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116 lines (71 loc) · 4.68 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (71 loc) · 4.68 KB

UPGRADE FROM 3.x to 4.0

Media migration

Media ORM definition changed cdnIsFlushable from nullable to not nullable. Make sure to run a migration to upgrade your data before upgrading the schema.

Assuming your media table is called media__media, you could execute:

UPDATE media__media SET cdnIsFlushable = false WHERE cdnIsFlushable IS NULL;

We also added an option to use jsonb for the providerMetadata field. This will only affect you if you use PostgreSQL database. Please make sure you do the appropiate changes to your schema in order to be in sync.

Removed unused JavaScript

SonataMediaBundle 3 included a JavaScript dependency: Nivo Gallery. This dependency is not used on Sonata code, so in SonataMediaBundle 4 this dependency is removed. If you rely on it, please consider adding it to your own package.json instead.


This interface is added to provide a clearer API for FormatThumbnail. It allows to know if a Thumbnail object can be generated with custom Resizer instances, not the ones provided by the file provider.

Removed OpenStack / Rackspace integration

This integration is removed because the php packages are not up to date.

Integration with classification-bundle

In SonataMediaBundle 4.0 we improved the integration with SonataClassificationBundle, you don't need to configure the classification_manager anymore.

Container parameters

We have been using container parameters as undocumented extension points for things like classes and configurations.

In SonataMediaBundle 4.0 those are completely removed and we encourage you to use the default dependency injection override to change the default values for the removed service configurations if you need to.

If you need to change something that you believe it should be handled somehow in configuration, please open an issue and we will discuss it.

SimpleResizer and SquareResizer

Previously the mode that could be configured for those resizer was a string, now it is an int. The default configuration is still the same but with the int value that represents inset.

You can take a look at this class constants: Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface to see the available options.


Usages of Sonata\Doctrine\Model\PageableManagerInterface were replaced in favor of Sonata\DatagridBundle\Pager\PageableInterface.


  • Drop support for kriswallsmith/buzz

    If you are using media provider services with Buzz, you MUST create a custom service based on the Buzz client and add it to configuration:

             client: 'your_custom.buzz_client' # Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
             message_factory: 'your_custom.message_facory' # Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface
  • Drop support for sonata-project/datagrid-bundle < 3.0.

    If you are extending these methods, you MUST add argument and return type declarations:

    • Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\GalleryManager::getPager()
    • Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\MediaManager::getPager()
    • Sonata\MediaBundle\Model\GalleryManager::getPager()
    • Sonata\MediaBundle\Model\MediaManager::getPager()
  • Drop support for nelmio/api-doc-bundle < 3.9


All the deprecated code introduced on 3.x is removed on 4.0.

Please read 3.x upgrade guides for more information.

See also the diff code.


MediaController actions were changed to introduce Request $request as first parameter. You must update those signatures if you want to still extend this class: downloadAction, listAction and liipImagineFilterAction


The property wrap in GalleryBlockService was removed. You must create a custom block, if you still want to use it.


If you have implemented a custom model, you must adapt the signature of the following new methods:

  • GalleryHasMediaInterface::getId
  • GalleryInterface::getId

If you have overridden some date-related methods (setUpdatedAt(), setCreatedAt(), setCdnFlushAt()) in model classes (Gallery, Media, GalleryHasMedia), you need to change the arguments' type declarations to \DateTimeInterface.

Renamed GalleryHasMedia to GalleryItem

All Actions, Controllers, Interfaces and anything related to this is renamed accordingly.

Removed classification dependency

The category feature is now optional and can be disabled in the configuration. If you need this feature you have to require sonata-project/classifcation-bundle via composer.