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Add a provider

Gather information

You should gather information about the provider you want to add and add it in the corresponding Github issue.

In particular, you should have:

  1. How to obtain server information from the provider: API url, zip url, HTML page, etc.?
  2. Does it support OpenVPN? If yes:
    1. Does it support UDP? If yes, attach a configuration file for UDP (remove credentials)
    2. Does it support TCP? If yes, attach a configuration file for TCP (remove credentials)
    3. What are the user specific parts: username, password, private key, encryted private key, certificate?
  3. Does it support Wireguard? If yes:
    1. The interface PrivateKey and Address, as well as an eventual PreSharedKey, are different for each server: the user should use the custom provider, do not implement anything for Wireguard
    2. The interface PrivateKey and Address, as well as an eventual PreSharedKey, are the same for all servers:
      1. All the servers public keys are the same public key: precise the public key
      2. All the servers public keys can be obtained (API url, zip url, etc.), precise the way to get them
      3. Servers public keys cannot be obtained or are user specific: the user should use the custom provider, do not implement anything for Wireguard

You need to know the following:


  1. Define a constant with your provider name in internal/constants/providers/providers.go:

    const (
      // Custom is the VPN provider name for custom
      // VPN configurations.
      Custom                = "custom"
      // ...
      YourProvider          = "yourprovider"
      // ...

    The string constant should be all lowercase without spacings or underscores. Please make sure it is inserted in alphabetical order.

  2. Add the constant previously defined to the All() function in internal/constants/providers/providers.go:

    // All returns all the providers except the custom provider.
    func All() []string {
     return []string{
        // ...
        // ...

    Please make sure it is inserted in alphabetical order.

  3. Copy the provider example directory internal/provider/example to internal/provider/<provider-name>.

  4. Rename the package example to package yourprovider from all the Go files in this newly copied directory.

  5. Update the Provider's Name() string method to return providers.YourProvider instead of providers.Example.

  6. Update the import path in internal/provider/yourprovider/provider.go from to

  7. Register the provider code you added in the NewProviders function located in internal/provider/providers.go:

    providerNameToProvider := map[string]Provider{
      // ...
      providers.YourProvider:   yourprovider.New(storage, randSource, client, unzipper, updaterWarner, parallelResolver),
      // ...

    Please insert this entry in the map in alphabetical order.

Updater code

⚠️ This is the hardest part ⚠️

First, add "yourprovider": {"version": 1}, to the list of providers in internal/storage/servers.json.

You need to adapt the example code in the internal/provider/yourprovider/updater Go package such that it can fetch and update VPN servers.

There are several // TODO comments in the code to highlight what needs to be done, and with examples.

You should start by reading the FetchServers method defined in the servers.go file, it contains important information in the form of comments.

The base example code fetches servers information from a (fake) web HTTP API endpoint, and then parallel resolves hostnames to IP addresses. You have to modify this to fetch servers information for your specific provider.

Once you are done, update the servers data in internal/storage/servers.json with:

go run ./cmd/gluetun/main.go update -maintainer -providers yourprovider

💁 Make sure to check the result in internal/storage/servers.json. This might point you to some issues in your servers data update code written in internal/provider/yourprovider/updater.

Provider code

This concerns Go files in the package internal/provider/yourprovider.

You should check out each of the // TODO comments in the code to see what needs to be done, and remove them as you go. Notably, you should:

  • Modify in connection.go the default ports for each protocol combination:

    defaults := utils.NewConnectionDefaults(443, 1194, 51820)

    where the first one is for OpenVPN TCP, the second for OpenVPN UDP and the last for Wireguard (UDP).

  • Modify the fields of the provider settings in openvpnconf.go:

    providerSettings := utils.OpenVPNProviderSettings{
      // ...

    to match the 'common' settings from their Openvpn configuration files. Note several server-specific OpenVPN options come from the server information in internal/storage/servers.json. Some are also automatically set for example if VPN_INTERFACE=tun.

Settings validation

Gluetun is designed to have strict settings validation in order to fail early if an incorrect setting is provided by the user.

You should thus aim at having settings as restrictive as possible for the new provider. For example, if the provider does not support OpenVPN TCP, the settings validation should catch that as an error.

Settings are defined in the internal/configuration/settings package, where each Go file contains a settings structure with a Validate() (err error) method.

