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141 lines (106 loc) · 5.11 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (106 loc) · 5.11 KB


This specification dictates logging requirements for codemodder frameworks. Frameworks need to align on a general design, some important messages to log, and output formats. This way, users get a relatively consistent experience, design problems are solved once and only once, and downstream tooling can make assumptions about expected output.

Output format

The --log-format parameter tells the framework whether the output should be human readable by specifying human (which is the default) or json, which causes each message to be logged as its own self-contained JSON object. This structured logging will be beneficial for downstream tooling that wants to parse, query or programmatically act on codemod output.

human output

For human output, we expect a message like the following:

$ ./ (...) /my/project
codemodder: java/1.2

Notice there is very little boilerplate context for the log message. The log message doesn't show the log level, timestamp, origin, thread, or any other contextual metadata. We believe CLI users would prefer a very simple, undecorated set of messages.

json output

For json output, we expect a message like the following:

$ ./ (...) /my/project
{ "level" : "INFO", "file" : "", "line" : "21", "message" : "[starting]" }
{ "level" : "INFO", "file" : "", "line" : "27", "message" : "codemodder: java/1.2" }

The message field represents the text of the log message.

The level field should be one of DEBUG, INFO, or ERROR. In general:

  • ERROR messages should contain unexpected errors
  • INFO should contain information about changes
  • DEBUG should contain diagnostic or forensic information

The file field should be the code file that is generating the message.

The line field should be the line in the code file that is generating the message.

Note: If the --project-name was specified in the CLI arguments, it should be provided in a project_name key.

Frameworks can log extra, language-specific keys as desired as long as they don't conflict with standard keys.


The --verbose flag tells the codemodder framework to emit all log messages, regardless of their level. This flag has nothing to do with the output format, and strictly controls the volume of messages emitted.

Output streams

Generally, logs are expected to go to stdout. When the user specificies that the output format should be human, including the default case where no output format is specified, it's preferred that error messages be emitted to stderr.

Message Design

We take inspiration from YAML as a format for designing log messages. Outputting in a YAML-like structure gives us some helpful strategies for how to visualize familiar structures, like lists of files, section breaks, and displaying simple key-value pairs.


Without --verbose

The following example output shows all the required messages when running without --verbose.

$ ./ -o /tmp/my_project.codetf /tmp/my_project
codemodder: javascript/1.2

running codemod: pixee:javascript/limit-readline
  - /tmp/my_project/file_d:57,59
  - /tmp/my_project/file_e:194

With --verbose

The following example output shows all the required messages when running with --verbose. Frameworks can emit more messages, but the following messages serve as a reasonable first milestone or baseline for good-enough logging to support users and downstream tooling. Most of these messages feel self-explanatory, but the specification can go into more detail over time as actual elicits a clearer vision of what's important.

$ ./ --verbose -o /tmp/my_project.codetf /tmp/my_project

codemodder: javascript/1.2

running: pixee:javascript/limit-readline, pixee:javascript/secure-random
including paths: **/*.js
excluding paths: **/tests/**,**/test.js

running codemod: pixee:javascript/limit-readline
scanned: 100 files...
scanned: 200 files...
scanned: 300 files...
  - /tmp/my_project/file_a
  - /tmp/my_project/file_b
  - /tmp/my_project/file_c
  - /tmp/my_project/file_d:57,59
      --- frokm.txt   2015-03-17 04:34:47.076997087 -0430
      +++ to.txt      2015-03-17 04:35:27.872996388 -0430
      @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  - /tmp/my_project/file_e:194
      --- frokm.txt   2015-03-17 04:34:47.076997087 -0430
      +++ to.txt      2015-03-17 04:35:27.872996388 -0430
      @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

running codemod: pixee:javascript/secure-random
scanned: 100 files...
scanned: 200 files...  
scanned: 300 files...
  - /tmp/my_project/file_a
  - /tmp/my_project/file_b
  - /tmp/my_project/file_c
  - /tmp/my_project/file_d:81
      --- frokm.txt   2015-03-17 04:34:47.076997087 -0430
      +++ to.txt      2015-03-17 04:35:27.872996388 -0430
      @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

scanned: 356 files
failed: 6 files (3 unique)
changed: 3 files (3 unique)
report file: /tmp/my_project.codetf
elapsed: 14050ms