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flink DataStream 依托窗口完成的操作(coGroup、join)

前面四篇文章,我们从不同的方面介绍了 flink 的窗口操作,相信大家对窗口操作已经有了一定的基础,这篇文章,我们来介绍一下 flink 中依托窗口完成的操作 —— coGroup 和 join


coGroup 是 DataStream 中的 API,用来 join 两个 DataStream,生成一个 CoGroupedStreams

public <T2> CoGroupedStreams<T, T2> coGroup(DataStream<T2> otherStream) {
	return new CoGroupedStreams<>(this, otherStream);


首先来看一下 中官方给出的 Example:

DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> one = ...;
DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> two = ...;

DataStream<T> result = one.coGroup(two)
    .where(new MyFirstKeySelector())
    .equalTo(new MyFirstKeySelector())
    .window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.of(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)))
    .apply(new MyCoGroupFunction());

由上易得,coGroup 操作会将两个输入流合并成一个 CoGroupedStreams,where 操作接收一个 KeySelector,服务于第一个数据流,equalTo 操作接收另外一个 KeySelector,服务于第二个数据流,其实可以这么理解,假设第一个数据流元素执行 KeySelector 得到的 key 为 key1,第二个数据流元素执行 KeySelector 得到的 key 为 key2,CoGroupedStreams 会将 key1 和 key2 相等的两个流的元素放到一个窗口中,apply 操作会调用 WindowedStream 的 apply 方法,当窗口出发的时候,执行 MyCoGroupFunction 方法

  • 构造函数

    CoGroupedStreams 的构造函数较简单,就定义了 input1 和 input2 两个 DataStream

     private final DataStream<T1> input1;  // 第一个 input
     private final DataStream<T2> input2;  // 第二个 input
      * 创建新的 CoGroupedStreams
     public CoGroupedStreams(DataStream<T1> input1, DataStream<T2> input2) {
     	this.input1 = requireNonNull(input1);
     	this.input2 = requireNonNull(input2);
  • where 方法

    where 方法会返回一个 Where 的内部类,Where类 包含第一个输入流的 KeySelector 以及第一个 KeySelector 得到的 keyType,Where 类中提供 equalTo 方法,用来接收第二个输入流的 KeySelector

     public class Where<KEY> {
     	private final KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1;
     	private final TypeInformation<KEY> keyType;
     	Where(KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1, TypeInformation<KEY> keyType) {
     		this.keySelector1 = keySelector1;
     		this.keyType = keyType;
     	 * 为第二个 input 定义 KeySelector
     	public EqualTo equalTo(KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector)  {
     		final TypeInformation<KEY> otherKey = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, input2.getType());
     		return equalTo(keySelector, otherKey);
     	public EqualTo equalTo(KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector, TypeInformation<KEY> keyType)  {
     		// 执行 coGroup 操作的两个 key 类型必须是一样的
     		if (!keyType.equals(this.keyType)) {
     			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The keys for the two inputs are not equal: " +
     					"first key = " + this.keyType + " , second key = " + keyType);
     		return new EqualTo(input2.clean(keySelector));
     	 * 为两个 input 都定义好了 KeySelector 的 co-group 操作
     	public class EqualTo {
     		private final KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2;
     		EqualTo(KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2) {
     			this.keySelector2 = requireNonNull(keySelector2);
     		 * 定义 co-group 操作的窗口
     		public <W extends Window> WithWindow<T1, T2, KEY, W> window(WindowAssigner<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, W> assigner) {
     			return new WithWindow<>(input1, input2, keySelector1, keySelector2, keyType, assigner, null, null, null);
  • window 方法

    在定义两个输入流的 KeySelector 之后,可以执行 window 方法,生成一个 WithWindow 实例,WithWindow 类内部包含 WindowAssigner、Trigger、Evictor、allowedLateness 等创建窗口所需的字段

     private final DataStream<T1> input1;  // 第一个 input
     private final DataStream<T2> input2;  // 第二个 input
     private final KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1;  // 第一个 input 的 KeySelector
     private final KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2;  // 第二个 input 的 KeySelector
     private final TypeInformation<KEY> keyType;  // 做 coGroup 的 key 的类型
     private final WindowAssigner<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, W> windowAssigner;  // WindowAssigner 给元素分配窗口
     private final Trigger<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> trigger;  // 触发器
     private final Evictor<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> evictor;  // 触发器
     private final Time allowedLateness;  // 窗口允许的延迟
     private WindowedStream<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, KEY, W> windowedStream;  // 窗口流

