diff --git a/tst/functions/assertions/PesterThrow.Tests.ps1 b/tst/functions/assertions/PesterThrow.Tests.ps1 index 8fc7e58e9..913df059a 100644 --- a/tst/functions/assertions/PesterThrow.Tests.ps1 +++ b/tst/functions/assertions/PesterThrow.Tests.ps1 @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ InPesterModuleScope { It "returns the correct assertion message when message filter is used and contain escaped wildcard character" { $err = { { throw [ArgumentException]"[!]" } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage '`[`]' } | Verify-AssertionFailed - $err.Exception.Message | Verify-Equal "Expected an exception with message like '[]' to be thrown, but the message was '[!]'." + $err.Exception.Message | Verify-Equal "Expected an exception with message like '[]' to be thrown, but the message was '[!]'. from ##path##:1 char:" -replace "##path##", $testScriptPath } It 'returns the correct assertion message when exceptions messages differ' {