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1117 lines (884 loc) · 30.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1117 lines (884 loc) · 30.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

Until 1.0.0 is released, breaking changes will be added as minor or patch version bumps.

This changelog file is not maintained anymore. Check the releases instead.


Breaking Changes

  • isSelectionInListItem:
    • renamed to getListItemEntry
    • returns { list, listItem }
  • isList:
    • renamed to isNodeTypeList
    • renamed options from (options?: ListOptions) => (n: Node) to (n: Node, options?: ListOptions)
  • options refactored (old/new not listed here):
    • isSelectionInListItem
    • moveChildren
    • moveListItemDown
    • moveListItemUp
  • getSelectableElement: you should now provide a drag icon in dragIcon option. Example:
import { DragIndicator } from '@styled-icons/material/DragIndicator';

    width: 18,
    height: 18,
    color: 'rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.3)',


  • withList: handles some cases of deleteBackward to avoid deleting sublist items when deleting a list item.
  • new functions:
    • getLastChild: Get the last child of a node
    • getNodeById: Get the first editor node entry found by id
    • getPreviousPath
    • getListItemSublist: Get the list inside listItem if existing
    • hasListInListItem: Is there a list in listItemNode
    • isListNested: Is the list nested, i.e. its parent is a list item
    • moveListItemSublistItemsToList: Move the list items of the sublist of fromListItem to toList
    • moveListItemSublistItemsToListItemSublist: Move fromListItem sublist list items to the end of toListItem sublist
    • moveListSiblingsAfterCursor
    • removeFirstListItem
    • removeRootListItem: Remove list item and move its sublist to list if any

Bug Fixes

  • styled-components is not a peer dependency anymore


Breaking Changes

  • remove withToggleType, use toggleNodeType instead.
  • remove withTransforms, use Transforms.insertNodes instead.
  • renamed onKeyDownMark to getOnHotkeyToggleMark.
  • renamed onKeyDownMarkDefault to getOnHotkeyToggleMarkDefault.


  • toggleNodeType: Toggle the type of the selected node.
  • hotkey to toggle node type (default type is paragraph):
    • blockquote: mod+shift+.
    • paragraph: ['mod+opt+0', 'mod+shift+0']
    • todo list: ['mod+opt+4', 'mod+shift+4']
    • code block: ['mod+opt+8', 'mod+shift+8']
  • getOnHotkeyToggleNodeType: Get onKeyDown handler to toggle node type if hotkey is pressed.
  • getOnHotkeyToggleNodeTypeDefault: getOnHotkeyToggleNodeType with default options.
  • added serialize as a plugin option. it accepts element and leaf properties.
  • serializeHTMLFromNodes will use plugin.serialize.element in place of plugin.renderElement and plugin.serialize.leaf in place of plugin.renderLeaf

Bug Fixes

  • todo-list:
    • use user-select: none in the checkbox wrapper to fix selection bug.
    • checked can be undefined
  • table: Set child type of a table cell to be <p> for the TablePlugin.
  • list: Copy the marks from the current leaf node to the next


Breaking Changes

  • removed:
    • isRangeAtRoot
    • isPointAtRoot
  • deserializeHTMLElement, deserializeHTMLToDocument, deserializeHTMLToDocumentFragment:
    • Refactor parameters from (plugins: SlatePlugin[]) => (element: HTMLElement) to ({ plugins: SlatePlugin[]; element: HTMLElement; }
  • deserializeHTMLToElement, deserializeHTMLToFragment, deserializeHTMLToMarks:
    • Refactor option el to element
  • serializeHTMLFromNodes:
    • Refactor from (plugins: SlatePlugin[]) => ( nodes: SlateNode[] ) to
   * Plugins with renderElement or renderLeaf.
  plugins: SlatePlugin[];
   * Slate nodes to convert to HTML.
  nodes: SlateNode[];


  • common/queries:
    • getParent – Calls Editor.parent and returns undefined if there is no parent instead of throwing an error.
  • common/utils
    • createElementWithSlate – Create a React element wrapped in a Slate provider
  • types:
    • SlateProps
    • EditorParentOptions
  • serializeHTMLFromNodes:
    • new option stripDataAttributes (default: true) – Enable stripping data attributes
    • new option slateProps (default: empty editor) – Slate props to provide if the rendering depends on slate hooks

Bug Fixes

  • serializeHTMLFromNodes: it should now work with plugins using slate hooks
  • isSelectionInListItem: it's now using getParent to not throw an error when selecting the root.


