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opencats edited this page Sep 29, 2014 · 32 revisions

What is OpenCATS?

right|180px|OpenCATS is a free Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
..designed for Recruiters by the recruiting community who need to manage the recruitment process from job posting, candidate application, through to candidate selection and submission.

This free and open application will install on Linux or Windows to manage your recruiting workflow.

=== Thinking Free ATS? Think OpenCATS! === [left|180px|][] Visit the [Demo Site][]

Missing a feature you need? [Pledge your support for it][]



  • CATS / OpenCATS /OSATS - [what's it all about][]?
  • The [FAQ][] answers some of the more common questions around OpenCATS.
  • The [License FAQ][] answers some of the more common questions around Opensource OpenCATS Licensing.
  • [OpenCATS Installation][] answers questions specific to the installation and usage of OpenCATS

Admin Resources

  • [How-Tos][] describe in a “cooked book” and step-by-step fashion how to achieve certain results with OpenCATS.
  • [Development Guidelines][] link to topics for developers, access to the SVN repository and the development wiki
  • [Problem Diagnosis][] notes contain recommended configuration and processes for investigating suspected product problems.
  • [Bundled Scripts][] describe the scripts provided in the base CATS package
  • Bug tracking[1][] services are available

Download Software


  • The [opencats downloads][] page has links to all relevant files available today.
  • The [current release][] takes minutes to install.
  • [Subversion access][] is available


Developer projects

  • [LDAP Authentication module][]
  • [Joomla module][]
  • [Multi-lingual version][]
  • [Projects/Blue Sky ideas!][] (under construction)
  • [direct upload from Cats to jobsites][]
  • [OSATS][] is the svn code in development
  • [development mailing list][]
  • [suggestions][Pledge your support for it]

[[image:opencats-start here.jpg|“link=downloads”|center|250px|

Get started with your FREE ATS today

[left|180px|]: image:improve sales.jpg "wikilink" [Demo Site]: Demo Site "wikilink" [Pledge your support for it]: [what's it all about]: what's it all about "wikilink" [FAQ]: FAQ "wikilink" [License FAQ]: License FAQ "wikilink" [OpenCATS Installation]: OpenCATS Installation "wikilink" [How-Tos]: How-Tos "wikilink" [Development Guidelines]: Dev-Guide "wikilink" [Problem Diagnosis]: Diagnostics "wikilink" [Bundled Scripts]: Scripts "wikilink" [1]: [right|180px|]: image:open-source.jpg "wikilink" [opencats downloads]: opencats downloads "wikilink" [current release]: [Subversion access]: Subversion access "wikilink" [LDAP Authentication module]: LDAP Authentication module "wikilink" [Joomla module]: Joomla module "wikilink" [Multi-lingual version]: Multi-lingual version "wikilink" [Projects/Blue Sky ideas!]: Projects/Blue Sky ideas! "wikilink" [direct upload from Cats to jobsites]: automatic uploads "wikilink" [OSATS]: OSATS "wikilink" [development mailing list]: devmailinglist "wikilink"