In our OpenVPN-TCP unsupported example mentioned above, you should then modify the Validate method from internal/configuration/settings/openvpnselection.go and add the new provider to the list of unsupported providers in:

// Validate TCP
if *o.TCP && helpers.IsOneOf(vpnProvider,
) {
  return fmt.Errorf("%w: for VPN service provider %s",
    ErrOpenVPNTCPNotSupported, vpnProvider)

Markdown servers table formatting

This is needed to easily generate a Markdown table of all the servers information for the provider, which in turn is used in the Github Wiki.

Register the new provider in internal/models/markdown.go:

func getMarkdownHeaders(vpnProvider string) (headers []string) {
  switch vpnProvider {
  // ...
  case providers.YourProvider:
    return []string{countryHeader, cityHeader, ispHeader, hostnameHeader, vpnHeader, tcpHeader, udpHeader}
  // ...

Depending on what fields each provider server has (i.e. country, region, etc.), you should adapt the list of headers above.

In case you add a field to the Server model, you should then add a constant header in internal/models/markdown.go:

const (
 cityHeader        = "City"
 // ...
 newHeader         = "new header"
 // ...
 vpnHeader         = "VPN"

And then add it to the switch in the method ToMarkdown(headers ...string) (markdown string):

  switch header {
  case cityHeader:
    fields[i] = s.City
    // ...
  case newHeader:
    fields[i] = s.NewField
    // ...

Github documentation

  • Add the provider name to the list of VPN service provider in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yml:

    - type: dropdown
      id: vpn-service-provider
        label: VPN service provider
          - Custom
          - Cyberghost
          # ...
          - YourProvider
          # ...

    Please make sure it's inserted in the right alphabetical place in the list.

  • Add the provider name to the list of VPN service provider in .github/labels.yml:

    # VPN providers
    - name: ":cloud: Cyberghost"
      color: "cfe8d4"
      description: ""
    # ...
    - name: ":cloud: YourProvider"
      color: "cfe8d4"
      description: ""
    # ...

    Please make sure it's inserted in the right alphabetical place in the list.

  • Add the provider name to service providers enumeration in the

    - Supports: **Cyberghost**, ..., **NewProviderName**, ..., **Windscribe** servers

Final steps

Don't forget to open a pull request so your changes get merged in the base repository 😉 See the Development page Final steps section.


These optional additions are code changes that may or may not be needed.

Add a user provided setting

You may need a new user-provided setting that is not already built in Gluetun.

The settings are processed in the following order:

  1. Each setting value is read from the following sources order: secret files, plain files and environment variables. The first source containing a non empty setting value is used and other sources are skipped. This is done in the internal/configuration/settings directory, using the qdm12/gosettings library. The files source is in internal/configuration/srouces/files and the secrets source is in internal/configuration/sources/secrets. The environment variables source is built-in qdm12/gosettings already.
  2. Set the default values for any still unset setting values, using setDefaults methods in the internal/configuration/settings package.
  3. Validate the settings. This is done with validate methods defined in the internal/configuration/settings package.

To add a setting, you need to do several code changes:

  1. Add a field to one of the settings structures in the internal/configuration/settings package.
  2. Add necessary code for the new field in the settings struct methods: read, copy, overrideWith, setDefaults, toLinesNode and validate
  3. You may have to modify one or more sources in internal/configuration/sources/ to return some settings values, if needed. Gluetun reads most settings from environment variables only, so feel free to limit the reading to environment variables.

⚠️ If you add an environment variable, add it as its default value in the Dockerfile in the ENV section:

    # ...
    # ...

Add a field to the server model

The server model Server defined in internal/models/server.go is shared for all providers. You can add a field to it if needed for the new provider. If you do so, you would have to modify code in different places:

  • add an if condition in the filterServer function defined in internal/provider/utils/filtering.go to filter servers with that new field
  • add a test case in the Test_FilterServers function in internal/provider/utils/filtering_test.go to test cover that new code path you added
  • add an if condition to the noServerFoundError function in internal/storage/formatting.go to add a part to messageParts if the field is set
  • add code in internal/models/markdown.go, see the Markdown servers table formatting section

Add an OpenVPN option

If you need an extra OpenVPN option in the generated OpenVPN configuration file, you can define it in the OpenVPNConfig function in internal/provider/utils/openvpn.go.

For example to add the tun-mtu option, you can add:

if provider.TunMTU > 0 {
  lines.add("tun-mtu", fmt.Sprint(provider.TunMTU))

Final words

If you reached the end of this document, first of all, congratulations!! 🎉 🎖️ 🏅 🥇