Breaking Changes

  • withList is now needed for nested list (back again). Moved onKeyDownList handler for Enter and Backspace to insertBreak and deleteBackward.


  • queries:
    • isSelectionInListItem
  • transforms:
    • moveListItemDown
    • moveListItemUp
    • insertListItem

Bug Fixes

  • Could not use IME in nested lists, fixed using withList.


Bug Fixes

  • Add editor as deps in Editable onKeyDown, decorate and onDOMBeforeInput. Sometimes the editor reference can change, e.g. when resetting the editor.


Breaking Changes

  • EditablePlugins:
    • onKeyDownPlugins: Run onKeyDownList then onKeyDown of each plugin. Stop if one handler returns false. It's a way to "stop propagation". By doing so, you should carefully order your plugins.


  • isBlockTextEmptyAfterSelection: Is there empty text after the selection. If there is no leaf after the selected leaf, return Editor.isEnd. Else, check if the next leaves are empty.
  • getNextSiblingNodes: Get the next sibling nodes after a path.

Bug Fixes

  • When a link was inserted at the end of a list item, we could not add a new list item after it.
  • Stopping the propagation in mention onKeyDown so pressing Enter in a list item will not insert a new list item when selecting a mention.


Bug Fixes

  • markdown deserializer is now fixed by using remark-slate


Bug Fixes

  • onKeyDownList: missing options fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • onKeyDownList: fixed a bug when inserting break at the start of a list item.


Breaking Changes

  • removed:

    • withResetBlockType, withBreakEmptyReset, withDeleteStartReset in favor of `ResetBlo ### Breaking Changes
  • removed:

    • withResetBlockType, withBreakEmptyReset, withDeleteStartReset in favor of ResetBlockTypePlugin.
    • withList: its logic has been moved into ListPlugin (onKeyDownList).
    • isTable, isTableRow, isTableCell in favor of getAboveByType.


  • new plugin ResetBlockTypePlugin replacing withResetBlockType
    • onKeyDownResetBlockType
  • new editor plugin:
    • withRemoveEmptyNodes: Remove nodes with empty text. options accepts node types where the rule applies.
  • queries:
    • getAboveByType: Get the block above a location (default: selection) by type.
    • isAncestorEmpty: Is an ancestor empty (empty text and no inline children).
    • isBlockAboveEmpty: Is the block above the selection empty.
  • new normalizer: withRemoveEmptyNodes:
    • Remove nodes with empty text.
    • Option type to specify which node types are targeted.
  • link plugin:
    • isUrl option with default to is-url package.
    • Paste a string inside a link element will edit its children text but not its url.
    • Uses withRemoveEmptyNodes.
  • getRenderLeaf is now passing leaf to the component props.

Bug Fixes

  • Pasting some urls was freezing the editor.
  • list: delete at the start of a list item will move it up.ckTypePlugin`.
    • withList: its logic has been moved into ListPlugin (onKeyDownList).
    • isTable, isTableRow, isTableCell in favor of getAboveByType.


