{ "basic": { "license key": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "date": "Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:33:10 +0000", "ownCloud version": "", "ownCloud version string": "10.2.0", "ownCloud edition": "Community", "server OS": "Linux", "server OS version": "Linux ***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE*** #1 SMP Wed May 15 10:40:34 CEST 2019 x86_64", "server SAPI": "cgi-fcgi", "webserver version": "Apache", "hostname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "logged-in user": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***" }, "stats": { "users": { "Database": { "count": 12, "seen": 11, "logged in (30 days)": 11 } }, "groups": { "OC\\Group\\Database": 2, "OCA\\Guests\\GroupBackend": 1 } }, "config": { "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "trusted_domains": [ "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***" ], "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "overwrite.cli.url": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbtype": "mysql", "version": "", "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbtableprefix": "oc_", "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "logtimezone": "UTC", "installed": true, "mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "mail_smtpmode": "smtp", "mail_smtpsecure": "ssl", "mail_smtpauthtype": "LOGIN", "mail_smtpauth": 1, "mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "mail_smtpport": "465", "mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***", "loglevel": 1, "maintenance": false }, "integritychecker": { "passing": true, "enabled": true, "result": [] }, "core": { "OC_Channel": "stable", "first_install_version": "", "installedat": "1542384748.35", "lastcron": "1560256354", "lastupdateResult": "[]", "lastupdatedat": "1560256156", "public_files": "files_sharing\/public.php", "public_webdav": "dav\/appinfo\/v1\/publicwebdav.php", "shareapi_default_expire_date": "yes", "vendor": "owncloud" }, "apps": [ { "id": "encryption", "description": "In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side encryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt all your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys. The module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted after server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to disable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system. Please read the documentation to know all implications before you decide to enable server-side encryption.", "name": "Default encryption module", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Bjoern Schiessle, Clark Tomlinson", "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.2\/go.php?to=user-encryption", "admin": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.2\/go.php?to=admin-encryption" }, "rememberlogin": "false", "version": "1.3.1", "types": [ "filesystem" ], "use-migrations": "true", "dependencies": { "lib": "openssl", "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "commands": [ "OCA\\Encryption\\Command\\SelectEncryptionType", "OCA\\Encryption\\Command\\RecreateMasterKey", "OCA\\Encryption\\Command\\MigrateKeys", "OCA\\Encryption\\Command\\HSMDaemon" ], "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\Encryption\\Panels\\Admin", "personal": "OCA\\Encryption\\Panels\\Personal" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": false, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/encryption\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true }, { "id": "files_trashbin", "name": "Deleted files", "description": "This application enables users to restore files that were deleted from the system. It displays a list of deleted files in the web interface, and has options to restore those deleted files back to their ownCloud file directories or remove them permanently from the system. Restoring a file also restores related file versions, if the versions application is enabled. When a file is deleted from a share, it can be restored in the same manner, though it is no longer shared. By default, these files remain in the trash bin for 30 days. To prevent a user from running out of disk space, the ownCloud Deleted files app will not utilize more than 50% of the currently available free quota for deleted files. If the deleted files exceed this limit, ownCloud deletes the oldest files until it gets below this limit. More information is available in the Deleted Files documentation.\n\n", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Bjoern Schiessle", "default_enable": "", "version": "0.9.1", "types": [ "filesystem" ], "use-migrations": "true", "namespace": "Files_Trashbin", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "", "max-version": "10" } } }, "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.2\/go.php?to=user-trashbin" }, "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\Files_Trashbin\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireTrash" }, "commands": [ "OCA\\Files_Trashbin\\Command\\CleanUp", "OCA\\Files_Trashbin\\Command\\ExpireTrash" ], "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/files_trashbin\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.9.1", "types": "filesystem" } }, { "id": "oauth2", "name": "OAuth2", "summary": "OAuth2 token-based authorization interface", "description": "OAuth2 is the open industry-standard protocol for secure authorization of clients. It can be used as a way for users to grant web services or applications access to their data stored in ownCloud. The use of OAuth2 in ownCloud greatly enhances security while facilitating the integration of third party applications or web services:\n\n- Connect ownCloud clients (Desktop, Android, iOS) through a standardized and secure authorization flow - Provide a user authorization interface for developers to facilitate the integration of ownCloud in third party applications\n\n### Benefits provided by the OAuth2 interface\n\n- No user passwords are being stored in ownCloud clients or third party web applications\n\nInstead of connecting clients with username\/password, a user only needs to provide the information once in the browser. The respective client is then provided with a unique access token which is used for future connections to the ownCloud server. ownCloud clients or third party applications never get to know the actual login credentials.