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File metadata and controls

107 lines (90 loc) · 9.27 KB

Tests codecov jdk21


modb stands for Manami Offline DataBase. Repositories prefixed with this acronym are used to create the manami-project/anime-offline-database.

What does this lib do?

This lib is the base for every specific meta data provider module. It contains the API for downloaders and converters, defines the anime model and provides basic functionality.


This lib contains the following features.


  • Interfaces for MetaDataProviderConfig, Downloader, AnimeConverter, PathAnimeConverter, DataExtractor, PathDataExtractor, HttpClient which define the standard API.


  • Default implementation for PathAnimeConverter. Takes an AnimeConverter as delegate and can convert files and directories.


  • Default implementation for PathDataExtractor. Takes an DataExtractor as delegate and can convert files and directories.


  • Leightweight interface for creating HTTP calls including helpers for creating headers and setting user agents


  • Implementation of HttpClient
  • A client for HTTP requests based on okhttp
  • Offers retry behavior which can be individualized

Configuration management

Configurations can either be set:

  • by adding a config.toml file to the classpath
  • setting modb.core.config.location environment variable containing the path to a local *.toml file
  • by setting environment variables with the given keys

Configuration properties can be injected by using delegated properties such as StringPropertyDelegate.


  • Delegate for SLF4J logger
companion object {
    private val log by LoggerDelegate()
  • Const LOG_LEVEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME for property name which lets you set the global log level


  • For Anime and all underlying subtypes
    • Typealias for Episodes
    • Typealias for Title
    • Typealias for Tag
    • Enum Anime.Type
    • Enum Anime.Status
    • Type AnimeSeason
      • Typealias for Year
      • Type for AnimeSeason.Season
    • Type Duration
      • Typealias for Seconds
      • Enum TimeUnit
  • Const EMTPY for empty String
  • Const YEAR_OF_THE_FIRST_ANIME for year of the first anime
  • Typealias for RegularFile as more specific version of Path
  • Typealias for Directory as more specific version of Path
  • Typealias for FileSuffix

Json (de)serialization

  • Object class for serializing/deserializing objects to/from JSON

Extension and utility functions

function description
loadResource Conveniently load a file from src/main/resources
resourceFileExists Checks if a file exists in src/main/resources
random Pick a a random number from a given interval
excludeFromTestContext Won't execute the code within during test execution
Collection<T>.pickRandom() Picks a random element of a Collection
Int.toAnimeId Converts an Int to an AnimeId
List<T>.createShuffledList() Creates a new list from the given List and randomizes the order of elements
List<T>.containsExactlyInTheSameOrder Checks if a list contains the same elements in the same order as another list
OutputStream.write Writes a String to the OutputStream and also flushes the stream
Path.changeSuffix Changes the file suffix
Path.regularFileExists Checks if a given Path exists and is a file
Path.directoryExists Checks if a given Path exists and is a directory
Path.readFile Read the content of a file into a String
Path.copyTo Copy file to file, directory to directory or a file into a directory
Path.fileName Filename as String
Path.fileSuffix Returns the file suffix as String
Path.listRegularFiles Returns a list of files. Optionally with additional glob filter.
Path.createZipOf Creates a zip file containing one or multiple files.
ByteArray.writeToFile Write ByteArray to file and optionally write a lock file as indications for other processes that the file is being written
String.writeToFile Write String to file and optionally write a lock file as indications for other processes that the file is being written
String.remove Remove sequence from a String
String.normalizeWhitespaces Replaces multiple consecutive whitespaces with a single one. Replaces different kinds of whitespace with the default one and trims the string.
String.normalize Replaces tabs, carriage return and line feed with whitespaces and additionally does the same as String.normalizeWhitespaces.
String.eitherNullOrBlank Returns true for null, empty strings and strings consisting only of non-visible characters.
String.neitherNullNorBlank Opposite of String.eitherNullOrBlank


parameter type default description
modb.core.logging.logLevel String INFO Can be one of: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE
modb.core.httpclient.useragents.firefoxDesktop List<String> - List of user agents.
modb.core.httpclient.useragents.firefoxMobile List<String> - List of user agents.
modb.core.httpclient.useragents.chromeDesktop List<String> - List of user agents.
modb.core.httpclient.useragents.chromeMobile List<String> - List of user agents.