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Brice Dobry edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 65 revisions


Welcome to the v8-riscv wiki

This is an on-going project to develop the RISC-V backend for the V8 JavaScript Engine. After a few months of intensive development, we have built a sufficient MVP (Minimal Viable Product) for the RISC-V64 port, which currently passes over 94% (15,000+) standard V8 test cases using v8-riscv64 simulated build. We have also established a sustainable porting methodology and development best practices that we feel confident invite a broader community participation. We welcome you joining our development effort. Plenty of supports are still needed for a complete and high-performing V8 on RISC-V.

This repo will be the community home for some time before the code-base is upstream to the V8 community. For general V8 information, see V8 Dev. The rest of the wiki is specific to the RISC-V V8 backend.

RISC-V ISA specification is found here, and RISC-V standard ABI can be found here.

Getting Started

Project Management

For Developers

RISC-V Backend Design Doc

Community operation