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Hack Emacs - Org Mode

File metadata and controls

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Org-Mode Structure

The content of this section will review the high points of section 2 of the Org-Mode Manual “Document Structure”

Headlines start with a “*” character and start at column 0

  • The way the buffer is displayed can be changed by activating “Clean View”
    • Kind of a new feature, might not be available unless you’re using 23.1+ Emacs with 6.29+ Org-Mode
    • Can be toggled with M-x org-indent-mode
  • Different levels of headlines are color-coded so you can see structure easily

Focusing on a section of the structure

There are two main ways to focus your (or your viewers’) attention on just one section of the structure.

Visibility cycling

  • Each headline or list has three possible visibility states:
    1. Completely visible
    2. Only Headlines visible
    3. Completely folded (only top headline visible)
  • Pressing <tab> on a headline folds the structure under the headline
  • Pressing <shift>-<tab> cycles through visibility levels for all headlines

Buffer narrowing

  • Buffer narrowing limits the view of the current buffer, allowing commands that normally operate on the entire buffer to be applied to a speific region.
    • Search/Replace
    • Export (in the case of Org-Mode)
  • It also allows you to focus entirely on a single area of the org file
    • Narrow the buffer to a subtree using C-x n s
    • Widen the view back to the entire buffer with C-x n w

Working with Lists

  • Lists come in two flavors: bullet lists and numbered lists
    • These correspond exactly to ordered lists and unordered lists in HTML (<ol> and <ul>, respectively)
  • You can change the nature of a list using <shift>-<left> and <shift>-<right> while focused an an elemment of the list

Movement within the Structure

  • Move to the previous headline with C-c C-p (previous)
  • Move to the next headline with C-c C-n (next)
  • Move to the next higher headline in the structure with C-c C-u
  • Move to headlines at the same level with C-c C-f and C-c C-b (forward and back)

Modifying the Structure

Inserting headlines

  • The most basic command is M-<return>, which, if you’re on a new line, adds new headline at the current level.
    • If you’re within a list, adds a new item to the list
  • If you’re within a headline, you can add a new headline at the current level using C-<return>

Moving, Promoting and Demoting Items

  • Single items, either list items or headlines, can be moved up and down with M-<up> and M-<down>
  • Single items (again, list items or headlines) can be promoted or demoted with M-<left> and M-<right>
  • Entire subtrees can be promoted or demoted with M-S-<left> and M-S-<right>