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Speech Recognition with wav2vec2.0

This example demonstarates how you can use torchaudio's I/O features and models to run speech recognition in C++ application.

NOTE This example uses "sox_io" backend for loading audio, which does not work on Windows. To make it work on Windows, you need to replace the part of loading audio and converting it to Tensor object.

1. Create a transcription pipeline TorchScript file

We will create a TorchScript that performs the following processes;

  1. Load audio from a file.
  2. Pass audio to encoder which produces the sequence of probability distribution on labels.
  3. Pass the encoder output to decoder which generates transcripts.

For building decoder, we borrow the pre-trained weights published by fairseq and/or Hugging Face Transformers, then convert it torchaudio's format, which supports TorchScript.

1.1. From fairseq

For fairseq models, you can download pre-trained weights You can download a model from fairseq repository. Here, we will use Base / 960h model. You also need to download the letter dictionary file.

For the decoder part, we use simple_ctc, which also supports TorchScript.

mkdir -p pipeline-fairseq
python \
    --model-file "" \
    --dict-dir <DIRECTORY_WHERE_dict.ltr.txt_IS_FOUND> \
    --output-path "./pipeline-fairseq/"

The above command should create the following TorchScript object files in the output directory.
  • loads audio file and generate waveform Tensor.
  • receives waveform Tensor and generates the sequence of probability distribution over the label.
  • receives the probability distribution over the label and generates a transcript.

1.2. From Hugging Face Transformers

Hugging Face Transformers and Hugging Face Model Hub provides wav2vec2.0 models fine-tuned on variety of datasets and languages.

We can also import the model published on Hugging Face Hub and run it in our C++ application. In the following example, we will try the Geremeny model, (facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-german) on VoxForge Germany dataset.

mkdir -p pipeline-hf
python \
    --model facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-german \
    --output-path ./pipeline-hf/

The resulting TorchScript object files should be same as the fairseq example.

2. Build the application

Please refer to the top level

3. Run the application

Now we run the C++ application transcribe, with the TorchScript object we created in Step.1.1. and an input audio file.

../build/speech_recognition/transcribe ./pipeline-fairseq ../data/input.wav

This will output something like the following.

Loading module from: ./pipeline/
Loading module from: ./pipeline/
Loading module from: ./pipeline/
Loading the audio
Running inference
Generating the transcription

4. Evaluate the pipeline on Librispeech dataset

Let's evaluate this word error rate (WER) of this application using Librispeech dataset.

4.1. Create a list of audio paths

For the sake of simplifying our C++ code, we will first parse the Librispeech dataset to get the list of audio path

python <PATH_TO_YOUR_DATASET>/LibriSpeech/test-clean ./flist.txt

The list should look like the following;

head flist.txt

1089-134691-0000    /LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089/134691/1089-134691-0000.flac    HE COULD WAIT NO LONGER

4.2. Run the transcription

transcribe_list processes the input flist list and feed the audio path one by one to the pipeline, then generate reference file and hypothesis file.

../build/speech_recognition/transcribe_list ./pipeline-fairseq ./flist.txt <OUTPUT_DIR>

4.3. Score WER

You need sclite for this step. You can download the code from SCTK repository.

# in the output directory
sclite -r ref.trn -h hyp.trn -i wsj -o pralign -o sum

WER can be found in the resulting hyp.trn.sys. Check out the column that starts with Sum/Avg the first column of the third block is 100 - WER.

In our test, we got the following results.

model Fine Tune test-clean test-other
960h 3.1 7.7
960h 2.6 5.9
Large (LV-60)
960h 2.9 6.2
Large (LV-60) + Self Training
960h 1.9 4.5

You can also check hyp.trn.pra file to see what errors were made.

id: (3528-168669-0005)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 1 0 0
REF:  there is a stone to be RAISED heavy
HYP:  there is a stone to be RACED  heavy
Eval:                        S

5. Evaluate the pipeline on VoxForge dataset

Now we use the pipeline we created in step 1.2. This time with German language dataset from VoxForge.

5.1. Create a list of audio paths

Download an archive from, and extract it to your local file system, then run the following to generate the file list.

python <PATH_TO_YOUR_DATASET> > ./flist-de.txt

The list should look like

head flist-de.txt
de5-001    /datasets/voxforge/de/guenter-20140214-afn/wav/de5-001.wav    ES SOLL ETWA FÜNFZIGTAUSEND VERSCHIEDENE SORTEN GEBEN

5.2. Run the application and score WER

This process is same as the Librispeech example. We just use the pipeline with the Germany model and file list of Germany dataset. Refer to the corresponding ssection in Librispeech evaluation..

../build/speech_recognition/transcribe_list ./pipeline-hf ./flist-de.txt <OUTPUT_DIR>


# in the output directory
sclite -r ref.trn -h hyp.trn -i wsj -o pralign -o sum

You can find the detail of evalauation result in PRA.

id: (guenter-20140214-afn/mfc/de5-012)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 1 1 0
REF:  die ausgaben kÖnnen gigantisch STEIGE N
HYP:  die ausgaben kÖnnen gigantisch ****** STEIGEN
Eval:                                 D      S