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executable file
364 lines (294 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
364 lines (294 loc) · 15.9 KB



  • Added sum aggregate function #257


  • Fixed graph not rendering if the same entity is used multiple times in a config #263



  • Fixed broken extrema



  • New aggregate functions first & last #229 (#241)
  • New bar spacing option #221 (#242)
  • Added log of card version to the browser console
  • Option to enable/disable caching (#212)
  • Option to override default more-info entity (#202)
  • Added missing option parameter url to tap action docs


  • Graph date not calculated correctly around midnight in certain configurations (#253)
  • Improved handling of out of bound history entries (#251)
  • Initial graph entry not always correct (#251)
  • Graph missing latest history entry after entity update (#250)
  • Changes to min, max, avg not updating properly #248 (#249)
  • Prevent tooltip from triggering multiple times on legend hover
  • Fixed broken babel build (developers)
  • Graphs not updating in time resulting in inconsistent x/y axis relation #194 #200 (#214)
  • Graphs not updating in sync resulting in inconsistent x/y axis relation #194 #200 (#214)
  • Missing and invalid/malformed graph data caused by caching #193 (#213)
  • Fixed invalid rendering of bars when hiding certain entities
  • Fill not showing when line is hidden & animate option is enabled



  • Option to enable/disable caching (#212)
  • Option to override default more-info entity (#202)
  • Missing option parameter url to tap action docs


  • Graphs not updating in time resulting in inconsistent x/y axis relation #194 #200 (#214)
  • Graphs not updating in sync resulting in inconsistent x/y axis relation #194 #200 (#214)
  • Missing and invalid/malformed graph data caused by caching #193 (#213)
  • Fixed invalid rendering of bars when hiding certain entities
  • Fill not showing when line is hidden & animate option is enabled



  • Support for config updates after initial render (e.g. card editor & lovelace-auto-entities) #184 (#185)
  • Theme variable for title font weight
  • Theme variable for title font letter-spacing
  • Entity option show_graph to docs
  • Small tooltip time reveal animation


  • Invalid rendering when group by date missed data for complete date(s) #183 (#187)
  • Rendering of additional bars in one bar graphs (#186)
  • Increased default font weight of title to 500 from 400
  • Non-numeric states cut off at the bottom



  • Reduced minimum bar height (#178)
  • Parse commas in state (#177)



  • Grouping by date (#78) (#165)- (@maxwroc)
  • Grouping by hour (#172)
  • Point calculation / aggregation functions (max, min, avg) (#78) (#165) - (@maxwroc)
  • Smoothing setting (#170) - (@maxwroc)
  • Rendering non-numeric sensor states e.g. binary sensors (#63) (#170) - (@maxwroc)


  • Rendering initial cached state (#117) (#170) - (@maxwroc)
  • Color threshold line with custom bounds (#166) (#174)
  • Clipping of graph points at Y-axis extrema
  • Graph margins & jumpy/jerky movements in certain browsers
  • Threshold color when state is below minimum provided threshold stop



Dropped support for custom_updater, if you relied on custom_updater, consider switching to HACS.


  • Custom tap/click action option tap_action (#94)
  • More default colors (#149) - (@SNoof85)
  • Default icons for more device classes (pressure, power & signal_strength) (#155)
  • Option url to available tap actions (#160) (#164)


  • Color threshold gradient is now also applied to graph fill (vertically) (#112) (#152)
  • Current state unit of measurement no longer wraps to the next line and is instead truncated with ellipsis if space is limited


  • Not rendering extrema/average info container if not used, eliminates unwanted extra padding
  • Invalid legend entry color when color thresholds (#151)
  • Invalid graph fill color when color thresholds (#146)
  • Preserve aspect ratio of legend indicators (#142)
  • README layout and formatting (#162) - (@danstis)



  • Option fixed_value to graph only the current state of an entity (#128) - (@snarky-snark)
  • Average display option, similar to extrema (#135) - (@TheLastProject)
  • Ability to press entity state for more info popup (#136) - (@jbalague)


  • Invalid bar width when hiding entities (bar graph) (#124) - (@caphm)
  • Fixed issue with color threshold when graph upper bound equaled graph lower bound (@michaelblight)
  • Fixed invalid graph bounds when graph includes hidden entities (#130) - (@michaelblight)
  • Pressing graph entries should now properly trigger the more-info popup
  • Broken image link in README



  • Compression of cached data (#98) - (@bramkragten)
  • Added 'mcg-title-letter-spacing' theme variable (#111)
  • Added show_graph option to entities, to show state but hide from graph (#82)
  • Added show_fill option to entities (@michaelblight)
  • Added show_line option to entities (#116) - (@michaelblight)
  • Added show_points option to entities (#116) - (@michaelblight)
  • Added show_legend option to entities (#116) - (@michaelblight)
  • Added support for a secondary y-axis (#116, #113) - (@michaelblight)


