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For those interested in numbers, see Konrad's google scholar citations profile.

We try to include links for all of our papers. Some of the links open PDFs, others direct you to a journal's site where that particular publication is available for download. If you cannot access one of our papers, let us know. The copyright notice for these papers is listed at the bottom of the page.


A deep learning framework for neuroscience
Blake A Richards, Timothy P Lillicrap, ..., Konrad P Kording
Nature Neuroscience, 2019 (Article)

Spike-based causal inference for weight alignment
Jordan Guerguiev, Konrad P Kording, Blake A Richards
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Identifying Weights and Architectures of Unknown ReLU Networks
David Rolnick, Konrad P Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Towards learning-to-learn
Benjamin James Lansdell, Konrad Paul Kording
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2019 (Article)

Augmenting Supervised Learning by Meta-learning Unsupervised Local Rules
Jeffrey Siedar Cheng, Ari Benjamin, Benjamin Lansdell, Konrad Paul Kording
OpenReview, 2019 (Article)

A Deep Dive to Illuminate V4 Neurons
Aaron P Batista, Konrad P Kording
Trends in neurosciences, 2019 (Article)

Movement science needs different pose tracking algorithms
Nidhi Seethapathi, Shaofei Wang, Rachit Saluja, Gunnar Blohm, Konrad P Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

What does it mean to understand a neural network?
Timothy P Lillicrap, Konrad P Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Reverse engineering neural networks from many partial recordings
Elahe Arani, Sofia Triantafillou, Konrad P Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Pose estimates from online videos show that side-by-side walkers synchronize movement under naturalistic conditions
Claire Chambers, Gaiqing Kong, Kunlin Wei, Konrad Kording
PloS One, 2019 (Article)

Learning to solve the credit assignment problem
Benjamin James Lansdell, Prashanth Prakash, Konrad Paul Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Rarely-switching linear bandits: optimization of causal effects for the real world
Benjamin Lansdell, Sofia Triantafillou, Konrad Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Sensorimotor priors are effector dependent
Cong Yin, Huijun Wang, Kunlin Wei, Konrad P Körding
Journal of neurophysiology, 2019 (Article)

Quantifying the role of neurons for behavior is a mediation question
Ilenna Simone Jones, Konrad Paul Kording
arXiv, 2019 (Article)

Policies or knowledge: priors differ between a perceptual and sensorimotor task
Claire Chambers, Hugo Fernandes, Konrad Paul Kording
Journal of neurophysiology, 2019 (Article)

Smartwatches Can Detect Walker and Cane Use in Older Adults
Stephen A Antos, Margaret K Danilovich, Amy R Eisenstein, Keith E Gordon, Konrad P Kording
Innovation in aging, 2019 (Article)

On functions computed on trees
Roozbeh Farhoodi, Khashayar Filom, Ilenna Simone Jones, Konrad Paul Kording
Neural Computation, 2019 (Article

Regression Discontinuity Threshold Optimization
Ioana Elena Marinescu, Sofia Triantafillou, Konrad Kording
SSRN, 2019 (Article)

The Roles of Supervised Machine Learning in Systems Neuroscience
Joshua I. Glaser*, Ari S. Benjamin*, Roozbeh Farhoodi*, Konrad P. Kording
Progress in Neurobiology, 2019 (Article)

Neural spiking for causal inference
Benjamin James Lansdell, Konrad Paul Kording
bioRxiv, 2019 (Article)

Hue tuning curves in V4 change with visual context
Ari S Benjamin, Pavan Ramkumar, Hugo Fernandes, Matthew A Smith, Konrad Paul Kording
bioRxiv, 2019 (Article)

Computer vision to automatically assess infant neuromotor risk
Claire Chambers, Nidhi Seethapathi, Rachit Saluja, Helen Loeb, Samuel Pierce, Daniel Bogen, Laura Prosser, Michelle J Johnson, Konrad P Kording
BioRxiv, 2019 (Article)

Quantifying how staining methods bias measurements of neuron morphologies
Roozbeh Farhoodi, Benjamin James Lansdell, Konrad Paul Kording
Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 2019 (Article)

Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Mood: Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Sofia Triantafillou, Sohrab Saeb, Emily G Lattie, David C Mohr, Konrad Paul Kording
JMIR mental health, 2019 (Article)