    WithWindow 类的 apply 方法会创建一个 WindowedStream,并调用 WindowedStream 的 apply 方法

    在介绍 apply 之前,我们需要介绍如下几个类

    • UnionKeySelector

      UnionKeySelector 实现了 KeySelector 接口,会包裹两个输入流的 KeySelector,当调用 getKey 方法的时候,如果流元素来自第一个输入流,会调用 keySelector1,反之,调用 keySelector2

       private static class UnionKeySelector<T1, T2, KEY> implements KeySelector<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, KEY> {
       	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
       	private final KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1;
       	private final KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2;
       	public UnionKeySelector(KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1,
       			KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2) {
       		this.keySelector1 = keySelector1;
       		this.keySelector2 = keySelector2;
       	public KEY getKey(TaggedUnion<T1, T2> value) throws Exception{
       		if (value.isOne()) {
       			return keySelector1.getKey(value.getOne());
       		} else {
       			return keySelector2.getKey(value.getTwo());
    • TaggedUnion

      TaggedUnion 是窗口流的元素类型,一个 TaggedUnion 包裹一个来自 input1 或 input2 的元素,当 one 为 null 的时候,元素来自 input2,当 two 为 null 的时候,元素来自 input1

       public static class TaggedUnion<T1, T2> {
       	private final T1 one;
       	private final T2 two;
       	private TaggedUnion(T1 one, T2 two) { = one;
       		this.two = two;
       	public boolean isOne() {
       		return one != null;
       	public boolean isTwo() {
       		return two != null;
       	public T1 getOne() {
       		return one;
       	public T2 getTwo() {
       		return two;
       	public static <T1, T2> TaggedUnion<T1, T2> one(T1 one) {
       		return new TaggedUnion<>(one, null);
       	public static <T1, T2> TaggedUnion<T1, T2> two(T2 two) {
       		return new TaggedUnion<>(null, two);
    • Input1Tagger && Input2Tagger

      Input1Tagger 和 Input2Tagger 用来对 input1 和 input2 做 map 操作,使得 input1 和 input2 的类型都变为 TaggedUnion

       private static class Input1Tagger<T1, T2> implements MapFunction<T1, TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> {
       	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
       	public TaggedUnion<T1, T2> map(T1 value) throws Exception {
       // 从第二个 input 中获取 TaggedUnion
       private static class Input2Tagger<T1, T2> implements MapFunction<T2, TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> {
       	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
       	public TaggedUnion<T1, T2> map(T2 value) throws Exception {
       		return TaggedUnion.two(value);
    • CoGroupWindowFunction

      CoGroupWindowFunction 方法继承 WindowFunction,内部包裹一个 CoGroupFunction,当窗口触发的时候,会将窗口中的元素分为两个 ArrayList,ArrayList1 中都是 input1 中的元素,ArrayList2 中都是 input2 中的元素,然后调用 CoGroupFunction

       private static class CoGroupWindowFunction<T1, T2, T, KEY, W extends Window>
       		extends WrappingFunction<CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T>>
       		implements WindowFunction<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, T, KEY, W> {
       	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
       	public CoGroupWindowFunction(CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> userFunction) {
       	public void apply(KEY key,
       			W window,
       			Iterable<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> values,
       			Collector<T> out) throws Exception {
       		List<T1> oneValues = new ArrayList<>();
       		List<T2> twoValues = new ArrayList<>();
       		for (TaggedUnion<T1, T2> val: values) {
       			if (val.isOne()) {
       			} else {
       		wrappedFunction.coGroup(oneValues, twoValues, out);
    • CoGroupFunction

      CoGroupFunction 是用户提供的函数,内置一个 coGroup 函数,first 是 input1 元素的集合,second 是 input2 元素的集合

       public interface CoGroupFunction<IN1, IN2, O> extends Function, Serializable {
       	void coGroup(Iterable<IN1> first, Iterable<IN2> second, Collector<O> out) throws Exception;

