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Thank you for considering contributing to the R Markdown Cookbook.

These instructions describe the steps and system requirements needed to build this book.

When contribution to the book, it is a good practice to build it locally to ensure that any modifications that you have made worked as expected. However, please do not include the built HTML in your pull request. It is easier to merge in plain text R, Markdown, and R Markdown files and to only re-knit the book on the master branch.

System Requirements

R Packages

For this book, dependencies are required to execute R chunks and to generate references of others packages mentioned. Dependencies are tracked using a DESCRIPTION files.

To render the book, you can install the required packages using renv, remotes or pak

Using renv

This project contains a lockfile that you can use to reinstall packages in a project library, separated from your other global packages installation.


Using remotes


Using pak

pak benefits from a caching mechanism of installed packages and offers fast installation.

install.packages("pak", repos = "")
pak::local_install_dev_deps(upgrade = TRUE)

This methods is used in CI.

LaTeX Packages

The TinyTeX LaTeX distribution is required to build the book. This can be done using tinytex::install_tinytex().

This command will be run on the first render of 01-installation.Rmd TinyTeX is not already installed.

Other required LaTeX packages should be installed automatically during the build of the book. Know required packages are the pgf, preview, and xcolor packages used in 11-chunk-options.Rmd and they will be installed as needed when running that chapter.

Other System Dependencies

For Windows users, the section of the book on the Asymptote language engine does not build properly so it will be skipped. For users with other operating systems, this section will be skipped if Asymptote is not installed on your computer. If they wish to build this section, they must download and install the Asymptote software from its website. After you install it, you may confirm that it is on your system's path by running the terminal command where asy or Sys.which("asy") from within R.

Phantom JS is also required for use with the webshot package. This is automatically installed on the first run of index.Rmd, but if you wish you may pre-install it with the command webshot::install_phantomjs().

Building the Book

Building the Whole Book

Once you have set up all needed dependencies, there are multiple ways to build the book.

If you currently use make (or set it up following Software Carpentry's instructions), you may type make gitbook in the terminal. Equivalently, if you work in RStudio, you may click Build All in the Build pane.

If you are simply testing changes locally and not planning to publish the version you render, you may also run bookdown::render_book() in the R console or click Addins > Preview Book in the RStudio IDE. However, these methods will not completely reproduce the book because the custom _render.R file will not be executed.

Building a Chapter

You may also build just one chapter of the book at a time to ensure that any contributions or updates you are making render correctly. To do so, you may run, bookdown::preview_chapter() (e.g. bookdown::preview_chapter("04-content.Rmd")) in the console.