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Jennifer Melot jmelot
Software engineer @georgetown-cset. Profile picture is of a Long-billed Curlew by Ingrid Taylar

@georgetown-cset Washington, DC

R. S. Doiel rsdoiel
I am a human. Once upon a time I wrote music and prose. I write software.

California Institute of Technology California

Alexander Le Legendary-Cynosure

42.3601° N, 71.0942° W

John the Scott jmscott
Bounty Coder

SetSpace Dallas, Texas, USA

Jonathan A. Nations jonnations
Mammalogist and evolutionary ecologist interested in Bayesian multilevel modeling and phylogenetic comparative methods.

Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida

ginger alycejenni
I write code; sometimes it even works

@NaturalHistoryMuseum Wales

Dr Christopher J Wilson DrChookWilson

@ngarrindjeri @utas @hobart Hobart