From prior information to saccade selection: evolution of frontal eye field activity during natural scene search
Joshua I Glaser, Daniel K Wood, Patrick N Lawlor, Mark A Segraves, Konrad P Kording
bioRxiv, 2019 (Article)

Ten simple rules for organizing and running a successful intensive two-week course
Gunnar Blohm, Paul Schrater, Konrad Körding
Neural computation, 2019 (Article)


Population coding of conditional probability distributions in dorsal premotor cortex
Joshua I. Glaser, Matthew G. Perich, Pavan Ramkumar, Lee E. Miller, Konrad P. Kording
Nature Communications, 2018 (Article)

Linear-Nonlinear-Time-Warp-Poisson models of neural activity
Patrick N. Lawlor, Matthew G. Perich, Lee E. Miller, Konrad P. Kording
Biorxiv, 2018 (Article) (Code)

Quasi-experimental causality in neuroscience and behavioural research
Ioana E Marinescu, Patrick N Lawlor, Konrad P Kording
Nature, 2018 (Article)

The development of Bayesian integration in sensorimotor estimation
Claire Chambers, Taegh Sokhey, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Konrad Paul Kording
Journal of Vision, 2018 (Article)

Behavioral tracking gets real
Kunlin Wei, Konrad Paul Kording
Nature neuroscience, 2018 (Article)

Measuring and regularizing networks in function space
Ari S Benjamin, David Rolnick, Konrad Kording
ArXiv, 2018 (Article)

Technology to Track Adherence: Smartwatches Can Detect Walker and Cane Use in Older Adults at High Risk of Falls
Stephen Antos, Margaret Danilovich, Keith E Gordon, Konrad P Kording HPA Resource, 2018 (Article)

Improving generalization by regularizing in L2 function space
Ari S Benjamin, Konrad Kording
Openreview, 2018 (Article)

The development of Bayesian integration in sensorimotor estimation
Claire Chambers, Taegh Sokhey, Debora Gaebler-Spira, Konrad Paul Kording Jorunal of Vision, 2018 (Article)

Although optimal models are useful, optimality claims are not that common
Claire Chambers, Konrad Paul Kording Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2018(Article)

Inferring causal connectivity from pairwise recordings and optogenetics
Mikkel Elle Lepperød, Tristan Stöber, Torkel Hafting, Marianne Fyhn, Konrad Paul Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article)

Modern machine learning as a benchmark for fitting neural responses
Ari Sommer Benjamin, Hugo Fernandes, Tucker Tomlinson, Pavan Ramkumar, Chris VerSteeg, Raeed Chowdhury, Lee E Miller, Konrad Kording
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2018 (Article)

Rate fluctuations not steps dominate LIP activity during decision-making
Xuelong Zhao, Konrad Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article)

Bioscience-scale automated detection of figure element reuse
Daniel E. Acuna, Paul S. Brookes, Konrad P. Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article)

From preliminary to definitive plans: two classes of neurons in frontal eye field
Joshua I. Glaser, Daniel K Wood, Patrick N Lawlor, Mark A. Segraves, Konrad P. Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article)

Sampling Neuron Morphologies
Roozbeh Farhoodi, Konrad P. Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article) (Code)

Spiking allows neurons to estimate their causal effect
Benjamin James Lansdell, Konrad P. Kording
bioRxiv, 2018 (Article)


The Roles of Machine Learning in Biomedical Science
Konrad P. Kording, Ari Benjamin, Roozbeh Farhoodi and Joshua Glaser
National Academy of Engineering, winter 2017,(Article)

A cryptography-based approach for movement decoding
Eva L. Dyer, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Matthew G. Perich, Hugo L. Fernandes, Stephanie Naufel, Lee E. Miller, Konrad P. Körding
Nature Biomedical Engineering 1, 967–976, 2017 (Article) (Code)

Quantifying Mesoscale Neuroanatomy Using X-Ray Microtomography
Eva L. Dyer, William Gray Roncal, Judy A. Prasad, Hugo L. Fernandes, Doga Gürsoy, Vincent De Andrade, Kamel Fezzaa, Xianghui Xiao, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Chris Jacobsen, Konrad P. Körding and Narayanan Kasthuri
eNeuro 25 September, 2017 (Article) (Code)

