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Bharat Mahajan edited this page May 19, 2020 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the FLINT wiki!

Things to do

  • Choice of fixed-step size if user does not want adaptive step-size
  • Check support for discontinuous events like a step function
  • EventAction: Ability to modify solution from the user-provided event functions
  • EventAction: Ability to restart integration after encountering a discontinuity in the differential equations and aility to cross the discontinuity before restarting
  • Ability to mask events after first trigger
  • Ability to detect events beyond which the first-order derivatives cannot be conveniently evaluated
  • Ability to specify event step size and root-finding option for each event separately
  • Option to set event root-finding tolerance for each event separately
  • Option to return a refined bracket for event for use in integration through discontinuity, event state at the beginning or end of the step
  • Test examples from
  • Choice of different step-error and step-size computation formulae
  • Compare the performance of matmul, gemm, and do loops for computation of ERK stages
  • Implement hand-optimized step-integration routines for Verner98R/Verner65E also.

New Features

  • Implement one General Linear Method (GLM) algorithm for stiff and non-stiff systems
  • Adjoint method for computing parameter sensitivity matrices cheaply
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