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Intern Cosa CheatSheet

Key Terms


.bashrc is a shell script that Bash runs when a user logs in. It contains a bunch of configurations for the terminal session (command aliases, coloring, completion and shell history).


Podman is a open source container engine developed by RedHat.

Add a bash alias / edit .bashrc

nano /home/YourUsernameHere/.bashrc

Useful bash alias:

cosa() {
   env | grep COREOS_ASSEMBLER
   if [[ -z ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER} ]] && $(podman image exists ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}); then
       local -r cosa_build_date_str="$(podman inspect -f "{{.Created}}" ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST} | awk '{print $1}')"
       local -r cosa_build_date="$(date -d ${cosa_build_date_str} +%s)"
       if [[ $(date +%s) -ge $((cosa_build_date + 60*60*24*7)) ]] ; then
         echo -e "\e[0;33m----" >&2
         echo "The COSA container image is more that a week old and likely outdated." >&2
         echo "You should pull the latest version with:" >&2
         echo "podman pull ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}" >&2
         echo -e "----\e[0m" >&2
         sleep 10
   set -x
   podman run --rm -ti --security-opt label=disable --privileged                                      \
              --uidmap=1000:0:1 --uidmap=0:1:1000 --uidmap 1001:1001:64536                            \
              -v ${PWD}:/srv/ --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/fuse                                    \
              --tmpfs /tmp -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp --name cosa                                           \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:/srv/src/config/:ro}     \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT/src/:/usr/lib/coreos-assembler/:ro}    \
   rc=$?; set +x; return $rc

Speeding up COSA edit-compile-debug cycle

cosa is a containerized collection of tools. When we make a change to one of these tools, we can run a new container build to test our changes; however, a better (and faster) option is to mount the changed files into cosa.

We can edit our ~/.bashrc cosa alias. In the example below, we will mount kola binaries to test changes to kola:

export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS=/some/path/to/coreos-assembler/mantle/bin/:/usr/local/bin/:ro

Remember to substitute /some/path/to/coreos-assembler/mantle/bin/ for the path to the kola binaries on your machine. With he mantle/bin folder mounted every time you run make to compile kola, the changes will be picked up in your cosa container.

Tip: I personally don't like to edit my ~/.bashrc file everytime. So I keep cosa bash scripts handy:

$ pwd
$ cat cosa
cosa() {
   env | grep COREOS_ASSEMBLER
   if [[ -z ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER} ]] && $(podman image exists ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}); then
       local -r cosa_build_date_str="$(podman inspect -f "{{.Created}}" ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST} | awk '{print $1}')"
       local -r cosa_build_date="$(date -d ${cosa_build_date_str} +%s)"
       if [[ $(date +%s) -ge $((cosa_build_date + 60*60*24*7)) ]] ; then
         echo -e "\e[0;33m----" >&2
         echo "The COSA container image is more that a week old and likely outdated." >&2
         echo "You should pull the latest version with:" >&2
         echo "podman pull ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}" >&2
         echo -e "----\e[0m" >&2
         sleep 10
   set -x
   podman run --rm -ti --security-opt label=disable --privileged                                    \
              --uidmap=1000:0:1 --uidmap=0:1:1000 --uidmap 1001:1001:64536                          \
              -v ${PWD}:/srv/ --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/fuse                                  \
              --tmpfs /tmp -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp --name cosa                                         \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:/srv/src/config/:ro}   \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT/src/:/usr/lib/coreos-assembler/:ro}  \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS}                                            \
   rc=$?; set +x; return $rc

export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT=~/assembler/coreos-assembler/

We can use different files to mount different common directories. In this one, we mount coreos-assembler/src into the COSA container.

Building Fedora CoreOS using COSA Tutorial

Common Errors

Error: error creating container storage: the container name "cosa" is already in use by "694975cfc9765382a8977337a8186b2f854dab171170e80be6ea484d44622e96". You have to remove that container to be able to reuse that name.: that name is already in use.

Make sure to always keep the container at the latest version to prevent errors using:

podman pull pull


    podman ps -a

    podman stop nameofcontainerhere   

Creating new Kola Test

Create a file in src/config/tests/kola. Create the file and make sure it has no extension. Use "chmod a=x testname" to add correct permissions.

You can also write a test that is compiled in Kola (ie. written in Go). In general opt for the first option (an external test) if possible, but if more complexity is needed, a test compiled in Kola is a good option.

Running Kola Tests

First list all the kola tests using "cosa kola list". If you want to just get the name of your test you can use "cosa kola list | grep KeywordOfTest". Then you can run using "cosa kola run".

Seeing Results Of Your Test

Test results commonly held in a file inside /non-exclusive-test-bucket-0/ so use ls to get the folder inside it and the console.txt with the results.


ls tmp/kola/non-exclusive-test-bucket-0/

ls tmp/kola/non-exclusive-test-bucket-0/b525f4e2-93a9-47c5-your-folder-here/

cat tmp/kola/non-exclusive-test-bucket-0/b525f4e2-93a9-47c5-your-folder-here/console.txt

cat tmp/kola/non-exclusive-test-bucket-0/b525f4e2-93a9-47c5-your-folder-here/journal.txt
