; ModuleID = 'issue_23036.1afb6566-cgu.0' source_filename = "issue_23036.1afb6566-cgu.0" target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128-ni:1:10:20" target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown" %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>" = type { %"std::thread::local::lazy::LazyKeyInner>" } %"std::thread::local::lazy::LazyKeyInner>" = type { %"core::cell::UnsafeCell>>" } %"core::cell::UnsafeCell>>" = type { %"core::option::Option>" } %"core::option::Option>" = type { i64, [2 x i64] } %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher" = type { %"core::hash::sip::SipHasher13" } %"core::hash::sip::SipHasher13" = type { %"core::hash::sip::Hasher" } %"core::hash::sip::Hasher" = type { %"core::marker::PhantomData", i64, i64, %"core::hash::sip::State", i64, i32, i32 } %"core::marker::PhantomData" = type {} %"core::hash::sip::State" = type { i64, i64, i64, i64 } %"std::path::Path" = type { %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr" } %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr" = type { %"std::sys::wasm::os_str::Slice" } %"std::sys::wasm::os_str::Slice" = type { [0 x i8] } %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>" = type { i32, [2 x i32] } %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>" = type { %"hashbrown::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>" } %"hashbrown::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>" = type { { i64, i64 }, %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>" } %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>" = type { %"core::marker::PhantomData<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTableInner" } %"core::marker::PhantomData<(&std::path::Path, i32)>" = type {} %"hashbrown::raw::RawTableInner" = type { %"alloc::alloc::Global", i32, i8*, i32, i32 } %"alloc::alloc::Global" = type {} %"core::option::Option" = type { i32, [7 x i32] } %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev" = type { %"std::path::Components" } %"std::path::Components" = type { { [0 x i8]*, i32 }, %"core::option::Option", i8, i8, i8, [1 x i8] } %"core::option::Option" = type { i8, [19 x i8] } @alloc47 = private unnamed_addr constant <{ [1 x i8] }> <{ [1 x i8] c"a" }>, align 1 @alloc20 = private unnamed_addr constant <{ [8 x i8] }> <{ [8 x i8] c"\FF\FF\FF\FF\FF\FF\FF\FF" }>, align 8 @vtable.3 = private unnamed_addr constant <{ i8*, [8 x i8], i8*, i8*, i8*, [0 x i8] }> <{ i8* bitcast (void (i32**)* @"_ZN4core3ptr85drop_in_place$LT$std..rt..lang_start$LT$$LP$$RP$$GT$..$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$$GT$17h16ba83aab0b91333E" to i8*), [8 x i8] c"\04\00\00\00\04\00\00\00", i8* bitcast (i32 (i32**)* @"_ZN4core3ops8function6FnOnce40call_once$u7b$$u7b$vtable.shim$u7d$$u7d$17he117cb6ea2c7eac7E" to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (i32**)* @"_ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf4c7820cf18340f6E" to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (i32**)* @"_ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf4c7820cf18340f6E" to i8*), [0 x i8] zeroinitializer }>, align 4 @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE = external dso_local local_unnamed_addr global %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>" ; core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}} ; Function Attrs: inlinehint nounwind define internal i32 @"_ZN4core3ops8function6FnOnce40call_once$u7b$$u7b$vtable.shim$u7d$$u7d$17he117cb6ea2c7eac7E"(i32** nocapture readonly %_1) unnamed_addr #0 { start: %self.i.i.i.i = alloca i8, align 1 %0 = bitcast i32** %_1 to void ()** %1 = load void ()*, void ()** %0, align 4, !nonnull !0 ; call std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace tail call fastcc void @_ZN3std10sys_common9backtrace28__rust_begin_short_backtrace17h9ac253dc25c214f6E(void ()* nonnull %1) #15, !noalias !1 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 1, i8* nonnull %self.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !1 store i8 0, i8* %self.i.i.i.i, align 1, !noalias !1 ; call std::sys::wasm::process::ExitCode::as_i32 %2 = call i32 @_ZN3std3sys4wasm7process8ExitCode6as_i3217h569e34dba47b2316E(i8* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 dereferenceable(1) %self.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !1 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 1, i8* nonnull %self.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !1 ret i32 %2 } ; core::ptr::drop_in_place::{{closure}}> ; Function Attrs: inlinehint mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind readnone willreturn define internal void @"_ZN4core3ptr85drop_in_place$LT$std..rt..lang_start$LT$$LP$$RP$$GT$..$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$$GT$17h16ba83aab0b91333E"(i32** nocapture %_1) unnamed_addr #1 { start: ret void } ; issue_23036::main ; Function Attrs: nounwind define internal void @_ZN11issue_230364main17haa60605bb3cb6cb3E() unnamed_addr #2 { start: %hasher.i.i.i.i.i = alloca %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", align 8 %x.i.i.i.i.i = alloca { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, align 4 %_9.i.i.i.i = alloca %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", align 4 %k.i.i = alloca { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, align 4 %map = alloca %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", align 8 %0 = bitcast %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %0) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !4) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !7) #15 %1 = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0), align 8, !range !10, !noalias !11 %switch.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %1, 1 br i1 %switch.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %start.bb9_crit_edge.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i start.bb9_crit_edge.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %start %.pre.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0), align 8, !noalias !11 %.pre1.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1), align 8, !noalias !11 br label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %start ; call std::sys::wasm::common::hashmap_random_keys %2 = tail call { i64, i64 } @_ZN3std3sys4wasm6common19hashmap_random_keys17h4dce4b905afe6bb2E() #15, !noalias !11 %value.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = extractvalue { i64, i64 } %2, 0 %value.1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = extractvalue { i64, i64 } %2, 1 store i64 1, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0), align 8, !noalias !14 store i64 %value.1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1), align 8, !noalias !14 br label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i bb3.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %start.bb9_crit_edge.i.i.i.i.i.i %3 = phi i64 [ %.pre1.i.i.i.i.i.i, %start.bb9_crit_edge.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %value.1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ] %4 = phi i64 [ %.pre.i.i.i.i.i.i, %start.bb9_crit_edge.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %value.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ] %5 = add i64 %4, 1 store i64 %5, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%"std::thread::local::statik::Key>", %"std::thread::local::statik::Key>"* @_ZN3std11collections4hash3map11RandomState3new4KEYS7__getit5__KEY17ha3e0b69f1ed350dcE, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0), align 8, !alias.scope !17, !noalias !11 %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 store i64 %4, i64* %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !20 %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx2.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 store i64 %3, i64* %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx2.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !20 %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx4.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_cast5.i.i.i = bitcast %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx4.i.i.i to i32* store i32 0, i32* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_cast5.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !20 %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 2 store i8* getelementptr inbounds (<{ [8 x i8] }>, <{ [8 x i8] }>* @alloc20, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0), i8** %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !20 %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 3 store i32 0, i32* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !20 %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 4 store i32 0, i32* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !20 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !23) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !26) #15 %6 = bitcast { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %k.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull %6) #15, !noalias !23 %7 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %k.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 store %"std::path::Path"* bitcast (<{ [1 x i8] }>* @alloc47 to %"std::path::Path"*), %"std::path::Path"** %7, align 4, !noalias !29 %8 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %k.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 1, i32* %8, align 4, !noalias !29 %_6.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>", %"std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<&std::path::Path, i32>"* %map, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 ; call core::hash::BuildHasher::hash_one %9 = call fastcc i64 @_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17he4cd066354d960e6E({ i64, i64 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_6.i.i, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %k.i.i) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !30) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !33) #15 %top7.i.i.i.i.i.i = lshr i64 %9, 25 %10 = and i64 %top7.i.i.i.i.i.i, 127 %11 = trunc i64 %9 to i32 %_2.sroa.0.0.isplat.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = mul nuw nsw i64 %10, 72340172838076673 %_3.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load %"std::path::Path"*, %"std::path::Path"** %7, align 4, !alias.scope !36, !noalias !37 %_3.1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %8, align 4, !alias.scope !36, !noalias !37 %12 = sub nuw i64 -72340172838076674, %_2.sroa.0.0.isplat.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %cmp.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %_2.sroa.0.0.isplat.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 36170086419038336 %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %cmp.i.i.i.i.i.i, %12 br label %bb8.i.i.i.i.i bb8.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb10.i.i.i.i.i ] %13 = icmp eq i64 %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %13, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i", label %bb10.i.i.i.i.i bb10.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i.i.i %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i64 %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i, -1 %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !40) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !43) #15 %_4.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load %"std::path::Path"*, %"std::path::Path"** getelementptr ({ { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* bitcast (<{ [8 x i8] }>* @alloc20 to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }*), i32 -1, i32 0, i32 0), align 4, !alias.scope !46, !noalias !47, !nonnull !0 ; call ::eq %14 = call fastcc zeroext i1 @"_ZN56_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hd70e047d056fd903E"(%"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_3.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %_3.1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_4.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 undef) #15, !noalias !52 br i1 %14, label %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE.exit", label %bb8.i.i.i.i.i "_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i.i.i %_24.0.i.i = load %"std::path::Path"*, %"std::path::Path"** %7, align 4, !noalias !29, !nonnull !0 %_24.1.i.i = load i32, i32* %8, align 4, !noalias !29 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !53) #15 %15 = bitcast %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %_9.i.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 12, i8* nonnull %15) #15, !noalias !56 ; call hashbrown::raw::RawTable::reserve_rehash call fastcc void @"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash17h748b03ef13f62a87E"(%"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>") dereferenceable(12) %_9.i.i.i.i, %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* noalias nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(16) %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx4.i.i.i, i64* noalias nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !62 %16 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %_9.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %_2.i.i.i2.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %16, align 4, !range !63, !alias.scope !64, !noalias !56 %.not.i3.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %_2.i.i.i2.i.i.i, 0 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 12, i8* nonnull %15) #15, !noalias !56 call void @llvm.assume(i1 %.not.i3.i.i.i) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !69) #15 %_6.i.i5.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_cast5.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !72, !noalias !75 %_3.i.i6.i.i.i = and i32 %_6.i.i5.i.i.i, %11 %_4.i.i7.i.i.i = load i8*, i8** %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !76, !noalias !75, !nonnull !0 %17 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i, i32 %_3.i.i6.i.i.i %18 = bitcast i8* %17 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i8.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %18, align 1, !noalias !79 %_3.i1017.i9.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i8.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not18.i10.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i1017.i9.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not18.i10.i.i.i, label %bb17.i23.i.i.i, label %bb7.i17.i.i.i bb7.i17.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb17.i23.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i" %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i11.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %_3.i.i6.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %25, %bb17.i23.i.i.i ] %_3.i10.lcssa.i12.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %_3.i1017.i9.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %_3.i10.i21.i.i.i, %bb17.i23.i.i.i ] %19 = call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i10.lcssa.i12.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i.i13.i.i.i = trunc i64 %19 to i32 %20 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i.i13.i.i.i, 3 %_17.i14.i.i.i = add i32 %20, %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i11.i.i.i %result.i15.i.i.i = and i32 %_17.i14.i.i.i, %_6.i.i5.i.i.i %21 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i, i32 %result.i15.i.i.i %_23.i16.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %21, align 1, !noalias !79 %22 = icmp sgt i8 %_23.i16.i.i.i, -1 br i1 %22, label %bb11.i26.i.i.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E.exit.i.i" bb17.i23.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i", %bb17.i23.i.i.i %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i18.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %25, %bb17.i23.i.i.i ], [ %_3.i.i6.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i" ] %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i19.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %23, %bb17.i23.i.i.i ], [ 0, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE.exit.i.i.i" ] %23 = add i32 %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i19.i.i.i, 8 %24 = add i32 %23, %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i18.i.i.i %25 = and i32 %24, %_6.i.i5.i.i.i %26 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i, i32 %25 %27 = bitcast i8* %26 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i20.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %27, align 1, !noalias !79 %_3.i10.i21.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i20.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not.i22.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i10.i21.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i22.i.i.i, label %bb17.i23.i.i.i, label %bb7.i17.i.i.i bb11.i26.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i17.i.i.i %28 = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i to i64* %29 = load i64, i64* %28, align 8, !noalias !79 %_3.i13.i24.i.i.i = and i64 %29, -9187201950435737472 %30 = call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i13.i24.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i25.i.i.i = trunc i64 %30 to i32 %31 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i25.i.i.i, 3 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E.exit.i.i" "_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %bb11.i26.i.i.i, %bb7.i17.i.i.i %index.0.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %31, %bb11.i26.i.i.i ], [ %result.i15.i.i.i, %bb7.i17.i.i.i ] %_412.i1.i.i.i.i = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !81) #15 %32 = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !84, !noalias !75 %33 = add i32 %32, -1 store i32 %33, i32* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !84, !noalias !75 %34 = trunc i64 %top7.i.i.i.i.i.i to i8 %35 = and i8 %34, 127 %36 = add i32 %index.0.i.i.i, -8 %_5.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %36, %_6.i.i5.i.i.i %index2.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %_5.i.i.i.i.i.i, 8 %37 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i, i32 %index.0.i.i.i store i8 %35, i8* %37, align 1, !noalias !85 %38 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i7.i.i.i, i32 %index2.i.i.i.i.i.i store i8 %35, i8* %38, align 1, !noalias !85 %39 = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !84, !noalias !75 %40 = add i32 %39, 1 store i32 %40, i32* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !84, !noalias !75 %.idx.i.i.i = xor i32 %index.0.i.i.i, -1 %_23.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 store %"std::path::Path"* %_24.0.i.i, %"std::path::Path"** %_23.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i, align 4, !noalias !53 %_23.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx6.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 %_24.1.i.i, i32* %_23.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx6.i.i, align 4, !noalias !53 %_23.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx8.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i, i32 1 br label %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE.exit" "_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE.exit": ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E.exit.i.i" %.sink.i.i = phi i32* [ %_23.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx8.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E.exit.i.i" ], [ getelementptr ({ { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* bitcast (<{ [8 x i8] }>* @alloc20 to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }*), i32 -1, i32 1), %bb10.i.i.i.i.i ] store i32 0, i32* %.sink.i.i, align 4 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull %6) #15, !noalias !23 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !90) call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !93) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !96) #15 %41 = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !99 %42 = icmp eq i32 %41, 0 br i1 %42, label %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit", label %bb3.i.i.i bb3.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE.exit" call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !104) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !107) #15 %43 = bitcast { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %x.i.i.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull %43) #15, !noalias !110 %44 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %x.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 store %"std::path::Path"* bitcast (<{ [1 x i8] }>* @alloc47 to %"std::path::Path"*), %"std::path::Path"** %44, align 4, !noalias !111 %45 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %x.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 1, i32* %45, align 4, !noalias !111 %46 = bitcast %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 64, i8* nonnull %46) #15, !noalias !111 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !112) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !115) #15 %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i1 = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !117, !noalias !112 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i2 = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx2.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !117, !noalias !112 %47 = xor i64 %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i1, 8317987319222330741 %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx132324.i.i.i.i.i.i = bitcast i64* %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i.i.i.