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CxsLucyfer CxsLucyfer
lost inn the dark

evelucifer Oslo Norway

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.


Dag7 dag7dev
i'll take your brain to another dimension

Dag7 Inc. Outta space

GhandAnarchy GhandAnarchy
GhandAnarchy officiall GitHub profile.
H-Blocka R-1O
Still Learning...
Antonio Garofalo Endless077
Our democracy has been hacked.

Università degli Studi di Salerno Naples

Neo Te Aika neoteaika
New Wave artist, game and audio dev. Currently studying games at Massey alongside my personal + industry creative projects, Mostly known for Halo modding

New Zealand

Kevyn.Lust LustosaKev
I am currently creating my portfolio. And move forward.

Rio Claro, SP. Brasil.

Nehul Tyagi nehultyagi1
Privacy is a Myth


You're looking for my Gitlab page probably. ✓ I am not a Robot.


vault412 budmonster02

VAULT412 Pittsburgh

Giulio Malitesta atsetilam
not a coder by trade, but I muddle through

SECO S.p.a. Padua, IT

Software Engineer, GNU/Linux enthusiast, music maniac.

Russia, Moscow

insoft Insoft-UK
Indie Computer Game Developer C, C++, Objective-C, Swift, Python, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, Assembly (Z80, 6502, 68K, x86, Atmel, Microchip), PPL, BASIC

Insoft UK