    了解了上述类之后,我们再来看看 apply 方法

    apply 方法会对 input1/input2 方法执行 map 函数,参数为 Input1Tagger/Input2Tagger,将 input1/input2 的元素类型设为 TaggedUnion,然后执行 union 方法将 input1 和 input2 合并为一个 DataStream,并由这个 DataStream 生成一个窗口流,最后传入 CoGroupWindowFunction 函数,调用窗口流的 apply 方法完成窗口操作

     public <T> DataStream<T> apply(CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) {
     	UnionTypeInfo<T1, T2> unionType = new UnionTypeInfo<>(input1.getType(), input2.getType());
     	UnionKeySelector<T1, T2, KEY> unionKeySelector = new UnionKeySelector<>(keySelector1, keySelector2);
     	DataStream<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> taggedInput1 = input1
     			.map(new Input1Tagger<T1, T2>())
     	DataStream<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> taggedInput2 = input2
     			.map(new Input2Tagger<T1, T2>())
     	DataStream<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> unionStream = taggedInput1.union(taggedInput2);
     	windowedStream =
     			new KeyedStream<TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, KEY>(unionStream, unionKeySelector, keyType)
     	if (trigger != null) {
     	if (evictor != null) {
     	if (allowedLateness != null) {
     	return windowedStream.apply(new CoGroupWindowFunction<T1, T2, T, KEY, W>(function), resultType);


final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

String host = "";
int port = 9000;

  Integer[] integers1 = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

  DataStream<Integer> dataStream1 = env.fromElements(integers1);
  DataStream<Integer> dataStream2 = env.socketTextStream(host, port).map(new MapFunction<String, Integer>() {
      public Integer map(String value) throws Exception {
          return Integer.valueOf(value);
  dataStream1.coGroup(dataStream2).where(new KeySelector<Integer, Integer>() {
      public Integer getKey(Integer value) throws Exception {
          return 0;
  }).equalTo(new KeySelector<Integer, Integer>() {
      public Integer getKey(Integer value) throws Exception {
          return 0;
  }).window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(Time.of(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))).apply(new CoGroupFunction<Integer, Integer, String>() {
      public void coGroup(Iterable<Integer> first, Iterable<Integer> second, Collector<String> out) throws Exception {
          for (Integer m : first) {
              for (Integer n : second) {
                  out.collect("m: " + m + " n: " + n + " = " + (m + n));


join 是 DataStream 中的 API,同样用来 join 两个 DataStream,生成一个 JoinedStreams

public <T2> JoinedStreams<T, T2> join(DataStream<T2> otherStream) {
	return new JoinedStreams<>(this, otherStream);

JoinedStreams 和 CoGroupedStreams 非常相似(JoinedStreams 的 WithWindow 类调用 CoGroupedStreams 的 WithWindow),这里就不详细介绍了,感兴趣的同学可以自行去看看,这里我们来讲将不同之处

JoinedStreams 中 WithWindow 的 apply 方法接收的是 FlatJoinFunction 或 JoinFunction,这两个接口定义了 join 方法,JoinFunction.join 接收两个流元素,返回一个流元素,FlatJoinFunction 还接收一个 Collector,能够输出零个或多个元素

public interface FlatJoinFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> extends Function, Serializable {
	void join(IN1 first, IN2 second, Collector<OUT> out) throws Exception;

public interface JoinFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> extends Function, Serializable {
	OUT join(IN1 first, IN2 second) throws Exception;

我们知道 CoGroupedStreams.WithWindow.apply 接收 CoGroupFunction,因此 JoinedStreams 定义了 FlatJoinCoGroupFunction 和 JoinCoGroupFunction,这两个类实现了 CoGroupFunction,内部包裹了 FlatJoinFunction/JoinFunction

private static class FlatJoinCoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T>
		extends WrappingFunction<FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T>>
		implements CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public FlatJoinCoGroupFunction(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> wrappedFunction) {

	public void coGroup(Iterable<T1> first, Iterable<T2> second, Collector<T> out) throws Exception {
		for (T1 val1: first) {
			for (T2 val2: second) {
				wrappedFunction.join(val1, val2, out);

private static class JoinCoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T>
		extends WrappingFunction<JoinFunction<T1, T2, T>>
		implements CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public JoinCoGroupFunction(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> wrappedFunction) {

	public void coGroup(Iterable<T1> first, Iterable<T2> second, Collector<T> out) throws Exception {
		for (T1 val1: first) {
			for (T2 val2: second) {
				out.collect(wrappedFunction.join(val1, val2));

因此,JoinedStreams 的 apply 操作的数据流动为 GoGroupStreams.CoGroupWindowFunction => JoinedStreams.JoinCoGroupFunction/JoinedStreams.FlatJoinCoGroupFunction => 用户定义的 FlatJoinFunction/JoinFunction


今天我们讲解了一下 DataStream 中的两个 API —— coGroup 和 join,进而介绍了 CoGroupStreams 和 JoinedStreams,希望对大家有所帮助