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(12) %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx132324.i.i.i.i.i.i, i8 0, i64 12, i1 false) #15, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %48 = xor i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i2, 7237128888997146477 %49 = xor i64 %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i1, 7816392313619706465 %50 = xor i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i2, 8387220255154660723 %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast1.i.i.i.i.i.i = bitcast %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i to i64* store i64 %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i1, i64* %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast1.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx3.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 2 store i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i2, i64* %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx3.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0 store i64 %47, i64* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1 store i64 %49, i64* %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2 store i64 %48, i64* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 3 store i64 %50, i64* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 %_2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx16.i.i.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 6 store i32 0, i32* %_2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx16.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !112, !noalias !117 ; call core::hash::impls::::hash call fastcc void @"_ZN4core4hash5impls52_$LT$impl$u20$core..hash..Hash$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$4hash17h9253a01159f8f66cE"({ %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %x.i.i.i.i.i, %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(64) %hasher.i.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !111 %state.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %state.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %state.sroa.22.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %51 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 5 %_7.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %51, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %_5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = zext i32 %_7.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i to i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = shl i64 %_5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 56 %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i.i.i.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !118, !noalias !111 %b.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = or i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %52 = xor i64 %b.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %state.sroa.22.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %53 = add i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %state.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %54 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i64 13) #15 %55 = xor i64 %54, %53 %56 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %53, i64 %53, i64 32) #15 %57 = add i64 %52, %state.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %58 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %52, i64 %52, i64 16) #15 %59 = xor i64 %58, %57 %60 = add i64 %59, %56 %61 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %59, i64 %59, i64 21) #15 %62 = xor i64 %61, %60 %63 = add i64 %57, %55 %64 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %55, i64 %55, i64 17) #15 %65 = xor i64 %63, %64 %66 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %63, i64 %63, i64 32) #15 %67 = xor i64 %60, %b.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %68 = xor i64 %66, 255 %69 = add i64 %67, %65 %70 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %65, i64 %65, i64 13) #15 %71 = xor i64 %69, %70 %72 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %69, i64 %69, i64 32) #15 %73 = add i64 %62, %68 %74 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %62, i64 %62, i64 16) #15 %75 = xor i64 %74, %73 %76 = add i64 %75, %72 %77 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %75, i64 %75, i64 21) #15 %78 = xor i64 %77, %76 %79 = add i64 %71, %73 %80 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %71, i64 %71, i64 17) #15 %81 = xor i64 %79, %80 %82 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %79, i64 %79, i64 32) #15 %83 = add i64 %81, %76 %84 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %81, i64 %81, i64 13) #15 %85 = xor i64 %84, %83 %86 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %83, i64 %83, i64 32) #15 %87 = add i64 %78, %82 %88 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %78, i64 %78, i64 16) #15 %89 = xor i64 %88, %87 %90 = add i64 %89, %86 %91 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %89, i64 %89, i64 21) #15 %92 = xor i64 %91, %90 %93 = add i64 %85, %87 %94 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %85, i64 %85, i64 17) #15 %95 = xor i64 %94, %93 %96 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %93, i64 %93, i64 32) #15 %97 = add i64 %95, %90 %98 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %95, i64 %95, i64 13) #15 %99 = xor i64 %98, %97 %100 = add i64 %92, %96 %101 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %92, i64 %92, i64 16) #15 %102 = xor i64 %101, %100 %103 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %102, i64 %102, i64 21) #15 %104 = add i64 %99, %100 %105 = call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %99, i64 %99, i64 17) #15 %106 = lshr i64 %104, 32 %_17.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = xor i64 %104, %103 %107 = xor i64 %_17.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %105 %108 = xor i64 %107, %106 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 64, i8* nonnull %46) #15, !noalias !111 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* nonnull %43) #15, !noalias !110 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !125) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !128) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !131) #15 %top7.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = lshr i64 %108, 25 %109 = and i64 %top7.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 127 %110 = trunc i64 %108 to i32 %_6.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_cast5.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !134, !noalias !137 %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %_6.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %110 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i3 = load i8*, i8** %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !139, !nonnull !0 %_2.sroa.0.0.isplat.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = mul nuw nsw i64 %109, 72340172838076673 %_412.i1.i.i.cast.i.i.i.i.i = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i3 to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* br label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb21.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i %probe_seq.sroa.7.0.i.i.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ 0, %bb3.i.i.i ], [ %122, %bb21.i.i.i.i.i.i ] %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %_3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i ], [ %124, %bb21.i.i.i.i.i.i ] %111 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i.i3, i32 %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i %112 = bitcast i8* %111 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %112, align 1, !noalias !140 %cmp.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = xor i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %_2.sroa.0.0.isplat.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %113 = add i64 %cmp.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, -72340172838076673 %_13.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %cmp.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %_9.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = xor i64 %_13.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %_9.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %113 br label %bb8.i.i.i.i.i.i bb8.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %_8.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i4, %bb10.i.i.i.i.i.i ] %114 = icmp eq i64 %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %114, label %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb10.i.i.i.i.i.i bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i.i.i.i %_6.i14.i.i.i.i.i.i = shl i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 1 %_4.i15.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %_3.i16.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i64 %_4.i15.i.i.i.i.i.i, %_6.i14.i.i.i.i.i.i %.not.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i16.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb21.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit" bb10.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i.i.i.i %115 = call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = trunc i64 %115 to i32 %116 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 3 %_4.i.i.i.i.i1.i.i.i = add i64 %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, -1 %_2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i4 = and i64 %_4.i.i.i.i.i1.i.i.i, %iter.0.i.i.i.i.i.i %_25.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %116, %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i %index.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %_25.i.i.i.i.i.i, %_6.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %.idx.i.i.i.i.i.i = xor i32 %index.i.i.i.i.i.i, -1 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !141) #15 %117 = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.cast.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %118 = load %"std::path::Path"*, %"std::path::Path"** %117, align 4, !alias.scope !144, !noalias !147, !nonnull !0 %119 = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.cast.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 %120 = load i32, i32* %119, align 4, !alias.scope !144, !noalias !147 ; call ::eq %121 = call fastcc zeroext i1 @"_ZN56_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hd70e047d056fd903E"(%"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 bitcast (<{ [1 x i8] }>* @alloc47 to %"std::path::Path"*), i32 1, %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %118, i32 %120) #15, !noalias !151 br i1 %121, label %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit", label %bb8.i.i.i.i.i.i bb21.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i %122 = add i32 %probe_seq.sroa.7.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, 8 %123 = add i32 %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, %122 %124 = and i32 %123, %_6.i.i.i.i.i.i.i br label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i "_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit": ; preds = %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb10.i.i.i.i.i.i, %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE.exit" call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !152) #15 %_2.i.i.i.i.i5 = load i32, i32* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_cast5.i.i.i, align 8, !alias.scope !155 %125 = icmp eq i32 %_2.i.i.i.i.i5, 0 br i1 %125, label %"_ZN4core3ptr90drop_in_place$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$$RF$std..path..Path$C$i32$GT$$GT$17h34984690afc51f83E.exit", label %bb2.i.i.i.i bb2.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit" call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !158) #15 call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !161) #15 %126 = add i32 %_2.i.i.i.i.i5, 1 %127 = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %126, i32 12) #15 %128 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %127, 1 %129 = xor i1 %128, true call void @llvm.assume(i1 %129) #15 %130 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %127, 0 %131 = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %130, i32 7) #15 %132 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %131, 1 %133 = xor i1 %132, true call void @llvm.assume(i1 %133) #15 %134 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %131, 0 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %134, -8 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %_2.i.i.i.i.i5, 9 %135 = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i.i) #15 %136 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %135, 1 %137 = xor i1 %136, true call void @llvm.assume(i1 %137) #15 %138 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %135, 0 %139 = icmp eq i32 %138, 0 br i1 %139, label %"_ZN4core3ptr90drop_in_place$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$$RF$std..path..Path$C$i32$GT$$GT$17h34984690afc51f83E.exit", label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb2.i.i.i.i %_17.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i8*, i8** %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i.i.i, align 4, !alias.scope !164, !nonnull !0 %140 = sub i32 0, %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %141 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_17.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %140 call void @__rust_dealloc(i8* nonnull %141, i32 %138, i32 8) #15, !noalias !164 br label %"_ZN4core3ptr90drop_in_place$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$$RF$std..path..Path$C$i32$GT$$GT$17h34984690afc51f83E.exit" "_ZN4core3ptr90drop_in_place$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$$RF$std..path..Path$C$i32$GT$$GT$17h34984690afc51f83E.exit": ; preds = %"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E.exit", %bb2.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %0) ret void } ; hashbrown::raw::RawTable::reserve_rehash ; Function Attrs: cold noinline nounwind define internal fastcc void @"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash17h748b03ef13f62a87E"(%"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* noalias nocapture sret(%"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>") dereferenceable(12) %0, %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* noalias nocapture align 4 dereferenceable(16) %self, i64* noalias readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %1) unnamed_addr #3 { start: %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i = alloca [4 x i64], align 8 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !165) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !168) %2 = getelementptr inbounds %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self, i32 0, i32 1, i32 4 %_9.i = load i32, i32* %2, align 4, !alias.scope !168, !noalias !165 %3 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %_9.i, i32 1) #15 %4 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %3, 0 %5 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %3, 1 br i1 %5, label %bb2.i, label %bb4.i bb2.i: ; preds = %start ; call hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::capacity_overflow %6 = tail call { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility17capacity_overflow17h33dfe984bae39b53E(i1 zeroext true) #15, !noalias !170 %_13.0.i = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %6, 0 %_13.1.i = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %6, 1 %7 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 store i32 %_13.0.i, i32* %7, align 4, !alias.scope !165, !noalias !168 %8 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1 store i32 %_13.1.i, i32* %8, align 4, !alias.scope !165, !noalias !168 %9 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 0 store i32 1, i32* %9, align 4, !alias.scope !165, !noalias !168 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit" bb4.i: ; preds = %start %10 = bitcast %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self to i32* %_16.i = load i32, i32* %10, align 4, !alias.scope !168, !noalias !165 %_2.i.i = icmp ult i32 %_16.i, 8 %_5.i.i = add i32 %_16.i, 1 %_4.i.i = lshr i32 %_5.i.i, 3 %11 = mul nuw i32 %_4.i.i, 7 %.0.i.i = select i1 %_2.i.i, i32 %_16.i, i32 %11 %_19.i = lshr i32 %.0.i.i, 1 %_17.not.i = icmp ugt i32 %4, %_19.i br i1 %_17.not.i, label %bb9.i, label %bb7.i bb9.i: ; preds = %bb4.i %_30.i = add nuw i32 %.0.i.i, 1 %12 = icmp ugt i32 %4, %_30.i %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i = select i1 %12, i32 %4, i32 %_30.i tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !171) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !174) #15 %_5.i.i.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i, 8 br i1 %_5.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb1.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb5.i.i.i.i.i bb5.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.i %13 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i, i32 8) #15 %14 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %13, 1 br i1 %14, label %bb9.i.i.i.i, label %bb8.i.i.i.i.i bb1.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.i %_8.i.i.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i, 4 %..i.i.i.i.i = select i1 %_8.i.i.i.i.i, i32 4, i32 8 br label %bb7.i.i.i.i bb8.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb5.i.i.i.i.i %15 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %13, 0 %adjusted_cap.i.i.i.i.i = udiv i32 %15, 7 %p.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = add nsw i32 %adjusted_cap.i.i.i.i.i, -1 %16 = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %p.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !176 %17 = lshr i32 -1, %16 %.op.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %17, 1 br label %bb7.i.i.i.i bb7.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i.i.i, %bb1.i.i.i.i.i %.sroa.4.0.i.ph.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %.op.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb8.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %..i.i.i.i.i, %bb1.i.i.i.i.i ] %18 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %.sroa.4.0.i.ph.i.i.i.i, i32 12) #15 %19 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %18, 1 br i1 %19, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i.i.i.i %20 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %18, 0 %21 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %20, i32 7) #15 %22 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %21, 1 br i1 %22, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb9.i.i.i.i.i.i bb9.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i %23 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %21, 0 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %23, -8 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i = add nuw nsw i32 %.sroa.4.0.i.ph.i.i.i.i, 8 %24 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i) #15 %25 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %24, 1 br i1 %25, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb4.i.i.i.i.i bb2.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i.i ; call hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::capacity_overflow %26 = tail call { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility17capacity_overflow17h33dfe984bae39b53E(i1 zeroext true) #15, !noalias !177 br label %bb5.i.i bb4.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.i.i.i.i.i.i %27 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %24, 0 %_18.i.i.i.i.i = icmp slt i32 %27, 0 br i1 %_18.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb11.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb13.i.i.i.i.i bb13.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i.i.i %28 = icmp eq i32 %27, 0 br i1 %28, label %bb13.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN9hashbrown3raw5alloc5inner8do_alloc17h9f23e171f5174fd6E.exit.i.i.i.i.i _ZN9hashbrown3raw5alloc5inner8do_alloc17h9f23e171f5174fd6E.exit.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb13.i.i.i.i.i %29 = tail call i8* @__rust_alloc(i32 %27, i32 8) #15, !noalias !177 %30 = icmp eq i8* %29, null br i1 %30, label %bb15.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb13.i.i.i.i bb11.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i.i.i ; call hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::capacity_overflow %31 = tail call { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility17capacity_overflow17h33dfe984bae39b53E(i1 zeroext true) #15, !noalias !177 br label %bb5.i.i bb15.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %_ZN9hashbrown3raw5alloc5inner8do_alloc17h9f23e171f5174fd6E.exit.i.i.i.i.i ; call hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::alloc_err %32 = tail call { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility9alloc_err17h0cc77892bd5a02c5E(i1 zeroext true, i32 %27, i32 8) #15, !noalias !177 br label %bb5.i.i bb9.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb5.i.i.i.i.i ; call hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::capacity_overflow %33 = tail call { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility17capacity_overflow17h33dfe984bae39b53E(i1 zeroext true) #15, !noalias !185 br label %bb5.i.i bb13.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb13.i.i.i.i.i, %_ZN9hashbrown3raw5alloc5inner8do_alloc17h9f23e171f5174fd6E.exit.i.i.i.i.i %.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i6 = phi i8* [ %29, %_ZN9hashbrown3raw5alloc5inner8do_alloc17h9f23e171f5174fd6E.exit.i.i.i.i.i ], [ inttoptr (i32 8 to i8*), %bb13.i.i.i.i.i ] %34 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %.sroa.0.0.