Machine learning for neural decoding
Joshua I. Glaser, Raeed H. Chowdhury, Matthew G. Perich, Lee E. Miller, Konrad P. Kording
arXiv, 2017 (Article) (Code)

How Does Mixed Reality Affect Quiet Stance?
Gaiqing Kong, Kunlin Wei, Konrad Paul Kording
bioRxiv 2017 (Article)

Credit assignment between body and object probed by an object transportation task
Gaiqing Kong, Zhihao Zhou, Qining Wang, Konrad Kording & Kunlin Wei
Scientific Reports, 2017 (Article)

The integration of probabilistic information during sensorimotor estimation is unimpaired in children with Cerebral Palsy
Claire Chambers, Taegh Sokhey, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Konrad P. Kording
PLoS ONE, 2017 (Article)


Ten simple rules for structuring papers
Konrad P Kording, Brett Mensh
bioRxiv 2016 (Article)

Science Concierge: A Fast Content-Based Recommendation System for Scientific Publications
Titipat Achakulvisut, Daniel E. Acuna, Tulakan Ruangrong, Konrad Kording
PLoS ONE, 2016 (Article, Github)

A cryptography-based approach for movement decoding
Eva L Dyer, Mohammad G Azar, Hugo L Fernandes, Matthew Perich, Stephanie Naufel, Lee Miller, Konrad Körding
bioRxiv, 2016 (Article)

Could a neuroscientist understand a microprocessor?
Eric Jonas, Konrad Kording
bioRxiv, 2016 (Article)

Uncertainty leads to persistent representations of alternative movements in PMd
Brian M. Dekleva, Pavan Ramkumar, Paul A. Wanda, Konrad P. Körding, Lee E. Miller
eLife, In Press.

Feature-based attention and spatial selection in frontal eye fields during natural scene search
Pavan Ramkumar*, Pat N. Lawlor*, Joshua I. Glaser, Daniel K. Wood, Mark A. Segraves, Konrad P. Körding
Journal of Neurophysiology, In Press.

The role of expected reward in frontal eye field during natural scene search
Joshua I Glaser*, Daniel K Wood*, Patrick N Lawlor, Pavan Ramkumar, Konrad P. Kording, Mark A. Segraves
Journal of Neurophysiology, In Press.

Chunking as the result of an efficiency–computation tradeoff
Pavan Ramkumar, Daniel E. Acuna, Max Berniker, Scott T. Grafton, Robert S. Turner, Konrad P. Körding
Nature Communications, In Press

Adaptive Neuron-to-Muscle Decoder Training for FES Neuroprostheses
C Ethier, DE Acuna, S Solla, L Miller
Journal of Neural Engineering, In Press

Quantifying mesoscale neuroanatomy using X-ray microtomography
Eva L Dyer, William Gray Roncal, Hugo L. Fernandes, Doga Gürsoy, Xianghui Xiao, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Chris Jacobsen, Konrad P. Körding, Narayanan Kasthuri
arXiv (Article, Web)

Convex Relaxation Regression: Black-Box Optimization of Smooth Functions by Learning Their Convex Envelopes
Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Eva L Dyer, Konrad P Körding
Proc. of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) Proceedings, June 2016 (Article)

The Development and Analysis of Integrated Neuroscience Data
Joshua I Glaser and Konrad P Körding
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience | Perspective Article (Article)


Neural coordination during reach-to-grasp
M Vaidya, K Körding, M Saleh, K Takahashi, NG Hatsopoulos
Journal of Neurophysiology (Abstract)

Mobile phone sensor correlates of depressive symptom severity in daily-life behavior: an exploratory study
S Saeb, M Zhang, CJ Karr, SM Schueller, ME Corden, KP Körding, DC Mohr
Journal of Medical Internet Research (Article)

Similar trial-by-trial adaptation behavior across transhumeral amputees and able-bodied subjects
RE Johnson, KP Körding, LJ Hargrove, JW Sensinger
IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) (Abstract)

The relationship between clinical, momentary, and sensor-based assessment of depression
S Saeb, M Zhang, M Kwasny, CJ Karr, K Körding, DC Mohr
Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Abstract)

Self-Expressive Decompositions for Matrix Approximation and Clustering
EL Dyer, TA Goldstein, R Patel, KP Körding, RG Baraniuk
arXiv preprint (Abstract, PDF)

