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How To: openHAB Release

Yannick Schaus edited this page Jun 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

What has to be done

This page will summarize the steps needed to be done, when a new openHAB version is released.

  1. Rename the final-stable branch to final-${last_stable_version} in the openhab-docs repo

  2. Rename the final branch to final-stable

  3. Create a new final branch from final-stable

  4. Create the archived website for the former stable version:

    1. Configure DNS & CloudFlare for the v${last_stable_version} domain (e.g. It should point to openhab-v{last_stable_version}

    2. On Netlify, on the main page ("Team Overview"), click the Add new site button then Import an existing project

    3. Click the GitHub button, authorize Netlify on GitHub if asked

    4. Change the organization dropdown to "openhab" and choose the website repository

    5. Fill out the details:

      • Branch to deploy: main

      • Base directory: leave blank

      • Build command: npm run build

      • Publish directory: vuepress

      • Click Show advanced and add the following environment variables:

        • NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=16000
        • NODE_VERSION: 14.15.2
        • OH_DOCS_VERSION: final-${last_stable_version}.x (e.g. final-3.2.x)
    6. Click Deploy site

    7. While the site is deploying, click Site settings then Change site name and change the automatically generated name to openhab-v{last_stable_version}

    8. After the site is properly built and accessible, still in Site settings, under Build & Deploy, in the Build settings section, click Edit Settings and choose Stop builds (the archived websites will only be built on demand) then Save.

  5. Change the info in the frontmatter in the download/ file on the website repository

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