  • Optimized caching (#98) - (@bramkragten)
  • Line point fill is now based on theme variable primary-background-color instead of paper-card-background-color
  • Removed letter-spacing from title (#111)



  • Color threshold transition option, color_thresholds_transition (yeah...very long name) (#91)
  • Added hover effect to legend to highlight entity and display current entity state
  • Purging of old cached history (#96) - (@bramkragten)


  • Interpolate fill, name & icon color based on color thresholds
  • Redesign of line point hover (#99)
  • Moved to localForage for caching (#96) - (@bramkragten)


  • Center state misalignment
  • Interpolate color for out of bound thresholds (#91)
  • Error when localStorage quota was exceeded (#95, #97)
  • Empty graph when color thresholds wasn't being used (#92)
  • Invisible graph lines when color thresholds where out of bounds (#91, #92)
  • Invalid rendering of color thresholds when lower bound wasn't at zero (#91, #92)



  • Redesign of line point hover (#99)
  • Moved to localForage for caching (#96) - (@bramkragten)


  • Interpolate color for out of bound thresholds (#91)
  • Error when localStorage quota was exceeded (#95, #97)



  • Empty graph when color thresholds wasn't being used (#92)
  • Invisible graph lines when color thresholds where out of bounds (#91, #92)
  • Invalid rendering of color thresholds when lower bound wasn't at zero (#91, #92)



  • Issues related to color_thresholds (#91, #92, #93)



  • Changed/improved appearance of color thresholds
  • Color thresholds are now rendered vertically instead of horizontally (#90)


  • Broken line color thresholds


This version brings many improvements to how sensor history is fetched and handled, this should result in much quicker loading of the graph. These improvements should also reduce stress on the HA backend, since the card now cache history data locally in the browser and only request data it's missing.

Thanks @bramkragten for the contributions!


  • Local caching of history data (#88) - (@bramkragten)
  • New update_interval option, set a custom update interval of history data, instead of on every state change (#88) - (@bramkragten)


  • Now only fetching new history since last update, instead of all history every time (#88) - (@bramkragten)


  • Jitter when hovering over points in particular configs (#87)


  • Fixed: Fixed values for missing history, was assigned the previous known average value instead of the previous known absolute value (#41)


  • New: Dates are now formatted by locale
  • Fixed: Improved secondary state text alignment (#75)
  • Fixed: Max bars check in bar graph


  • New: Options name_adaptive_color, icon_adaptive_color in show option object to display the name/icon in the entity color (#67, #50)
  • New: Option state_adaptive_color in entity object, to display the state in the entity color (#67)
  • New: Option show_indicator in entity object, to display a color indicator next to the state (#72)
  • New: Option font_size_header added (#53)
  • New Added date (day/weekday) to timestamps when timeframe > 24 (#61)
  • New It's now possible to set hours_to_show to float values and values lower than one.
  • Changed Legend color indicators are now ciruclar instead of rectangular
  • Fixed: Bar chart now shows correct amount of bars
  • Fixed: Points should no longer be cut off when at the very bottom of the graph
  • Fixed: Timestamps for bars
  • Fixed: Missing paddings between card elements when group option was set to true
  • Fixed: Unwanted overflow when border radius applied
  • Fixed: Improved compatibility (#64)


  • New: Support for bar charts (#49)
  • New: Parameter bar added to show -> graph, display graph as a bar chart (#49)
  • New: Option unit added to entity object, overrides unit set in base
  • Change: graph option now defaults to line (#49)
  • Change: Font size of additional displayed state to the same as the main state (when a single additional state is displayed).
  • Fixed: Color thresholds not being applied correctly with several cards in the same view (#52, #54)
  • Fixed: height option can now be set to zero
  • Fixed: Timestamps are now properly center aligned if state is center aligned


  • New: Parameter fade for show -> fill option, makes the fill fade out (#45)
  • Fixed: History entries with null state breaking graph (#46)
  • Fixed: compatibility issues with the custom swiper-card
  • Fixed: Broken extrema


  • New: Option color_thresholds (#45)
  • New: Color thresholds now changes dynamically with the history (#45)
  • New: Options lower_bound & upper_bound added (#40)
  • New: Option color to entity object, overrides other color options
  • Change: entities option now always requires a list, changed in order to be compatible with "Unused entities" UI (#44) (BREAKING CHANGE)
  • Change: Default value for points_per_hour changed from 1 to 0.5.
  • Fixed: Updated lit-element to v2.0.1
  • Fixed: Zero values show up as current value when hovered over (#41)
  • Fixed: Added additional checks for empty history
  • Removed: entity option, which was previously deprecated since v0.2.0, use entities option (#44) (BREAKING CHANGE).
  • Removed: line_color_above and line_color_below, see new color_thresholds option (#45) (BREAKING CHANGE)


