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49 lines (48 loc) · 839 Bytes

File metadata and controls

49 lines (48 loc) · 839 Bytes


This is just my ansible playbook to setup my laptop with the applications that I usually use. Simplifying setup of any new laptop.

  • Repos installed
    • Google Chrome
    • Steam
    • Oracle Java (webupd8team)
    • Tilix (webupd8team)
    • MEGA
    • Lutris
    • Microsoft (Teams and vscode)
    • keepassxc
  • Software installed
    • byobu
    • vim
    • shutter
    • inkscape
    • gimp
    • blender
    • backintime-gnome
    • kgpg
    • hexchat
    • linssid
    • wireshark
    • vlc
    • minicom
    • hplip-gui
    • gtk-recordmydesktop
    • google-chrome-stable
    • megasync
    • oracle-java8-installer
    • tilix
    • skypeforlinux
    • lutris
    • git
    • ruby
    • ruby-dev
    • rubygems
    • build-essential
    • devscripts
    • apache2
    • certbot
    • python-certbot-apache
    • remmina
    • gdebi-core
    • mssh
    • libproc-queue-perl
    • teams
    • vscode