  • new plugin ResetBlockTypePlugin replacing withResetBlockType
    • onKeyDownResetBlockType
  • new editor plugin:
    • withRemoveEmptyNodes: Remove nodes with empty text. options accepts node types where the rule applies.
  • queries:
    • getAboveByType: Get the block above a location (default: selection) by type.
    • isAncestorEmpty: Is an ancestor empty (empty text and no inline children).
    • isBlockAboveEmpty: Is the block above the selection empty.
  • new normalizer: withRemoveEmptyNodes:
    • Remove nodes with empty text.
    • Option type to specify which node types are targeted.
  • link plugin:
    • isUrl option with default to is-url package.
    • Paste a string inside a link element will edit its children text but not its url.
    • Uses withRemoveEmptyNodes.
  • getRenderLeaf is now passing leaf to the component props.

Bug Fixes

  • Pasting some urls was freezing the editor.
  • list: delete at the start of a list item will move it up.


Bug Fixes

  • improved typing of EditablePlugins


Breaking Changes

  • renamed setPropsToNodes to mergeDeepToNodes


  • new utils:
    • applyDeepToNodes
    • defaultsDeepToNodes

Bug Fixes

  • withNodeID: use defaultsDeepToNodes instead of mergeDeepToNodes as we don't want to override any existing id.
  • missing export



  • update EditablePluginsProps interface.


Bug Fixes

  • attributes was missing in the element plugins


Bug Fixes

  • tree-shaking support for lodash
  • export isExpanded

0.62.0 (2020-07-17)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed:
    • styled-components from peerDependencies
    • AlignElement
    • DeserializeElement in favor of DeserializeNode
    • DeserializeLeaf in favor of DeserializeNode
    • getElementComponent in favor of getRenderElement
    • HeadingEelements
    • ListElements
  • Renamed:
    • ActionItem to TodoList.
    • Node types, full list:

  • Plugin options follow a new structure:

For getRenderElement:

const options: ParagraphRenderElementOptions = {
  // Use a unique key for each slate node.
  p: {
    // Give a React component or HTML tag (e.g. 'div') to render the element.
    component: StyledElement,
    // Give a unique type for each element.
    // Give props to the root of the React component.
    rootProps: {
      // Give a className to the React component. Give an empty string to remove the className.
      className: 'slate-p',
      // When using a styled component, specify the root tag to render.
      as: 'p',
      // Customize styled components:
      styles: {
        root: {
          margin: 0,

For getRenderLeaf:

const options: BoldRenderLeafOptions = {
  // Use a unique key for each slate node.
  bold: {
    // Give a React component or HTML tag (e.g. 'span') to render the leaf.
    component: StyledLeaf,
    // Give a unique string for each mark.
    type: MARK_BOLD,
    // Specify the hotkey to toggle this mark.
    hotkey: 'mod+b',
    // Specify the marks to clear when toggling this mark.
    clear: '',
    // Give props to the root of the React component.
    rootProps: {
      // Give a className to the React component. Give an empty string to remove the className.
      className: 'slate-bold',
      // When using a styled component, specify the root tag to render.
      as: 'strong',
      // Customize styled components:
      styles: {
        root: {
          fontWeight: 600,
  • onKeyDownMark signature updated:
// from
  type: string,
  hotkey: undefined,
  options?: MarkOnKeyDownOptions
// to
(options: MarkOnKeyDownOptions)
  • HighlightPlugin:
    • Removed bg option in favor of styles props.
  • Updated getLeafDeserializer, getElementDeserializer and getNodeDeserializer
  • Updated deserializeHTMLToMarks.
  • Updated default hotkeys:
    • code: mod+e
    • strikethrough: mod+shift+s
  • getNodeDeserializer
    • returns a list of deserializers
    • options:
      • updated: node (renamed from createNode): Slate node creator from HTML element.
      • new: rules: List of rules the element needs to follow to be deserialized to a slate node:
        • updated: nodeNames (renamed from tagNames): Required node names to deserialize the element. Set '*' to allow any node name.
        • new: className: Required className to deserialized the element.
        • new: style: Required style to deserialize the element. Each value should be a (list of) string.
  • ...