Automatic discovery of cell types and microcircuitry from neural connectomics
Eric Jonas, Konrad Körding
eLIFE (Article, PDF)

Making activity recognition robust against deceptive behavior
Sohrab Saeb, Konrad P Kording, David C Mohr
PLOS ONE (Article)

Puzzle Imaging: Using Large-scale Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms for Localization
Joshua I Glaser, Bradley M Zamft, George M Church, Konrad P Körding
PLOS ONE (Article, PDF)

Carrot or stick in motor learning
Sternad D, Körding KP
Nature Neuroscience | News and Views (Abstract)

Modeling peripheral visual acuity enables discovery of gaze strategies at multiple time scales during natural scene search
Ramkumar P, Fernandes H, Körding K, Segraves M
Journal of Vision (Article)

Over my fake body: body ownership illusions for studying the multisensory basis of own-body perception
Kilteni K, Maselli A, Körding KP, Slater M
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Article)

Deep networks for motor control functions
Berniker M, Körding KP
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Article)

Using psychophysics to ask if the brain samples or maximizes
Acuna DE*, Berniker M*, Fernandes HL*, Körding KP (*authors contributed equally)
Journal of Vision (Article, F1000 recommendation)

Predicting cognitive function from clinical measures of physical function and health status in older adults
Bolandzadeh N, Körding K, Salowitz N, Davis JC, Hsu L, Chan A, Sharma D, Blohm G, Liu-Ambrose T
PLoS ONE (Article, PDF)

High-Reproducibility and High-Accuracy Method for Automated Topic Classification
Lancichinetti A, Sirer MI, Wang JX, Acuna D, Körding K, Amaral LAN

Spatial Information in Large-Scale Neural Recordings
Thaddeus R Cybulski*, Joshua I Glaser*, Adam H Marblestone, Bradley M Zamft, Edward S Boyden, George M Church, Konrad P Körding
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Article, PDF)


Conceptualizing Cancer Drugs as Classifiers
Patrick Lawlor, Tomer Kalisky, Robert Rosner, Marsha Rich Rosner, Konrad Paul Kording
PLOS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Saliency and saccade encoding in the frontal eye field during natural scene search
Fernandes HL, Stevenson IH, Phillips AN, Segraves MA, Kording KP
Cerebral Cortex (Abstract, PDF, Supp)

Serotonin Affects Movement Gain Control in the Spinal Cord
Kunlin Wei, Joshua I. Glaser, Linna Deng, Christopher K. Thompson, Ian H. Stevenson, Qining Wang, Thomas George Hornby, Charles J. Heckman, Konrad P. Kording
Journal of Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)

The generalization of prior uncertainty during reaching
Fernandes HL, Stevenson IH, Vilares I, Kording KP
Journal of Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF, Review paper)

Multi-faceted aspects of chunking enable robust algorithms
DE Acuna, NF Wymbs, CA Reynolds, N Picard, RS Turner, PL Strick, ST Grafton, and K Kording
Journal of neurophysiology (Abstract)

Bayesian statistics: relevant for the brain?
Kording, KP
Current opinion in neurobiology (Abstract)

Rosetta Brains: A Strategy for Molecularly-Annotated Connectomics
Marblestone AH, Daugharthy ER, Kalhor R, Peikon ID, Kebschull JM, Shipman SL, Mishchenko Y, Lee J, Kording KP, Boyden ES, Zador AM & Church GM
arXiv (Abstract, PDF)

Dealing with Target Uncertainty in a Reaching Control Interface
Corbett, E. A., Körding, K. P., & Perreault, E. J.
PLOS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Computer Use Changes Generalization of Movement Learning
Wei, K., Yan, X., Kong, G., Yin, C., Zhang, F., Wang, Q., & Kording, K. P.
Current Biology (Abstract)

Multimodal decoding and congruent sensory information enhance reaching performance in subjects with cervical spinal cord injury
EA Corbett, NA Sachs, KP Körding, EJ Perreault
Frontiers in Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)


Motor learning of novel dynamics is not represented in a single global coordinate system: evaluation of mixed coordinate representations and local learning
Max Berniker, David W Franklin, J. Randall Flanagan, Daniel M. Wolpert, & Konrad Kording
Journal of Neurophysiology (PrePrint)