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i6, i32 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i %_42.i.i.i.i.i = add nsw i32 %.sroa.4.0.i.ph.i.i.i.i, -1 %_2.i.i5.i.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %_42.i.i.i.i.i, 8 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i = lshr i32 %.sroa.4.0.i.ph.i.i.i.i, 3 %35 = mul nuw nsw i32 %_4.i.i.i.i.i.i, 7 %.0.i.i.i.i.i.i = select i1 %_2.i.i5.i.i.i.i, i32 %_42.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %35 tail call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* nonnull align 1 %34, i8 -1, i32 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 false) #15, !noalias !191 %36 = sub i32 %.0.i.i.i.i.i.i, %_9.i %37 = getelementptr inbounds %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self, i32 0, i32 1, i32 2 %_4.i.i.i = load i8*, i8** %37, align 4, !alias.scope !192, !noalias !193 %_412.i1.i.i.cast.i.i = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i.i to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %38 = bitcast i8* %34 to i64* %.not.i.i = icmp eq i32 %_5.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i.i, label %bb13.i.i, label %bb11.i.i.preheader bb11.i.i.preheader: ; preds = %bb13.i.i.i.i %39 = bitcast i64* %1 to { i64, i64 }* br label %bb11.i.i bb5.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.i.i.i.i, %bb15.i.i.i.i.i, %bb11.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i %.pn.i.i.i = phi { i32, i32 } [ %33, %bb9.i.i.i.i ], [ %32, %bb15.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %31, %bb11.i.i.i.i.i ], [ %26, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i ] %_7.sroa.4.sroa.8.0.ph.i.i.i = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %.pn.i.i.i, 1 %_7.sroa.4.sroa.0.0.ph.i.i.i = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %.pn.i.i.i, 0 %40 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 store i32 %_7.sroa.4.sroa.0.0.ph.i.i.i, i32* %40, align 4, !alias.scope !194, !noalias !192 %41 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1 store i32 %_7.sroa.4.sroa.8.0.ph.i.i.i, i32* %41, align 4, !alias.scope !194, !noalias !192 %42 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 0 store i32 1, i32* %42, align 4, !alias.scope !194, !noalias !192 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit" bb13.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.backedge.i.i, %bb13.i.i.i.i %43 = getelementptr inbounds %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self, i32 0, i32 1, i32 3 store i32 %_42.i.i.i.i.i, i32* %10, align 4, !alias.scope !197, !noalias !193 store i8* %34, i8** %37, align 4, !alias.scope !197, !noalias !193 store i32 %36, i32* %43, align 4, !alias.scope !197, !noalias !193 %44 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 0 store i32 0, i32* %44, align 4, !alias.scope !193, !noalias !192 %45 = icmp eq i32 %_16.i, 0 br i1 %45, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit", label %bb2.i.i.i5.i.i bb2.i.i.i5.i.i: ; preds = %bb13.i.i %46 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %_5.i.i, i32 12) #15 %47 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %46, 1 %48 = xor i1 %47, true tail call void @llvm.assume(i1 %48) #15 %49 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %46, 0 %50 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %49, i32 7) #15 %51 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %50, 1 %52 = xor i1 %51, true tail call void @llvm.assume(i1 %52) #15 %53 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %50, 0 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = and i32 %53, -8 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %_16.i, 9 %54 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i32 %_31.i.i.i.i.i.i.i) #15 %55 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %54, 1 %56 = xor i1 %55, true tail call void @llvm.assume(i1 %56) #15 %57 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %54, 0 %58 = icmp eq i32 %57, 0 br i1 %58, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit", label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb2.i.i.i5.i.i %59 = icmp ne i8* %_4.i.i.i, null tail call void @llvm.assume(i1 %59) #15 %60 = sub i32 0, %ctrl_offset.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %61 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i, i32 %60 tail call void @__rust_dealloc(i8* nonnull %61, i32 %57, i32 8) #15, !noalias !201 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit" bb11.i.i: ; preds = %bb11.i.i.preheader, %bb9.backedge.i.i %iter.sroa.0.0134.i.i = phi i32 [ %62, %bb9.backedge.i.i ], [ 0, %bb11.i.i.preheader ] %62 = add nuw i32 %iter.sroa.0.0134.i.i, 1 %63 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i, i32 %iter.sroa.0.0134.i.i %_29.i.i = load i8, i8* %63, align 1, !noalias !209 %64 = icmp sgt i8 %_29.i.i, -1 br i1 %64, label %bb16.i.i, label %bb9.backedge.i.i bb16.i.i: ; preds = %bb11.i.i %.idx.i.i.i = xor i32 %iter.sroa.0.0134.i.i, -1 %_5.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %_412.i1.i.i.cast.i.i, i32 %.idx.i.i.i, i32 0 ; call core::hash::BuildHasher::hash_one %65 = tail call fastcc i64 @_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17he4cd066354d960e6E({ i64, i64 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %39, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %_5.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !210 %66 = trunc i64 %65 to i32 %_3.i.i.i7.i.i = and i32 %_42.i.i.i.i.i, %66 %67 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %_3.i.i.i7.i.i %68 = bitcast i8* %67 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %68, align 1, !noalias !216 %_3.i1017.i.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not18.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i1017.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not18.i.i.i.i, label %bb17.i.i.i.i, label %bb7.i.i10.i.i bb7.i.i10.i.i: ; preds = %bb17.i.i.i.i, %bb16.i.i %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %_3.i.i.i7.i.i, %bb16.i.i ], [ %75, %bb17.i.i.i.i ] %_3.i10.lcssa.i.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %_3.i1017.i.i.i.i, %bb16.i.i ], [ %_3.i10.i.i.i.i, %bb17.i.i.i.i ] %69 = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i10.lcssa.i.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i.i.i9.i.i = trunc i64 %69 to i32 %70 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i.i.i9.i.i, 3 %_17.i.i.i.i = add i32 %70, %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i.i.i.i %result.i.i.i.i = and i32 %_17.i.i.i.i, %_42.i.i.i.i.i %71 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %result.i.i.i.i %_23.i.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %71, align 1, !noalias !216 %72 = icmp sgt i8 %_23.i.i.i.i, -1 br i1 %72, label %bb11.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE.exit.i.i" bb17.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb16.i.i, %bb17.i.i.i.i %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %75, %bb17.i.i.i.i ], [ %_3.i.i.i7.i.i, %bb16.i.i ] %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %73, %bb17.i.i.i.i ], [ 0, %bb16.i.i ] %73 = add i32 %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i.i.i.i, 8 %74 = add i32 %73, %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i.i.i.i %75 = and i32 %74, %_42.i.i.i.i.i %76 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %75 %77 = bitcast i8* %76 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %77, align 1, !noalias !216 %_3.i10.i.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i10.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i.i.i.i, label %bb17.i.i.i.i, label %bb7.i.i10.i.i bb11.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i.i10.i.i %78 = load i64, i64* %38, align 8, !noalias !216 %_3.i13.i.i.i.i = and i64 %78, -9187201950435737472 %79 = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i13.i.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i.i.i.i = trunc i64 %79 to i32 %80 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i.i.i.i, 3 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE.exit.i.i" "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE.exit.i.i": ; preds = %bb11.i.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i10.i.i %.0.i.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %80, %bb11.i.i.i.i ], [ %result.i.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i10.i.i ] %top7.i.i.i.i.i = lshr i64 %65, 25 %81 = trunc i64 %top7.i.i.i.i.i to i8 %82 = and i8 %81, 127 %83 = add i32 %.0.i.i.i.i, -8 %_5.i.i.i11.i.i = and i32 %83, %_42.i.i.i.i.i %index2.i.i.i.i.i = add i32 %_5.i.i.i11.i.i, 8 %84 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %.0.i.i.i.i store i8 %82, i8* %84, align 1, !noalias !221 %85 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %index2.i.i.i.i.i store i8 %82, i8* %85, align 1, !noalias !221 %_11.neg.i.i.i = mul i32 %.idx.i.i.i, 12 %86 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i, i32 %_11.neg.i.i.i %_12.neg.i14.i.i = xor i32 %.0.i.i.i.i, -1 %_11.neg.i15.i.i = mul i32 %_12.neg.i14.i.i, 12 %87 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %34, i32 %_11.neg.i15.i.i tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %87, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %86, i32 12, i1 false) #15, !noalias !209 br label %bb9.backedge.i.i bb9.backedge.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE.exit.i.i", %bb11.i.i %exitcond.not.i.i = icmp eq i32 %iter.sroa.0.0134.i.i, %_16.i br i1 %exitcond.not.i.i, label %bb13.i.i, label %bb11.i.i bb7.i: ; preds = %bb4.i tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !226) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !229) #15 %88 = getelementptr inbounds %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self, i32 0, i32 1, i32 2 %_4.i.i.i.i = load i8*, i8** %88, align 4, !alias.scope !232, !noalias !165 %89 = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i.i.i to { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* br label %bb4.i.i.i bb4.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb6.i.i.i, %bb7.i %iter.sroa.0.0.i.i.i = phi i32 [ 0, %bb7.i ], [ %iter.sroa.0.160.i.i.i, %bb6.i.i.i ] %_2.not.i.i.i.i = phi i1 [ false, %bb7.i ], [ true, %bb6.i.i.i ] br i1 %_2.not.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN105_$LT$core..iter..adapters..step_by..StepBy$LT$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17ha9250ea588511290E.exit.i.i.i", label %bb1.i.i.i.i bb1.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i %90 = icmp ult i32 %iter.sroa.0.0.i.i.i, %_5.i.i br i1 %90, label %bb6.i.i.i, label %bb8.i.i.i "_ZN105_$LT$core..iter..adapters..step_by..StepBy$LT$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17ha9250ea588511290E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i %91 = tail call { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %iter.sroa.0.0.i.i.i, i32 7) #15 %92 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %91, 0 %93 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %91, 1 %.not.i.i.i.i.i.i = xor i1 %93, true %94 = icmp ult i32 %92, %_5.i.i %or.cond.i.i.i.i.i.i = select i1 %.not.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 %94, i1 false br i1 %or.cond.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb6.i.i.i, label %bb8.i.i.i bb8.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN105_$LT$core..iter..adapters..step_by..StepBy$LT$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17ha9250ea588511290E.exit.i.i.i", %bb1.i.i.i.i %_25.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %_5.i.i, 8 br i1 %_25.i.i.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.i.i", label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.thread.i.i" bb6.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN105_$LT$core..iter..adapters..step_by..StepBy$LT$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17ha9250ea588511290E.exit.i.i.i", %bb1.i.i.i.i %_3.i.i.i.pn.i62.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %92, %"_ZN105_$LT$core..iter..adapters..step_by..StepBy$LT$I$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17ha9250ea588511290E.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %iter.sroa.0.0.i.i.i, %bb1.i.i.i.i ] %iter.sroa.0.160.i.i.i = add nuw i32 %_3.i.i.i.pn.i62.i.i.i, 1 %95 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_3.i.i.i.pn.i62.i.i.i %96 = bitcast i8* %95 to i64* %97 = load i64, i64* %96, align 8, !noalias !233 %_71.i.i.i.i = or i64 %97, 9187201950435737471 %_3.i.i.i.i = lshr i64 %97, 7 %full.i.i.i.i = and i64 %_3.i.i.i.i, 72340172838076673 %_9.i.i.i.i = xor i64 %full.i.i.i.i, 72340172838076673 %_6.i.i.i.i = add i64 %_9.i.i.i.i, %_71.i.i.i.i store i64 %_6.i.i.i.i, i64* %96, align 8, !noalias !233 br label %bb4.i.i.i "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.thread.i.i": ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i %98 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_5.i.i %99 = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i.i.i to i64* %100 = bitcast i8* %98 to i64* %101 = load i64, i64* %99, align 1, !noalias !233 store i64 %101, i64* %100, align 1, !noalias !233 br label %bb8.preheader.i.i "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i %102 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 8 tail call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* nonnull align 1 %102, i8* nonnull align 1 %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_5.i.i, i1 false) #15, !noalias !233 %.not.i1.i = icmp eq i32 %_5.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i1.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E.exit.i", label %bb8.preheader.i.i bb8.preheader.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.i.i", %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.thread.i.i" %.pre-phi56.i.pre-phi.i.pre-phi = bitcast i8* %_4.i.i.i.i to i64* %103 = bitcast i64* %1 to { i64, i64 }* %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.0.i.0..sroa_cast3 = bitcast [4 x i64]* %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i to i8* br label %bb8.i.i bb8.i.i: ; preds = %bb40.i.i, %bb8.preheader.i.i %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i = phi i32 [ %104, %bb40.i.i ], [ 0, %bb8.preheader.i.i ] %104 = add nuw i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, 1 %105 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i %_23.i.i = load i8, i8* %105, align 1, !noalias !234 %_22.not.i.i = icmp eq i8 %_23.i.i, -128 br i1 %_22.not.i.i, label %bb13.i5.i, label %bb40.i.i bb13.i5.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i %_12.neg.i.i.i = xor i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, -1 %_11.neg.i.i3.i = mul i32 %_12.neg.i.i.i, 12 %106 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_11.neg.i.i3.i %_5.i.i.i4.i = getelementptr inbounds { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }, { { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, i32 }* %89, i32 %_12.neg.i.i.i, i32 0 br label %bb16.i8.i bb40.i.i: ; preds = %bb32.i.i, %bb26.i.i, %bb8.i.i %exitcond.not.i6.i = icmp eq i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, %_16.i br i1 %exitcond.not.i6.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E.exit.i", label %bb8.i.i bb16.i8.i: ; preds = %_ZN4core3ptr19swap_nonoverlapping17h8228e9b5a25fe2c7E.exit.i.i, %bb13.i5.i ; call core::hash::BuildHasher::hash_one %107 = tail call fastcc i64 @_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17he4cd066354d960e6E({ i64, i64 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %103, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %_5.i.i.i4.i) #15, !noalias !235 %108 = trunc i64 %107 to i32 %_3.i.i9.i.i = and i32 %_16.i, %108 %109 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_3.i.i9.i.i %110 = bitcast i8* %109 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %110, align 1, !noalias !241 %_3.i1017.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i16.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not18.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i1017.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not18.i.i.i, label %bb17.i.i.i, label %bb7.i.i.i bb7.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb17.i.i.i, %bb16.i8.i %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %_3.i.i9.i.i, %bb16.i8.i ], [ %117, %bb17.i.i.i ] %_3.i10.lcssa.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %_3.i1017.i.i.i, %bb16.i8.i ], [ %_3.i10.i.i.i, %bb17.i.i.i ] %111 = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i10.lcssa.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i.i.i9.i = trunc i64 %111 to i32 %112 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i.i.i9.i, 3 %_17.i.i10.i = add i32 %112, %probe_seq.sroa.0.0.lcssa.i.i.i %result.i.i.i = and i32 %_17.i.i10.i, %_16.i %113 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %result.i.i.i %_23.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %113, align 1, !noalias !241 %114 = icmp sgt i8 %_23.i.i.i, -1 br i1 %114, label %bb11.i.i.i, label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E.exit.i.i" bb17.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb16.i8.i, %bb17.i.i.i %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %117, %bb17.i.i.i ], [ %_3.i.i9.i.i, %bb16.i8.i ] %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %115, %bb17.i.i.i ], [ 0, %bb16.i8.i ] %115 = add i32 %probe_seq.sroa.7.019.i.i.i, 8 %116 = add i32 %115, %probe_seq.sroa.0.020.i.i.i %117 = and i32 %116, %_16.i %118 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %117 %119 = bitcast i8* %118 to i64* %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %119, align 1, !noalias !241 %_3.i10.i.i.i = and i64 %tmp.0.copyload.i.i.i.i.i, -9187201950435737472 %.not.i.i.i = icmp eq i64 %_3.i10.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i.i.i, label %bb17.i.i.i, label %bb7.i.i.i bb11.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i.i.i %120 = load i64, i64* %.pre-phi56.i.pre-phi.i.pre-phi, align 8, !noalias !241 %_3.i13.i.i.i = and i64 %120, -9187201950435737472 %121 = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %_3.i13.i.i.i, i1 true) #15, !range !80 %_2.i.i11.i.i = trunc i64 %121 to i32 %122 = lshr i32 %_2.i.i11.i.i, 3 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E.exit.i.i" "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %bb11.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i %.0.i12.i.i = phi i32 [ %122, %bb11.i.i.i ], [ %result.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i ] %_12.neg.i14.i11.i = xor i32 %.0.i12.i.i, -1 %_11.neg.i15.i12.i = mul i32 %_12.neg.i14.i11.i, 12 %123 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %_11.neg.i15.i12.i %124 = sub i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, %_3.i.i9.i.i %125 = sub i32 %.0.i12.i.i, %_3.i.i9.i.i %_3.i714.i.i.i = xor i32 %125, %124 %.unshifted.i.i.i = and i32 %_3.i714.i.i.i, %_16.i %126 = icmp ult i32 %.unshifted.i.i.i, 8 br i1 %126, label %bb26.i.i, label %bb29.i.i bb29.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E.exit.i.i" %127 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %.0.i12.i.i %prev_ctrl.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %127, align 1, !noalias !244 %top7.i.i.i.i13.i = lshr i64 %107, 25 %128 = trunc i64 %top7.i.i.i.i13.i to i8 %129 = and i8 %128, 127 %130 = add i32 %.0.i12.i.i, -8 %_5.i.i.i.i14.i = and i32 %130, %_16.i %index2.i.i.i.i15.i = add i32 %_5.i.i.i.i14.i, 8 store i8 %129, i8* %127, align 1, !noalias !247 %131 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %index2.i.i.i.i15.i store i8 %129, i8* %131, align 1, !noalias !247 %_73.i.i = icmp eq i8 %prev_ctrl.i.i.i, -1 br i1 %_73.i.i, label %bb32.i.i, label %_ZN4core3ptr19swap_nonoverlapping17h8228e9b5a25fe2c7E.exit.i.i bb26.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E.exit.i.i" %top7.i.i.i.i = lshr i64 %107, 25 %132 = trunc i64 %top7.i.i.i.i to i8 %133 = and i8 %132, 127 %134 = add i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, -8 %_5.i.i19.i.i = and i32 %134, %_16.i %index2.i.i.i.i = add i32 %_5.i.i19.i.i, 8 store i8 %133, i8* %105, align 1, !noalias !252 %135 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %index2.i.i.i.i store i8 %133, i8* %135, align 1, !noalias !252 br label %bb40.i.i _ZN4core3ptr19swap_nonoverlapping17h8228e9b5a25fe2c7E.exit.i.i: ; preds = %bb29.i.i call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.0.i.0..sroa_cast3) call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(12) %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.0.i.0..sroa_cast3, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %106, i32 12, i1 false) #15, !noalias !234 tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %106, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %123, i32 12, i1 false) #15, !noalias !234 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %123, i8* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(12) %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.0.i.0..sroa_cast3, i32 12, i1 false) #15, !noalias !234 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %t1.sroa.0.i.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.i.0.i.0.i.0..sroa_cast3) br label %bb16.i8.i bb32.i.i: ; preds = %bb29.i.i %136 = add i32 %iter.sroa.0.045.i.i, -8 %_5.i21.i.i = and i32 %136, %_16.i %index2.i.i.i = add i32 %_5.i21.i.i, 8 store i8 -1, i8* %105, align 1, !noalias !257 %137 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %_4.i.i.i.i, i32 %index2.i.i.i store i8 -1, i8* %137, align 1, !noalias !257 tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %123, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(12) %106, i32 12, i1 false) #15, !noalias !234 br label %bb40.i.i "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E.exit.i": ; preds = %bb40.