diff --git a/docs/api/zh/materials/MeshToonMaterial.html b/docs/api/zh/materials/MeshToonMaterial.html index 47ee650af449d3..b03133e3f8dc6d 100644 --- a/docs/api/zh/materials/MeshToonMaterial.html +++ b/docs/api/zh/materials/MeshToonMaterial.html @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@


A material implementing toon shading.
@@ -36,162 +36,134 @@


[example:webgl_materials_variations_toon materials / variations / toon]





[name]( [param:Object parameters] )

- [page:Object parameters] - (optional) an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance. - Any property of the material (including any property inherited from [page:Material]) can be passed in here.

+ [page:Object parameters] - (可选) 具有定义材料外观的一个或多个属性的对象。材料的任何属性(包括从Material继承的任何属性)都可以在这里传递.

- The exception is the property [page:Hexadecimal color], which can be passed in as a hexadecimal - string and is *0xffffff* (white) by default. [page:Color.set]( color ) is called internally. + 例外是属性[page:Hexadecimal color],它可以作为十六进制字符串传入,默认为0xffffff(白色)。[page:Color.set]Color.set ( color ) 在内部被调用。




See the base [page:Material] class for common properties.





[property:Texture alphaMap]


The alpha map is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface - (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null.


alpha 贴图是一种灰度纹理,可控制整个表面的不透明度(黑色:完全透明;白色:完全不透明)。默认为空。

- Only the color of the texture is used, ignoring the alpha channel if one exists. - For RGB and RGBA textures, the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer will use the - green channel when sampling this texture due to the extra bit of precision provided - for green in DXT-compressed and uncompressed RGB 565 formats. Luminance-only and - luminance/alpha textures will also still work as expected. + 仅使用纹理的颜色,如果存在则忽略alpha通道。对于RGB和RGBA纹理,由于在DXT压缩和未压缩的RGB565格式中为绿色提供了额外的精度,[page:WebGLRenderer WebGL]渲染器将在对该纹理进行采样时使用绿色通道。仅亮度和亮度/alpha纹理也将按预期工作。

[property:Texture aoMap]


The red channel of this texture is used as the ambient occlusion map. Default is null. - The aoMap requires a second set of UVs.



[property:Float aoMapIntensity]


Intensity of the ambient occlusion effect. Default is 1. Zero is no occlusion effect.



[property:Texture bumpMap]

- The texture to create a bump map. The black and white values map to the perceived depth in relation to the lights. - Bump doesn't actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. If a normal map is defined this will - be ignored. + 创建凹凸贴图的纹理。黑色和白色值映射到与灯光相关的感知深度。凹凸实际上不会影响对象的几何形状,只会影响光照。如果定义了法线贴图,这将被忽略。

[property:Float bumpScale]


How much the bump map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. Default is 1.



[property:Color color]


[page:Color] of the material, by default set to white (0xffffff).


材质的颜色[page:Color],默认设置为白色 (0xffffff)。

[property:Texture displacementMap]

- The displacement map affects the position of the mesh's vertices. Unlike other maps - which only affect the light and shade of the material the displaced vertices can cast shadows, - block other objects, and otherwise act as real geometry. The displacement texture is - an image where the value of each pixel (white being the highest) is mapped against, - and repositions, the vertices of the mesh. + 置换贴图影响网格顶点的位置。 + 与其他仅影响材质明暗的贴图不同,置换的顶点可以投射阴影、阻挡其他对象,并以其他方式充当真实几何体。 + 位移纹理是一个图像,其中每个像素的值(白色为最高)映射到网格的顶点并重新定位。

[property:Float displacementScale]

- How much the displacement map affects the mesh (where black is no displacement, - and white is maximum displacement). Without a displacement map set, this value is not applied. - Default is 1. + 置换贴图对网格的影响程度(黑色表示无置换,白色表示最大置换)。如果没有置换贴图集,则不会应用此值。默认值为1。

[property:Float displacementBias]

- The offset of the displacement map's values on the mesh's vertices. - Without a displacement map set, this value is not applied. Default is 0. + 置换贴图值在网格顶点上的偏移量。如果没有置换贴图集,则不会应用此值。默认为0。

[property:Color emissive]

- Emissive (light) color of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting. - Default is black. + 材料的发射(光)颜色,本质上是一种不受其他光照影响的纯色。默认为黑色。

[property:Texture emissiveMap]

- Set emissive (glow) map. Default is null. The emissive map color is modulated by - the emissive color and the emissive intensity. If you have an emissive map, be sure to - set the emissive color to something other than black. + 设置发射(发光)贴图。默认为空。发射贴图颜色由发射颜色和发射强度调制。如果您有自发光贴图,请务必将自发光颜色设置为黑色以外的颜色。

[property:Float emissiveIntensity]


Intensity of the emissive light. Modulates the emissive color. Default is 1.