The Database for Reaching Experiments and Models
Ben Walker, Konrad Kording PLOS One 8(11): e78747. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078747 (Paper, Database)

Hand, belt, pocket or bag: Practical activity tracking with mobile phones
Stephen A. Antos, Mark V. Albert, Konrad P. Kording
Journal of Neuroscience Methods (PDF)

Statistical Analysis of Molecular Signal Recording
Joshua I. Glaser, Bradley M. Zamft, Adam H. Marblestone, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Keith Tyo, Edward S. Boyden, George Church, Konrad P. Kording PLoS Comput Biol 9(7): e1003145. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003145 (Abstract, PDF)

Monitoring Functional Capability of Individuals with Lower Limb Amputations Using Mobile Phones
Albert MV, McCarthy C, Valentin J, Herrmann M, Kording K, Jayaraman J (2013) PLoS ONE 8(6): e65340. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065340

Wii Fit Balance Board Playing Improves Balance and Gait in Parkinson Disease
Priya V Mhatre, Iris Vilares, Stacy M Stibb, Mark V Albert, PT Laura Pickering, Christina M Marciniak, Konrad Kording, Santiago Toledo PM&R article

Physical Principles for Scalable Neural Recording
Adam H. Marblestone, Bradley M. Zamft, Yael G. Maguire, Mikhail G. Shapiro, Thaddeus R. Cybulski, Joshua I. Glaser, P. Benjamin Stranges, Reza Kalhor, David A. Dalrymple, Dongjin Seo, Elad Alon, Michel M. Maharbiz, Jose M. Carmena, Jan M. Rabaey, Edward S. Boyden, George M. Church, Konrad P. Kording
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7:137. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2013.00137 paper

Generalization of unconstrained reaching with hand weight changes
Yan, X., Wang, Q., Lu, Z., Stevenson, IH., Kording, K. & Wei K.*
Journal of Neurophysiology 109(1): 137-146. pdf

An examination of the generalizability of motor costs
M. Berniker, M. O'Brien, K. Kording & A. Ahmed
PLoS ONE 8(1), January, 2013 (Abstract, PDF).

Credit Assignment during Movement Reinforcement Learning
G Dam, KP Kording, K Wei
PLOS ONE 8(2): e55352. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055352 (Abstract, PDF)


Saccadic gain adaptation is predicted by the statistics of natural fluctuations in oculomotor function
Albert MV, Catz N, Thier P, and Kording KP
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Abstract)

Using mobile phones for activity recognition in Parkinson's patients
Albert MV, Toledo S, Shapiro M, and Kording KP
Frontiers in Neurology (Abstract)

Functional Connectivity and Tuning Curves in Populations of Simultaneously Recorded Neurons
Stevenson IH, London BM, Oby ER, Sachs NA, Reimer J, et al.
PLoS Computational Biology (Article)

Motion games improve balance control in stroke survivors: a preliminary study based on the principle of constraint-induced movement therapy
Q Ding, IH Stevenson, N Wang, W Li, Y Sun, Q Wang, K Kording, K Wei
Displays, (PDF)

Generalization of unconstrained reaching with hand weight changes
Yan X, Wang Q, Lu Z, Stevenson IH, Kording KP, Wei K
J. Neurophys, (PDF)

Advanced User Interfaces for Upper Limb FES
Corbett E, Ethier C, Oby ER, Kording K, Perreault E J, Miller LE
Book chapter in "Introduction to neural engineering for motor rehabilitation" eds. Farina, D, Jensen, W, Akay, M., in press (PDF)

What silly postures tell us about the brain
Sober SJ and Koerding KP
Frontiers in Neuroscience ([Article]( paper))

Future impact: Predicting scientific success
D. E. Acuna, S. Allesina, K. P. Kording
Nature (Nature website, PDF, [Online h-index calculator]( Online h-index calculator))

Temporal Integration of Olfactory Perceptual Evidence in Human Orbitofrontal Cortex
Nicholas E. Bowman, Konrad P. Kording, Jay A. Gottfried
Neuron, Volume 75, Issue 5, 916-927 (Abstract, PDF)

Measuring Cation Dependent DNA Polymerase Fidelity Landscapes by Deep Sequencing
Zamft B, Marblestone A, Kording K, Schmidt D, Martin-Alarcon D, TyoK, Boyden E, Church GM
PLoS ONE (PDF, Supplementary data)

