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Bharat Mahajan edited this page May 4, 2021 · 27 revisions

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Things to do

  • Pairwise summation option?
  • Remove the requirement to define the Event Function by the user even when events are not used
  • Option to integrate the event function (provided by the user) to more efficiently locate the events. See L. F. Shampine, I. Gladwell, and R. W. Brankin, “Reliable Solution of Special Event Location Problems for ODEs,” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 17, March 1991, pp. 11–25.
  • EventAction: Ability to restart integration after encountering a discontinuity in the differential equations and aility to cross the discontinuity before restarting
  • Ability to detect events beyond which the first-order derivatives cannot be conveniently evaluated
  • Option to return a refined bracket for event for use in integration through discontinuity, event state at the beginning or end of the step
  • Divide differential equations into secondary states that are not used in step-error computations, but only integrated (useful for integrating sensitivity and STMs)
  • Option to compute Jacobians using finite-differencing for secondary states
  • Test examples from
  • Choice of different step-error and step-size computation formulae
  • Compare the performance of matmul, gemm, and do loops for computation of ERK stages
  • Implement hand-optimized step-integration routines for Verner98R/Verner65E also.

New Features

  • Implement one General Linear Method (GLM) algorithm for stiff and non-stiff systems
  • Adjoint method for computing parameter sensitivity matrices cheaply
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