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325 lines (202 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (202 loc) · 15.1 KB


What's New (05/05/2022)

Changed Rule

  • RequiredReadOnlySystemData - Change severity to warning.

What's New (03/24/2022)

Changed Rule

  • deleteOperationResponse - For LRO delete, 200 is no longer required.
  • validFormats - Support 'arm-id' format.

What's New (02/07/2022)

Changed Rule

  • TrackedResourcePatchOperation - Fix false positive for long running patch operation.

What's New (12/15/2021)

New validation rules

  • XmsIdentifierValidation - Check the identifying properties of objects in the array.

What's New (12/10/2021)

Changed Rule

  • XmsEnumValidation - Extends to check the enum in parameters & move to typescript validator.

What's New (11/19/2021)

New validation rules

  • ExtensionResourcePathPattern - To ensure extension resource path pattern conform to rpaas contract.
  • ParametersOrder - To ensure the parameters in the same order as they are ranked in the path.
  • EnumMustRespectType - To ensure the enum values conform to the type.

What's New (09/29/2021)

Bug fix

  • UniqueClientParameterName - throw exception when reference contains '.'.

Changed validation rules

  • LongRunningResponseStatusCode - support response code '202' in patch operation.

What's New (08/17/2021)

Bug fix

  • TrackedResourceListBySubscription - throw exception when list result model's properties is null.

What's New (07/30/2021)

Changed validation rules

  • DescriptionAndTitleMissing - description & title are not required for reference properties.
  • PathResourceProviderMatchNamespace - fix the false alarm when the provider namespace in swagger file path is null.
  • TopLevelResourcesListBySubscription - fix false positive caused by unused model.

What's New (06/22/2021)

Changed validation rules

  • AvoidAnonymousTypes - add exception: anonymous types with 'x-ms-client-name'

What's New (05/31/2021)

New validation rules

  • MissingTypeObject - To ensure a schema with "properties" or "additionalProperties" must have explicit "type:object" statement, which means a schema is an object.

Changed Rule

  • LongRunningResponseStatusCode - For data plane spec, the '202' is considered a valid terminal status code for delete or put/patch operation.

What's New (03/19/2021)

Bug fix

  • ImplementPrivateEndpointAPIs - fix inconsistent message.

What's New (02/24/2021)

New validation rules

  • MissingXmsErrorResponse - Validate if error code 4xx or 5xx defined with x-ms-error-response.
  • UniqueModelName - Validate if model name is unique case insensitive.
  • AzureResourceTagsSchemaValidation - Validate if tags definition is same with the common types.
  • PrivateEndpointResourceSchemaValidation - Validate if private link APIs fully defined.
  • ImplementPrivateEndpointAPIs - Validate if private link resources defined correctly.

Changed Rule

  • R4009 - Change rule name from RequiredSystemDataInNewApiVersion to RequiredReadOnlySystemData and check if it's readonly.
  • AvoidAnonymousTypes - Apply to additionalProperties and allOf schema.

What's New (02/01/2021 openapi-validator v1.8.0)

Added plugin

  • Added modeler4 consumer plugin to run modeler4 check.

What's New (12/18/2020)

New validation rules

  • Rpaas_ResourceProvisioningState - Validate if 'provisioningState' is defined in a resource definition.

Changed Rule

  • TopLevelResourcesListByResourceGroup - Only resource group level resources apply to this rule.
  • UniqueXmsEnumName - Compare enum type and modelAsString too, optimize message.

What's New (11/23/2020)

New validation rules

  • ValidResponseCodeRequired - Validate if a operation contains valid status code.
  • UniqueClientParameterName - Ensure the client parameter name unique in same API version.
  • UniqueXmsExample - Ensure the x-ms-examples name unique in same API version.

Changed Rule

  • RequiredSystemDataInNewApiVersion - Change severity to "error" and only check the operations which return a ARM resource in the response.
  • ValidFormats - Allowed formats defined in .
  • LongRunningResponseStatusCode - Allowed code "202" in post operation.