Generalization of stochastic visuomotor rotations
Fernandes HL, Stevenson IH, Kording KP
PLoS ONE (Article, PDF)

Differential Representations of Prior and Likelihood Uncertainty in the Human Brain
Vilares I, Howard JD, Fernandes HL, Gottfried JA, Kording KP
Current Biology (Abstract, PDF)

Fall classification by machine learning using mobile phones
Albert MV, Kording KP, Herrmann M, Jayaraman A
PLoS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Towards Perceiving Robots as Humans – Three handshake models face the Turing-like Handshake Test
Avraham G, Nisky I, Fernandes HL, Acuna DE, Kording KP, Loeb GE, Karniel A
IEEE Transactions on Haptics (Abstract)

Decoding with limited neural data: a mixture of time-warped trajectory models for directional reaches
Corbett EA, Perreault EJ and Kording KP
Journal of Neural Engineering, (Abstract, PDF)


Of toasters and molecular ticker tapes,
Konrad Kording
PLoS Computational Biology 7(12): e1002291. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002291 (PDF)

Inferring spike-timing-dependent plasticity from spike train data,
Stevenson IH and Kording KP
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, (PDF).

Estimating the Relevance of World Disturbances to Explain Savings, Interference and Long-Term Motor Adaptation Effects
Berniker M and Kording KP
PLoS Computational Biology 7(10): e1002210. (PDF)

Bayesian approaches to modeling action selection
Berniker, M, Wei, K and Kording, KP
CUP book: Modeling natural action selection, Anil Seth, editor (PDF)

Sensory Cue Integration
Trommershauser, J, Kording, K and Landy, M, (eds)
Oxford University Press Book Info

Causal inference in sensorimotor learning and control
Wei, K. and Kording, K.
Sensory Cue Integration eds: Trommershauser, J., Kording, K., and Landy, M.S.
Oxford University Press Book info

Bayesian Approaches to Sensory Integration for Motor Control
Berniker, M. and Kording, KP Chapter, WIREs Cognitive Science (PDF)

Statistical assessment of the stability of neural movement representations
Stevenson IH, Cherian A, London BM, Sachs N, Lindberg E, Reimer J, Slutzky MW, Hatsopoulos NG, Miller LE, and Kording KP.
Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 764-774. (Abstract, PDF)

Measuring generalization of visuomotor perturbations in wrist movements using mobile phones
Fernandes HL*, Albert MV*, Kording KP. (*authors contributed equally)
PLoS ONE 6(5): e20290. (Article, PDF)

Mixture of time-warped trajectory models for movement decoding
Corbett, E, Perreault, E and Kording, KP
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22 (Abstract, PDF)

Bayesian models: the structure of the world, uncertainty, behavior, and the brain
Vilares I and Körding KP.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1224: 22–39. (Abstract, PDF)

Trust and Reciprocity: Are effort and money equivalent?
Vilares I, Dam G, and Körding KP.
PLoS ONE 6(2): e17113. (Abstract, PDF)

How advances in neural recording affect data analysis Stevenson IH and Körding KP.
Nature Neuroscience 14, 139–142. (Abstract, PDF, Supp)

Discrete-time local dynamic programming
Berniker M and Körding KP.
American Control Conference, 2011, pp. 618-625. (Abstract, PDF)


Mixture of time-warped trajectory models for movement decoding
Corbett E, Perreault EJ, and Kording KP
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Abstract, PDF)

In praise of “false” models and rich data
Fernandes HL, and Körding KP
Journal of Motor Behavior (Abstract)

The nervous system uses nonspecific motor learning in response to random perturbations of varying nature
Wei K, Wert D, and Körding KP
Journal of Neurophysiology (Abstract, PDF)

Looking for synergies between the equilibrium point hypothesis and internal models, Commentary on the Paper by Mark Latash: “Equilibrium Point Hypothesis”
Shapiro, M and Kording, KP
Motor Control (PDF)

The uncertainty associated with visual flow fields and their influence on postural sway: Weber's law suffices to explain the nonlinearity of vection
Wei K, Stevenson IH, and Körding KP
Journal of Vision (Abstract, PDF)

