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Developer Guide

Developing with Anglican

  • Using Anglican as a library: Anglican is on clojars. If you want to use Anglican to develop your algorithms and applications, include [anglican "X.Y.Z"] (with a recent version instead of "X.Y.Z") into your project.

  • Proposing patches:

    1. Fork Anglican.
    2. Make changes in the fork. The code map explains the source tree layout and module contents.
    3. Create a pull request.
    4. If the pull request resolves an issue, refer to the issue in the comment.

Reporting bugs

Style guide

When suggesting fixes/changes/improvements, stick to the following rules, or discuss before breaking them knowingly.

General Formatting

  • Keep the line width within the limit of 80 characters strictly, below 70 characters whenever possible.
  • Use consistent indentation. Whatever your editor (Vim, Emacs, LightTable) suggests is most probably good enough, but do not override the indentation manually on a case-by-case basis.
  • In Lisp, a closing bracket or parenthesis does not traditionally start a line. Put closing brackets/parentheses at the end of expressions they close.

Documenting the code

  • Every namespace must have a documentation string describing the purpose and essential functionality of the namespace.
  • Every function must have a documentation string explaining what the function does and returns.


  • Do not leave dead code (commented out code fragments) in the committed source code. Comments are for humans. Use timbre ( if you need debugging printouts in the code.
  • Comments that take up their own line (or start after an opening square bracket) should start with a double semicolon (three, four, five for headers).
  • Inline comments should use a single semicolon.

Unit testing

  • Prepare enough tests to ensure that the code works correctly, and changes that break the code are immediately identified. Place unit tests for module into test/anglican/foo_test.clj (namespace
  • All tests much pass (lein test) before a change to the public repository.

Implementation Guides

Distributions and random processes

Two abstractions of random sources are used in Anglican, a distribution and a random process, the former corresponding to 'elementary random procedure' (ERP), the latter related to 'exchangeable random procedure' (XRP).

Distributions and random processes are defined through implementation of protocols anglican.runtime/distribution and anglican.runtime/random-process. In addition, a multivariate distribution may optionally implement protocol anglican.runtime/multivariate-distribution. Several distributions are defined in anglican.runtime, and other distributions may be defined in terms of the 'basic' distributions.

For example, the Bernoulli distribution can be defined in terms of uniform-continuous distribution:

(defn bernoulli
  "Bernoulli distribution"
  (let [dist (uniform-continuous 0. 1.)]
	  (sample* [this] (if (< (sample* dist) p) 1 0))
	  (observe* [this value]
			   (Math/log (case value
						   1 p
						   0 (- 1. p)

where sample* and observe* are two methods of the distribution protocol that must be provided.

A better and easier way to implement a distribution is macro defdist. In addition to defining the distribution function, defdist assigns each distribution a record type, as well as arranges for pretty-printing of the distribution instances. The above declaration using defdist is:

(defdist bernoulli
  "Bernoulli distribution"
  [p] [dist (uniform-continuous 0. 1.)]
  (sample* [this] (if (< (sample* dist) p) 1 0))
  (observe* [this value]
		   (Math/log (case value
					   1 p
					   0 (- 1. p)

The first square brackets define the parameter list of the function that creates the distribution instance. The second square brackets define additional bindings (which may depend on the parameters) used by the methods. Behind the scenes, defdist does more than the reify-based definition above: it also defines a record type bernoulli-distribution, and instantiates print-method for the type so that the distribution instance is printed nicely. Consult the source code in src/anglican/runtime.clj for the implementation of defdist.

Likewise, defproc is the macro for implementing random processes. The two methods that must be implemented are produce and absorb. produce returns a distribution corresponding to the current state of the process instance. absorb receives a sample and returns a new process instance updated with the sample. For example, the Chinese Restaurant process can be defined in the following way:

(defproc CRP
  "Chinese Restaurant process"
  [alpha] [counts []]
  (produce [this] 
	(let [dist (discrete (conj counts alpha))]
		(sample* [this] (sample* dist))
		(observe* [this value]
		  (observe* dist (min (count counts) value))))))
  (absorb [this sample] 
	(CRP alpha
		 (-> counts
			 ;; Fill the counts with alpha (corresponding to
			 ;; the zero count) until the new sample.
			 (into (repeat (+ (- sample (count counts)) 1) alpha))
			 (update-in [sample] inc)))))

Of course, instead of reifying the distribution inside the produce method, one can define a new distribution using defdist (as in the implementation of CRP in src/anglican/runtime.clj).

Inference algorithms

An inference algorithm must implement the anglican.inference/infer multimethod. The method dispatches on a keyword. If the algorithm is defined in a namespace, and the keyword is :foo, the algorithm's namespace will be loaded automatically by either anglican.core/m! or mrepl.core/doquery. However, an algorithm may be implemented in any namespace and loaded explicitly before infer is called.

The simplest algorithm to implement is importance sampling:

(ns anglican.importance
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [rand rand-int rand-nth])
  (:use [anglican state inference]))

(derive ::algorithm :anglican.inference/algorithm)

(defmethod infer :importance [_ prog value & {}]
  (letfn [(sample-seq []
			  (cons (:state (exec ::algorithm
			                      prog value initial-state))

For more examples, look at implementations of SMC, Particle Gibbs, Lightweight Metropolis-Hastings. The code map points at the Clojure modules containing the implementations.

Although not required, a convenient function for implementing an inference algorithm is anglican.inference/exec. This function runs the probabilistic program until a so-called checkpoint, a point in execution that requires intervention of the inference algorithm. There are three types of checkpoints:


corresponding to sample and observe probabilistic forms, as well as to returning the final result of a program execution, which encapsulates, among other things, the list of predicts and the log weight of the sample. The multimethod anglican.inference/checkpoint should be used together with exec. Default implementations of the multimethod for each type of checkpoint are provided by the anglican.inference namespace, and correspond to actions performed during importance sampling.