What's New (11/12/2020)

New validation rules

  • New validation rule for long running DELETE operation, for RPs hosted in RP-as-a-Service platform. Documentation link
  • New validation rule for long running POST operation, for RPs hosted in RP-as-a-Service platform. Documentation link

What's New (09/10/2020)

Changed Rule

  • PathResourceProviderNamePascalCase - allow acronyms that consist of only two characters.

New validation rules

  • PreviewVersionOverOneYear rule - validate if there is any preview version over one year. Documentation link

What's New (08/27/2020)

New validation rules

  • New validation rule for long running PUT operation, for RPs hosted in RP-as-a-Service platform. Documentation link

Changed Rule

  • AllowedTopLevelProperties rule - allow new top-level property:"extendedlocation"

What's New (07/30/2020)

New validation Rule

  • AllResourcesMustHaveGetOperation rule - the rule ensure all the ARM resources have a get operation.
  • NestedResourcesMustHaveListOperation rule - the rule ensure all nested resources have a list operation which return a resource collection.
  • TopLevelResourcesListByResourceGroup rule - the rule ensure all top level resources have a list operation by resource group which return a resource collection.
  • TopLevelResourcesListBySubscription rule - the rule ensure all top level resources have a list operation by subscriptions which return a resource collection.
  • OperationsApiResponseSchema rule - the rule ensure all the operations API have the correct schema.
  • GetCollectionResponseSchema rule - the rule ensure the collection schema is an array whose item is exactly the schema of the specific resource.

What's New (07/29/2020)

Bug fix

  • DefaultErrorResponseSchema - throw exception when the examples of operations contain $ref

What's New (07/27/2020)

Changed Rule

  • DescriptiveDescriptionRequired rule - change ruleId to R4020
  • DescriptionAndTitleMissing rule - change ruleId to R4021
  • OperationDescriptionOrSummaryRequired rule - change ruleId to R4022
  • EnumMustHaveType rule - fix false positive when enum is a property.
  • EnumMustNotHaveEmptyValue - fix false positive when enum is a property.
  • EnumUniqueValue - fix false positive when enum is a property.
  • IntegerTypeMustHaveFormat - fix false positive when enum is in x-ms-examples.
  • UniqueXmsEnumName - fix false positive when enum is in x-ms-examples.
  • OperationsAPIImplementation - fix false positive when exists multiple providers in path.

What's New (05/28/2020)

New validation Rule

  • RequiredSystemDataInNewApiVersion rule - the rule ensure the responses of GET, PUT and PATCH in new API versions contain the systemData object.
  • RequiredDefaultResponse rule - the rule ensure every operation have a default error response implementation.
  • DeleteOperationResponses rule - the rule ensure all DELETE methods have responses code implementation: 200, 204.
  • XmsPageableMustHaveCorrespondingResponse rule - the rule ensure the corresponding nextlink property has been defined in the response schema when specifying a x-ms-pagable/nextLinkName.
  • IntegerTypeMustHaveFormat rule - the rule ensure the type:integer have a required format.

Changed Rule

  • ValidFormats rule - format:time is allowed.
  • LongRunningOperationsWithLongRunningExtension rule - apply to data-plane.

What's New (05/20/2020)

Changed Rule

  • XmsEnumNameUnique rule - the rule should passed if the two enums are defined with same entries.

What's New (04/26/2020)

New validation rules

  • XmsEnumNameUnique rule - The rule will check if every x-ms-enum name unique.
  • XmsCodeGenerationSettingDeprecated rule: The rule ensure x-ms-code-generation-settings extension should not be used.
  • DefaultErrorResponseSchema rule - The rule will check if default error response is corresponding to the ARM specification.
  • AvoidEmptyResponseSchema - The rule ensure the response schema is not empty.

bug fix

  • PathResourceTypeNameCamelCase: Typo & fix regex bug.

What's New (03/27/2020)

Changed Rule

  • OperationIdRequired rule - change severity to error.
  • EnumUniqueValue rule: change category to SDKViolation , severity to error.
  • EnumMustHaveType rule: change category to SDKViolation , severity to error.
  • EnumMustNotHaveEmptyValue: change category to SDKViolation , severity to error.
  • PathResourceProviderNamePascalCase: change severity to error.
  • PathResourceTypeNameCamelCase: change severity to error.