Learning priors for Bayesian computations in the nervous system
Berniker M, Voss M, and Körding KP
PLoS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Sensory adaptation and short term plasticity as Bayesian correction for a changing brain
Stevenson IH*, Cronin B*, Sur M, and Körding KP (* contributed equally)
PLoS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Rewiring neural interactions by micro-stimulation
Rebesco JM, Stevenson IH, Körding KP, Solla SA, and Miller LE
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)

Uncertainty of feedback and state estimation determines the speed of motor adaptation
Wei K and Körding KP
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)

Self versus Environment Motion in Postural Control
Dokka K, Kenyon RV, Keshner EA, and Körding KP
PLoS Computational Biology (Abstract, PDF)

On the similarity of functional connectivity between neurons estimated across timescales
Stevenson IH and Körding KP
PLoS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Hierarchical Bayesian modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for tuning curve analysis
Cronin B*, Stevenson IH*, Sur M, and Körding KP (* contributed equally)
Journal of Neurophysiology 103: 591-602. (Abstract, PDF, Code)


Bayesian integration and non-linear feedback control in a full-body motor task
Stevenson IH, Fernandes HL, Vilares I, Wei K, and Körding KP
PLoS Computational Biology (Article, PDF)

Comparing Bayesian models for multisensory cue combination without mandatory integration
Beierholm U, Kording KP, Shams L, Ma WJ
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (PDF)

Statistics of natural movements are reflected in motor errors
Howard IS, Ingram JN, Kording KP, and Wolpert DM
Journal of Neurophysiology (Abstract, PDF)

Structural inference affects depth perception in the context of potential occlusion
Stevenson IH and Körding KP
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Abstract, PDF)

Bayesian Statistics (with Particular Focus on the Motor System)
Berniker, M, and Kording, KP
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (PDF)

Bayesian inference of functional connectivity and network structure from spikes
Stevenson IH, Rebesco JM, Hatsopoulos NG, Haga Z, Miller LE, and Körding KP
IEEE TNSRE (Special Issue on Brain Connectivity) (Abstract, PDF, Code)

Relevance of error: what drives motor adaptation?
Wei K and Kording KP
Journal of Neurophysiology (Abstract, PDF)


Inferring functional connections between neurons
Stevenson IH, Rebesco JM, Miller LE, and Körding KP
Current Opinion in Neurobiology (Abstract, PDF)

Exploration and exploitation during sequential search
Dam G and Kording KP
Cognitive Science (PDF)

A probabilistic model of meetings that combines words and discourse features
Dowman, M., Savova, V., Griffiths, T.L., Kording, K.P., Tenenbaum, J.B., Purver, M.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (Abstract, PDF)

Estimating the sources of motor errors for adaptation and generalization
Berniker M and Kording KP
Nature Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)

The statistics of natural hand movements
Ingram JN, Kording KP, Howard IS, Wolpert DM
Experimental Brain Research (Abstract, PDF)

A probabilistic model of meetings that combines words and discourse features
Dowman, M., Savova, V., Griffiths, T. L., Kording, K. P., Tenenbaum, J. B., Purver, M.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (PDF)


Dynamics of orientation tuning in cat V1 neurons depend on location within layers and orientation map
Schummers, J Cronin, B , Wimmer, K, Stimberg, M , Martin, R, Obermayer, K , Kording, K and Sur, M
Frontiers in Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)

Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception
Kording, KP, Beierholm, U., Ma, W., Quartz, S., Tenenbaum, J., Shams, L.
PLoS ONE (Abstract, PDF)

Decision theory: what should the nervous system do?
Kording KP
Science (Abstract, PDF)

The dynamics of memory as a consequence of optimal adaptation to a changing body
Kording KP, Tenenbaum JB, and Shadmehr R
Nature Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)


Causal Inference in sensorimotor integration
Kording, K. and Tenenbaum, J. B.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (PDF)

Probabilistic mechanisms in sensorimotor control
Kording, KP and Wolpert, D
Novartis Foundation symposium (Abstract)

Multiple timescales and uncertainty in motor adaptation
Kording, KP., Tenenbaum, JB., and Shadmehr, R.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (PDF)

Bayesian decision theory in sensorimotor control
Kording and Wolpert, D.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences (PDF)

Unsupervised topic modelling for multi-party spoken discourse
Purver, M., Kording, K. P., Griffiths, T. L., & Tenenbaum, J. B.
Proceedings of Coling/ACL (PDF)