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E.exit.i.i" %138 = getelementptr inbounds %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>", %"hashbrown::raw::RawTable<(&std::path::Path, i32)>"* %self, i32 0, i32 1, i32 3 %139 = sub i32 %.0.i.i, %_9.i store i32 %139, i32* %138, align 4, !alias.scope !260, !noalias !165 %140 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>", %"core::result::Result<(), hashbrown::TryReserveError>"* %0, i32 0, i32 0 store i32 0, i32* %140, align 4, !alias.scope !165, !noalias !168 br label %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit" "_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE.exit": ; preds = %bb2.i, %bb5.i.i, %bb13.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i5.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E.exit.i" ret void } ; ::write ; Function Attrs: inlinehint nofree nosync nounwind define internal fastcc void @"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h0f7f051632cc4a56E"(%"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nocapture align 8 dereferenceable(64) %self, [0 x i8]* noalias nocapture nonnull readonly align 1 %msg.0, i32 %msg.1) unnamed_addr #4 { start: tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !261) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !264) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !266) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !269) #15 %0 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 5 %1 = load i32, i32* %0, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %2 = add i32 %1, %msg.1 store i32 %2, i32* %0, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %3 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 6 %_7.i.i = load i32, i32* %3, align 4, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %4 = icmp eq i32 %_7.i.i, 0 br i1 %4, label %bb8.i.i, label %bb1.i.i bb1.i.i: ; preds = %start %5 = sub i32 8, %_7.i.i %6 = icmp ult i32 %5, %msg.1 %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i.i.i = select i1 %6, i32 %5, i32 %msg.1 %_5.i.i.i = icmp ugt i32 %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i.i.i, 3 br i1 %_5.i.i.i, label %bb1.i.i.i, label %bb7.i.i.i bb7.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i, %bb1.i.i %i.0.i.i.i = phi i32 [ 4, %bb1.i.i.i ], [ 0, %bb1.i.i ] %out.0.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %7, %bb1.i.i.i ], [ 0, %bb1.i.i ] %_25.i.i.i = or i32 %i.0.i.i.i, 1 %_24.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %_25.i.i.i, %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i.i.i br i1 %_24.i.i.i, label %bb8.i.i.i, label %bb14.i.i.i bb1.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i %data.0..sroa_cast2.i.i.i = bitcast [0 x i8]* %msg.0 to i32* %data.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %data.0..sroa_cast2.i.i.i, align 1, !alias.scope !273, !noalias !271 %7 = zext i32 %data.0.copyload.i.i.i to i64 br label %bb7.i.i.i bb14.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i %i.1.i.i.i = phi i32 [ %11, %bb8.i.i.i ], [ %i.0.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i ] %out.1.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %10, %bb8.i.i.i ], [ %out.0.i.i.i, %bb7.i.i.i ] %_47.i.i.i = icmp ult i32 %i.1.i.i.i, %.0.sroa.speculated.i.i.i.i.i br i1 %_47.i.i.i, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit.i.i bb8.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i.i.i %8 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %i.0.i.i.i %data2.0..sroa_cast4.i.i.i = bitcast i8* %8 to i16* %data2.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i16, i16* %data2.0..sroa_cast4.i.i.i, align 1, !alias.scope !273, !noalias !271 %_29.i.i.i = zext i16 %data2.0.copyload.i.i.i to i64 %_45.i.i.i = shl nuw nsw i32 %i.0.i.i.i, 3 %9 = zext i32 %_45.i.i.i to i64 %_28.i.i.i = shl nuw nsw i64 %_29.i.i.i, %9 %10 = or i64 %_28.i.i.i, %out.0.i.i.i %11 = or i32 %i.0.i.i.i, 2 br label %bb14.i.i.i bb15.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb14.i.i.i %12 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %i.1.i.i.i %_52.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %12, align 1, !alias.scope !273, !noalias !271 %_51.i.i.i = zext i8 %_52.i.i.i to i64 %_58.i.i.i = shl nsw i32 %i.1.i.i.i, 3 %13 = and i32 %_58.i.i.i, 56 %14 = zext i32 %13 to i64 %_50.i.i.i = shl nuw i64 %_51.i.i.i, %14 %15 = or i64 %_50.i.i.i, %out.1.i.i.i br label %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit.i.i _ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit.i.i: ; preds = %bb15.i.i.i, %bb14.i.i.i %out.2.i.i.i = phi i64 [ %15, %bb15.i.i.i ], [ %out.1.i.i.i, %bb14.i.i.i ] %_15.i.i = shl i32 %_7.i.i, 3 %16 = and i32 %_15.i.i, 56 %17 = zext i32 %16 to i64 %_9.i.i = shl i64 %out.2.i.i.i, %17 %18 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 %19 = load i64, i64* %18, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %20 = or i64 %19, %_9.i.i store i64 %20, i64* %18, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %_17.i.i = icmp ugt i32 %5, %msg.1 br i1 %_17.i.i, label %bb4.i.i, label %bb5.i.i bb5.i.i: ; preds = %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit.i.i %21 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 3 %22 = load i64, i64* %21, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %23 = xor i64 %22, %20 %24 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0 %_3.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %24, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %25 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2 %_4.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %25, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %26 = add i64 %_4.i.i.i, %_3.i.i.i %27 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %_4.i.i.i, i64 %_4.i.i.i, i64 13) #15 %28 = xor i64 %27, %26 %29 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %26, i64 %26, i64 32) #15 %30 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1 %_11.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %30, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %31 = add i64 %_11.i.i.i, %23 %32 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %23, i64 %23, i64 16) #15 %33 = xor i64 %31, %32 %34 = add i64 %33, %29 %35 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %33, i64 %33, i64 21) #15 %36 = xor i64 %35, %34 store i64 %36, i64* %21, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %37 = add i64 %31, %28 %38 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %28, i64 %28, i64 17) #15 %39 = xor i64 %37, %38 store i64 %39, i64* %25, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %40 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %37, i64 %37, i64 32) #15 store i64 %40, i64* %30, align 8, !alias.scope !276, !noalias !272 %41 = xor i64 %34, %20 store i64 %41, i64* %24, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 br label %bb8.i.i bb4.i.i: ; preds = %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit.i.i %42 = add i32 %_7.i.i, %msg.1 br label %"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE.exit" bb8.i.i: ; preds = %bb5.i.i, %start %needed.0.i.i = phi i32 [ 0, %start ], [ %5, %bb5.i.i ] %len.i.i = sub i32 %msg.1, %needed.0.i.i %left.i.i = and i32 %len.i.i, 7 %_34.i.i = and i32 %len.i.i, -8 %43 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 3 %44 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0 %45 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2 %46 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1 %_3242.i.i = icmp ult i32 %needed.0.i.i, %_34.i.i br i1 %_3242.i.i, label %bb10.lr.ph.i.i, label %bb17.i.i bb10.lr.ph.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i.i %.promoted.i.i = load i64, i64* %43, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %.promoted44.i.i = load i64, i64* %44, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 %.promoted47.i.i = load i64, i64* %45, align 8, !alias.scope !279, !noalias !272 %.promoted50.i.i = load i64, i64* %46, align 8, !alias.scope !279, !noalias !272 br label %bb10.i.i bb9.bb17_crit_edge.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i store i64 %70, i64* %43, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 store i64 %75, i64* %44, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 store i64 %73, i64* %45, align 8, !alias.scope !279, !noalias !272 store i64 %74, i64* %46, align 8, !alias.scope !279, !noalias !272 br label %bb17.i.i bb17.i.i: ; preds = %bb9.bb17_crit_edge.i.i, %bb8.i.i %i.0.lcssa.i.i = phi i32 [ %76, %bb9.bb17_crit_edge.i.i ], [ %needed.0.i.i, %bb8.i.i ] %_5.i10.i.i = icmp ugt i32 %left.i.i, 3 br i1 %_5.i10.i.i, label %bb1.i18.i.i, label %bb7.i15.i.i bb7.i15.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i18.i.i, %bb17.i.i %i.0.i11.i.i = phi i32 [ 4, %bb1.i18.i.i ], [ 0, %bb17.i.i ] %out.0.i12.i.i = phi i64 [ %48, %bb1.i18.i.i ], [ 0, %bb17.i.i ] %_25.i13.i.i = or i32 %i.0.i11.i.i, 1 %_24.i14.i.i = icmp ult i32 %_25.i13.i.i, %left.i.i br i1 %_24.i14.i.i, label %bb8.i28.i.i, label %bb14.i22.i.i bb1.i18.i.i: ; preds = %bb17.i.i %47 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %i.0.lcssa.i.i %data.0..sroa_cast2.i16.i.i = bitcast i8* %47 to i32* %data.0.copyload.i17.i.i = load i32, i32* %data.0..sroa_cast2.i16.i.i, align 1, !alias.scope !282, !noalias !271 %48 = zext i32 %data.0.copyload.i17.i.i to i64 br label %bb7.i15.i.i bb14.i22.i.i: ; preds = %bb8.i28.i.i, %bb7.i15.i.i %i.1.i19.i.i = phi i32 [ %52, %bb8.i28.i.i ], [ %i.0.i11.i.i, %bb7.i15.i.i ] %out.1.i20.i.i = phi i64 [ %51, %bb8.i28.i.i ], [ %out.0.i12.i.i, %bb7.i15.i.i ] %_47.i21.i.i = icmp ult i32 %i.1.i19.i.i, %left.i.i br i1 %_47.i21.i.i, label %bb15.i34.i.i, label %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit35.i.i bb8.i28.i.i: ; preds = %bb7.i15.i.i %_36.i.i.i = add i32 %i.0.i11.i.i, %i.0.lcssa.i.i %49 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %_36.i.i.i %data2.0..sroa_cast4.i23.i.i = bitcast i8* %49 to i16* %data2.0.copyload.i24.i.i = load i16, i16* %data2.0..sroa_cast4.i23.i.i, align 1, !alias.scope !282, !noalias !271 %_29.i25.i.i = zext i16 %data2.0.copyload.i24.i.i to i64 %_45.i26.i.i = shl nuw nsw i32 %i.0.i11.i.i, 3 %50 = zext i32 %_45.i26.i.i to i64 %_28.i27.i.i = shl nuw nsw i64 %_29.i25.i.i, %50 %51 = or i64 %_28.i27.i.i, %out.0.i12.i.i %52 = or i32 %i.0.i11.i.i, 2 br label %bb14.i22.i.i bb15.i34.i.i: ; preds = %bb14.i22.i.i %_55.i.i.i = add i32 %i.1.i19.i.i, %i.0.lcssa.i.i %53 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %_55.i.i.i %_52.i30.i.i = load i8, i8* %53, align 1, !alias.scope !282, !noalias !271 %_51.i31.i.i = zext i8 %_52.i30.i.i to i64 %_58.i32.i.i = shl nsw i32 %i.1.i19.i.i, 3 %54 = and i32 %_58.i32.i.i, 56 %55 = zext i32 %54 to i64 %_50.i33.i.i = shl nuw i64 %_51.i31.i.i, %55 %56 = or i64 %_50.i33.i.i, %out.1.i20.i.i br label %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit35.i.i _ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit35.i.i: ; preds = %bb15.i34.i.i, %bb14.i22.i.i %out.2.i29.i.i = phi i64 [ %56, %bb15.i34.i.i ], [ %out.1.i20.i.i, %bb14.i22.i.i ] %57 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %self, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 store i64 %out.2.i29.i.i, i64* %57, align 8, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 br label %"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE.exit" bb10.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i %_11.i3851.i.i = phi i64 [ %.promoted50.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i ], [ %74, %bb10.i.i ] %_4.i3748.i.i = phi i64 [ %.promoted47.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i ], [ %73, %bb10.i.i ] %_3.i3645.i.i = phi i64 [ %.promoted44.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i ], [ %75, %bb10.i.i ] %58 = phi i64 [ %.promoted.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i ], [ %70, %bb10.i.i ] %i.043.i.i = phi i32 [ %needed.0.i.i, %bb10.lr.ph.i.i ], [ %76, %bb10.i.i ] %59 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %msg.0, i32 0, i32 %i.043.i.i %data.0..sroa_cast41.i.i = bitcast i8* %59 to i64* %data.0.copyload.i.i = load i64, i64* %data.0..sroa_cast41.i.i, align 1, !alias.scope !272, !noalias !271 %60 = xor i64 %data.0.copyload.i.i, %58 %61 = add i64 %_3.i3645.i.i, %_4.i3748.i.i %62 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %_4.i3748.i.i, i64 %_4.i3748.i.i, i64 13) #15 %63 = xor i64 %61, %62 %64 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %61, i64 %61, i64 32) #15 %65 = add i64 %60, %_11.i3851.i.i %66 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %60, i64 %60, i64 16) #15 %67 = xor i64 %66, %65 %68 = add i64 %67, %64 %69 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %67, i64 %67, i64 21) #15 %70 = xor i64 %69, %68 %71 = add i64 %65, %63 %72 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %63, i64 %63, i64 17) #15 %73 = xor i64 %71, %72 %74 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %71, i64 %71, i64 32) #15 %75 = xor i64 %68, %data.0.copyload.i.i %76 = add nuw i32 %i.043.i.i, 8 %_32.i.i = icmp ult i32 %76, %_34.i.i br i1 %_32.i.i, label %bb10.i.i, label %bb9.bb17_crit_edge.i.i "_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE.exit": ; preds = %bb4.i.i, %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit35.i.i %storemerge.i.i = phi i32 [ %left.i.i, %_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE.exit35.i.i ], [ %42, %bb4.i.i ] store i32 %storemerge.i.i, i32* %3, align 4, !alias.scope !271, !noalias !272 ret void } ; ::eq ; Function Attrs: inlinehint nounwind define internal fastcc zeroext i1 @"_ZN56_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hd70e047d056fd903E"(%"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %self.0, i32 %self.1, %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %other.0, i32 %other.1) unnamed_addr #0 { start: %_15.i.i.i = alloca %"core::option::Option", align 4 %_11.i.i.i = alloca %"core::option::Option", align 4 %_7.i.i.i = alloca %"core::option::Option", align 4 %other1.i.i.i = alloca %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", align 8 %_3.i.i = alloca %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", align 4 %_11.sroa.5.i13.i = alloca [19 x i8], align 1 %_11.sroa.5.i.i = alloca [19 x i8], align 1 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.i = alloca [19 x i8], align 1 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.i = alloca [19 x i8], align 1 %_7 = alloca %"std::path::Components", align 4 %_4 = alloca %"std::path::Components", align 4 %0 = bitcast %"std::path::Components"* %_4 to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %0) ; call std::path::Path::components call void @_ZN3std4path4Path10components17hd6942ee7720a9901E(%"std::path::Components"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"std::path::Components") dereferenceable(32) %_4, %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %self.0, i32 %self.1) #15 %1 = bitcast %"std::path::Components"* %_7 to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %1) ; call std::path::Path::components call void @_ZN3std4path4Path10components17hd6942ee7720a9901E(%"std::path::Components"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"std::path::Components") dereferenceable(32) %_7, %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %other.0, i32 %other.1) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !285) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !288) %2 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 %_9.1.i = load i32, i32* %2, align 4, !alias.scope !285, !noalias !288 %3 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 %_11.1.i = load i32, i32* %3, align 4, !alias.scope !288, !noalias !285 %_7.i = icmp eq i32 %_9.1.i, %_11.1.i br i1 %_7.i, label %bb11.i, label %bb22.i bb11.i: ; preds = %start %_13.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 3 %_14.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 3 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !290) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !293) #15 %4 = load i8, i8* %_13.i, align 1, !range !295, !alias.scope !296, !noalias !297 %5 = load i8, i8* %_14.i, align 1, !range !295, !alias.scope !297, !noalias !296 %_10.i.i = icmp eq i8 %4, %5 br i1 %_10.i.i, label %bb8.i, label %bb22.i bb8.i: ; preds = %bb11.i %_16.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 4 %6 = load i8, i8* %_16.i, align 2, !range !295, !alias.scope !298, !noalias !301 %_10.i7.i = icmp eq i8 %6, 2 br i1 %_10.i7.i, label %bb5.i, label %bb22.i bb5.i: ; preds = %bb8.i %_19.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 4 %7 = load i8, i8* %_19.i, align 2, !range !295, !alias.scope !303, !noalias !306 %_10.i8.i = icmp eq i8 %7, 2 br i1 %_10.i8.i, label %bb2.i, label %bb22.i bb2.i: ; preds = %bb5.i %8 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 %9 = load i8, i8* %8, align 4, !range !308, !alias.scope !309, !noalias !288 %10 = icmp eq i8 %9, 6 %switch.i.i.i.i.i = icmp ult i8 %9, 3 %11 = zext i1 %switch.i.i.i.i.i to i8 %.0.i1.i.i = select i1 %10, i8 2, i8 %11 %12 = icmp ne i8 %.0.i1.i.i, 2 %13 = and i8 %.0.i1.i.i, 1 %extract.t.i.i.i = icmp ne i8 %13, 0 %.0.off0.i.i.i = and i1 %12, %extract.t.i.i.i %14 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 %15 = load i8, i8* %14, align 4, !range !308, !alias.scope !312, !noalias !285 %16 = icmp eq i8 %15, 6 %switch.i.i.i.i9.i = icmp ult i8 %15, 3 %17 = zext i1 %switch.i.i.i.i9.i to i8 %.0.i1.i10.i = select i1 %16, i8 2, i8 %17 %18 = icmp ne i8 %.0.i1.i10.i, 2 %19 = and i8 %.0.i1.i10.i, 1 %extract.t.i.i11.i = icmp ne i8 %19, 0 %.0.off0.i.i12.i = and i1 %18, %extract.t.i.i11.i %20 = xor i1 %.0.off0.i.i.i, %.0.off0.i.i12.i br i1 %20, label %bb22.i, label %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE.exit.i" bb22.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE.exit.i", %bb2.i, %bb5.i, %bb8.i, %bb11.i, %start %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx42.i = getelementptr inbounds [19 x i8], [19 x i8]* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.i, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx42.i) %21 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %22 = load [0 x i8]*, [0 x i8]** %21, align 4, !alias.scope !315, !noalias !320, !nonnull !0 %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i.i = getelementptr inbounds [19 x i8], [19 x i8]* %_11.sroa.5.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i.i) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !322) #15 %23 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 %24 = load i8, i8* %23, align 4, !range !308, !alias.scope !325, !noalias !327 %25 = icmp eq i8 %24, 6 br i1 %25, label %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit.i", label %bb3.i.i.i bb3.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb22.i %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx6.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx6.i.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !alias.scope !328, !noalias !320 br label %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit.i" "_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit.i": ; preds = %bb3.i.i.i, %bb22.i %__self_0_4.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 4 %__self_0_3.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 3 %__self_0_2.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 2 %26 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_2.i.i, align 4, !range !329, !alias.scope !330, !noalias !320 %27 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_3.i.i, align 1, !range !295, !alias.scope !333, !noalias !320 %28 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_4.i.i, align 2, !range !295, !alias.scope !336, !noalias !320 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx42.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !noalias !339 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i.i) %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx64.i = getelementptr inbounds [19 x i8], [19 x i8]* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.i, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx64.i) %29 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %30 = load [0 x i8]*, [0 x i8]** %29, align 4, !alias.scope !340, !noalias !345, !nonnull !0 %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i14.i = getelementptr inbounds [19 x i8], [19 x i8]* %_11.sroa.5.i13.i, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i14.i) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !347) #15 %31 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 %32 = load i8, i8* %31, align 4, !range !308, !alias.scope !350, !noalias !352 %33 = icmp eq i8 %32, 6 br i1 %33, label %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i", label %bb3.i.i16.i bb3.i.i16.i: ; preds = %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit.i" %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx6.i15.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i14.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx6.i15.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !alias.scope !353, !noalias !345 br label %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i" "_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i": ; preds = %bb3.i.i16.i, %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit.i" %__self_0_4.i17.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 4 %__self_0_3.i18.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 3 %__self_0_2.i19.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 2 %34 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_2.i19.i, align 4, !range !329, !alias.scope !354, !noalias !345 %35 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_3.i18.i, align 1, !range !295, !alias.scope !357, !noalias !345 %36 = load i8, i8* %__self_0_4.i17.i, align 2, !range !295, !alias.scope !360, !noalias !345 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx64.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i14.