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File metadata and controls

140 lines (114 loc) · 5.26 KB
  • Start Date: (fill me in with today's date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Introduce a notation for declaring an enum to be extensible, meaning that more variants or fields may be added in the future. This notation does not affect the use of the enum within the current crate, but it prevents downstream crates from employing features (such as exhaustive matches or struct literals) that would fail to compile if new variants/fields were added.


Imagine that one is writing a public-facing API that includes an Error enum (this exact scenario arises in libstd with the I/O error enum):

pub enum Error {

Providing an enum listing out the possible sources of error is a very convenient API for your users, because they can be use a match statement to easily identify and handle particular kinds of errors. Unfortunately, it's rather limiting on the future evolution of your library: if you wish to add a third kind of error in the future, you will be potentially breaking downstream code. After all, it is possible that some user was doing an exhaustive match against all possible sources of error:

match error {
    Error::NoSuchFile => ...,
    Error::NoPermissions => ...,

To resolve this dilemna, this RFC proposes permitting enums to be declared as extensible:

pub enum Error {

Extensible enums from other crates can never be exhaustively matched. This means that a downstream user attempting to match against an error from your library would have to include a wildcard option:

// from an external crate
match error {
    Error::NoSuchFile => ...,
    Error::NoPermissions => ...,
    _ => ...,

Due to the presence of this wildcard, you can safely add variants without fear of breaking source compatibility with downstream clients.

Note that extensibility is ignored within the current crate. Therefore, your library may internally write a match that exhaustively covers all sources of error. You don't need to worry about source compatibility with yourself, after all.

Detailed design

Enum grammar is extended to permit a list of variants to be terminated with ... An enum declared with .. is considered extensible.

Extensible enums that are local to the current crate are treated the same as any other enum. Exhaustiveness checking is modified so that extensible enums that are not local to the current crate are never considered completely covered. (As if there was one additional variant beyond those declared, essentially.)

Extensibility does not currently affect the enum in any other way. The representation in particular remains unchanged. This RFC does not attempt to address binary-level compatibility, only source compatibility.


More language syntax.


Private enum variants. There are various privacy-based workarounds one could use to get a similar guarantee. For example, if private variants were permitted (or perhaps variants were private by default), then one could add a private variant to the enum. Privacy however is not a perfect fit:

  1. Private variants would also be private within your crate, preventing you from using local exhaustive matching as well.
  2. Even if you work around the previous problem and manage to make enum variants visible only within the current crate, all of your match statements will include an extra, unreachable arm corresponding to this private variant (since it never occurs in practice).

Extensible structs. In the same way that enums can be extended with more variants, it might be useful to be able to declare structs as being extensible with additional fields. This would prevent the various bits of syntax (struct literal matching, struct literal constructors) that require knowledge of the full set of fields to work. Originally this feature was intended for inclusion in this RFC but was omitted to keep things simple. The need to add more fields in the future is both rather unusual and easily addressed using a dummy private field (private fields do have some of the same downsides as private enum variants, though). In practice though most libraries will just declare all fields as private and use getters to access their contents, which is a better pattern in any case.

Treat extensible enums as extensible also within the local crate. The current design states that extensible enums are only considered "extensible" outside the current crate. The intention was to allow for more precision locally, so that users can still take advantage of exhaustive matches. However, this introduces an asymmetry between crates; further, in many real-world use cases (e.g., IoError), it is unlikely that even the local crate will ever want to exhaustively match all variants, so this extra expressive power may not be necessary.

Unresolved questions

Is there a way to have downstream crates get warnings -- if not errors -- when a match is not exhaustive? One suggestion was to add an alternate wildcard syntax that indicates a match that is intended to be exhaustive, even if a backup must be provided. But it is unclear what that wildcard syntax should be (the suggestion was .., but that is ambiguous with existing syntax).