  • Centralized default options for each plugin (defaults.ts):
  • All element and leaf plugins use a default className: useful for serialization.
  • Components:
    • New:
      • StyledComponent
      • StyledElement
      • StyledLeaf
    • Updated:
      • strikethrough: <s> tag instead of <span> with styles
  • New utils:
    • setDefaults – Deep merge the default object properties that are not defined in the destination object. Used to set the default options.
    • getRenderLeafDefault
    • onKeyDownMarkDefault
  • Hotkeys:
    • New:
      • highlight: mod+shift+h
    • Updated:
      • code: mod+e
      • strikethrough: mod+shift+s
  • HTML Deserializers:
    • added style deserializing for:
      • superscript: vertical-align: sub
      • subscript: vertical-align: super
      • code: word-wrap: break-word
  • Styles updated:
    • blockquote
    • code
    • code-block
    • table
  • Decorate code block using Prismjs. It's using javascript language by default (WIP).

Bug Fixes

  • align: deserialize

0.61.0 (2020-07-06)

Breaking Changes

  • getSelectionNodesByType renamed to getNodesByType
    • new option: at
  • isNodeInSelection renamed to isNodeTypeIn
    • new option: at
  • getBlockAboveSelection renamed to getBlockAbove
    • new option: at
  • getTextFromBlockStartToAnchor renamed to getRangeFromBlockStart
    • new option: at
  • removed getSelectionNodesArrayByType
  • replaced insertLink by upsertLinkAtSelection
  • wrapLink is now only wrapping the link (without unwrapping).
  • @udecode/core package renamed to @udecode/slate-plugins-core.


  • AlignPlugin – new plugin for alignment.
  • getPointBefore
    • new options:
      • multiPaths
      • afterMatch (replacing beforeMatch)
      • skipInvalid
    • support for multiple characters lookup.
  • getRangeBefore – Get range from getPointBefore to the end point of at.
  • withAutoformat:
    • new option type: WithAutoformatOptions
    • Configurable markup to trigger the autoformatting.
    • Configurable character to trigger the autoformatting.
    • Configurable option to enable autoformatting in the middle of a block by inserting a block instead of updating.
    • Configurable option to enable inline formatting.
  • wrapNodes – new transform extending Transforms.wrapNodes. Options:
    • unhang – to unhang range before wrapping.
  • getNodes – same for Editor.nodes

Bug Fixes

  • withLink – space key should wrap the previous url with a link at the start of a block.
  • wrapNodes – fixed a bug where selecting an entire node then calling wrapNodes was wrapping also the next node.

0.60.2 (2020-07-01)


  • getPointBefore – Editor.before with additional options, useful to look for a point before a location using match options.
  • withLink – Insert space after a url to wrap a link. There should be a space before the url. TODO: it's not working when the url is at the start of the block.
  • LinkElement:
    • styles updated.
    • supports styles.

Bug Fixes

  • when using withLink, inserting '#' was adding a link element.

0.60.1 (2020-06-30)

  • Split the core functionality to @udecode/slate-plugins-core

0.60.0 (2020-06-15)

Note: Version bump only for package slate-plugins

0.59.2 (2020-06-12)

Note: Version bump only for package slate-plugins

0.59.1 (2020-06-06)

Note: Version bump only for package slate-plugins

0.59.0 (2020-06-05)

Note: Version bump only for package slate-plugins

v0.59.0 — June 3, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • renamed withDeserializeHtml to withDeserializeHTML.
  • changed signature of withDeserializeHTML to ({ plugins })
  • renamed most of utils in deserialize-html, including htmlDeserialize to deserializeHTMLToDocumentFragment
  • renamed htmlSerialize to serializeHTMLFromNodes.
  • removed ToolbarCodeBlock in favor of ToolbarElement instead.
  • withBreakEmptyReset and withDeleteStartReset – renamed option p.type to defaultType.
  • withToggleType – renamed option p.type to defaultType
  • withTable – removed insertBreak handler that prevented to insert break inside table cells, you should now use SoftBreakPlugin to allow inserting soft breaks instead.


