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File metadata and controls

60 lines (36 loc) · 2.69 KB



[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select() 
[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select(scheme,value)


[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select() creates a list of x and y coordinates selected by clicking stations on an existing (latitude vs. longitude) plot, returning them as xcoords and ycoords

[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select(scheme,value) auto-generates additional stations with based on the scheme chosen. scheme = 'densify' auto-generates additional stations with the multiplier value; value=10 would fill in 10 stations for every station clicked using linear interpolation of complex coordinates. scheme = 'spacing' auto-generates additional stations with the specified spacing value, where value is the longitude or latitude spacing in degrees; value=0.5 would fill in stations such that stations are 0.5 degrees apart.

If scheme = 'densify', value (no units) should be an integer. If it is not an integer it will be rounded to an integer.

If scheme = 'spacing', value (in degrees) should be single, double, or integer and represents the prescribed grid spacing between auto-generated stations in degrees. The spacing criterion is applied to each dimension separately and is not the diagonal displacement.

xcoords and ycoords are vectors of coordinates representing a polygonal chain. -180/180 or 0/360 notation will match that of the existing plot.

Example 1

% Plot HYCOM surface salinity:

model_type = 'hycom'; 
source = '';
date = '28-Aug-2017 00:00:00';  
variable = 'salinity';                
region = [-5.0, 45.0 ,160,-150 ];      
depth = -150;                                                   

% Click stations on the plot to create a coordinate list:

[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select('densify',10); % click desired transect on the figure, densify selection by 10x

% Build a uniform struct from the coordinates:

variable_list = {'water_temp','salinity'}; % 'water_u' 'water_v' 'water_temp' 'salinity'
[hycom] =  model_build_profiles(source,date,variable_list,xcoords,ycoords);

% Map stations:

bathymetry_dir = '/Users/lnferris/Documents/data/bathymetry/';
