing easy setup of a development environment. See instructions in file.
  • v0.20110603

    • [DEPENDENCY] Added bundler for installing dependencies and isolating from unwanted versions of gems. See for usage information.
    • [MIGRATION] Added fields to Venues: access notes, "has public wifi" flag, and "is closed" flag.
    • [THEME] Added file to describe appropriate content for a Calagator instance, e.g. "Portland-area tech events". If not present, a reasonable default will be displayed.
    • [SETTING] Removed tz field. You now only need to set timezone. If theme still has tz, it will be ignored.
    • Fixed documentation to explain how to create a theme, setup a development environment, and install a production server.
    • Fixed export to Google Calendar, which could fail if the event's description was long or truncated at a bad place.
    • Fixed exception notification to send emails with Rails 2.3.10 and newer, submitted fix as patch to theme_support plugin maintainer.
    • Fixed exception notification to set From: in a helpful way so that these can be replied to by those subscribed to notifications.
    • Fixed previewing of a new event with a new venue, it would throw an exception.
    • Fixed duplicate squashing to not throw exceptions if called with blank arguments, like when hit by a bot.
    • Fixed version refresh system, used on event/venue edit forms, to switch between versions of a record.
    • Added parsers to import Plancast and Meetup events.
    • Added Plancast machine tag to connect Calagator events with their external Plancast counterparts and display Plancast attendees on the event page.
    • Added ePDX machine tag to connect events with their ePDX groups.
    • Added JSON and KML exports to the venues listing.
    • Improved iCalendar importing system to use the better RiCal library.
    • Improved venues listing to show the latest and most popular venues, search venues, display map, etc.
    • Improve display of URLs on various pages by truncating them if they're long.
    • Improved imported sources so they can be deleted and remove their associated event and venue records.
    • Improved recent changes rollback system to display messages, be able to rollback the create events, and redirect to appropriate pages.
    • Improved event form to accept URL parameters, so it can be pre-populated with desired values.
    • Improved venue destroy to prevent someone from removing a venue that still has events, to avoid orphaning these.
    • Improved new venue form to accept simplified address and not request longitude/latitude.
  • v0.20110301

    • [!] This version adds support for specifying the search engine to use for local data. The new default is sql, which requires no configuration or setup to work. If you have an existing Calagator instance and want to continue using ActsAsSolr, edit your config/secrets.yml file and specify search_engine: acts_as_solr. See the "Search engine" section of the file for details.
    • [SECRETS] Added search_engine field for specifying search engine.
    • [DEPENDENCY] Upgraded to latest stable releases of Ruby on Rails and other libraries.
    • [DEPENDENCY] Added optional sunspot search engine, which provides the best search results and is more reliable, efficient and speedy than acts_as_solr.
    • Fixed importing to support Upcoming's mobile site, the only one many users can now use.
    • Fixed performance of duplicate checking and squashing interfaces.
    • Fixed exceptions thrown when filtering events by invalid dates.
    • Improved dependencies so production environment doesn't need testing libraries.
    • Added sql search engine, which is used by default and requires no configuration or setup.
  • v0.20101108

    • [!] Fixed searching, run bundle exec rake solr:rebuild_index to rebuild your search index to take advantage of the improvements for matching by: exact words, fuzzy word match, words that had punctuation in or adjacent to them, and tags.
    • [DEPENDENCY] Added RiCal library.
    • [DEPENDENCY] Fixed "environment.rb" to specify exact versions of known-good gems, because new versions of gems have been released that have bugs or aren't backwards compatible.
    • Fixed search sorting and improved title displays.
    • Fixed iCalendar exports, they now include timezone and location.
    • Improved iCalendar exports, they now include a sequence field.
    • Improved bundle exec rake data:fetch to display download progress if programs like curl and wget are installed.
    • Added machine tags, to link Calagator entries to those on external services.
    • Added tag cloud for displaying popular tags.
  • v0.20100302

    • Fixed bundle exec rake gems:install, some required gems weren't being installed.
    • Fixed bundle exec rake solr:start, the Net::HTTP syntax changed in recent versions of Ruby.
    • Fixed bundle exec rake db:dump and bundle exec rake db:restore, the environment changed in recent versions of Rails.
    • Fixed the recent changes listing to display changes made to deleted record.
    • Eliminated alert emails notifying admin that a form was submitted without a valid authentication token, which is almost always a spam bot.
    • Improved event form so that the end date is set to the start date if the start date is changed to be after the end date, and displayed highlight to alert user of the modification.
    • Improved event form so that the end time is offset from the start time if the start time is changed, and displayed highlighted to alert the user of the modification
  • v0.20091223

    • [SECRETS] Added entry for setting custom Upcoming API key.
    • Added Upcoming API-based event importer, hopefully resolving long-standing problems caused by them frequently changing their invalid iCalendar output.
    • Fixed export to Google Calendar.
    • Fixed to support tags that start with numbers.
    • Fixed recent changes to not fail if showing create AND delete on same page.
    • Improved iCalendar export to mark very long events as all-day events.
    • Added "preview" feature to the event add and edit forms.
    • Added "more events" link to bottom of site's events overview.
  • v0.20091001

    • Added feature to "clone", create a new event based on an existing one, to the event's sidebar.
    • Improved recent changes, added title for each record and reorganized columns to read from left-to-right.
  • v0.20090928

    • [DEPENDENCY] + [MIGRATION] Implemented new data versioning and management system that can track and rollback deletes and more, replaces acts_as_versioned with PaperTrail.
    • Fixed how Solr determines what port to connect to, it will now always check the config/solr.yml.
  • v0.20090914

    • [DEPENDENCY] Upgraded to Ruby on Rails 2.3.x and updated many gems.
    • [THEME] Upgraded theme_support, which expects layouts to be in MYTHEME/views/layouts rather than MYTHEME/layouts.
    • [SETTING] Added SECRETS.administrator_email with email to send errors, extracted it from config/initalizer/exception_notification_setup.rb.
    • [MIGRATION] Added PaperTrail plugin to provide complete version tracking of all changes, including deletes.
    • Added recent changes tracking and rollback using PaperTrail.
    • Added new,,, and files.
  • v0.2009031

    • [SETTING] Fixed timezone handling so that the application, added new timezone setting.
    • [THEME] Fixed layout and added an ie.6 stylesheet.
    • Fixed duplicate checking to eliminate infinite loops and link items to their progenitor.
    • Fixed times in Upcoming imports, which violate the iCalendar standard.
    • Fixed search sort labels.
  • v0.20090503

    • Fixed error caused by removal of from RubyGems 1.3.2 and above.
    • Fixed initialization error by delaying loading of tagging extensions till tables are created.
    • Added easily customizable config/database.yml, see file for usage.
    • Added initial MySQL and PostgreSQL ports with many SQL fixes, however, only SQLite3 is currently recommended.