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291 lines (233 loc) · 12.1 KB
  • Feature Name: generic_dependent_consts
  • Start Date: 2015-03-28
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Allow consts declared in functions to depend on function type parameters. Since this raises some issues in match and type checks, use an conservative approach that allows only minimal use of such consts when a constant expression is required.


Consider the following line of code in a non-generic context:

let a: [u8; T::N + T::N] = [0u8; 2*T::N];

In the current associated consts implementation (modulo some temporary wrinkles involving constants associated to traits), this will readily type-check. Since the type T must be known in non-generic code, T::N will evaluate to some value, say 16, in which case it is clear that both sides of the assignment involve arrays of size 32.

However, in generic code, if T is a type parameter, we are asking the type checker to apply the general proposition that N + N = 2 * N for all usize values (that do not overflow when doubled). While this case is simple, requiring the compiler to prove arbitrary identities is untenable.

A similar story applies to match patterns. In order to perform exhaustiveness and reachability checks, the compiler must be able to perform certain comparisons on match arms. However, this analysis is defeated if the compiler does not know what the value in a match pattern actually is.

To date we have dodged the issue by simply not allowing constant expressions to depend upon type parameters at all.

However, in the process we have foreclosed a fairly wide range of possibilities. Here are several examples of functions that are forbidden, even with basic support for associated consts:

fn do_something_optional<T>(x: Option<T>) {
    const NOTHING: Option<T> = None;
    match x {
        Some(y) => { /* ... */ }
        NOTHING => { /* ... */ }
unsafe fn do_something_with_bitmask<T>(x: T) {
    // Assume for the sake of argument that Sized::SIZE is an associated const
    // of type `usize`.
    const SIZE_IN_BITS: usize = 8 * <T as Sized>::SIZE;
    /* ... */
fn circle_area<T: Float>(radius: T) {
    // This redefinition is not very useful, but has a straightforward meaning.
    const PI: T = T::PI;
fn circumference<T: Float>(radius: T) {
    const TWO_PI: T = 2.0 * T::PI;

The first three examples would be allowed under this RFC. The fourth function, circumference, would still be disallowed because the compiler cannot verify during type checking that 2.0 * T::PI is a constant expression of type T. However, this RFC removes one of the barriers that prevents implementation of this last example.

Note that the question of how to handle generic constants will become even more pressing if user-defined types are allowed to depend on constants in the future. In that case, these issues will not be limited to the interaction between associated consts and a handful of language features.

Detailed design

Because they are inlined wherever possible, non-associated constants are similar to macros in many circumstances. Consider this definition:

const C: T = EXPR;

Most uses of C could be replaced with EXPR: T (using type ascription) with no change in the meaning of the code. The main difference is that when a named constant C is defined, EXPR is required to be a constant expression, and can be used in certain situations (especially patterns) where inlining the expression, either manually or via macro, would produce invalid syntax. (Of course, named constants also improve readability and allow for clearer error messages in some cases.)

Keeping this in mind, it is straightforward to understand most uses of constant expressions. The design below will mostly focus on special cases and interactions with other language features.

Other items in functions

The scope of this RFC is limited to consts. Nested functions will still be forbidden from referencing "outer" type parameters. The same is true for statics. There are two justifications for this.

Firstly, nested static items, whether they are static variables or functions, must have static locations in memory. If these items could use the type parameters from the surrounding scope, they would have to be newly instantiated for each instantiation of the enclosing function.

Secondly, functions that make use of outer type parameters are in effect higher- kinded types. These seem to require more careful consideration to implement.

Neither of these considerations apply to constants, which the compiler is always allowed (and often required) to inline. They do not need a static location in memory, and unlike functions, they cannot add new type or lifetime parameters to those already present in the surrounding scope.

'static references

Consider the following definitions of similar functions:

// Currently not valid (borrowed value does not live long enough).
fn ref_one_literal() -> &'static u32 {
// Currently valid (a static is implicitly created).
fn ref_one_const() -> &'static u32 {
    const REF_ONE: &'static u32 = &1;
// Not valid (borrowed value does not live long enough).
fn ref_one_ref_const() -> &'static u32 {
    const ONE: u32 = 1;
// Should either of the following become valid?
fn ref_one_generic_const<T: Int>() -> &'static T {
    const REF_ONE: &'static u32 = &T::ONE;
fn ref_one_ref_associated_const<T: Int>() -> &'static T {

This RFC proposes that both ref_one_generic_const and ref_one_ref_associated_const would be invalid.

The associated const case is disallowed for the same reason as ref_one_ref_const, i.e. because the expression is not 'static and thus does not live long enough for a static borrow.

The generic const case is disallowed because it implicitly creates a static item that depends on a type parameter, and this is forbidden, as mentioned in the preceding section.