Bayesian Integration in Force Estimation
Kording, KP, Ku, SP and Wolpert, D.
Journal of Neurophysiology (PDF)

Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the visual cortex
Kayser, C, Körding, KP, König, P
Opinion in Neurobiology (PDF)

Bayesian Statistics and Utility Functions in Sensorimotor Control
Kording, KP and Wolpert, DM
In Bayesian Brain, Doya, K., Ishii, S, Pouget, A. and Rao, RPN (eds), MIT Press (Book Info)

Predicting Properties of the Rat Somatosensory System by Sparse Coding
Hafner, VV. , Fend, M. , König, P. and Körding, KP.
Neural Information Processing Letters and Reviews (PDF)

A Neuroeconomics Approach to Inferring Utility Functions in Sensorimotor Control
Körding, KP., Fukunaga, I., Howard, IS., Ingram, J. and Wolpert, D.
PLoS Biology (Abstract, PDF)

The loss function of sensorimotor learning
Körding, KP. and Wolpert, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Abstract, PDF)

Bayesian Integration in Sensorimotor Learning
Körding, KP. and Wolpert, D.
Nature (Abstract, PDF)

The world from a cat's perspective -- statistics of natural videos
Betsch, B, Einhäuser, W., Körding, KP and König, P
Biological Cybernetics (PDF)


How are complex cell properties adapted to the statistics of natural scenes?
Körding, KP, Kayser, C., Einhäuser, W. and König,P.
Journal of Neurophysiology (PDF)

Probabilistic Inference in Human Sensorimotor Processing
Körding, KP. and Wolpert, D.

Optimal coding for naturally occurring whisker deflections
Hafner, V. V., Fend, M., Lungarella, M., Pfeifer, R., König, P., Körding, K. P.
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing (ICANN/ICONIP) (PDF)

Learning distinct and complementary feature-selectivities from natural colour videos
Einhäuser, W., Kayser, C., Körding, K.P. and König,P.
Reviews in the Neurosciences (Abstract, PDF)

Sparse spectrotemporal coding of sounds
Klein, D.J., König, P. and Körding, K.P.
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Abstract, PDF)

On the choice of a sparse prior
Körding, K.P., Kayser, C. and König, P.
Reviews in the Neurosciences (Abstract, PDF)

Learning the nonlinearity of neurons from natural visual stimuli
Kayser C, Körding KP, König P.
Neural Computation (Abstract, PDF)


Learning Multiple Feature Representations from Natural Image Sequences
Einhäuser,W. Kayser,C. Körding K.P. and König,P.
Artificial Neural Networks:ICANN 2002, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. (Abstract, PDF)

Learning the invariance properties of complex cells from their responses to natural stimuli
Einhäuser, W., Kayser, C. , König, P. and Körding, K.P.
Eur J Neurosci (PDF)

Learning of sparse auditory receptive fields
Konrad P. Körding, Peter König, and David J. Klein
IJCNN (Abstract, PDF)


Non contact eye-tracking on cats
Körding, K.P., Kayser C., Betsch, B. and König, P.
J Neurosci Methods (Abstract, PDF)

Neurons with two sites of synaptic integration learn invariant representations
Körding, K.P. and König,P.
Neural Computation (Abstract, PDF)

Extracting slow subspaces from natural videos leads to complex cells
Kayser, C., Einhäuser, W., Dümmer, O., König, P. and Körding, K.P.
International conference on artificial neural networks (PDF)

Supervised and unsupervised learning with two sites of synaptic integration
Körding, K.P. and König ,P.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Abstract, PDF)


A spike based learning rule for the generation of invariant representations
Körding, K.P. and König, P.
Journal of Physiology Paris (Abstract, PDF)

A learning rule for local decorrelation and dynamic decorrelation
Körding, K.P. and König, P.
Neural Networks (Abstract, PDF)

Integrating top-down and bottom-up sensory processing by somato-dendritic interactions
Siegel,M. Körding,K.P. and König, P.
J. Comp. Neurosci (Abstract, PDF)

Learning with two sites of synaptic integration
Konrad P. Körding and Peter König
Network: Computation in Neural Systems (PDF)

Two sites of synaptic integration: Relevant for learning?
Körding, K.P. and König, P.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (PDF)

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