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !noalias !339 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_11.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx9.i14.i) %37 = bitcast %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %37) #15, !noalias !363 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.0.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 store [0 x i8]* %22, [0 x i8]** %_29.sroa.0.sroa.0.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, align 4, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.4.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx38.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 %_9.1.i, i32* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.4.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx38.i, align 4, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.5.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 store i8 %24, i8* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.5.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, align 4, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx42.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.7.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 2 store i8 %26, i8* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.7.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, align 4, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.8.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3 store i8 %27, i8* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.8.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, align 1, !noalias !367 %_29.sroa.0.sroa.9.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 store i8 %28, i8* %_29.sroa.0.sroa.9.0._29.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast26.sroa_idx.i, align 2, !noalias !367 %38 = bitcast %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %38) #15, !noalias !368 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.0.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 store [0 x i8]* %30, [0 x i8]** %_32.sroa.0.sroa.0.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, align 8, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.4.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx60.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 %_11.1.i, i32* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.4.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx60.i, align 4, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.5.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0 store i8 %32, i8* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.5.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, align 8, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0 call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, i8* noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(19) %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx64.i, i32 19, i1 false) #15, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.7.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 2 store i8 %34, i8* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.7.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, align 4, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.8.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3 store i8 %35, i8* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.8.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, align 1, !noalias !372 %_32.sroa.0.sroa.9.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 store i8 %36, i8* %_32.sroa.0.sroa.9.0._32.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast48.sroa_idx.i, align 2, !noalias !372 %39 = bitcast %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i to i8* %_2.i.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %_3.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %40 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %val.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx107.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 %val.sroa.4.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast [7 x i32]* %val.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx107.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx109.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1 %val.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 2 %val.sroa.6.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i to i8* %val.sroa.7.0..sroa_raw_idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %39, i32 13 %val.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx112.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 3 %val.sroa.9.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx112.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx114.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 4 %val.sroa.11.0..sroa_idx116.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 5 %val.sroa.11.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val.sroa.11.0..sroa_idx116.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.12.0..sroa_idx118.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_7.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 6 %41 = bitcast %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i to i8* %_2.i12.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev", %"core::iter::adapters::rev::Rev"* %other1.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %42 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %val2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx169.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1 %val2.sroa.4.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast [7 x i32]* %val2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx169.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx171.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1 %val2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 2 %val2.sroa.6.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx.i.i.i to i8* %val2.sroa.7.0..sroa_raw_idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %41, i32 13 %val2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx174.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 3 %val2.sroa.9.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx174.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx176.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 4 %val2.sroa.11.0..sroa_idx178.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 5 %val2.sroa.11.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i = bitcast i32* %val2.sroa.11.0..sroa_idx178.i.i.i to %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.12.0..sroa_idx180.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_15.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 1, i32 6 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %39) #15, !noalias !368 ; call ::next_back call void @"_ZN95_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..double_ended..DoubleEndedIterator$GT$9next_back17h8a17ba10c7d76adfE"(%"core::option::Option"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"core::option::Option") dereferenceable(32) %_7.i.i.i, %"std::path::Components"* noalias nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(32) %_2.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !373 %43 = load i32, i32* %40, align 4, !range !374, !noalias !368 %44 = icmp eq i32 %43, 5 br i1 %44, label %bb6.i.i.i, label %bb4.i.i.i bb6.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb15.i.i.i, %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i" %45 = bitcast %"core::option::Option"* %_11.i.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %45) #15, !noalias !368 ; call ::next_back call void @"_ZN95_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..double_ended..DoubleEndedIterator$GT$9next_back17h8a17ba10c7d76adfE"(%"core::option::Option"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"core::option::Option") dereferenceable(32) %_11.i.i.i, %"std::path::Components"* noalias nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(32) %_2.i12.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !373 %46 = getelementptr inbounds %"core::option::Option", %"core::option::Option"* %_11.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %47 = load i32, i32* %46, align 4, !range !374, !alias.scope !375, !noalias !368 %.not.i.not.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %47, 5 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %45) #15, !noalias !368 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %39) #15, !noalias !368 br label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb4.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i", %bb15.i.i.i %48 = phi i32 [ %88, %bb15.i.i.i ], [ %43, %"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E.exit22.i" ] %val.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.4.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.5.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx109.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.6.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %val.sroa.6.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %val.sroa.7.0..sroa_raw_idx.i.i.i, align 1, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.9.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx114.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val.sroa.11.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val.sroa.12.0..sroa_idx118.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %39) #15, !noalias !368 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %41) #15, !noalias !368 ; call ::next_back call void @"_ZN95_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..double_ended..DoubleEndedIterator$GT$9next_back17h8a17ba10c7d76adfE"(%"core::option::Option"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"core::option::Option") dereferenceable(32) %_15.i.i.i, %"std::path::Components"* noalias nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(32) %_2.i12.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !373 %49 = load i32, i32* %42, align 4, !range !374, !noalias !368 %50 = icmp eq i32 %49, 5 br i1 %50, label %bb12.i.i.i, label %bb10.i.i.i bb12.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %41) #15, !noalias !368 br label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb10.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb4.i.i.i %val2.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.4.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.5.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx171.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.6.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %val2.sroa.6.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i8, i8* %val2.sroa.7.0..sroa_raw_idx.i.i.i, align 1, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.9.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx176.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i = load %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"*, %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"** %val2.sroa.11.0..sroa_cast.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 %val2.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %val2.sroa.12.0..sroa_idx180.i.i.i, align 4, !noalias !368 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %41) #15, !noalias !368 %_10.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %48, %49 br i1 %_10.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb10.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb10.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i switch i32 %48, label %bb15.i.i.i [ i32 0, label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i i32 4, label %bb5.i.i.i.i.i ] bb3.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i.i.i %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i8 %val.sroa.6.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.6.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb3.i.i.i.i.i switch i8 %val.sroa.6.0.copyload.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i [ i8 0, label %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i8 1, label %bb5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i8 2, label %bb11.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i8 3, label %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i8 4, label %bb14.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i8 5, label %bb20.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ] bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i unreachable bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %_3.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %51 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %51) #15 %52 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %52) #15 %53 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %54 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %53, i8* nonnull %54, i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !380, !noalias !390 %55 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %55, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %_3.not.i.i.i.i33.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i33.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit39.i.i.i.i.i.i.i", label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i "_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit39.i.i.i.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %bb5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %56 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %56) #15 %57 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %57) #15 %58 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %59 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i36.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %58, i8* nonnull %59, i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !406, !noalias !416 %60 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i36.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 %_3.not.i.i.i.i69.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i %or.cond196.i.i.i = select i1 %60, i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i69.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 false br i1 %or.cond196.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i73.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb11.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %61 = icmp eq i8 %val.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %61, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %_3.not.i.i.i.i42.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i42.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i46.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb2.i.i.i.i46.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %62 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %62) #15 %63 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %63) #15 %64 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %65 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i45.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %64, i8* nonnull %65, i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !420, !noalias !430 %66 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i45.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %66, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb14.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %_3.not.i.i.i.i51.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i51.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit57.i.i.i.i.i.i.i", label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i "_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit57.i.i.i.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %bb14.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %67 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %67) #15 %68 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %68) #15 %69 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %70 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.9.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i54.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %69, i8* nonnull %70, i32 %val.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !434, !noalias !444 %71 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i54.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 %_3.not.i.i.i.i60.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i %or.cond.i.i.i = select i1 %71, i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i60.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, i1 false br i1 %or.cond.i.i.i, label %bb2.i.i.i.i64.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb20.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb1.i.i.i.i.i.i.i %72 = icmp eq i8 %val.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.7.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %72, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb2.i.i.i.i64.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit57.i.i.i.i.i.i.i" %73 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %73) #15 %74 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %74) #15 %75 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %76 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i63.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %75, i8* nonnull %76, i32 %val.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !448, !noalias !458 %77 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i63.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %77, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb2.i.i.i.i73.i.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit39.i.i.i.i.i.i.i" %78 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %78) #15 %79 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %79) #15 %80 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %81 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.11.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i72.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %80, i8* nonnull %81, i32 %val.sroa.12.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !462, !noalias !472 %82 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i72.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %82, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb5.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %bb10.i.i.i.i.i %_3.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = icmp eq i32 %val.sroa.5.0.copyload.i.i.i, %val2.sroa.5.0.copyload.i.i.i br i1 %_3.not.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E.exit.i.i.i", label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i "_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %bb5.i.i.i.i.i %83 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %83) #15 %84 = icmp ne %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i, null call void @llvm.assume(i1 %84) #15 %85 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %86 = getelementptr %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr", %"std::ffi::os_str::OsStr"* %val2.sroa.4.0.copyload.i.i.i, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i = call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %85, i8* nonnull %86, i32 %val.sroa.5.0.copyload.i.i.i) #15, !alias.scope !476, !noalias !486 %87 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %87, label %bb15.i.i.i, label %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i bb15.i.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E.exit.i.i.i", %bb2.i.i.i.i73.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i64.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb20.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i46.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb11.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb10.i.i.i.i.i call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %39) #15, !noalias !368 ; call ::next_back call void @"_ZN95_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..double_ended..DoubleEndedIterator$GT$9next_back17h8a17ba10c7d76adfE"(%"core::option::Option"* noalias nocapture nonnull sret(%"core::option::Option") dereferenceable(32) %_7.i.i.i, %"std::path::Components"* noalias nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(32) %_2.i.i.i.i) #15, !noalias !373 %88 = load i32, i32* %40, align 4, !range !374, !noalias !368 %89 = icmp eq i32 %88, 5 br i1 %89, label %bb6.i.i.i, label %bb4.i.i.i _ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E.exit.i.i.i", %bb5.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i73.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i64.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb20.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit57.i.i.i.i.i.i.i", %bb14.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i46.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb11.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit39.i.i.i.i.i.i.i", %bb5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i, %bb10.i.i.i, %bb12.i.i.i, %bb6.i.i.i %.1.off0.i.i.i = phi i1 [ %.not.i.not.i.i.i.i, %bb6.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb12.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb10.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb3.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb2.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb5.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit39.i.i.i.i.i.i.i" ], [ false, %bb11.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb12.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb2.i.i.i.i46.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb14.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE.exit57.i.i.i.i.i.i.i" ], [ false, %bb20.