\n\n- The use of different access tokens per client provides the ability to selectively revoke user sessions\n\nWhen using OAuth2 a unique access token is generated for each device or third party application. Users can check their authorized clients in the personal settings and have the ability to selectively invalidate access tokens when e.g. a device is lost. This strengthens control and access security significantly.\n\n### Resources - [OAuth - Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/OAuth) - [OAuth protocol web page](https:\/\/oauth.net\/2\/)", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Project Seminar \"sciebo@Learnweb\" of the University of M\u00fcnster, Thomas M\u00fcller", "version": "0.4.0", "namespace": "OAuth2", "category": "security", "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/oauth2", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/oauth2\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/oauth2.git" }, "screenshot": [ "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/oauth2\/oauth2.jpg", "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/oauth2\/ownCloud-oauth2-app-auth-request.jpg", "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/oauth2\/ownCloud-oauth2-app-authorized.jpg" ], "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "types": [ "authentication" ], "auth-modules": { "module": "OCA\\OAuth2\\AuthModule" }, "settings": { "personal": "OCA\\OAuth2\\Panels\\PersonalPanel", "admin": "OCA\\OAuth2\\Panels\\AdminPanel" }, "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\OAuth2\\BackgroundJob\\CleanUp" }, "use-migrations": "true", "commands": [ "OCA\\OAuth2\\Commands\\AddClient", "OCA\\OAuth2\\Commands\\RemoveClient" ], "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": false, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/oauth2\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true }, { "id": "firstrunwizard", "name": "First run wizard", "description": "This application enables a pop-up window when a user first logs into ownCloud. This window welcomes new users to ownCloud, and contains links to the standard ownCloud desktop client, Android app, and the iOS app. The window also shows a link for accessing ownCloud via WebDAV. At any time, the first run wizard button can be opened again via the link on the personal page. The First run wizard can be customized to meet specific design goals, or to change links and messages. Create an appropriate theme following the Theming documentation, and changes to the look and feel of this Wizard are simple. More information is available in the First run wizard documentation, as well as the theming documentation.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Frank Karlitschek, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Tom Needham", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.2", "max-version": "11" } } }, "version": "1.2.0", "namespace": "FirstRunWizard", "default_enable": "", "commands": { "command": "OCA\\FirstRunWizard\\Command\\ResetAll" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/firstrunwizard\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "1.2.0", "ocsid": "166055", "types": "" } }, { "id": "user_external", "name": "External user support", "description": "Use external user authentication methods like IMAP, SMB and FTP", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Robin Appelman", "documentation": { "admin": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/9.0\/admin_manual\/configuration_user\/user_auth_ftp_smb_imap.html" }, "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/apps\/tree\/master\/user_external", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/apps\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/apps.git" }, "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "version": "0.5.0", "shipped": "true", "types": [ "authentication", "prelogin" ], "ocsid": "166060", "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": false, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/user_external\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true }, { "id": "external", "name": "External Sites", "description": "This application allows an admin to add a link in the ownCloud web interface Apps menu that points to an external website. By simply entering the URL and the name for the external site, icon appears. When this icon is clicked by a user, the external website appears in the ownCloud frame. For the user, this external site appears as if it is part of ownCloud but, in fact, this can be any external URL.\n\nNote that the External Site link must use the same type of encryption as provided by ownCloud. In other words, if ownCloud is hosted on HTTPS, the link in the external site must also be HTTPS. The same is also true for HTTP. More information is available in the External Sites documentation.