  • New: Label design (#35)
  • New: Entity name now visible in title when graph point is hovered over (#39)
  • New: hover parameter for labels
  • New: Now rendering missing history as a horizontal line up to the first available history entry (similar to the default history-graph)
  • Change: Made labels visible on hover by default
  • Change: Label font size now has a min size and scales relative to the font_size option
  • Fixed: Significantly improved accuracy of graph point values
  • Fixed: Only fetch history for updated entities, use cache to update rest
  • Fixed: Graph points not applying threshold color from line_color_above / line_color_below (#38)
  • Fixed: Invalid timestamps when combining points_per_hour & hours_to_show (#37, #36)
  • Fixed: Misaligned legend text
  • Fixed: Missing bottom padding when graph is hidden
  • Fixed: Invisible lines when graph was updated after not covering the full width on load
  • Fixed: Align timestamps right when align_state is set to right


  • Added: New hour24 option to choose time format between 12-hour/24-hour clock
  • Added: Support for showing multiple sensor states, see new show_state option for the entity object (#33)
  • Added: Ability to press/click on entities in the graph legend to bring up their "more info" dialog (#31)
  • Fixed: Responsive design of the graph legend
  • Fixed: NaN values in extrema (#34)
  • Fixed: Extrema not rendering (#32)
  • Fixed: Times on points going backwards (#30)


  • UI redesign
  • Added: support for multiple entities (BETA) #28
  • Added: support for multiple line_color entries
  • Added: graph data points with information on hover, see points option under the show option
  • Added: animate option to have the graph animated on initial load
  • Added: points_per_hour option to specify amount of data points that should be rendered for each hour (basically the graph detail/accuracy).
  • Added: support for multiple color thresholds with new line_color_above & line_color_below options
  • Added: allocated space for the graph -> less jerky movements when loading in
  • Added: graph legend, visible if multiple entities is present
  • Added: align_header, align_icon & align_state options #27
  • Added: show option, to manage visible/hidden UI elements
  • Added: entities option
  • Added: group option to remove paddings/box-shadow #26 (@iantrich)
  • Fixed: bug were history data would be fetched when graph was hidden
  • Fixed: decimals option not being applied to labels #19
  • Fixed: Y-scale based on absolute extrema causing inconsistent results, now based on moving average same as the rest of the graph.
  • Deprecated: entity option, use new entities, accepts string or list (deprecated)
  • Removed: detail option, use new points_per_hour option (Breaking change)
  • Removed: hide options, use new show option (Breaking change)
  • Removed: labels option, use labels in new show option (Breaking change)
  • Removed: line_value_above, line_color_above, line_value_below & line_color_below options (Breaking change)


  • Added hide option to hide specific UI elements
  • Removed hide_icon, use new hide option (Breaking change)
  • Minor UI changes
  • Fixed issue causing errors if all available history entries had the exact same state
  • Updated dependencies


  • Added decimals option to display specified amount of decimals for the current state #18
  • Fixed issue where line_value_above and line_value_below would not work when set to 0 #13


  • Major rework of the graph calculation, now taking moving average and timestamps into account
  • Added bundle version
  • Added detail option, to specify the detail level of the graph
  • Added labels option to display min/max labels
  • Removed accuracy option in favor for detail
  • Changed the reported size of the card


  • Improved responsive design
  • Fixed overflow issue when stacking several cards in horizontal-stack #11
  • Fixed default font-size when not specified in config


  • Improved handling of unknown/unavailable history entries #8
  • Fixed issue where <path> error would appear in some scenarios
  • Refactored code responsible for building the line graph #9


  • Added hide_icon option #5
  • Fixed issue where unknown/unavailable history would make the graph not render #6
  • Fixed issue where graph line would rendering outside svg boundary and get clipped
  • Made graph line ends rounded
  • Adjusted line Y-scale
  • Updated to lit-element 0.6.2


  • Added options to have the line change color if the state is above/below specified values
  • Fixed graph when setting accuracy option to a higher value than the available data points in history


  • Added option font_size to modify the font size scale of the state #4
  • Fixed <path> attribute d: Expected number errors.
  • Decreased the default font size slightly #4
  • Changed default graph height from 150 to 100;
  • Improved compatibility with other custom cards like vertical-card-stack #3


  • Added option to set hours to show


  • Initial release