  • new types, including SlateDocument to enforce a valid structure to be used in <Slate>
  • added inlineTypes and voidTypes properties to the SlatePlugin interface. EditablePlugins will set isInline and isVoid to each provided type.
  • withVoid and withInline have been replaced by withInlineVoid.
  • withResetBlockType – combines withBreakEmptyReset and withDeleteStartReset.
  • SoftBreakPlugin – configurable rules.
  • ExitBreakPlugin.

Bug Fixes

  • deserializeHTMLToDocumentFragment could return a fragment with empty children, crashing the editor. It has been fixed so all elements have at least one children (empty text) by using SlateDocument type.
  • withDeserializeHTML was buggy when the first inserted node is an inline element (e.g. mention element).

v0.58.14 — May 31, 2020


  • htmlSerialize – function for serializing content from Slate format to HTML format.

Bug Fixes

  • htmlSerialize – improved the plugin identification and also added a branch for missing types in top levels.
  • withNodeIDinsertNode operation was not creating new ids.

v0.58.13 — May 30, 2020


  • htmlSerialize – function for serializing content from Slate format to HTML format.

v0.58.11 — May 30, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • correctly export the React component types.

v0.58.9 — May 30, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • export withNodeID.

v0.58.8 — May 28, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • renamed withBlock to withToggleType as it just toggles the type of an element (inline or not).
  • renamed withImage to withImageUpload.
  • renamed VideoPlugin and its atoms to MediaEmbedPlugin.
  • renamed VIDEO type to MEDIA_EMBED and changed its value from video to media_embed.
  • renamed withShortcuts to withAutoformat.
  • renamed HoveringToolbar to BalloonToolbar.
  • renamed MarkdownPreviewPlugin to PreviewPlugin as it will be configurable to support other languages.
  • removed height props in Toolbar, use styles instead.
  • renamed ToolbarBlock to ToolbarElement.
  • renamed ToolbarTableProps.action to ToolbarTableProps.transform.


  • New plugin BasicElementPlugins
  • New props styles in Toolbar
  • New props styles in HeadingToolbar
  • New props in ToolbarButton:
    • styles
    • tooltip
  • New props in BalloonToolbar:
    • styles
    • direction
    • hiddenDelay
    • theme
    • arrow
  • Toolbar, HeadingToolbar and BalloonToolbar restyled.
  • New queries:
    • getSelectionText
    • getText
    • isCollapsed
    • isExpanded
    • isSelectionExpanded

v0.58.7 — May 22, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • useMention:
    • removed MentionSelectComponent from return
  • onChangeMention:
    • signature changed from ({ editor }: { editor: Editor }) to (editor: Editor)
  • MentionSelect:
    • props renaming:
      • from mentionables to options
      • from index to valueIndex
      • from target to at
  • MentionNode interface: replaced mentionable by value. You can add more fields to the element interface instead of adding them to mentionable
  • onKeyDownMark:
    • signature changed from ({ clear, type, hotkey, }: MarkOnKeyDownOptions) to (type: string, hotkey: string, { clear }: MarkOnKeyDownOptions = {})
  • removed withForcedLayout in favor of withTypeRules (more generic)
  • changed CODE type value from code to code_block
  • renamed CodePlugin to CodeBlockPlugin and InlineCodePlugin to CodePlugin


  • getLastNode(editor: Editor, level: number): new query to get the last node at a specific level/depth
  • withTypeRules: new normalizer plugin to force any node to have a specific type
  • utils:
    • getPreviousIndex
    • getNextIndex
  • queries:
    • isPointAtWordEnd
    • isWordAfterTrigger
    • getNode: same than Node.get but returns null if not the node is not found at the given path.
  • useMention:
    • options is now optional
  • MentionPlugin, renderElementMention:
    • added prefix option
    • added onClick option
  • MentionSelect:
  • getRenderElement
    • added a 3rd argument: options that will be passed to the component as props. You should use that for static props (same value for all instances). And you should mutate the element when it's dynamic.
  • MentionElement:
    • attribute data-slate-character renamed to data-slate-value

v0.58.5 — May 19, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • mention:
    • signature of onChangeMention changed
    • signature of useMention changed
// from
  characters: CHARACTERS,
// to   
useMention(CHARACTERS, {
  maxSuggestions: 10,
  trigger: '@',
  prefix: ''


