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Martin Wendt edited this page May 25, 2013 · 14 revisions

If you like to contribute, you can do this in many ways:

  • Use Fancytree and send feedback.
  • Create issues for bugs or features requests (see 'Report Issues').
  • Have a look at the RFCs in the Wiki and provide feedback.
  • Fix bugs or propose features (see 'Contribute Source Code').

Report Issues

  • Please make sure that there is not already an existing issue for this problem/request.
    Use the search function to find out.
    If you have additional information, add a comment.
  • If it's a bug report:
    Please help us to help you.
    • Carefully describe the required steps to reproduce the failure!
    • Give additional information: what browser/version? What jQuery / jQuery UI / Fancytree version?
    • What output do you see in the browser's debug console?
    • Create a test case.
      E.g. attach an html file, post a link to a sample page, upload a sample on, ...
    • Maybe attach a patch file or describe a potential fix?
  • If it's a feature request:
    • What are you trying to accomplish?
    • Why is this a cool feature? Give use cases.
    • Can you propose a specification? Are there similar implementations in other projects? Add references or screenshots if you have some.
      Remember that the general API must stay generic, extensible, and consistent. How will this interfere with existing API and functionality.

Contribute Source Code

  • Fork the repository on GitHub and checkout your fork to your computer.
  • I think it's reccomended to create a feature branch then, but for small fixes that may be oversized.
  • The style guide is basically
    Try to stick to the current code style.
  • Test the code. Add unit tests when possible.
  • Does your change break any demos? Should new demos be added?
    What about the documentation: should it be updated?
  • For the testing framework install node.js then run npm install from the source folder.
  • After that you can run grunt test from the console in your checkout folder.
    This will run the jshint checker and the unit test suite.
  • Note that also Travis is configured to do this for every checkin (and pull request).
  • Create a pull-request.
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