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Frank Karlitschek", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "version": "1.4.0", "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": false, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/external\/img\/external.svg", "previewAsIcon": true }, { "id": "files_videoplayer", "name": "Video player", "description": "A responsive video player using a skinned version of Video.js\n\nBased on this app: https:\/\/apps.owncloud.com\/content\/show.php\/Video+Js?content=159670\n\nVideo.js: http:\/\/videojs.com\/\n\nSkin: https:\/\/github.com\/cabin\/videojs-sublime-skin", "version": "0.10.1", "licence": "MIT", "author": "Bj\u00f6rn Korella", "default_enable": "", "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer\/blob\/master\/README.md", "admin": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer\/blob\/master\/README.md", "developer": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer\/blob\/master\/README.md" }, "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/files_videoplayer.git" }, "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/files_videoplayer\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.10.1", "types": "" } }, { "id": "provisioning_api", "name": "Provisioning API", "description": "This application enables a set of APIs that external systems can use to create, edit, delete and query user attributes, query, set and remove groups, set quota and query total storage used in ownCloud. Group admin users can also query ownCloud and perform the same functions as an admin for groups they manage. The API also enables an admin to query for active ownCloud applications, application info, and to enable or disable an app remotely. Once the app is enabled, http requests can be used via a Basic Auth header to perform any of the functions listed above. More information is available in the Provisioning API documentation, including example calls and server responses.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Tom Needham", "default_enable": "", "documentation": { "admin": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.2\/go.php?to=admin-provisioning-api" }, "version": "0.5.0", "namespace": "Provisioning_API", "types": [ "prevent_group_restriction" ], "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/provisioning_api\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.5.0", "types": "prevent_group_restriction" } }, { "id": "comments", "name": "Comments", "description": "Files app plugin to add comments to files", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Arthur Schiwon, Vincent Petry", "default_enable": "", "version": "0.3.0", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "types": [ "logging", "dav" ], "sabre": { "plugins": { "plugin": "OCA\\Comments\\Dav\\CommentsPlugin" }, "collections": { "collection": "OCA\\Comments\\Dav\\RootCollection" } }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.3.0", "types": "logging,dav" } }, { "id": "activity", "name": "Activity", "summary": "Keep track of events with Activity stream and email notifications", "description": "The ownCloud Activity application enables users to not only get a summarized overview of all file and folder events in their ownCloud, but also to receive notifications for such via email. The user can configure their individual Activity preferences in their personal settings and can decide in detail which file or folder actions should be listed in the Activity stream (accessible via the app launcher) and also for which file or folder actions the users wants to receive email notifications. The bulk email notifications can either be sent out hourly, daily or weekly to fit the specific needs of the individual user.\n\nFrom creation of new files or folders, to file or folder changes, updates, restores from trash bin, sharing activities, comments, tags and downloads from public share links - the ownCloud Activity app gathers all file or folder related actions in one place for the user to review. For users with lots of activity it is possible to limit the Activity stream to 'Favorites' in order to avoid noise. Furthermore the application provides filters to give users the means to maintain overview by reducing entries to relevant information.\n\nAnd there you have it - a complete overview of all file and folder activities in your ownCloud with the additional ability to receive activity notifications via email in a time interval of your choice. Never again miss an important event related to content in ownCloud and always be up-to-date on all activities of your files and folders.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Frank Karlitschek, Joas Schilling, Tom Needham, Thomas M\u00fcller, Vincent Petry", "version": "2.4.2", "default_enable": "", "types": [ "filesystem" ], "use-migrations": "true", "documentation": { "admin": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/latest\/admin_manual\/configuration_server\/activity_configuration.html" }, "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/activity\/", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/activity\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/activity.git" }, "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/68550c2b7c53e6309132ca1c7b177adca976db0b\/activity\/activity.png", "category": "tools", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.0.3", "max-version": "10" } } }, "background-jobs": [ "OCA\\Activity\\BackgroundJob\\EmailNotification", "OCA\\Activity\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireActivities" ], "navigation": { "order": "1", "route": "activity.Activities.showList" }, "settings": { "personal": "OCA\\Activity\\PersonalPanel" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/activity\/img\/activity.