What's New (02/18/2020)

New validation rules

  • OperationIdRequired rule - The rule will check if every operation have a unique operationId.
  • EnumUniqueValue rule: check Enum values whether case-insensitive unique
  • EnumMustHaveType rule: check Enum values must define its type
  • EnumMustNotHaveEmptyValue: check Enum values must not have empty string.
  • PathResourceProviderNamePascalCase: resource provider naming in path follow pascal case
  • PathResourceTypeNameCamelCase: resource type naming in path follow camel case
  • PathResourceProviderMatchNamespace: check the last resource provider in path matches namespace

Changed Rule

  • Changed the linter rule BodyTopLevelProperties -- Added systemdata as allowed top level properties
  • Changed the linter rule PatchBodyParametersSchema -- Allowed required property to be discriminator
  • Remove linter rule UniqueResourcePaths R2059: reason is external resource provider in path is valid.

What's New (01/07/2020)

bug fix

  • when x-ms-path contains OData, it will fail the SwaggerParser.Parse. fix this bug, and add a test to it.

What's New (10/05/2018)

New validation rules

  • LongRunningOperationsOptionsValidator rule - The rule will check if a post LRO operation has "x-ms-long-running-operation-options" extension enabled. Refer Issue #172, PR #179 and PR #4039 for further details.

What's New (05/09/2018)

New validation rules

  • PageableOperation rule - The rule will check if a get operation returns a schema (with 3 or less properties) with an array property. If it is so, the linter will suggest the operation might be pageable. Refer PR #161 for further details.

What's New (05/02/2018)

Changed Category

  • Removed the Category RPCViolation and renamed it to ARMViolation in both dotnet and typescript linters.

What's New (04/26/2018)

Changed Rule

  • Changed the linter rule XmsExamplesRequired -- it now has a Category of Documentation and an id of D5001. Refer Issue #189 for further details.

What's New (03/14/2018)

Resolved issues/Bug fixes

  • Fixed Typo in AllowedTopLevelProperties list in BodyTopLevelProperties rule.Refer Issue #144 and PR #146 for further details.

New validation rules

  • XmsParameterLocation - Any global parameter (other than subscription Id and API Version) must have the "x-ms-parameter-location" extension applied. If the parameter should be a client parameter, then the extension must have the value "client". Else, it must have the have "method". Refer Issue #84 and PR #2649 for further details.

What's New (11/28/2017)

Resolved issues/Bug fixes

  • Fixed camel case suggestions, lowercasing the first character.
  • Both dotnet and typescript sections can be debugged again.
  • Fixed errors in the application of NotNodeName rule.

What's New (11/08/2017)

Resolved issues/Bug fixes

  • Correcting path returned by PostOperationIdContainsUrlVerb rule
  • Added zones as allowed top level properties

What's New (09/12/2017)

Resolved issues/Bug fixes

  • Better camelcased suggestions
  • Better handling of empty operationIds in OpenAPI specs
  • Case insensitive checks for top level resource properties
  • Better messaging for tracked resources related rules

New validation rules

  • ArraySchemaMustHaveItems – A schema of array type must always contain an items property. without it, AutoRest will fail to generate an SDK. Documentation link Category: SDK Error
  • LicenseHeaderMustNotBeSpecified - x-ms-code-generation-settings must not have the license section specified in the OpenAPI documents since each generated SDK can have a different licensing header. This information must be provided either from the command line or the configuration file when actually generating the sdk. Documentation link Category : SDK Warning
  • PostOperationIdContainsUrlVerb - A POST operation's operationId should contain the verb indicated at the end of the corresponding url. Documentation link Category : SDK Warning

What's New (07/07/2017)

Resolved issues/Bug fixes

  • Ensure Top level properties cannot be outside a fixed set. Linked issue

  • Add Message about tenant level resources to ListByResourceGroup and ListBySubscription. Linked issue

  • Ensuring validating items property must exist for an array type.

  • Better path reporting for R3010. Linked issue

  • Filtering resource models returned only by post. Linked issue

  • Adding rule categorizations (Merge state and document type) to validation rules. Linked issue

New validation rules

  • New validation rule for Post operationIds. Documentation link
  • Validation rule for verifying license headers. Documentation link