  • mention:
    • changed mention representation from string to object (more useful later for storing other information then just the string, like ids)
    • added an options parameter to useMention, adding trigger and prefix to maxSuggestions
    • improved typing where seemed appropriate

Bug Fixes

  • deserializer-html:
    • export withDeserializeHtml

v0.58.4 — May 18, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • previous build was broken because of tests not being excluded

v0.58.3 — May 18, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • refactored:
    • toggleCode to toggleWrapNodes (generic).
  • removed:
    • clearMark in favor of Editor.removeMark.


  • pipe: new helper to avoid the wrapper hell when using withPlugins. You can now have an array of plugins withPlugins.
  • EditablePlugins: new props for adding your dependencies to the corresponding useCallback.
    • decorateDeps
    • renderElementDeps
    • renderLeafDeps
    • onDOMBeforeInputDeps
    • onKeyDownDeps
  • toggleMark: new optional parameter clear: marks to clear when adding mark.
  • helpers:
    • createDefaultHandler
  • there was a big performance gap between the official slate Editable component and our EditablePlugins component. This has been resolved by using useCallback.

Bug Fixes

  • deserializeLink: should work with slate fragments.
  • withForcedLayout was normalizing on each change.

v0.58.2 — May 17, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • withNodeID: renamed idGenerator to idCreator


  • withNodeID: new options:
    • filterText
    • filter
    • allow
    • exclude
  • setPropsToNodes: helper to set props to nodes and its children (recursively), with many options to filter the nodes that will receive the props (e.g. only Element, only Text, only nodes of type Paragraph, etc.).

Bug Fixes

  • withNodeID should now work with history undos/redos

v0.58.1 — May 16, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • renamed:
    • withPasteHtml to withDeserializeHtml
    • withPasteMd to withDeserializeMd
    • onKeyDownMark.mark to onKeyDownMark.type
  • refactored:
    • onKeyDownMention and onChangeMention are now returned by useMention
    • isBlockActive and isLinkActive have been removed in favor of isNodeInSelection


  • new options for mark plugins: type (typeBold, typeItalic, etc.) .
  • withDeserializeHtml:
    • the deserializer is now using data-slate-type attribute of each HTML element. So copy/pasting slate fragments should now work.
    • when pasting a value, the type of the first node will replace the type of the selected node (using Transforms.setNodes).
  • withTransforms:
    • extends editor with transforms (only one for now).
  • withNodeID:
    • Set an id to the new Element and/or Text nodes.
  • deserializeMention
  • deserializeActionItem
  • deserializeIframe
  • deserializeHighlight
  • getSelectionNodesArrayByType
  • getSelectionNodesByType
  • isAncestor
  • unwrapNodesByType
  • unit testing
  • a lot of refactoring
  • HeadingPlugin:
    • styling change (from h1 to h6)
  • EditablePlugins:
    • style props is now overridable

Bug Fixes

  • withDeserializeHtml: fix Cannot read property 'children' of null
  • withForcedLayout: the previous behavior was forcing to have paragraph nodes after the title. New behavior: first node should be a title (otherwise insert/edit) and second node should exist (otherwise insert a paragraph by default). We will see how to generalize this plugin in a future release.
  • Toolbar: change height to min-height for dynamic height.