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb2.i.i.i.i64.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb2.i.i.i.i73.i.i.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %bb5.i.i.i.i.i ], [ false, %"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E.exit.i.i.i" ] call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %38) #15, !noalias !368 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %37) #15, !noalias !363 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_32.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx64.i) call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 19, i8* nonnull %_29.sroa.0.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx42.i) br label %"_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E.exit" "_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE.exit.i": ; preds = %bb2.i tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !490) #15 tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !493) #15 %90 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_7, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_4.0.i.i = load [0 x i8]*, [0 x i8]** %90, align 4, !alias.scope !495, !noalias !496, !nonnull !0 %91 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::path::Components", %"std::path::Components"* %_4, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %_3.0.i.i = load [0 x i8]*, [0 x i8]** %91, align 4, !alias.scope !496, !noalias !495, !nonnull !0 %92 = getelementptr [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %_3.0.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %93 = getelementptr [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %_4.0.i.i, i32 0, i32 0 %_10.i.i.i.i = tail call i32 @memcmp(i8* nonnull %92, i8* nonnull %93, i32 %_9.1.i) #15, !alias.scope !497, !noalias !504 %94 = icmp eq i32 %_10.i.i.i.i, 0 br i1 %94, label %"_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E.exit", label %bb22.i "_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E.exit": ; preds = %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE.exit.i" %.0.off0.i = phi i1 [ %.1.off0.i.i.i, %_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE.exit.i ], [ true, %"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE.exit.i" ] call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %1) call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 32, i8* nonnull %0) ret i1 %.0.off0.i } ; std::rt::lang_start ; Function Attrs: nounwind define hidden i32 @_ZN3std2rt10lang_start17h792a307ad4427a1dE(void ()* nonnull %main, i32 %argc, i8** %argv) unnamed_addr #2 { start: %_8 = alloca i32*, align 4 %0 = bitcast i32** %_8 to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %0) %1 = bitcast i32** %_8 to void ()** store void ()* %main, void ()** %1, align 4 %_5.0 = bitcast i32** %_8 to {}* ; call std::rt::lang_start_internal %2 = call i32 @_ZN3std2rt19lang_start_internal17h59043b497449d402E({}* nonnull align 1 %_5.0, [3 x i32]* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(12) bitcast (<{ i8*, [8 x i8], i8*, i8*, i8*, [0 x i8] }>* @vtable.3 to [3 x i32]*), i32 %argc, i8** %argv) #15 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %0) ret i32 %2 } ; std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} ; Function Attrs: inlinehint nounwind define internal i32 @"_ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf4c7820cf18340f6E"(i32** noalias nocapture readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) %_1) unnamed_addr #0 { start: %self.i.i = alloca i8, align 1 %0 = bitcast i32** %_1 to void ()** %_3 = load void ()*, void ()** %0, align 4, !nonnull !0 ; call std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace tail call fastcc void @_ZN3std10sys_common9backtrace28__rust_begin_short_backtrace17h9ac253dc25c214f6E(void ()* nonnull %_3) #15 call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 1, i8* nonnull %self.i.i) #15 store i8 0, i8* %self.i.i, align 1 ; call std::sys::wasm::process::ExitCode::as_i32 %1 = call i32 @_ZN3std3sys4wasm7process8ExitCode6as_i3217h569e34dba47b2316E(i8* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 dereferenceable(1) %self.i.i) #15 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 1, i8* nonnull %self.i.i) #15 ret i32 %1 } ; std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind define internal fastcc void @_ZN3std10sys_common9backtrace28__rust_begin_short_backtrace17h9ac253dc25c214f6E(void ()* nocapture nonnull %f) unnamed_addr #5 { start: tail call void %f() #15 tail call void asm sideeffect "", "r,~{memory}"({}* undef) #15, !srcloc !505 ret void } ; core::hash::BuildHasher::hash_one ; Function Attrs: nounwind define internal fastcc i64 @_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17he4cd066354d960e6E({ i64, i64 }* noalias nocapture readonly align 8 dereferenceable(16) %self, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %0) unnamed_addr #2 { start: %hasher = alloca %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", align 8 %1 = bitcast %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 64, i8* nonnull %1) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !506) tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !509) %2 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64 }, { i64, i64 }* %self, i32 0, i32 0 %_3.i = load i64, i64* %2, align 8, !alias.scope !509, !noalias !506 %3 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64 }, { i64, i64 }* %self, i32 0, i32 1 %_4.i = load i64, i64* %3, align 8, !alias.scope !509, !noalias !506 %4 = xor i64 %_3.i, 8317987319222330741 %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 4 %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx132324.i = bitcast i64* %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i to i8* call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(12) %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx132324.i, i8 0, i64 12, i1 false) #15, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %5 = xor i64 %_4.i, 7237128888997146477 %6 = xor i64 %_3.i, 7816392313619706465 %7 = xor i64 %_4.i, 8387220255154660723 %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast1.i = bitcast %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher to i64* store i64 %_3.i, i64* %_2.sroa.0.0..sroa_cast1.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx3.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 2 store i64 %_4.i, i64* %_2.sroa.4.0..sroa_idx3.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0 store i64 %4, i64* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1 store i64 %6, i64* %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2 store i64 %5, i64* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 3, i32 3 store i64 %7, i64* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i, align 8, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 %_2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx16.i = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 6 store i32 0, i32* %_2.sroa.10.0..sroa_idx16.i, align 4, !alias.scope !506, !noalias !509 ; call core::hash::impls::::hash call fastcc void @"_ZN4core4hash5impls52_$LT$impl$u20$core..hash..Hash$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$4hash17h9253a01159f8f66cE"({ %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %0, %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(64) %hasher) #15, !noalias !511 %state.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.5.0..sroa_idx5.i, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %state.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.6.0..sroa_idx7.i, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.7.0..sroa_idx9.i, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %state.sroa.22.0.copyload.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.8.0..sroa_idx11.i, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %8 = getelementptr inbounds %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher", %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* %hasher, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 5 %_7.i.i.i = load i32, i32* %8, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %_5.i.i.i = zext i32 %_7.i.i.i to i64 %_4.i.i.i = shl i64 %_5.i.i.i, 56 %_8.i.i.i = load i64, i64* %_2.sroa.9.0..sroa_idx13.i, align 8, !alias.scope !514 %b.i.i.i = or i64 %_4.i.i.i, %_8.i.i.i %9 = xor i64 %b.i.i.i, %state.sroa.22.0.copyload.i.i.i %10 = add i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i, %state.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i.i %11 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i, i64 %state.sroa.17.0.copyload.i.i.i, i64 13) #15 %12 = xor i64 %11, %10 %13 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %10, i64 %10, i64 32) #15 %14 = add i64 %9, %state.sroa.10.0.copyload.i.i.i %15 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %9, i64 %9, i64 16) #15 %16 = xor i64 %15, %14 %17 = add i64 %16, %13 %18 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %16, i64 %16, i64 21) #15 %19 = xor i64 %18, %17 %20 = add i64 %14, %12 %21 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %12, i64 %12, i64 17) #15 %22 = xor i64 %20, %21 %23 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %20, i64 %20, i64 32) #15 %24 = xor i64 %17, %b.i.i.i %25 = xor i64 %23, 255 %26 = add i64 %24, %22 %27 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %22, i64 %22, i64 13) #15 %28 = xor i64 %26, %27 %29 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %26, i64 %26, i64 32) #15 %30 = add i64 %19, %25 %31 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %19, i64 %19, i64 16) #15 %32 = xor i64 %31, %30 %33 = add i64 %32, %29 %34 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %32, i64 %32, i64 21) #15 %35 = xor i64 %34, %33 %36 = add i64 %28, %30 %37 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %28, i64 %28, i64 17) #15 %38 = xor i64 %36, %37 %39 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %36, i64 %36, i64 32) #15 %40 = add i64 %38, %33 %41 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %38, i64 %38, i64 13) #15 %42 = xor i64 %41, %40 %43 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %40, i64 %40, i64 32) #15 %44 = add i64 %35, %39 %45 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %35, i64 %35, i64 16) #15 %46 = xor i64 %45, %44 %47 = add i64 %46, %43 %48 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %46, i64 %46, i64 21) #15 %49 = xor i64 %48, %47 %50 = add i64 %42, %44 %51 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %42, i64 %42, i64 17) #15 %52 = xor i64 %51, %50 %53 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %50, i64 %50, i64 32) #15 %54 = add i64 %52, %47 %55 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %52, i64 %52, i64 13) #15 %56 = xor i64 %55, %54 %57 = add i64 %49, %53 %58 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %49, i64 %49, i64 16) #15 %59 = xor i64 %58, %57 %60 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %59, i64 %59, i64 21) #15 %61 = add i64 %56, %57 %62 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %56, i64 %56, i64 17) #15 %63 = tail call i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64 %61, i64 %61, i64 32) #15 %_17.i.i.i = xor i64 %61, %60 %64 = xor i64 %_17.i.i.i, %62 %65 = xor i64 %64, %63 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 64, i8* nonnull %1) ret i64 %65 } ; core::hash::impls::::hash ; Function Attrs: inlinehint nounwind define internal fastcc void @"_ZN4core4hash5impls52_$LT$impl$u20$core..hash..Hash$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$4hash17h9253a01159f8f66cE"({ %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* noalias nocapture readonly align 4 dereferenceable(8) %self, %"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nocapture align 8 dereferenceable(64) %state) unnamed_addr #0 { start: %_7.i.i = alloca i32, align 4 %0 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %self, i32 0, i32 0 %_4.0 = load %"std::path::Path"*, %"std::path::Path"** %0, align 4, !nonnull !0 %1 = getelementptr inbounds { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }, { %"std::path::Path"*, i32 }* %self, i32 0, i32 1 %_4.1 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4 ; call std::path::Path::as_u8_slice %2 = tail call { [0 x i8]*, i32 } @_ZN3std4path4Path11as_u8_slice17h0bc6e1d59bc2c0ecE(%"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_4.0, i32 %_4.1) #15, !noalias !521 %bytes.1.i = extractvalue { [0 x i8]*, i32 } %2, 1 %bytes.0.i = extractvalue { [0 x i8]*, i32 } %2, 0 %.not.i = icmp eq i32 %bytes.1.i, 0 br i1 %.not.i, label %"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E.exit", label %bb23.i bb16.i: ; preds = %bb42.i %_81.i = icmp ugt i32 %bytes.1.i, %component_start.1.i br i1 %_81.i, label %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h02ed028045e24d4dE.exit46.i", label %"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E.exit" bb23.i: ; preds = %start, %bb42.i %component_start.082.i = phi i32 [ %component_start.1.i, %bb42.i ], [ 0, %start ] %bytes_hashed.081.i = phi i32 [ %bytes_hashed.1.i, %bb42.i ], [ 0, %start ] %iter.sroa.0.080.i = phi i32 [ %3, %bb42.i ], [ 0, %start ] %3 = add nuw i32 %iter.sroa.0.080.i, 1 %4 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %bytes.0.i, i32 0, i32 %iter.sroa.0.080.i %_43.i = load i8, i8* %4, align 1, !noalias !521 %5 = icmp eq i8 %_43.i, 47 br i1 %5, label %bb24.i, label %bb42.i bb42.i: ; preds = %bb40.i, %bb23.i %bytes_hashed.1.i = phi i32 [ %bytes_hashed.2.i, %bb40.i ], [ %bytes_hashed.081.i, %bb23.i ] %component_start.1.i = phi i32 [ %12, %bb40.i ], [ %component_start.082.i, %bb23.i ] %exitcond.not.i = icmp eq i32 %bytes.1.i, %3 br i1 %exitcond.not.i, label %bb16.i, label %bb23.i bb24.i: ; preds = %bb23.i %_48.i = icmp ugt i32 %iter.sroa.0.080.i, %component_start.082.i br i1 %_48.i, label %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17hd7c06dae83641a32E.exit.i", label %bb30.i "_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17hd7c06dae83641a32E.exit.i": ; preds = %bb24.i %6 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %bytes.0.i, i32 0, i32 %component_start.082.i %_7.i.i.i42.i = sub i32 %iter.sroa.0.080.i, %component_start.082.i %7 = bitcast i8* %6 to [0 x i8]* ; call ::write tail call fastcc void @"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h0f7f051632cc4a56E"(%"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(64) %state, [0 x i8]* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %7, i32 %_7.i.i.i42.i) #15 %8 = add i32 %_7.i.i.i42.i, %bytes_hashed.081.i br label %bb30.i bb30.i: ; preds = %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17hd7c06dae83641a32E.exit.i", %bb24.i %bytes_hashed.2.i = phi i32 [ %8, %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17hd7c06dae83641a32E.exit.i" ], [ %bytes_hashed.081.i, %bb24.i ] %9 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %bytes.0.i, i32 0, i32 %3 %_7.i.i.i.i37.i = sub i32 %bytes.1.i, %3 switch i32 %_7.i.i.i.i37.i, label %bb34.i [ i32 1, label %bb31.i i32 0, label %bb32.i ] bb31.i: ; preds = %bb30.i %10 = load i8, i8* %9, align 1, !noalias !521 %11 = icmp eq i8 %10, 46 br i1 %11, label %bb40.i, label %bb32.i bb32.i: ; preds = %bb36.i, %bb34.i, %bb31.i, %bb30.i br label %bb40.i bb40.i: ; preds = %bb36.i, %bb32.i, %bb31.i %_70.0.i = phi i32 [ 0, %bb32.i ], [ 1, %bb31.i ], [ 1, %bb36.i ] %12 = add i32 %_70.0.i, %3 br label %bb42.i bb34.i: ; preds = %bb30.i %13 = load i8, i8* %9, align 1, !noalias !521 %14 = icmp eq i8 %13, 46 br i1 %14, label %bb36.i, label %bb32.i bb36.i: ; preds = %bb34.i %15 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %9, i32 1 %_80.i = load i8, i8* %15, align 1, !noalias !521 %16 = icmp eq i8 %_80.i, 47 br i1 %16, label %bb40.i, label %bb32.i "_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h02ed028045e24d4dE.exit46.i": ; preds = %bb16.i %17 = getelementptr inbounds [0 x i8], [0 x i8]* %bytes.0.i, i32 0, i32 %component_start.1.i %_7.i.i.i.i45.i = sub i32 %bytes.1.i, %component_start.1.i %18 = bitcast i8* %17 to [0 x i8]* ; call ::write tail call fastcc void @"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h0f7f051632cc4a56E"(%"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(64) %state, [0 x i8]* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %18, i32 %_7.i.i.i.i45.i) #15 %19 = add i32 %_7.i.i.i.i45.i, %bytes_hashed.1.i br label %"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E.exit" "_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E.exit": ; preds = %start, %bb16.i, %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h02ed028045e24d4dE.exit46.i" %bytes_hashed.3.i = phi i32 [ %19, %"_ZN4core5slice5index74_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..index..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h02ed028045e24d4dE.exit46.i" ], [ %bytes_hashed.1.i, %bb16.i ], [ 0, %start ] %20 = bitcast i32* %_7.i.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %20) #15, !noalias !524 store i32 %bytes_hashed.3.i, i32* %_7.i.i, align 4, !noalias !524 %_4.0.i.i = bitcast i32* %_7.i.i to [0 x i8]* ; call ::write call fastcc void @"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h0f7f051632cc4a56E"(%"std::collections::hash::map::DefaultHasher"* noalias nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(64) %state, [0 x i8]* noalias nonnull readonly align 1 %_4.0.i.i, i32 4) #15 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %20) #15, !noalias !524 ret void } ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 immarg, i8* nocapture) #6 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 immarg, i8* nocapture) #6 ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64, i1 immarg) #7 ; Function Attrs: nofree nounwind declare dso_local noalias i8* @__rust_alloc(i32, i32) unnamed_addr #8 ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local void @__rust_dealloc(i8*, i32, i32) unnamed_addr #2 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* noalias nocapture writeonly, i8* noalias nocapture readonly, i32, i1 immarg) #9 ; hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::capacity_overflow ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility17capacity_overflow17h33dfe984bae39b53E(i1 zeroext) unnamed_addr #2 ; hashbrown::raw::Fallibility::alloc_err ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local { i32, i32 } @_ZN9hashbrown3raw11Fallibility9alloc_err17h0cc77892bd5a02c5E(i1 zeroext, i32, i32) unnamed_addr #2 ; Function Attrs: inaccessiblememonly mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.assume(i1 noundef) #10 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* nocapture writeonly, i8* nocapture readonly, i32, i1 immarg) #9 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn writeonly declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* nocapture writeonly, i8, i32, i1 immarg) #11 ; std::path::Path::components ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local void @_ZN3std4path4Path10components17hd6942ee7720a9901E(%"std::path::Components"* noalias nocapture sret(%"std::path::Components") dereferenceable(32), %"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1, i32) unnamed_addr #2 ; std::path::Path::as_u8_slice ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local { [0 x i8]*, i32 } @_ZN3std4path4Path11as_u8_slice17h0bc6e1d59bc2c0ecE(%"std::path::Path"* noalias nonnull readonly align 1, i32) unnamed_addr #2 ; std::sys::wasm::process::ExitCode::as_i32 ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local i32 @_ZN3std3sys4wasm7process8ExitCode6as_i3217h569e34dba47b2316E(i8* noalias readonly align 1 dereferenceable(1)) unnamed_addr #2 ; ::next_back ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local void @"_ZN95_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..iter..traits..double_ended..DoubleEndedIterator$GT$9next_back17h8a17ba10c7d76adfE"(%"core::option::Option"* noalias nocapture sret(%"core::option::Option") dereferenceable(32), %"std::path::Components"* noalias align 4 dereferenceable(32)) unnamed_addr #2 ; std::rt::lang_start_internal ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local i32 @_ZN3std2rt19lang_start_internal17h59043b497449d402E({}* nonnull align 1, [3 x i32]* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(12), i32, i8**) unnamed_addr #2 ; std::sys::wasm::common::hashmap_random_keys ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare dso_local { i64, i64 } @_ZN3std3sys4wasm6common19hashmap_random_keys17h4dce4b905afe6bb2E() unnamed_addr #2 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind readonly willreturn declare dso_local i32 @memcmp(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i32) unnamed_addr #12 ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare i64 @llvm.fshl.i64(i64, i64, i64) #7 ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32) #7 ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32) #7 ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32, i1 immarg) #7 ; Function Attrs: nounwind define i32 @main(i32 %0, i8** %1) unnamed_addr #2 { top: %_8.i = alloca i32*, align 4 %2 = bitcast i32** %_8.