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "2.4.2", "types": "filesystem" } }, { "id": "notifications", "name": "Notifications", "summary": "Notification system for internal events", "description": "This application adds an internal notification system to an ownCloud instance. Notifications are triggered by apps like the Announcement Center or Custom Groups and displayed via a bell indicator in the WebUI as well as via the ownCloud clients.", "category": "tools", "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/promo\/e1dd604d66b4c5f765579b4c160de3268169ea3c\/ownCloud%20logo%20square.png", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Joas Schilling, Thomas M\u00fcller", "version": "0.5.0", "types": [ "logging" ], "default_enable": "", "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/notifications", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/notifications\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/notifications.git" }, "commands": { "command": "OCA\\Notifications\\Command\\Generate" }, "settings": { "personal": "OCA\\Notifications\\Panels\\Personal\\NotificationsPanel" }, "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.2", "max-version": "11" } } }, "use-migrations": "true", "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/notifications\/img\/notifications.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.5.0", "types": "logging" } }, { "id": "files_versions", "name": "Versions", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Frank Karlitschek, Bjoern Schiessle", "description": "This application enables ownCloud to automatically maintain older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every user\u2019s directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. ownCloud then automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user doesn\u2019t run out of Quota because of versions. In addition to the expiry of versions, ownCloud\u2019s versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the user\u2019s currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, ownCloud will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation.\n\n", "version": "1.3.0", "types": [ "filesystem" ], "namespace": "Files_Versions", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.2\/go.php?to=user-versions" }, "default_enable": "", "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\Files_Versions\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireVersions" }, "commands": [ "OCA\\Files_Versions\\Command\\CleanUp", "OCA\\Files_Versions\\Command\\ExpireVersions" ], "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/files_versions\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "1.3.0", "types": "filesystem" } }, { "id": "brute_force_protection", "name": "Brute-Force Protection", "description": "A brute-force attack occurs when an attacker uses a range of potential passwords in the hope of using the correct one and gaining access to a user's account. Such attacks frequently operate in an automated manner. Doing so lets attackers try many different password combinations in a small time frame.\n\nAdditionally, attackers may use password dictionaries to reduce the number of potential combinations to actual words. This kind of attack is called a \"dictionary attack\". Depending on the strength of a password, attackers can estimate the number of attempts, and the respective time required to break the password and gain access to a user's account. Administrators should be aware of this potential threat and take appropriate counter-measures.\n\nThat's why the Brute-Force Protection extension was developed. It allows administrators to specify a maximum number of unsuccessful user account login attempts. On reaching the unsuccessful login limit, ownCloud temporarily bans further login attempts to those user accounts from the originating IP address. The time frame of the ban is configurable by ownCloud administrators.\n\nOnce a ban is in effect, an attacker is forced to either change their IP address or wait for the ban time to expire before continuing the attack. This best-practice approach increases the amount of time required to conduct an attack, drastically reducing the feasibility of the attack and the possibility of a successful account login.\n\nAlso, ownCloud administrators can take further steps to increase user account security. These include:\n\n1. Requiring strong passwords, using the [Password Policy](https:\/\/marketplace.owncloud.com\/apps\/password_policy) extension. 2. Enabling two- or multi-factor authentication (e.g., a time-based one-time password), which can, theoretically, make brute-force attacks impossible.\n\nSee the [2-Factor Authentication](https:\/\/marketplace.owncloud.com\/apps\/twofactor_totp) extension, [more sophisticated MFA solutions](https:\/\/marketplace.owncloud.com\/apps\/category\/security) or outsourcing user authentication to an Identity Provider via the [SAML\/SSO Integration](https:\/\/marketplace.owncloud.com\/apps\/user_shibboleth) for further information.", "summary": "Prevent attackers from guessing user passwords", "licence": "GPLv2", "author": "Semih Serhat Karakaya", "version": "1.0.1", "namespace": "BruteForceProtection", "use-migrations": "true", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.0.3", "max-version": "10" } } }, "types": [ "prelogin" ], "category": "security", "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/brute_force_protection\/ownCloud-app-bruteforce-protection.jpg", "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\BruteForceProtection\\Panels\\AdminPanel" }, "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\BruteForceProtection\\Jobs\\ExpireOldAttempts" }, "documentation": { "admin": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.com\/server\/latest\/admin_manual\/configuration\/server\/security\/password_policy.html" }, "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/brute_force_protection", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/brute_force_protection\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/brute_force_protection.git" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "appconfig": { "brute_force_protection_ban_period": "300", "brute_force_protection_fail_tolerance": "3", "brute_force_protection_time_threshold": "60", "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "1.0.1", "signed": "true", "types": "prelogin" } }, { "id": "files_sharing", "name": "Share Files", "description": "This application enables users to share files within ownCloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable users can then share files and folders with other users and groups within ownCloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other users outside of ownCloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices. Turning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the ownCloud Documentation.\n\n", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Michael Gapczynski, Bjoern Schiessle", "default_enable": "", "version": "0.11.0", "types": [ "filesystem" ], "use-migrations": "true", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "", "max-version": "10" } } }, "public": { "files": "public.php" }, "namespace": "Files_Sharing", "settings-sections": { "personal": "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\Panels\\Personal\\Section" }, "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\Panels\\Admin\\SettingsPanel", "personal": "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\Panels\\Personal\\PersonalPanel" }, "background-jobs": [ "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\DeleteOrphanedSharesJob", "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\ExpireSharesJob" ], "commands": { "command": "OCA\\Files_Sharing\\Command\\CleanupRemoteStorages" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/files_sharing\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.11.0", "types": "filesystem" } }, { "id": "updatenotification", "name": "Update notification", "description": "Displays update notifications for ownCloud and provides the SSO for the updater.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Lukas Reschke", "version": "0.2.1", "namespace": "UpdateNotification", "default_enable": "", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\UpdateNotification\\Notification\\BackgroundJob" }, "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\UpdateNotification\\Controller\\AdminController" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.2.1", "types": "" } }, { "id": "guests", "name": "Guests", "summary": "Share with externals easily via email address", "description": "Share with external users conveniently just by entering an email address in the sharing dialog. Recipients receive an email containing an activation link. They can log in using their email address as username and the password they chose during activation. Guests may even use the ownCloud desktop clients and mobile apps to connect to ownCloud and work on shared contents.\n\nGuest users do not have storage space and can only work in contents that are shared with them.\n\nIn the 'Sharing' section of ownCloud settings administrators find configuration options for the application enabling to whitelist other ownCloud applications that guests are allowed use. It is important to note that the whitelist defaults are quite conservative. We recommend administrators to check carefully which apps they want to offer. Guest accounts are grouped under a virtual group allowing administrators to easily filter them in the user management. Furthermore guests are fully auditable with the [ownCloud Auditing application](https:\/\/marketplace.owncloud.com\/apps\/admin_audit).\n\n### Resources - Video: [ownCloud X Insights: Guest Users](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=L42PBHgqKVI)", "namespace": "Guests", "version": "0.8.1", "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.com\/server\/latest\/user_manual\/files\/webgui\/sharing.html?highlight=guest#sharing-files-with-guest-users" }, "licence": "GPLv2", "author": "ownCloud GmbH", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.1", "max-version": "10" } } }, "category": "collaboration", "types": [ "authentication" ], "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\Guests\\Settings\\Admin" }, "screenshot": [ "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/guests\/owncloud-app-guests.jpg", "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/guests\/owncloud-app-guests-2.jpg" ], "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.8.1", "types": "authentication" } }, { "id": "calendar", "name": "Calendar", "summary": "A Calendar app for ownCloud", "description": "The Calendar app is a user interface for ownCloud's CalDAV server. Easily sync events from various devices with your ownCloud and edit them online.\n\n* **Integration with other ownCloud apps!** Currently Contacts - more to come. * **WebCal Support!** Want to see your favorite team\u2019s matchdays in your calendar? No problem! * **Attendees!** Invite people to your events.", "version": "1.6.2", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Georg Ehrke, Raghu Nayyar, Bernhard Fr\u00f6hler, Julian M\u00fcller", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "9.1", "max-version": "10" } } }, "documentation": { "user": "https:\/\/doc.owncloud.org\/server\/10.0\/user_manual\/pim\/calendar.html" }, "category": "productivity", "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/calendar\/screenshot.png", "website": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/calendar\/", "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/calendar\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/owncloud\/calendar.git" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/calendar\/img\/calendar.