In order to implement this restriction, use of a type parameter in a constant expression must be considered "contagious". That is, if the initializer expression for a const uses a type parameter, then all expressions that reference that const implicitly depend on the same type parameter.

Match patterns

For the moment, constant values used in match patterns are subject to the same restrictions as statics, i.e. they cannot depend on type parameters. Without this restriction, it would not be possible to guarantee that match expressions satisfy the exhaustiveness and reachability criteria for all possible instantiations of a generic function. This restriction may be loosened backwards-compatibly in the future by adding syntax to constrain associated consts in generic code (similar to how type parameters, and their associated types, can already be constrained with where clauses).

However, note that when the type of a constant depends on a generic parameter, whereas its value does not, the constant is still allowed in a match pattern. This can occur, for instance, when the value is a nullary enum (see the example in the Motivation section).

Array sizes

In order for type checking to determine whether or not two array types are equal, it must be able to compare the arrays' sizes. This presents a special problem when performing arithmetic on constants that depend on type parameters, as outlined in the Motivation section above.

To avoid having to prove arbitrary mathematical identities, all constant expressions that affect array sizes are divided into the following three categories:

  1. Constant expressions that do not depend on type parameters at all. These will continue to behave as they do now; they are evaluated during type checking, and will be considered equal to all other expressions that can be evaluated during type checking to the same value.

  2. Constant expressions that consist of only a single path (or an identifier), where that path resolves to a constant that depends on at least one type parameter. During type checking, such expressions will compare equal to any expression that consists of only a single path that resolves to the same item. This reduces an impossible problem (determining whether two arbitrary expressions are equivalent) to a simple one (determining whether two paths resolve to the same item).

  3. Constant expressions of any other form that depend on type parameters. These expressions will never be considered equivalent to any other expression.

To further explain case 2, the following will be allowed:

let a: [u8; <T>::N] = [0u8; <T>::N];
const X: usize = 2*<U as Trait>::M;
let a: [u8; X] = [0u8; X];
// This is not allowed:
// let a: [u8; X] = [0u8; 2*<U as Trait>::M];

Case 3 rules out many uses of arrays with sizes that depend on type parameters. However, there are some operations where the array size is irrelevant to whether or not the code type-checks, such as coercing a reference to an array to a fat pointer to a slice, or creating a raw pointer to a fixed-size buffer in order to hand the pointer to external code via FFI. In such cases, an array expression such as [0u8; 2*<U as Trait>::M] could still be useful.

The justification for the above rules is that it seems premature to settle on a specific strategy for dealing with constant expressions in types right now. However, the rule in case 2, which states that two paths that resolve to the same item will compare equal in type checking, seems to describe a bare minimum of functionality that will almost certainly be a part of any further long-term solutions.


These issues will probably be tackled eventually, since generic code is where associated consts, and perhaps in the future "real" dependent types, will be most useful. However, we could postpone any decisions until further extensions of the type system force the issue. This proposal does introduce some complexity, since generic constants must be treated in many situations like generic types.

Since this design is somewhat conservative regarding code that will be accepted, it may also produce some confusion when code that seems "obviously" OK is rejected by the compiler. For instance, this is rejected:

// `T` is a generic parameter.
const X: usize = <T>::N;
// We don't backtrack to see that the RHS is using the same expression as the
// one that defines X, so this line is invalid.
let a: [u8; X] = [0u8; <T>::N];


Status quo

We could keep the status quo, where type parameters cannot influence the values in constant expressions at all. This would somewhat reduce the utility of associated consts, and prevent us from giving this solution a "trial run", but the language would be simpler for now.

Forbid generic constants from appearing in constant expressions

We could allow constant values and their types to depend on type parameters, but not consider them to be constants in match patterns or array sizes at all. Aside from being inlinable, the user would not be able to expect to compiler to do anything with these "constants" beyond what it can already do with non-constant variables.

Allow constants that are "aliases" of other constants to be proven equal

We could implement this RFC and additionally allow the special example in the Drawbacks section as valid code. This seems unnecessary if a const declaration is viewed as purely creating its own item, but it seems that this code should be accepted if a const declaration is viewed as instead creating something more like an alias or macro, simply expanding to some inlined constant expression when used.

Unresolved questions

Does it make sense to distinguish between between the type of a constant being generic and its value being generic? In its face this seems somewhat nonsensical, but in practice it seems straightforward.

This design omits some possible extensions, such as allowing other forms of expressions to be considered equal during type checking.

CTFE, constraints on associated constant values, and most other constant-related features are likewise ignored. The interaction with CTFE might be obvious, if we can count on the heuristic that constant functions should behave as if their code was inlined.