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %2) #15 %3 = bitcast i32** %_8.i to void ()** store void ()* @_ZN11issue_230364main17haa60605bb3cb6cb3E, void ()** %3, align 4 %_5.0.i = bitcast i32** %_8.i to {}* ; call std::rt::lang_start_internal %4 = call i32 @_ZN3std2rt19lang_start_internal17h59043b497449d402E({}* nonnull align 1 %_5.0.i, [3 x i32]* noalias readonly align 4 dereferenceable(12) bitcast (<{ i8*, [8 x i8], i8*, i8*, i8*, [0 x i8] }>* @vtable.3 to [3 x i32]*), i32 %0, i8** %1) #15 call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %2) #15 ret i32 %4 } ; Function Attrs: inaccessiblememonly nofree nosync nounwind willreturn declare void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata) #13 ; Function Attrs: argmemonly nofree nounwind willreturn writeonly declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture writeonly, i8, i64, i1 immarg) #14 attributes #0 = { inlinehint nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #1 = { inlinehint mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind readnone willreturn "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #2 = { nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #3 = { cold noinline nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #4 = { inlinehint nofree nosync nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #5 = { noinline nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #6 = { argmemonly mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind willreturn } attributes #7 = { mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn } attributes #8 = { nofree nounwind "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #9 = { argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn } attributes #10 = { inaccessiblememonly mustprogress nofree nosync nounwind willreturn } attributes #11 = { argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn writeonly } attributes #12 = { argmemonly mustprogress nofree nounwind readonly willreturn "target-cpu"="generic" } attributes #13 = { inaccessiblememonly nofree nosync nounwind willreturn } attributes #14 = { argmemonly nofree nounwind willreturn writeonly } attributes #15 = { nounwind } !0 = !{} !1 = !{!2} !2 = distinct !{!2, !3, !"_ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf4c7820cf18340f6E: %_1"} !3 = distinct !{!3, !"_ZN3std2rt10lang_start28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf4c7820cf18340f6E"} !4 = !{!5} !5 = distinct !{!5, !6, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map20HashMap$LT$K$C$V$GT$3new17h24030deb309220a3E: argument 0"} !6 = distinct !{!6, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map20HashMap$LT$K$C$V$GT$3new17h24030deb309220a3E"} !7 = !{!8} !8 = distinct !{!8, !9, !"_ZN96_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..default..Default$GT$7default17h361b88bc273b4673E: argument 0"} !9 = distinct !{!9, !"_ZN96_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..default..Default$GT$7default17h361b88bc273b4673E"} !10 = !{i64 0, i64 2} !11 = !{!12, !8, !5} !12 = distinct !{!12, !13, !"_ZN3std6thread5local17LocalKey$LT$T$GT$8try_with17hcc018925fdb6657aE: argument 0"} !13 = distinct !{!13, !"_ZN3std6thread5local17LocalKey$LT$T$GT$8try_with17hcc018925fdb6657aE"} !14 = !{!15, !12, !8, !5} !15 = distinct !{!15, !16, !"_ZN4core3mem7replace17hf1aa58b9e45568c7E: %result"} !16 = distinct !{!16, !"_ZN4core3mem7replace17hf1aa58b9e45568c7E"} !17 = !{!18} !18 = distinct !{!18, !19, !"_ZN4core3mem7replace17h6405558234273defE: %dest"} !19 = distinct !{!19, !"_ZN4core3mem7replace17h6405558234273defE"} !20 = !{!21, !8, !5} !21 = distinct !{!21, !22, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$11with_hasher17h33a2cba76a5edb10E: argument 0"} !22 = distinct !{!22, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$11with_hasher17h33a2cba76a5edb10E"} !23 = !{!24} !24 = distinct !{!24, !25, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE: %self"} !25 = distinct !{!25, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$6insert17h6347832941118a6bE"} !26 = !{!27} !27 = distinct !{!27, !28, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$6insert17h0691a2205300a8e9E: %self"} !28 = distinct !{!28, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$6insert17h0691a2205300a8e9E"} !29 = !{!27, !24} !30 = !{!31} !31 = distinct !{!31, !32, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7get_mut17h9807c185b1dc18c3E: %eq"} !32 = distinct !{!32, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7get_mut17h9807c185b1dc18c3E"} !33 = !{!34} !34 = distinct !{!34, !35, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find17h7fd1e8f9c901e856E: argument 1"} !35 = distinct !{!35, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find17h7fd1e8f9c901e856E"} !36 = !{!34, !31} !37 = !{!38, !39, !27, !24} !38 = distinct !{!38, !35, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find17h7fd1e8f9c901e856E: %self"} !39 = distinct !{!39, !32, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7get_mut17h9807c185b1dc18c3E: %self"} !40 = !{!41} !41 = distinct !{!41, !42, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hebd766bc13b0eda1E: %x"} !42 = distinct !{!42, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hebd766bc13b0eda1E"} !43 = !{!44} !44 = distinct !{!44, !45, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfdf5d5c0fa5ffe60E: %other"} !45 = distinct !{!45, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfdf5d5c0fa5ffe60E"} !46 = !{!44, !41} !47 = !{!48, !49, !50, !38, !34, !39, !31, !27, !24} !48 = distinct !{!48, !45, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfdf5d5c0fa5ffe60E: %self"} !49 = distinct !{!49, !42, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hebd766bc13b0eda1E: %_1"} !50 = distinct !{!50, !51, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hcc56cdae916227a2E: %_1"} !51 = distinct !{!51, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hcc56cdae916227a2E"} !52 = !{!48, !44, !49, !41, !50, !38, !34, !39, !31, !27, !24} !53 = !{!54} !54 = distinct !{!54, !55, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E: %self"} !55 = distinct !{!55, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E"} !56 = !{!57, !59, !54, !60, !61, !27, !24} !57 = distinct !{!57, !58, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE: %self"} !58 = distinct !{!58, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE"} !59 = distinct !{!59, !58, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$7reserve17hc2fe288cc245dfebE: %hasher"} !60 = distinct !{!60, !55, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E: %value"} !61 = distinct !{!61, !55, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$6insert17hda6f64c6d8559246E: %hasher"} !62 = !{!60} !63 = !{i32 0, i32 2} !64 = !{!65, !67} !65 = distinct !{!65, !66, !"_ZN4core6result19Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$5is_ok17hfc5a699cbc159c9bE: %self"} !66 = distinct !{!66, !"_ZN4core6result19Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$5is_ok17hfc5a699cbc159c9bE"} !67 = distinct !{!67, !68, !"_ZN4core6result19Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$6is_err17h2a1f748edd5e8bcbE: %self"} !68 = distinct !{!68, !"_ZN4core6result19Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$6is_err17h2a1f748edd5e8bcbE"} !69 = !{!70} !70 = distinct !{!70, !71, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E: %self"} !71 = distinct !{!71, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E"} !72 = !{!73, !70, !54, !27, !24} !73 = distinct !{!73, !74, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$9probe_seq17hc76caecc7313860fE: %self"} !74 = distinct !{!74, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$9probe_seq17hc76caecc7313860fE"} !75 = !{!60, !61} !76 = !{!77, !70, !54, !27, !24} !77 = distinct !{!77, !78, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$4ctrl17ha5ea4d616be29ceaE: %self"} !78 = distinct !{!78, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$4ctrl17ha5ea4d616be29ceaE"} !79 = !{!70, !54, !60} !80 = !{i64 0, i64 65} !81 = !{!82} !82 = distinct !{!82, !83, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$21record_item_insert_at17h340179c26c68167dE: %self"} !83 = distinct !{!83, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$21record_item_insert_at17h340179c26c68167dE"} !84 = !{!82, !54, !27, !24} !85 = !{!86, !88, !82, !54, !60} !86 = distinct !{!86, !87, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E: %self"} !87 = distinct !{!87, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E"} !88 = distinct !{!88, !89, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E: %self"} !89 = distinct !{!89, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E"} !90 = !{!91} !91 = distinct !{!91, !92, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E: %self"} !92 = distinct !{!92, !"_ZN3std11collections4hash3map24HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$GT$3get17h9a6a810070f93533E"} !93 = !{!94} !94 = distinct !{!94, !95, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$3get17hffd49b4bfeb917beE: %self"} !95 = distinct !{!95, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$3get17hffd49b4bfeb917beE"} !96 = !{!97} !97 = distinct !{!97, !98, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$9get_inner17h6a8bb96163b7006aE: %self"} !98 = distinct !{!98, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map28HashMap$LT$K$C$V$C$S$C$A$GT$9get_inner17h6a8bb96163b7006aE"} !99 = !{!100, !102, !97, !94, !91} !100 = distinct !{!100, !101, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$3len17h282a0ce25ff590c7E: %self"} !101 = distinct !{!101, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$3len17h282a0ce25ff590c7E"} !102 = distinct !{!102, !103, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$8is_empty17he795d1197e8ee80bE: %self"} !103 = distinct !{!103, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$8is_empty17he795d1197e8ee80bE"} !104 = !{!105} !105 = distinct !{!105, !106, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map9make_hash17h30f9d0aaa3fdc1edE: %hash_builder"} !106 = distinct !{!106, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map9make_hash17h30f9d0aaa3fdc1edE"} !107 = !{!108} !108 = distinct !{!108, !109, !"_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17h25062df6f2bdac5aE: %self"} !109 = distinct !{!109, !"_ZN4core4hash11BuildHasher8hash_one17h25062df6f2bdac5aE"} !110 = !{!105, !97, !94, !91} !111 = !{!108, !105, !97, !94, !91} !112 = !{!113} !113 = distinct !{!113, !114, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE: argument 0"} !114 = distinct !{!114, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE"} !115 = !{!116} !116 = distinct !{!116, !114, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE: %self"} !117 = !{!116, !108, !105, !97, !94, !91} !118 = !{!119, !121, !123} !119 = distinct !{!119, !120, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h66248f38aba67ae3E: %self"} !120 = distinct !{!120, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h66248f38aba67ae3E"} !121 = distinct !{!121, !122, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h61b4abf04ca11b7cE: %self"} !122 = distinct !{!122, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h61b4abf04ca11b7cE"} !123 = distinct !{!123, !124, !"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h199af472b0f4b906E: %self"} !124 = distinct !{!124, !"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h199af472b0f4b906E"} !125 = !{!126} !126 = distinct !{!126, !127, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$3get17h4787be457da4ea2cE: %self"} !127 = distinct !{!127, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$3get17h4787be457da4ea2cE"} !128 = !{!129} !129 = distinct !{!129, !130, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find17h39e4e09115bf6ca5E: %self"} !130 = distinct !{!130, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find17h39e4e09115bf6ca5E"} !131 = !{!132} !132 = distinct !{!132, !133, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$10find_inner17hb9fc69f1f7ffee9eE: %self"} !133 = distinct !{!133, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$10find_inner17hb9fc69f1f7ffee9eE"} !134 = !{!135, !132, !129, !126, !97, !94, !91} !135 = distinct !{!135, !136, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$9probe_seq17hc76caecc7313860fE: %self"} !136 = distinct !{!136, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$9probe_seq17hc76caecc7313860fE"} !137 = !{!138} !138 = distinct !{!138, !133, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$10find_inner17hb9fc69f1f7ffee9eE: %eq.1"} !139 = !{!129, !126, !97, !94, !91} !140 = !{!132, !138, !129, !126, !97, !94, !91} !141 = !{!142} !142 = distinct !{!142, !143, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h59ee68a12dbb24bcE: %x"} !143 = distinct !{!143, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h59ee68a12dbb24bcE"} !144 = !{!145, !142} !145 = distinct !{!145, !146, !"_ZN55_$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..borrow..Borrow$LT$T$GT$$GT$6borrow17h31cd90fb661c63fdE: %self"} !146 = distinct !{!146, !"_ZN55_$LT$$RF$T$u20$as$u20$core..borrow..Borrow$LT$T$GT$$GT$6borrow17h31cd90fb661c63fdE"} !147 = !{!148, !149, !129, !126, !97, !94, !91} !148 = distinct !{!148, !143, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map14equivalent_key28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h59ee68a12dbb24bcE: %_1"} !149 = distinct !{!149, !150, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hc18c5c67d6191ffaE: %_1"} !150 = distinct !{!150, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$4find28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hc18c5c67d6191ffaE"} !151 = !{!148, !142, !149, !129, !126, !97, !94, !91} !152 = !{!153} !153 = distinct !{!153, !154, !"_ZN79_$LT$hashbrown..raw..RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..drop..Drop$GT$4drop17hfc1e66410a9f88c9E: %self"} !154 = distinct !{!154, !"_ZN79_$LT$hashbrown..raw..RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..drop..Drop$GT$4drop17hfc1e66410a9f88c9E"} !155 = !{!156, !153} !156 = distinct !{!156, !157, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$18is_empty_singleton17hfef61ba48f182f33E: %self"} !157 = distinct !{!157, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$18is_empty_singleton17hfef61ba48f182f33E"} !158 = !{!159} !159 = distinct !{!159, !160, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$12free_buckets17hfdbb73f7d7f61c25E: %self"} !160 = distinct !{!160, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$12free_buckets17hfdbb73f7d7f61c25E"} !161 = !{!162} !162 = distinct !{!162, !163, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12free_buckets17hc4e39b6c0f6e4fd4E: %self"} !163 = distinct !{!163, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12free_buckets17hc4e39b6c0f6e4fd4E"} !164 = !{!162, !159, !153} !165 = !{!166} !166 = distinct !{!166, !167, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE: argument 0"} !167 = distinct !{!167, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE"} !168 = !{!169} !169 = distinct !{!169, !167, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$20reserve_rehash_inner17h1c21be2527b0c52eE: %self"} !170 = !{!166, !169} !171 = !{!172} !172 = distinct !{!172, !173, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12resize_inner17h2c5b869d94b49bf6E: argument 0"} !173 = distinct !{!173, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12resize_inner17h2c5b869d94b49bf6E"} !174 = !{!175} !175 = distinct !{!175, !173, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12resize_inner17h2c5b869d94b49bf6E: %self"} !176 = !{i32 0, i32 33} !177 = !{!178, !180, !182, !184, !172, !175, !166, !169} !178 = distinct !{!178, !179, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$17new_uninitialized17h82360e34da7dfb7dE: argument 0"} !179 = distinct !{!179, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$17new_uninitialized17h82360e34da7dfb7dE"} !180 = distinct !{!180, !181, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$22fallible_with_capacity17hc5842282fb7077f4E: argument 0"} !181 = distinct !{!181, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$22fallible_with_capacity17hc5842282fb7077f4E"} !182 = distinct !{!182, !183, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize17hf09ce018725d210fE: argument 0"} !183 = distinct !{!183, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize17hf09ce018725d210fE"} !184 = distinct !{!184, !183, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize17hf09ce018725d210fE: %self"} !185 = !{!186, !188, !190, !180, !182, !184, !172, !175, !166, !169} !186 = distinct !{!186, !187, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$22fallible_with_capacity28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h75fafb4c0ed6a65fE: %_1"} !187 = distinct !{!187, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$22fallible_with_capacity28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h75fafb4c0ed6a65fE"} !188 = distinct !{!188, !189, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$10ok_or_else17h3a420e96ac40946bE: argument 0"} !189 = distinct !{!189, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$10ok_or_else17h3a420e96ac40946bE"} !190 = distinct !{!190, !189, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$10ok_or_else17h3a420e96ac40946bE: %err"} !191 = !{!180, !182, !184, !172, !175, !166, !169} !192 = !{!175, !169} !193 = !{!172, !166} !194 = !{!195, !172, !166} !195 = distinct !{!195, !196, !"_ZN153_$LT$core..result..Result$LT$T$C$F$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..try_trait..FromResidual$LT$core..result..Result$LT$core..convert..Infallible$C$E$GT$$GT$$GT$13from_residual17hc7f2824a9edd3342E: argument 0"} !196 = distinct !{!196, !"_ZN153_$LT$core..result..Result$LT$T$C$F$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..try_trait..FromResidual$LT$core..result..Result$LT$core..convert..Infallible$C$E$GT$$GT$$GT$13from_residual17hc7f2824a9edd3342E"} !197 = !{!198, !200, !175, !169} !198 = distinct !{!198, !199, !"_ZN4core3mem4swap17habef46d61bb682a4E: %x"} !199 = distinct !{!199, !"_ZN4core3mem4swap17habef46d61bb682a4E"} !200 = distinct !{!200, !199, !"_ZN4core3mem4swap17habef46d61bb682a4E: %y"} !201 = !{!202, !204, !206, !207, !172, !175, !166, !169} !202 = distinct !{!202, !203, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12free_buckets17hc4e39b6c0f6e4fd4E: %self"} !203 = distinct !{!203, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$12free_buckets17hc4e39b6c0f6e4fd4E"} !204 = distinct !{!204, !205, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17he2d95e62c8c64cf2E: %_1"} !205 = distinct !{!205, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17he2d95e62c8c64cf2E"} !206 = distinct !{!206, !205, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$14prepare_resize28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17he2d95e62c8c64cf2E: %self_"} !207 = distinct !{!207, !208, !"_ZN88_$LT$hashbrown..scopeguard..ScopeGuard$LT$T$C$F$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..drop..Drop$GT$4drop17h3744fcda163881dfE: %self"} !208 = distinct !{!208, !"_ZN88_$LT$hashbrown..scopeguard..ScopeGuard$LT$T$C$F$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..ops..drop..Drop$GT$4drop17h3744fcda163881dfE"} !209 = !{!172, !175, !166, !169} !210 = !{!211, !213, !215, !172, !175, !166, !169} !211 = distinct !{!211, !212, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map11make_hasher28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hbbb998ea2603a001E: %_1"} !212 = distinct !{!212, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map11make_hasher28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hbbb998ea2603a001E"} !213 = distinct !{!213, !214, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE: %_1"} !214 = distinct !{!214, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE"} !215 = distinct !{!215, !214, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE: %table"} !216 = !{!217, !219, !172, !175, !166, !169} !217 = distinct !{!217, !218, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E: %self"} !218 = distinct !{!218, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E"} !219 = distinct !{!219, !220, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE: %self"} !220 = distinct !{!220, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$19prepare_insert_slot17h6d59c2aad804af6fE"} !221 = !{!222, !224, !219, !172, !175, !166, !169} !222 = distinct !{!222, !223, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E: %self"} !223 = distinct !{!223, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E"} !224 = distinct !{!224, !225, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E: %self"} !225 = distinct !{!225, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E"} !226 = !{!227} !227 = distinct !{!227, !228, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E: %self"} !228 = distinct !{!228, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15rehash_in_place17h2ad70c99f33327f6E"} !229 = !{!230} !230 = distinct !{!230, !231, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E: %self"} !231 = distinct !{!231, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$23prepare_rehash_in_place17h456ffbc4efe29433E"} !232 = !{!230, !227, !169} !233 = !{!230, !227, !166, !169} !234 = !{!227, !166, !169} !235 = !{!236, !238, !240, !227, !166, !169} !236 = distinct !{!236, !237, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map11make_hasher28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hbbb998ea2603a001E: %_1"} !237 = distinct !{!237, !"_ZN9hashbrown3map11make_hasher28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hbbb998ea2603a001E"} !238 = distinct !{!238, !239, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE: %_1"} !239 = distinct !{!239, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE"} !240 = distinct !{!240, !239, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw21RawTable$LT$T$C$A$GT$14reserve_rehash28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h752b041b5d78e2bdE: %table"} !241 = !{!242, !227, !166, !169} !242 = distinct !{!242, !243, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E: %self"} !243 = distinct !{!243, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$16find_insert_slot17h14d8876a6d4a2ae5E"} !244 = !{!245, !227, !166, !169} !245 = distinct !{!245, !246, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15replace_ctrl_h217h74fbef69fe9cb0f1E: %self"} !246 = distinct !