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Releases: mcneilco/acas

08 Aug 18:09
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  • Bug Fix: Added missing python dependencies for LiveDesign syncing scripts to Dockerfile.
  • Bug Fix: Filtered out inactive projects from JSON being passed to

09 Jun 16:50
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue for project user roles where the configuration that disables user role checking of Experiments and Protocols was being ignored.

30 Jun 16:38
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with editing of pre-existing projects that have disallowed special characters in their codeName.

19 May 23:49
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  • Feature: Swapped Gulp for Grunt. The driver for this change was to reduce the amount of system resources needed for development. Grunt used too many system resources to watch files, which resulted in very slow copy, compile, and execute operations. The Gulp watch tasks barely register on the system, which speeds up development, especially on those systems that have less resources.

    In the course of switching the live build process to Gulp, we also cleaned up several watch tasks so they "do the right thing" regardless of how many source folders you layer in a build. For example, it is common to use an acas_custom folder that builds over the top of base ACAS. When doing Docker development you can configure docker-compose to mount as many source folders as you like, then tell Gulp what order to build them in. The various watchers work just fine regardless of which source you edit; for example, you can change a list of type/kind entries in a config file and Gulp will rebuild it and restart the server for you.

    General advantages of Gulp over Grunt are outlined here:

  • Feature: Enhanced LsTransactions. Added status, type, and recordedBy to LsTransactions to allow marting systems to correctly recognize when multi-part save operations spanning multiple database transactions are complete. See more detailed documentation titled "ACAS Transaction Management" in the McNeilCo Docs Public folder, which is linked from the README.

  • Feature: A major new set of features are ACASFormFields and ACASStateTables. These are input components for people developing forms to create and save entities, especially LSThing subclasses. Previously the developer could specify default shortcuts to LSThing Labels and Values by configuring them in a subclass of the LSThing Backbone Model. This allowed the developer to access these labels and values using standard Backbone set and get methods. This new set of features allows the developer to add input fields to a form by configuring a subclass of AbstractThingFormController, which is a new subclass of the original AbstractFormController. These field widgets handle basic entry validation for required and type (e.g. number vs. string), and manage the model updates for the developer. They also work with LSThing to handle ignore and replace when a saved model is edited.

    In addition to the ACASFormFields, ACASStateTables was written, which uses HandsOnTable to give end users tabular data entry with copy and paste. For the developer it completely manages saving and displaying State/Value tuples in a one-row-per-state format. It keeps row order, handles inserts and deletions, and manages ignore and replace for full audit trail of data changes.

Compound Reg Bulk Loader

  • Bug Fix: Fixed reporting for bulk load files that cannot be purged due to dependent single-reg lots.

  • Bug Fix: Fixed DB properties mapping for "Lot Color".

  • Bug Fix: Bulk loader now checks against Name, then Code for lookup/data dictionary properties.

Compound Reg

  • Bug Fix: Fixed alias type/kind saving and rendering from single reg. Aliases saved from single reg now are saved the same way as those from Bulk Reg. A new Flyway SQL migration fixes existing aliases saved in wrong format.

  • Bug Fix: Edit Parent no longer allows the user to proceed with stereo category unselected.

  • Feature: New inventory fields Tare Weight and Total Amount Stored are available for configuration and use in both single and Bulk Reg.

  • Feature: Added ability to integrate ChemAxon’s JChem Standardizer with Compound Reg, allowing structures to be standardized upon save.

Compound Reg API

  • Feature: Made Compound Reg API enhancements for updating lot properties and reparenting lots.

Experiment Loader

  • Feature: Added Cross-Project-Loader role, allowing selected users to load into a restricted project an experiment that references lots from different restricted projects.

Protocol Browser

  • Bug Fix: Protocol Browser now allows Protocols with "unassigned" project to be queryable.

Project Management

  • Bug Fix: Project editor is now prevented from saving project code with special characters such as '.' and '/' which break deep links.

  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Project Editor where unique name validation was always failing.

11 May 18:10
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Dose Response

  • Bug Fix: Fixed Gruntfile task for copying icon images to correct location.

11 May 18:09
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed an internal ACAS server route to return JSON instead of string. This fixes a bad merge that broke Experiment and Protocol Browsers.

10 May 21:57
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  • Bug Fix: Experiments under a deleted protocol should now be marked as deleted.

ACAS and Compound Reg

  • Bug Fix: Made fixes to allow ACAS and Compound Reg to run on Windows.

Experiment Loader

  • Feature: New codekinds are now created for custom experiment metadata.
  • Bug Fix: Experiment Loader excel date imports now respect the 1904 date system.