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "1.6.2", "signed": "true", "types": "" } }, { "id": "configreport", "name": "Admin Config Report", "description": "Generate a Config Report", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "owncloud.org", "version": "0.2.0", "namespace": "ConfigReport", "default_enable": [ "", "" ], "types": [ "filesystem" ], "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.2", "max-version": "11" } } }, "commands": { "command": "OCA\\ConfigReport\\Command\\ConfigReport" }, "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\ConfigReport\\AdminPanel" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.2.0", "types": "filesystem" } }, { "namespace": "Drawio", "id": "drawio", "name": "Drawio", "description": "Draw.io is integrated diagramming that works with the collaboration tools you and your team are already using. Create your diagrams directly in your ownCloud using any browser and save your work on your favorite cloud storage. For more information what you can do with draw.io see the examples: https:\/\/about.draw.io\/features\/examples\/", "licence": "gplv2", "author": "Tom Needham", "version": "0.0.8", "category": "productivity", "summary": "Integration of Draw.io editor into ownCloud Files app for creating and modifying diagrams", "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/tomneedham\/oc-drawio\/master\/screenshot.png", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10.0", "max-version": "10.1" } } }, "bugs": "https:\/\/github.com\/tomneedham\/oc-drawio\/issues", "repository": { "@attributes": { "type": "git" }, "@value": "https:\/\/github.com\/tomneedham\/oc-drawio.git" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": false, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/drawio\/img\/drawio.svg", "previewAsIcon": true }, { "id": "federation", "name": "Federation", "description": "ownCloud Federation allows you to connect with other trusted ownClouds to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing.", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Bjoern Schiessle", "version": "0.1.0", "namespace": "Federation", "category": "other", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "default_enable": "", "types": [ "authentication" ], "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\Federation\\SyncJob" }, "commands": { "command": "OCA\\Federation\\Command\\SyncFederationAddressBooks" }, "settings": { "admin": "OCA\\Federation\\Panels\\Admin" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "internal": true, "level": 200, "removable": false, "preview": "\/apps\/federation\/img\/app.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.1.0", "types": "authentication" } }, { "id": "market", "name": "Market", "summary": "Integrate the ownCloud marketplace into your ownCloud", "description": "Easily manage ownCloud apps from within your ownCloud web interface. It connects your ownCloud with your marketplace account and lets you browse, install and update any apps from inside your ownCloud instance.\n\nPlease note: Since ownCloud X (10.0) every instance gets shipped with this app included. You do not need to install it separately. To use this application click on \"Files\" in the top left corner and click on \"Market\" (cart icon) (Administrator privileges required)", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Thomas M\u00fcller, Felix Heidecke, Thomas B\u00f6rger, Philipp Schaffrath, Viktar Dubiniuk", "version": "0.4.0", "default_enable": "", "category": "tools", "screenshot": "https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/owncloud\/screenshots\/master\/market\/ownCloud-market-app.jpg", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "background-jobs": { "job": "OCA\\Market\\CheckUpdateBackgroundJob" }, "commands": [ "OCA\\Market\\Command\\InstallApp", "OCA\\Market\\Command\\UnInstallApp", "OCA\\Market\\Command\\ListApps", "OCA\\Market\\Command\\UpgradeApp" ], "navigation": { "@attributes": { "role": "admin" }, "route": "market.page.index", "order": "100" }, "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "types": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "two-factor-providers": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "preview": "\/apps\/market\/img\/market.svg", "previewAsIcon": true, "appconfig": { "brute_force_protection": "1.0.1", "calendar": "1.6.2", "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.4.0", "market": "0.4.0", "oauth2": "0.4.1", "types": "" } }, { "id": "systemtags", "name": "Collaborative tags", "description": "Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users. Great for teams. (If you are a provider with a multi-tenancy installation, it is advised to deactivate this app as tags are shared.)", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Vincent Petry", "default_enable": "", "version": "0.3.0", "dependencies": { "owncloud": { "@attributes": { "min-version": "10", "max-version": "10" } } }, "namespace": "SystemTags", "types": [ "logging" ], "info": [], "remote": [], "public": [], "repair-steps": { "install": [], "pre-migration": [], "post-migration": [], "live-migration": [], "uninstall": [] }, "background-jobs": [], "two-factor-providers": [], "commands": [], "_cached": true, "groups": null, "active": true, "level": 100, "removable": true, "internal": false, "appconfig": { "enabled": "yes", "installed_version": "0.3.0", "types": "logging" } } ], "mounts": [], "tables": { "tableNames": { "oc_account_terms": { "fields": [ { "id": { "type": "bigint", "null": false, "default": null, "autoIncrement": true } }, { "account_id": { "type": "bigint", "null": false, "default": null, 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user memcached redis rediscluster", "Registered serializer handlers": "php_serialize php php_binary wddx", "session.auto_start": "Off", "session.cache_expire": "180", "session.cache_limiter": "nocache", "session.cookie_domain": "no value", "session.cookie_httponly": [ "1", "0" ], "session.cookie_lifetime": "0", "session.cookie_path": "\/", "session.cookie_secure": [ "1", "0" ], "session.force_path": "1", "session.gc_divisor": "100", "session.gc_maxlifetime": "1440", "session.gc_probability": "0", "session.lazy_write": "On", "session.name": [ "ocvuhud5mshc", "PHPSESSID" ], "session.referer_check": "no value", "session.save_handler": "files", "session.save_path": "\/tmp", "session.serialize_handler": "php", "session.sid_bits_per_character": "4", "session.sid_length": "32", "session.upload_progress.cleanup": "On", "session.upload_progress.enabled": "On", "session.upload_progress.freq": "1%", "session.upload_progress.min_freq": "1", "session.upload_progress.name": "PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS", "session.upload_progress.prefix": "upload_progress_", "session.use_cookies": "1", "session.use_only_cookies": "1", "session.use_strict_mode": "0", "session.use_trans_sid": "1" }, "SimpleXML": { "Revision": "$Id: 341daed0ee94ea8f728bfd0ba4626e6ed365c0d1 $", "Schema support": "enabled" }, "soap": { "Soap Client": "enabled", "Soap Server": "enabled", "soap.wsdl_cache": "1", "soap.wsdl_cache_dir": "\/tmp", "soap.wsdl_cache_enabled": "1", "soap.wsdl_cache_limit": "5", "soap.wsdl_cache_ttl": "86400" }, "sockets": { "Sockets Support": "enabled" }, "sodium": { "libsodium headers version": "1.0.11", "libsodium library version": "1.0.11" }, "SPL": { "Interfaces": "OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject", "Classes": "AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, CallbackFilterIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException" }, "sqlite3": { "SQLite3 module version": "7.2.15", "SQLite Library": "3.20.1", "sqlite3.extension_dir": "no value" }, "standard": { "Dynamic Library Support": "enabled", "Path to sendmail": "\/usr\/sbin\/sendmail -t -i", "assert.active": "1", "assert.bail": "0", "assert.callback": "no value", "assert.exception": "0", "assert.quiet_eval": "0", "assert.warning": "1", "auto_detect_line_endings": "0", "default_socket_timeout": "60", "from": "no value", "session.trans_sid_hosts": "no value", "session.trans_sid_tags": "a=href,area=href,frame=src,form=", "url_rewriter.hosts": "no value", "url_rewriter.tags": "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry", "user_agent": "no value" }, "sysvmsg": { "sysvmsg support": "enabled", "Revision": "$Id: 73c7c7668de72405a739f837dc62fd6ce8e5eba6 $" }, "sysvsem": { "Version": "7.2.15" }, "sysvshm": { "Version": "7.2.15" }, "tokenizer": { "Tokenizer Support": "enabled" }, "wddx": { "WDDX Session Serializer": "enabled" }, "xml": { "XML Support": "active", "XML Namespace Support": "active", "libxml2 Version": "2.9.1" }, "xmlreader": { "XMLReader": "enabled" }, "xmlrpc": { "core library version": "xmlrpc-epi v. 0.51", "php extension version": "7.2.15", "author": "Dan Libby", "homepage": "http:\/\/xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net", "open sourced by": "Epinions.com" }, "xmlwriter": { "XMLWriter": "enabled" }, "xsl": { "XSL": "enabled", "libxslt Version": "1.1.28", "libxslt compiled against libxml Version": "2.9.1", "EXSLT": "enabled", "libexslt Version": "1.1.28" }, "zip": { "Zip": "enabled", "Zip version": "1.15.4", "Libzip version": "1.1.2" }, "zlib": { "Stream Wrapper": "compress.zlib:\/\/", "Stream Filter": "zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate", "Compiled Version": "1.2.8", "Linked Version": "1.2.8", "zlib.output_compression": "Off", "zlib.output_compression_level": "-1", "zlib.output_handler": "no value" }, "Additional Modules": { "ionCube Loader": null, "Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Lerdorf, Sam Ruby, Sascha Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, Andrei Zmievski": null, "Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Marcus Boerger": null, "Zend Scripting Language Engine": "Andi Gutmans, Zeev Suraski, Stanislav Malyshev, Marcus Boerger, Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui, Nikita Popov", "Extension Module API": "Andi Gutmans, Zeev Suraski, Andrei Zmievski", "UNIX Build and Modularization": "Stig Bakken, Sascha Schumann, Jani Taskinen", "Windows Support": "Shane Caraveo, Zeev Suraski, Wez Furlong, Pierre-Alain Joye, Anatol Belski, Kalle Sommer Nielsen", "Server API (SAPI) Abstraction Layer": "Andi Gutmans, Shane Caraveo, Zeev Suraski", "Streams Abstraction Layer": "Wez Furlong, Sara Golemon", "PHP Data Objects Layer": "Wez Furlong, Marcus Boerger, Sterling Hughes, George Schlossnagle, Ilia Alshanetsky", "Output Handler": "Zeev Suraski, Thies C. Arntzen, Marcus Boerger, Michael Wallner", "Consistent 64 bit support": "Anthony Ferrara, Anatol Belski", "Apache 2.0 Handler": "Ian Holsman, Justin Erenkrantz (based on Apache 2.0 Filter code)", "CGI \/ FastCGI": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov", "CLI": "Edin Kadribasic, Marcus Boerger, Johannes Schlueter, Moriyoshi Koizumi, Xinchen Hui", "Embed": "Edin Kadribasic", "FastCGI Process Manager": "Andrei Nigmatulin, dreamcat4, Antony Dovgal, Jerome Loyet", "litespeed": "George Wang", "phpdbg": "Felipe Pena, Joe Watkins, Bob Weinand", "BC Math": "Andi Gutmans", "Bzip2": "Sterling