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Python Language Server Configuration

This server can be configured using the workspace/didChangeConfiguration method. Each configuration option is described below. Note, a value of null means that we do not set a value and thus use the plugin's default value.

Configuration Key Type Description Default
pylsp.configurationSources array of unique string (one of: 'pycodestyle', 'flake8') items List of configuration sources to use. ["pycodestyle"]
pylsp.plugins.autopep8.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin (disabling required to use yapf). true
pylsp.plugins.flake8.config string Path to the config file that will be the authoritative config source. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. false
pylsp.plugins.flake8.exclude array of string items List of files or directories to exclude. []
pylsp.plugins.flake8.extendIgnore array of string items List of errors and warnings to append to ignore list. []
pylsp.plugins.flake8.extendSelect array of string items List of errors and warnings to append to select list. []
pylsp.plugins.flake8.executable string Path to the flake8 executable. "flake8"
pylsp.plugins.flake8.filename string Only check for filenames matching the patterns in this list. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.hangClosing boolean Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.ignore array of string items List of errors and warnings to ignore (or skip). []
pylsp.plugins.flake8.maxComplexity integer Maximum allowed complexity threshold. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.maxLineLength integer Maximum allowed line length for the entirety of this run. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.indentSize integer Set indentation spaces. null
pylsp.plugins.flake8.perFileIgnores array of string items A pairing of filenames and violation codes that defines which violations to ignore in a particular file, for example: [",W304"]). [] array of unique string items List of errors and warnings to enable. null
pylsp.plugins.jedi.auto_import_modules array of string items List of module names for jedi.settings.auto_import_modules. ["numpy"]
pylsp.plugins.jedi.extra_paths array of string items Define extra paths for jedi.Script. []
pylsp.plugins.jedi.prioritize_extra_paths boolean Whether to place extra_paths at the beginning (true) or end (false) of sys.path false
pylsp.plugins.jedi.env_vars object Define environment variables for jedi.Script and Jedi.names. null
pylsp.plugins.jedi.environment string Define environment for jedi.Script and Jedi.names. null
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_params boolean Auto-completes methods and classes with tabstops for each parameter. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_class_objects boolean Adds class objects as a separate completion item. false
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_function_objects boolean Adds function objects as a separate completion item. false
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.fuzzy boolean Enable fuzzy when requesting autocomplete. false
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.eager boolean Resolve documentation and detail eagerly. false
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.resolve_at_most integer How many labels and snippets (at most) should be resolved? 25
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.cache_for array of string items Modules for which labels and snippets should be cached. ["pandas", "numpy", "tensorflow", "matplotlib"]
pylsp.plugins.jedi_definition.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_definition.follow_imports boolean The goto call will follow imports. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_definition.follow_builtin_imports boolean If follow_imports is True will decide if it follow builtin imports. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_definition.follow_builtin_definitions boolean Follow builtin and extension definitions to stubs. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_hover.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_references.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_signature_help.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_symbols.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_symbols.all_scopes boolean If True lists the names of all scopes instead of only the module namespace. true
pylsp.plugins.jedi_symbols.include_import_symbols boolean If True includes symbols imported from other libraries. true
pylsp.plugins.mccabe.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.mccabe.threshold integer The minimum threshold that triggers warnings about cyclomatic complexity. 15
pylsp.plugins.preload.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.preload.modules array of unique string items List of modules to import on startup []
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. true
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.exclude array of unique string items Exclude files or directories which match these patterns. []
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.filename array of unique string items When parsing directories, only check filenames matching these patterns. [] array of unique string items Select errors and warnings null
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.ignore array of unique string items Ignore errors and warnings []
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.hangClosing boolean Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line. null
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.maxLineLength integer Set maximum allowed line length. null
pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.indentSize integer Set indentation spaces. null
pylsp.plugins.pydocstyle.enabled boolean Enable or disable the plugin. false
pylsp.plugins.pydocstyle.convention string (one of: 'pep257', 'numpy', 'google', None) Choose the basic list of checked errors by specifying an existing convention. null
pylsp.plugins.pydocstyle.addIgnore array of unique string items Ignore errors and warnings in addition to the specified convention. []
pylsp.plugins.pydocstyle.addSelect array of unique string items Select errors and warnings in addition to the specified convention. []
pylsp.plugins.pydocstyle.ignore array of unique string items Ignore errors and warnings [] array of unique string items Select errors and warnings null