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pytest 3.0 checklist

Bruno Oliveira edited this page Jun 29, 2016 · 18 revisions

pytest 3.0 checklist

The following changes will be part of the 3.0 release as discussed at the pytest sprint 2016 in Freiburg.


  • --setup-only, --setup-plan options
  • reporting hooks for fixture setup/teardown (Steffen, Danielle)
  • new main entry point pytest (and py.test)
  • remove py.test-X* entrypoints
  • doc restructuring
  • display pytest warnings by default
  • remove all deprecated command line options for 3.0 (Farmer)
  • fixture conftest sharing / fixture namespace control, draft/suggestion document
  • merged fixtures becomes a doc draft (Raphael, Holger)
  • introduce deprecation docs based on lightning talk (Oliver)
  • new option --override-ini|-o ININAME=INIVALUE to overrides ini values from the command line so that one can do e.g. -o xfail_strict=True. We don't change the default (Omar, Ted, Daniel)
  • issue deprecation warning for yielding test functions
  • issue deprecation warning pytest_funcarg_ fixtures
  • remove reinterpret assert (Floris)


  • invocation-scope: e.g. monkeypatch and mocker would be useable from any scope. Will be marked experimental for 3.0. (Bruno) @nicoddemus
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