[property:Boolean fog]


[property:Texture gradientMap]


Gradient map for toon shading. It's required to set [page:Texture.minFilter] and [page:Texture.magFilter] to - [page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter] when using this type of texture. Default is *null*.


卡通着色的渐变贴图。使用此类纹理时,需要将Texture.minFilter[page:Texture.minFilter]和Texture.magFilter[page:Texture.magFilter]设置为[page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter]。默认为空。 +

[property:Texture lightMap]


The light map. Default is null. The lightMap requires a second set of UVs.



[property:Float lightMapIntensity]


Intensity of the baked light. Default is 1.



[property:Texture map]

- The color map. May optionally include an alpha channel, typically combined with - [page:Material.transparent .transparent] or [page:Material.alphaTest .alphaTest]. Default is null. - The texture map color is modulated by the diffuse [page:.color]. + 彩色地图。可以选择包含一个alpha通道,通常与[page:Material.transparent .transparent]或[page:Material.alphaTest .alphaTest]结合使用。默认为空。纹理贴图颜色由漫反射.color[page:.color]调制。

[property:Texture normalMap]

- The texture to create a normal map. The RGB values affect the surface normal for each pixel fragment and change - the way the color is lit. Normal maps do not change the actual shape of the surface, only the lighting. - In case the material has a normal map authored using the left handed convention, the y component of normalScale - should be negated to compensate for the different handedness. + 创建法线贴图的纹理。RGB值影响每个像素片段的表面法线并改变颜色的点亮方式。法线贴图不会改变表面的实际形状,只会改变光照。如果材质具有使用左手惯例创作的法线贴图,则应取反normalScale的y分量以补偿不同的手性。

[property:Integer normalMapType]

- The type of normal map.

+ 法线贴图的类型。

- Options are [page:constant THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap] (default), and [page:constant THREE.ObjectSpaceNormalMap]. + 选项为[page:constant THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap](默认)和[page:constant THREE.ObjectSpaceNormalMap]。

[property:Vector2 normalScale]

- How much the normal map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. - Default is a [page:Vector2] set to (1,1). + 法线贴图对材质的影响有多大。典型范围是0-1。默认是设置为(1,1)的二维向量[page:Vector2]。

[property:Boolean wireframe]


Render geometry as wireframe. Default is *false* (i.e. render as flat polygons).



[property:String wireframeLinecap]

- Define appearance of line ends. Possible values are "butt", "round" and "square". Default is 'round'.

+ 定义线端的外观。可能的值为“butt”、“round”和“square”。默认为“圆形”。

- This corresponds to the [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineCap 2D Canvas lineCap] - property and it is ignored by the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer. + 这对应于[link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineCap 2DCanvas]的lineCap属性,它会被[page:WebGLRenderer WebGL]渲染器忽略。

[property:String wireframeLinejoin]

- Define appearance of line joints. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Default is 'round'.

+ 定义线接头的外观。可能的值是“round”、“bevel”和“miter”。默认为“圆形”。

- This corresponds to the [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineJoin 2D Canvas lineJoin] - property and it is ignored by the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer. + 这对应于[link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineCap 2DCanvas]的lineCap属性,它会被[page:WebGLRenderer WebGL]渲染器忽略。

[property:Float wireframeLinewidth]


Controls wireframe thickness. Default is 1.



- Due to limitations of the [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/glspec46.core.pdf OpenGL Core Profile] - with the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer on most platforms linewidth will - always be 1 regardless of the set value. + 由于[link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/glspec46.core.pdf OpenGL Core Profile]与[page:WebGLRenderer WebGL]渲染器在大多数平台上的限制,无论设置值如何,线宽始终为1。




See the base [page:Material] class for common methods.









[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]