v0.58.0 — April 29, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • refactor getElement to getElementComponent
  • refactor elements types to reflect the html tags. Also avoiding - as it's not valid in GraphQL enums.
    • action-item -> action_item
    • block-quote -> blockquote
    • heading-one -> h1 (until h6)
    • link -> a
    • numbered-list -> ol
    • bulleted-list -> ul
    • list-item -> li
    • paragraph -> p
    • table-row -> tr
    • table-cell -> td If you already saved elements in your database, you will need to migrate or override the types with the previous ones:
// you can add nodeTypes to any element plugin
export const nodeTypes = {
  p.type: PARAGRAPH,
  typeMention: MENTION,
  blockquote.type: BLOCKQUOTE,
  typeCode: CODE_BLOCK,
  typeLink: LINK,
  typeImg: IMAGE,
  typeVideo: MEDIA_EMBED,
  todo_li.type: TODO_LIST,
  typeTable: TableType.TABLE,
  typeTr: TableType.ROW,
  typeTd: TableType.CELL,
  ul.type: ListType.UL,
  ol.type: ListType.OL,
  typeLi: ListType.LI,
  h1.type: HeadingType.H1,
  h2.type: HeadingType.H2,
  h3.type: HeadingType.H3,
  h4.type: HeadingType.H4,
  h5.type: HeadingType.H5,
  h6.type: HeadingType.H6,
  typeEditableVoid: EDITABLE_VOID,


  • Ordered lists supported in withShortcuts (Markdown Shortcuts) by typing 1..
  • Option type to all elements. Not yet for the marks.
  • getRenderElements

v0.57.15 — April 29, 2020


  • queries:
    • isRangeAtRoot(point: Point) to check if anchor or focus of a range is at the root.

Bug Fixes

  • use isRangeAtRoot(point: Point) before each Editor.parent call.

v0.57.14 — April 26, 2020


  • queries:
    • isPointAtRoot(point: Point) to check if a point is at the root.
  • plugins:
    • withVoid to set a list of element types to void.
    • withInline to set a list of element types to inline.

Bug Fixes

  • plugin-list: fixed a bug where toggling the list throws an error when a paragraph has few leafs

v0.57.13 — April 25, 2020


  • plugin-marks: New plugins for HTML <sub> and <sup> tags: superscript and subscript plugins. Included in the "Marks" story.

v0.57.12 — April 14, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Deserializer: pasting html or markdown with Elements inside Text tags works correctly now.

v0.57.11 — March 3, 2020


  • paste-md:
    • markdown can be pasted into the editor

v0.57.10 — February 25, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • plugin-list:
    • make sure list item is removed when unwrapping.
    • if multiple paragraphs are selected when pressing toggle - they should end up as separate list items.

v0.57.9 — February 25, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • The default toggleBlock function creates several code blocks if there are multiple paragraphs selected. This fix creates a toggleCode function that just wraps the whole selection in a code block - or unwraps if it is already in a block.

v0.57.8 — February 5, 2020


  • plugin-table:
    • Insert table
    • Delete table
    • Add/delete row
    • Add/delete cell

v0.57.7 — February 2, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • plugin-list:
    • Each list item now has a paragraph child.


  • plugin-list:
    • Supports nested lists:
      • Press Tab on a list item (except the first one) to indent the current list.
      • Press Shift+Tab, Enter or Backspace to unindent the current list.

v0.57.6 — January 8, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • styles:
    • line-height of heading

v0.57.5 — January 7, 2020

Breaking Changes

  • plugins:
    • withList has been removed and its logic is now inside withBlock with the new option unwrapTypes.
    • withShortcuts: removed deleteBackward logic as its covered by withDeleteStartReset.
  • p tag was the default if no type was provided. The new default is div.


  • plugins:
    • withDeleteStartReset: on delete at the start of an empty block in types, replace it with a new paragraph.
    • withBreakEmptyReset: on insert break at the start of an empty block in types, replace it with a new paragraph.
  • queries:
    • isList
  • styles
    • action item.
    • removed the element styling from globalStyle as it is not exported.
    • a lot of spacing changes.