Hughes", "Calendar": "Shane Caraveo, Colin Viebrock, Hartmut Holzgraefe, Wez Furlong", "COM and .Net": "Wez Furlong", "ctype": "Hartmut Holzgraefe", "cURL": "Sterling Hughes", "Date\/Time Support": "Derick Rethans", "DB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase)": "Wez Furlong, Frank M. Kromann, Adam Baratz", "DBA": "Sascha Schumann, Marcus Boerger", "DOM": "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards, Marcus Boerger", "enchant": "Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia Alshanetsky", "EXIF": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Marcus Boerger", "fileinfo": "Ilia Alshanetsky, Pierre Alain Joye, Scott MacVicar, Derick Rethans, Anatol Belski", "Firebird driver for PDO": "Ard Biesheuvel", "FTP": "Stefan Esser, Andrew Skalski", "GD imaging": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stig Bakken, Jim Winstead, Jouni Ahto, Ilia Alshanetsky, Pierre-Alain Joye, Marcus Boerger", "GetText": "Alex Plotnick", "GNU GMP support": "Stanislav Malyshev", "Iconv": "Rui Hirokawa, Stig Bakken, Moriyoshi Koizumi", "IMAP": "Rex Logan, Mark Musone, Brian Wang, Kaj-Michael Lang, Antoni Pamies Olive, Rasmus Lerdorf, Andrew Skalski, Chuck Hagenbuch, Daniel R Kalowsky", "Input Filter": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Derick Rethans, Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia Alshanetsky", "InterBase": "Jouni Ahto, Andrew Avdeev, Ard Biesheuvel", "Internationalization": "Ed Batutis, Vladimir Iordanov, Dmitry Lakhtyuk, Stanislav Malyshev, Vadim Savchuk, Kirti Velankar", "JSON": "Jakub Zelenka, Omar Kilani, Scott MacVicar", "LDAP": "Amitay Isaacs, Eric Warnke, Rasmus Lerdorf, Gerrit Thomson, Stig Venaas", "LIBXML": "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards, Marcus Boerger, Wez Furlong, Shane Caraveo", "Multibyte String Functions": "Tsukada Takuya, Rui Hirokawa", "MySQL driver for PDO": "George Schlossnagle, Wez Furlong, Ilia Alshanetsky, Johannes Schlueter", "MySQLi": "Zak Greant, Georg Richter, Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel", "MySQLnd": "Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel, Georg Richter, Johannes Schl\u00fcter", "OCI8": "Stig Bakken, Thies C. Arntzen, Andy Sautins, David Benson, Maxim Maletsky, Harald Radi, Antony Dovgal, Andi Gutmans, Wez Furlong, Christopher Jones, Oracle Corporation", "ODBC driver for PDO": "Wez Furlong", "ODBC": "Stig Bakken, Andreas Karajannis, Frank M. Kromann, Daniel R. Kalowsky", "Opcache": "Andi Gutmans, Zeev Suraski, Stanislav Malyshev, Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui", "OpenSSL": "Stig Venaas, Wez Furlong, Sascha Kettler, Scott MacVicar", "Oracle (OCI) driver for PDO": "Wez Furlong", "pcntl": "Jason Greene, Arnaud Le Blanc", "Perl Compatible Regexps": "Andrei Zmievski", "PHP Archive": "Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger", "PHP Data Objects": "Wez Furlong, Marcus Boerger, Sterling Hughes, George Schlossnagle, Ilia Alshanetsky", "PHP hash": "Sara Golemon, Rasmus Lerdorf, Stefan Esser, Michael Wallner, Scott MacVicar", "Posix": "Kristian Koehntopp", "PostgreSQL driver for PDO": "Edin Kadribasic, Ilia Alshanetsky", "PostgreSQL": "Jouni Ahto, Zeev Suraski, Yasuo Ohgaki, Chris Kings-Lynne", "Pspell": "Vlad Krupin", "Readline": "Thies C. Arntzen", "Recode": "Kristian Koehntopp", "Reflection": "Marcus Boerger, Timm Friebe, George Schlossnagle, Andrei Zmievski, Johannes Schlueter", "Sessions": "Sascha Schumann, Andrei Zmievski", "Shared Memory Operations": "Slava Poliakov, Ilia Alshanetsky", "SimpleXML": "Sterling Hughes, Marcus Boerger, Rob Richards", "SNMP": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Harrie Hazewinkel, Mike Jackson, Steven Lawrance, Johann Hanne, Boris Lytochkin", "SOAP": "Brad Lafountain, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov", "Sockets": "Chris Vandomelen, Sterling Hughes, Daniel Beulshausen, Jason Greene", "Sodium": "Frank Denis", "SPL": "Marcus Boerger, Etienne Kneuss", "SQLite 3.x driver for PDO": "Wez Furlong", "SQLite3": "Scott MacVicar, Ilia Alshanetsky, Brad Dewar", "System V Message based IPC": "Wez Furlong", "System V Semaphores": "Tom May", "System V Shared Memory": "Christian Cartus", "tidy": "John Coggeshall, Ilia Alshanetsky", "tokenizer": "Andrei Zmievski, Johannes Schlueter", "WDDX": "Andrei Zmievski", "XML": "Stig Bakken, Thies C. Arntzen, Sterling Hughes", "XMLReader": "Rob Richards", "xmlrpc": "Dan Libby", "XMLWriter": "Rob Richards, Pierre-Alain Joye", "XSL": "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards", "Zip": "Pierre-Alain Joye, Remi Collet", "Zlib": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stefan Roehrich, Zeev Suraski, Jade Nicoletti, Michael Wallner", "Authors": "Mehdi Achour, Friedhelm Betz, Antony Dovgal, Nuno Lopes, Hannes Magnusson, Philip Olson, Georg Richter, Damien Seguy, Jakub Vrana, Adam Harvey", "Editor": "Peter Cowburn", "User Note Maintainers": "Daniel P. Brown, Thiago Henrique Pojda", "Other Contributors": "Previously active authors, editors and other contributors are listed in the manual.", "Ilia Alshanetsky, Joerg Behrens, Antony Dovgal, Stefan Esser, Moriyoshi Koizumi, Magnus Maatta, Sebastian Nohn, Derick Rethans, Melvyn Sopacua, Jani Taskinen, Pierre-Alain Joye, Dmitry Stogov, Felipe Pena, David Soria Parra, Stanislav Malyshev, Julien Pauli, Stephen Zarkos, Anatol Belski, Remi Collet, Ferenc Kovacs": null, "PHP Websites Team": "Rasmus Lerdorf, Hannes Magnusson, Philip Olson, Lukas Kahwe Smith, Pierre-Alain Joye, Kalle Sommer Nielsen, Peter Cowburn, Adam Harvey, Ferenc Kovacs, Levi Morrison", "Event Maintainers": "Damien Seguy, Daniel P. Brown", "Network Infrastructure": "Daniel P. Brown", "Windows Infrastructure": "Alex Schoenmaker" } } }