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A Metal3 maintainer is a participant in the project with the ability to approve changes proposed to a given repository. Approval access grants a broad ability to affect the progress of the project as presented by its most important artifact, the code and related resources. As such it represents a significant level of trust in an individual's commitment to working with other maintainers and the community at large for the benefit of the project. It can not be granted lightly and, in the worst case, must be revocable if the trust placed in an individual was inappropriate.

This document governs how maintainers are added or removed from each of the Metal3 project repositories. The current list of maintainers of a given repo can be found in the OWNERS file of each repository.

This document suggests guidelines for granting and revoking approval access. It is intended to provide a framework for evaluation of such decisions without specifying deterministic rules that wouldn't be sensitive to the nuance of specific situations. In the end the decision to grant or revoke maintainer privileges is a judgment call made by the existing set of maintainers.

Granting Approval Access

Granting approval access should be considered when a candidate has demonstrated the following in their interaction with the project:

  • Contribution of significant new features through the patch submission process where:

    • Submissions are free of obvious critical defects
    • Submissions do not typically require many iterations of improvement to be accepted
  • Consistent participation in code review of other's patches, including existing maintainers, with comments consistent with the overall project standards

  • Assistance to those in the community who are less knowledgeable through active participation in project forums such as github, slack, or the metal3-dev mailing list.

  • Plans for sustained contribution to the project compatible with the project's direction as viewed by current maintainers

The process to grant approval access to a candidate is as follows:

  • An existing maintainer nominates the candidate by sending a private email to all existing maintainers with information substantiating the contributions of the candidate in the areas described above.

  • A single private email thread may be used to discuss adding a new maintainer to multiple repositories.

  • All existing maintainers discuss the pros and cons of granting approval access to the candidate in the private email thread.

  • When the discussion has converged or a reasonable time has elapsed without discussion developing (e.g. a few business days) the nominator calls for a final decision on the candidate with a followup email to the thread.

  • Each maintainer may vote yes, no, or abstain by replying to the private email thread. A failure to reply is an implicit abstention.

  • After votes from all existing maintainers have been collected or a reasonable time has elapsed for them to be provided (e.g. a couple of business days) the votes are evaluated. To be granted approval access the candidate must receive yes votes from a majority of the existing maintainers and zero no votes. Since a no vote is effectively a veto of the candidate it should be accompanied by a reason for the vote.

  • The nominator summarizes the result of the vote in a private email to all existing maintainers

  • If the vote to grant approval access passed, the candidate is contacted with an invitation to become a maintainer to the project which asks them to agree to the maintainer expectations documented here.

  • If the candidate agrees access is granted by adding the new maintainer to the appropriate OWNERS file(s). The community/maintainers/ALL-OWNERS file should be updated as well if this is the first time the person has been added to a Metal3 project OWNERS file as an approver.

Removing Approval Access Due to Inactivity

The process for adding maintainers discusses a set of criteria which includes contributing to the project through code, reviews, and discussions. It is normal that plans and assignments change over time and a maintainer may no longer have the capacity to continue contributing. In that case, it is desired that the maintainer remove themselves from the appropriate OWNERS file(s). If participation picks up in the future, it should be easy to get re-added.

Existing maintainers may also reach out to other maintainers to check on their availability for ongoing participation, prompting a discussion about whether it would be appropriate to drop out of the maintainers list. If no response is received, an existing maintainer may propose removing a maintainer due to inactivity. Again, it should be easy to re-add if participation picks up again in the future.

Revoking Approval Access

When a maintainer behaves in a manner that other maintainers view as detrimental to the future of the project, it raises a delicate situation with the potential for the creation of division within the greater community. These situations should be handled with care. The process in this case is:

  • Discuss the behavior of concern with the individual privately and explain why you believe it is detrimental to the project. Stick to the facts and keep the email professional. Avoid personal attacks and the temptation to hypothesize about unknowable information such as the other's motivations. Make it clear that you would prefer not to discuss the behavior more widely but will have to raise it with other contributors if it does not change. Ideally the behavior is eliminated and no further action is required. If not,

  • Start a private email thread with all maintainers, including the source of the behavior, describing the behavior and the reason it is detrimental to the project. The message should have the same tone as the private discussion and should generally repeat the same points covered in that discussion. The person whose behavior is being questioned should not be surprised by anything presented in this discussion. Ideally the wider discussion provides more perspective to all participants and the issue is resolved. If not,

  • Start a private email thread with all maintainers except the source of the detrimental behavior requesting a vote on revocation of approval rights. Cite the discussion among all maintainers and describe all the reasons why it was not resolved satisfactorily. This email should be carefully written with the knowledge that the reasoning it contains may be published to the larger community to justify the decision.

  • Each maintainer may vote yes, no, or abstain by replying to the private email thread. A failure to reply is an implicit abstention.

  • After all votes have been collected or a reasonable time has elapsed for them to be provided (e.g. a couple of business days) the votes are evaluated. For the request to revoke approval access for the candidate to pass it must receive yes votes from two thirds of the existing maintainers

  • anyone that votes no must provide their reasoning, and

  • if the proposal passes then counter-arguments for the reasoning in no votes should also be documented along with the initial reasons the revocation was proposed. Ideally there should be no new counter-arguments supplied in a no vote as all concerns should have surfaced in the discussion before the vote.

  • The original person to propose revocation summarizes the result of the vote in a private email to all existing maintainers excepting the candidate for removal.

  • If the vote to revoke maintainer access passes, access is removed and the candidate for revocation is informed of that fact and the reasons for it as documented in the email requesting the revocation vote.

  • Ideally the revoked maintainer peacefully leaves the community and no further action is required. However, there is a distinct possibility that he/she will try to generate support for his/her point of view within the larger community. In this case the reasoning for removing approval access as described in the request for a vote will be published to the community.

Changing the Policy

The process for changing the policy is:

  • Propose the change to the appropriate documents in the community repository.

  • After an appropriate period of discussion (at least a few days) update the proposal based on feedback if required.

  • After all votes have been collected or a reasonable time has elapsed for them to be provided (e.g. a couple of business days) the votes are evaluated. For the request to modify the policy to pass it must receive yes votes from two thirds of the existing maintainers. Votes are collected by reviews on the pull request.