Dose Response

  • Bug Fix: Made styling fixes to the Dose Response Fit Criteria and Global Fit Parameters that allow for more options and keep the widget in proper position.
  • Bug Fix: Moved the Open in Query Tool button to the left of the GUI because it was being obscured by the edge of the browser window.


  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue in Project Editor where keywords were not being properly saved.
  • Feature: Added a Clear form button to Project Editor for better user experience.


  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where user could not search by date in the Experiment and Protocol Browsers.

Compound Reg Bulk Loader

  • Feature: Made improvements to Compound Reg Bulk Loader which include handling of fragments, automatic salt stripping, allowing aliases database fields to be mapped multiple times, and making Bulk Loader function in Parent - SaltForm - Lot mode.
  • Feature: Compound Reg Bulk Loader now cleans null characters in SDF input.
  • Feature: Added in "added as new parent" or "created lot of existing parent" to registered summary csv and sdf on a per-lot basis.
  • Bug Fix: Added an error case for Stereo Category "See Comments" with no Stereo Comment.

Compound Reg

  • Bug Fix: Compound Reg now allows editing of SaltForm in SaltBeforeLot mode.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where Compound Reg was not properly assigning a parent compound number
  • Feature: User can now execute a Compound Reg search by pressing the return key.
  • Feature: Added option in search form to limit number of Compound Reg search results. The default value is 100.
  • Feature: Compound Reg now allows users to search via compound number in addition to full corp name when registering a compounds.
  • Bug Fix: There is now a close button in the error popup on save of update parent when the new structure is the same structure, stereo category, and stereo comment as a pre-existing structure.
  • Feature: Implemented new rules for when Parent and SaltForm are editable.
  • Feature: Added a config to control lot detail page project restrictions and made the default FALSE.
  • Bug Fix: Only lot.scientist or admin are now allowed to edit parents in Compound Reg.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a styling issue where the update parent button was hiding behind the confirm button.
  • Feature: User can now save and display the following mime types: jpeg, jpg, cdx.
  • Feature: Search by compound ID now functions with a single input.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where Search returned duplicate lot IDs under the same found compound.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where some warning/success messages were still visible when the user goes through the update parent wizard.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a styling issue where the update parent wizard confirm update message panel looked weird if the user had more than a couple of IDs listed.
  • Bug Fix: Added more space underneath the search button (under sketcher and form).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a display issue where Compound Reg wasn't clearing the "Compound does not exist" message when the user navigated to a compound that does exist.
  • Bug Fix: when adding a salt to a lot and updating, there is now an update success message.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where searching by compound number was broken.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where updating the parent updated the mol structure but didn't update the parent structure.
  • Feature: Aliases are now updated as part of the update parent service.
  • Bug Fix: fixed an error searching for compounds when structure is drawn.
  • Bug Fix: Updated the form styling to make all lot information fields the same length.
  • Bug Fix: Update parent step three now says "Step Three".
  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue where update parent step three didn't show the updated structure, but still saved the new structure.
  • Bug Fix: Added more space above step three of update parent.
  • Feature: Compound Reg now redirects the user to the correct Lot Detail page after saltForm edit that changes Lot Corp Name.
  • Bug Fix: The "continue with update" radio button in step two of update parent has been hidden.
  • Bug Fix: The isVirtual option in step two of edit parent has been hidden.
  • Feature: Added a warning message on step 2 of edit parent.
  • Bug Fix: Edit Parent button is no longer showing up in the registration search results.
  • Bug Fix: salt selection is no longer lost when a new salt is created.
  • Bug Fix: General styling for the update parent feature.
  • Feature: Reg search returns parent props when creating a new lot.
  • Feature: Modified sketcher in search form to include query atoms.
  • Feature: Users are now allowed to edit salt information on Lot page.
  • Feature: Added attribute "Is Mixture" to Parent, allowing structures with multiple fragments. There is a checkbox/boolean input in the main UI, and a new DB property in the Bulk Loader.
  • Bug Fix: Compound Reg MetaLot Register New Parent page now shows an error if save failed.
  • Feature: Modified uniqueness checking rule to include stereo comments.
  • Bug Fix: Compound save now properly triggers exact mass and mol weight calculations.
  • Feature: Users are now allowed to edit compound structure and parent meta data.
  • Feature: Added ability to export SD file of search results.
  • Bug Fix: Changed saltform rendering service to use parent structure as a backup.
  • Feature: Changed Compound Reg search service to return with saltForm corp name.
  • Feature: Added flyway migration for calculating exact mass.
  • Bug Fix: Created flyway migration to copy parent.common_name to parent.alias.
  • Feature: Added new Parent and Lot fields.
  • Feature: Lot chemist can now edit the notebook page, synthesis date, and chemist.
  • Feature: Added Compound Reg API route for getting parent and batch corp names by array of aliases.