{!246, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$15replace_ctrl_h217h74fbef69fe9cb0f1E"} !247 = !{!248, !250, !245, !227, !166, !169} !248 = distinct !{!248, !249, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E: %self"} !249 = distinct !{!249, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E"} !250 = distinct !{!250, !251, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E: %self"} !251 = distinct !{!251, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E"} !252 = !{!253, !255, !227, !166, !169} !253 = distinct !{!253, !254, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E: %self"} !254 = distinct !{!254, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E"} !255 = distinct !{!255, !256, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E: %self"} !256 = distinct !{!256, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$11set_ctrl_h217h2fdb1e54a0d87fc6E"} !257 = !{!258, !227, !166, !169} !258 = distinct !{!258, !259, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E: %self"} !259 = distinct !{!259, !"_ZN9hashbrown3raw22RawTableInner$LT$A$GT$8set_ctrl17ha65cbe2ba942c8c4E"} !260 = !{!227, !169} !261 = !{!262} !262 = distinct !{!262, !263, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE: %self"} !263 = distinct !{!263, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE"} !264 = !{!265} !265 = distinct !{!265, !263, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h04871b76ca53a09cE: %msg.0"} !266 = !{!267} !267 = distinct !{!267, !268, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h830f443330cc6d59E: %self"} !268 = distinct !{!268, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h830f443330cc6d59E"} !269 = !{!270} !270 = distinct !{!270, !268, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$5write17h830f443330cc6d59E: %msg.0"} !271 = !{!267, !262} !272 = !{!270, !265} !273 = !{!274, !270, !265} !274 = distinct !{!274, !275, !"_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE: %buf.0"} !275 = distinct !{!275, !"_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE"} !276 = !{!277, !267, !262} !277 = distinct !{!277, !278, !"_ZN69_$LT$core..hash..sip..Sip13Rounds$u20$as$u20$core..hash..sip..Sip$GT$8c_rounds17h5f062b6323f1675aE: %state"} !278 = distinct !{!278, !"_ZN69_$LT$core..hash..sip..Sip13Rounds$u20$as$u20$core..hash..sip..Sip$GT$8c_rounds17h5f062b6323f1675aE"} !279 = !{!280, !267, !262} !280 = distinct !{!280, !281, !"_ZN69_$LT$core..hash..sip..Sip13Rounds$u20$as$u20$core..hash..sip..Sip$GT$8c_rounds17h5f062b6323f1675aE: %state"} !281 = distinct !{!281, !"_ZN69_$LT$core..hash..sip..Sip13Rounds$u20$as$u20$core..hash..sip..Sip$GT$8c_rounds17h5f062b6323f1675aE"} !282 = !{!283, !270, !265} !283 = distinct !{!283, !284, !"_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE: %buf.0"} !284 = distinct !{!284, !"_ZN4core4hash3sip9u8to64_le17h69aaa89a617782eaE"} !285 = !{!286} !286 = distinct !{!286, !287, !"_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E: %self"} !287 = distinct !{!287, !"_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E"} !288 = !{!289} !289 = distinct !{!289, !287, !"_ZN62_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h7821fb2771a24202E: %other"} !290 = !{!291} !291 = distinct !{!291, !292, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %self"} !292 = distinct !{!292, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E"} !293 = !{!294} !294 = distinct !{!294, !292, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %other"} !295 = !{i8 0, i8 4} !296 = !{!291, !286} !297 = !{!294, !289} !298 = !{!299, !286} !299 = distinct !{!299, !300, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %self"} !300 = distinct !{!300, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E"} !301 = !{!302, !289} !302 = distinct !{!302, !300, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %other"} !303 = !{!304, !289} !304 = distinct !{!304, !305, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %self"} !305 = distinct !{!305, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E"} !306 = !{!307, !286} !307 = distinct !{!307, !305, !"_ZN57_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h6d58a331d309c032E: %other"} !308 = !{i8 0, i8 7} !309 = !{!310, !286} !310 = distinct !{!310, !311, !"_ZN3std4path10Components15prefix_verbatim17h96d29058fe5e0c5bE: %self"} !311 = distinct !{!311, !"_ZN3std4path10Components15prefix_verbatim17h96d29058fe5e0c5bE"} !312 = !{!313, !289} !313 = distinct !{!313, !314, !"_ZN3std4path10Components15prefix_verbatim17h96d29058fe5e0c5bE: %self"} !314 = distinct !{!314, !"_ZN3std4path10Components15prefix_verbatim17h96d29058fe5e0c5bE"} !315 = !{!316, !318, !286} !316 = distinct !{!316, !317, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls54_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$5clone17h0fd818134b3f3aa0E: %self"} !317 = distinct !{!317, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls54_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$5clone17h0fd818134b3f3aa0E"} !318 = distinct !{!318, !319, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E: %self"} !319 = distinct !{!319, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E"} !320 = !{!321, !289} !321 = distinct !{!321, !319, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E: argument 0"} !322 = !{!323} !323 = distinct !{!323, !324, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE: argument 0"} !324 = distinct !{!324, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE"} !325 = !{!326, !318, !286} !326 = distinct !{!326, !324, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE: %self"} !327 = !{!323, !321, !289} !328 = !{!323, !326} !329 = !{i8 0, i8 2} !330 = !{!331, !318, !286} !331 = distinct !{!331, !332, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls53_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$bool$GT$5clone17hb617ea749299cffeE: %self"} !332 = distinct !{!332, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls53_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$bool$GT$5clone17hb617ea749299cffeE"} !333 = !{!334, !318, !286} !334 = distinct !{!334, !335, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E: %self"} !335 = distinct !{!335, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E"} !336 = !{!337, !318, !286} !337 = distinct !{!337, !338, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E: %self"} !338 = distinct !{!338, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E"} !339 = !{!286, !289} !340 = !{!341, !343, !289} !341 = distinct !{!341, !342, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls54_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$5clone17h0fd818134b3f3aa0E: %self"} !342 = distinct !{!342, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls54_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$5clone17h0fd818134b3f3aa0E"} !343 = distinct !{!343, !344, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E: %self"} !344 = distinct !{!344, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E"} !345 = !{!346, !286} !346 = distinct !{!346, !344, !"_ZN60_$LT$std..path..Components$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h91c0c897bcd7a680E: argument 0"} !347 = !{!348} !348 = distinct !{!348, !349, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE: argument 0"} !349 = distinct !{!349, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE"} !350 = !{!351, !343, !289} !351 = distinct !{!351, !349, !"_ZN68_$LT$core..option..Option$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h2d9c84687e2a176bE: %self"} !352 = !{!348, !346, !286} !353 = !{!348, !351} !354 = !{!355, !343, !289} !355 = distinct !{!355, !356, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls53_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$bool$GT$5clone17hb617ea749299cffeE: %self"} !356 = distinct !{!356, !"_ZN4core5clone5impls53_$LT$impl$u20$core..clone..Clone$u20$for$u20$bool$GT$5clone17hb617ea749299cffeE"} !357 = !{!358, !343, !289} !358 = distinct !{!358, !359, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E: %self"} !359 = distinct !{!359, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E"} !360 = !{!361, !343, !289} !361 = distinct !{!361, !362, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E: %self"} !362 = distinct !{!362, !"_ZN55_$LT$std..path..State$u20$as$u20$core..clone..Clone$GT$5clone17h3ea8424eeeda7c85E"} !363 = !{!364, !366, !286, !289} !364 = distinct !{!364, !365, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE: %self"} !365 = distinct !{!365, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE"} !366 = distinct !{!366, !365, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq17h5f7d1df5dbe2111eE: %other"} !367 = !{!366, !286, !289} !368 = !{!369, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !369 = distinct !{!369, !370, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator5eq_by17h264b5f3b2972f387E: %self"} !370 = distinct !{!370, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator5eq_by17h264b5f3b2972f387E"} !371 = distinct !{!371, !370, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator5eq_by17h264b5f3b2972f387E: %other"} !372 = !{!364, !286, !289} !373 = !{!371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !374 = !{i32 0, i32 6} !375 = !{!376, !378} !376 = distinct !{!376, !377, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$7is_some17h1a8d11f78ffc446cE: %self"} !377 = distinct !{!377, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$7is_some17h1a8d11f78ffc446cE"} !378 = distinct !{!378, !379, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$7is_none17h3e139a2efaaea668E: %self"} !379 = distinct !{!379, !"_ZN4core6option15Option$LT$T$GT$7is_none17h3e139a2efaaea668E"} !380 = !{!381, !383, !384, !386, !387, !389} !381 = distinct !{!381, !382, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !382 = distinct !{!382, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !383 = distinct !{!383, !382, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !384 = distinct !{!384, !385, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !385 = distinct !{!385, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !386 = distinct !{!386, !385, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !387 = distinct !{!387, !388, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !388 = distinct !{!388, 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!"_ZN58_$LT$std..path..Prefix$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17ha41badda64e9ad9dE"} !396 = distinct !{!396, !395, !"_ZN58_$LT$std..path..Prefix$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17ha41badda64e9ad9dE: %other"} !397 = distinct !{!397, !398, !"_ZN67_$LT$std..path..PrefixComponent$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hbe029c0fa59db769E: %self"} !398 = distinct !{!398, !"_ZN67_$LT$std..path..PrefixComponent$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hbe029c0fa59db769E"} !399 = distinct !{!399, !398, !"_ZN67_$LT$std..path..PrefixComponent$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17hbe029c0fa59db769E: %other"} !400 = distinct !{!400, !401, !"_ZN61_$LT$std..path..Component$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h2c2d66e20de181eeE: %self"} !401 = distinct !{!401, !"_ZN61_$LT$std..path..Component$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h2c2d66e20de181eeE"} !402 = distinct !{!402, !401, !"_ZN61_$LT$std..path..Component$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h2c2d66e20de181eeE: %other"} !403 = distinct !{!403, !404, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E: %x"} !404 = distinct !{!404, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E"} !405 = distinct !{!405, !404, !"_ZN4core4iter6traits8iterator8Iterator2eq28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17hf083be669db04a35E: %y"} !406 = !{!407, !409, !410, !412, !413, !415} !407 = distinct !{!407, !408, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !408 = distinct !{!408, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !409 = distinct !{!409, !408, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !410 = distinct !{!410, !411, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !411 = distinct !{!411, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !412 = distinct !{!412, !411, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !413 = distinct !{!413, !414, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !414 = distinct !{!414, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !415 = distinct !{!415, !414, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !416 = !{!417, !419, !394, !396, !397, !399, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !417 = distinct !{!417, !418, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !418 = distinct !{!418, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !419 = distinct !{!419, !418, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !420 = !{!421, !423, !424, !426, !427, !429} !421 = distinct !{!421, !422, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !422 = distinct !{!422, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !423 = distinct !{!423, !422, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !424 = distinct !{!424, !425, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !425 = distinct !{!425, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !426 = distinct !{!426, !425, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !427 = distinct !{!427, !428, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !428 = distinct !{!428, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !429 = distinct !{!429, !428, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !430 = !{!431, !433, !394, !396, !397, !399, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !431 = distinct !{!431, !432, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !432 = distinct !{!432, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !433 = distinct !{!433, !432, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !434 = !{!435, !437, !438, !440, !441, !443} !435 = distinct !{!435, !436, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !436 = distinct !{!436, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !437 = distinct !{!437, !436, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !438 = distinct !{!438, !439, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !439 = distinct !{!439, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !440 = distinct !{!440, !439, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !441 = distinct !{!441, !442, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !442 = distinct !{!442, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !443 = distinct !{!443, !442, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !444 = !{!445, !447, !394, !396, !397, !399, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !445 = distinct !{!445, !446, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !446 = distinct !{!446, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !447 = distinct !{!447, !446, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !448 = !{!449, !451, !452, !454, !455, !457} !449 = distinct !{!449, !450, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !450 = distinct !{!450, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !451 = distinct !{!451, !450, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !452 = distinct !{!452, !453, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !453 = distinct !{!453, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !454 = distinct !{!454, !453, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !455 = distinct !{!455, !456, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !456 = distinct !{!456, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !457 = distinct !{!457, !456, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !458 = !{!459, !461, !394, !396, !397, !399, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !459 = distinct !{!459, !460, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !460 = distinct !{!460, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !461 = distinct !{!461, !460, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !462 = !{!463, !465, !466, !468, !469, !471} !463 = distinct !{!463, !464, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !464 = distinct !{!464, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !465 = distinct !{!465, !464, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !466 = distinct !{!466, !467, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !467 = distinct !{!467, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !468 = distinct !{!468, !467, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !469 = distinct !{!469, !470, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !470 = distinct !{!470, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !471 = distinct !{!471, !470, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !472 = !{!473, !475, !394, !396, !397, !399, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !473 = distinct !{!473, !474, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !474 = distinct !{!474, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !475 = distinct !{!475, !474, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !476 = !{!477, !479, !480, !482, !483, !485} !477 = distinct !{!477, !478, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !478 = distinct !{!478, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !479 = distinct !{!479, !478, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !480 = distinct !{!480, !481, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !481 = distinct !{!481, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !482 = distinct !{!482, !481, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !483 = distinct !{!483, !484, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %self.0"} !484 = distinct !{!484, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE"} !485 = distinct !{!485, !484, !"_ZN64_$LT$std..ffi..os_str..OsStr$u20$as$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$GT$2eq17h04cb834398954b8eE: %other.0"} !486 = !{!487, !489, !400, !402, !403, !405, !371, !364, !366, !286, !289} !487 = distinct !{!487, !488, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %self"} !488 = distinct !{!488, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE"} !489 = distinct !{!489, !488, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17h28c81c0e061c29dfE: %other"} !490 = !{!491} !491 = distinct !{!491, !492, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE: %self"} !492 = distinct !{!492, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE"} !493 = !{!494} !494 = distinct !{!494, !492, !"_ZN4core3cmp5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$RF$B$GT$$u20$for$u20$$RF$A$GT$2eq17hfba8191735930bbaE: %other"} !495 = !{!494, !289} !496 = !{!491, !286} !497 = !{!498, !500, !501, !503} !498 = distinct !{!498, !499, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %self.0"} !499 = distinct !{!499, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E"} !500 = distinct !{!500, !499, !"_ZN73_$LT$$u5b$A$u5d$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..cmp..SlicePartialEq$LT$B$GT$$GT$5equal17h3566aa408f00cd89E: %other.0"} !501 = distinct !{!501, !502, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %self.0"} !502 = distinct !{!502, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE"} !503 = distinct !{!503, !502, !"_ZN4core5slice3cmp81_$LT$impl$u20$core..cmp..PartialEq$LT$$u5b$B$u5d$$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$A$u5d$$GT$2eq17h4587611db1e39fdaE: %other.0"} !504 = !{!491, !494, !286, !289} !505 = !{i32 2678803} !506 = !{!507} !507 = distinct !{!507, !508, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE: argument 0"} !508 = distinct !{!508, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE"} !509 = !{!510} !510 = distinct !{!510, !508, !"_ZN84_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..RandomState$u20$as$u20$core..hash..BuildHasher$GT$12build_hasher17hd23de2d08e6562acE: %self"} !511 = !{!512} !512 = distinct !{!512, !513, !"_ZN4core4hash5impls52_$LT$impl$u20$core..hash..Hash$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$4hash17hf52e930de7309fadE: %self"} !513 = distinct !{!513, !"_ZN4core4hash5impls52_$LT$impl$u20$core..hash..Hash$u20$for$u20$$RF$T$GT$4hash17hf52e930de7309fadE"} !514 = !{!515, !517, !519} !515 = distinct !{!515, !516, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h66248f38aba67ae3E: %self"} !516 = distinct !{!516, !"_ZN71_$LT$core..hash..sip..Hasher$LT$S$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h66248f38aba67ae3E"} !517 = distinct !{!517, !518, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h61b4abf04ca11b7cE: %self"} !518 = distinct !{!518, !"_ZN67_$LT$core..hash..sip..SipHasher13$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h61b4abf04ca11b7cE"} !519 = distinct !{!519, !520, !"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h199af472b0f4b906E: %self"} !520 = distinct !{!520, !"_ZN81_$LT$std..collections..hash..map..DefaultHasher$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hasher$GT$6finish17h199af472b0f4b906E"} !521 = !{!522} !522 = distinct !{!522, !523, !"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E: %h"} !523 = distinct !{!523, !"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E"} !524 = !{!525, !527, !522} !525 = distinct !{!525, !526, !"_ZN4core4hash6Hasher11write_usize17hb170facec7d50d0cE: %self"} !526 = distinct !{!526, !"_ZN4core4hash6Hasher11write_usize17hb170facec7d50d0cE"} !527 = distinct !{!527, !523, !"_ZN52_$LT$std..path..Path$u20$as$u20$core..hash..Hash$GT$4hash17hebc1e4dc17236fc8E: %self.0"}